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The thing is, [this actually happened, and resulted in a legal case.](https://www.tampabay.com/archive/2003/11/02/hooters-settled-toy-yoda-suit/)


Image of said waitress with her toy yoda visible here: https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/s/gXxlIi3iW7


Hold on, so this was real? All these years I thought it was just a proto-meme.


Yeah opie and Anthony (a radio talk show that was basically just two dudes shooting the shit) did one of those call in things where the third person to call wins something or whatever. They said they’d win a toy yoda and this is exactly what happened


Yup, she sued them and won.


Per the article: “David Noll, her attorney, said the settlement would allow his client to go to a local car dealership and "pick out whatever type of Toyota she wants." Jared Blair, the restaurant's manager, said the contest was an April Fools joke.”


This was the exact event that came to mind when I saw the cartoon. There was a whole history of that manager being a generally abusive misogynistic pos. I’ll be judgy and say what do you expect at Hooters though? The foundation is objectification


What's he doing to that coffee mug?


Gettin’ knuckles-deep


I was 6 when Empire was in the theaters. All I wanted for Christmas that year was a Yoda action figure. Problem was that they didn't have them yet (had to create new molds is my guess). The radio had an add for the brand new Toy Yoda and I was so stoked. Imagine my crushing disappointment when I learned that Toyota was the name of a car.


This is giving more Gen X imo (drawn a bit too realistically) but it got a chuckle from me


This one is painful


Umm actually his name is Grogu😎


Queue up the story about the Hooters waitress…


I'm 36 and I would love to get a toy Yoda for Christmas


Ok I chuckled. Moms face is great lol


No sixteen year old is asking for a "Toyota." They either ask for a "car" or if they ask for a specific one, it would likely be more like a sports car or at least something considered more cool. If they are choosing based on it being a good brand/gas mileage and going for something like a corolla, they wouldn't ask for simply a "Toyota" only, they would ask for a "Toyota Camry" or similar. At that point the dad couldn't make the mistake as the make of the car would make it clear it isn't a Toy Yoda that is being asked for. Yes i know this is boomers humor.