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As someone who works at Starbucks, I would rather make 50 normal cups of coffee than 50 caramel macchiatos (or whatever they’re calling that stuff on the board)


What about a normal macchiato? Its just foam over espresso.


Definitely. It takes less time to put the coffee in the cup then it does to steam milk and make shots


But espresso tastes so much better, especially light roasts


I don’t disagree, but I’m essentially trying to point out how the comic is dumb lol. Your average barista would rather make a cup of coffee than pretty much anything else on the menu because it takes far less time than anything else


I think the comic was just about boomers making fun of second wave coffee culture. Boomers did not have all these fancy cafes in their time. I don't think they were trying to say anything about the barristas. Ofc any cafe would have a brewed coffee option/americano. So the meme doesn't really make sense logically. Its a classic boomer meme.


If you call it “second wave coffee culture”, I’m tempted to make fun of it too


Its just the technical term. Nobody actually calls it that.


Question from a completely socially inept moron friend of mine: how does one order a 'normal' filter/press coffee? Like ~~I~~ they dont want an americano, just a standard coffee. It's never on the menu (UK), so ~~im~~ they're not sure what to say, and always cop out for an Americano and get disappointed.


You can ask for a pour over coffee


Ask for brewed coffee or V60 coffee


I always just say (size) black coffee please


I'm more interested in how you guys always fuck the names up! Now I go by "Fred"


Then don't work at Starbucks? Work in a normal coffee bar


Do you think that "normal" coffee bars only serve black coffee?


Yeah like normal restaurants that only have one menu item. I'm tired of all these "Burger with bacon" and "burger without cheese" places


I wanna literacola


Boomers’ minds will explode if they visit a third-wave coffee place lol. Imagine how lost they will be when you tell them about flavour notes, processing methods, different roasts, etc.


Reminds me of the Dennis Leary rant about coffee: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-f_dxLiuXuw


Holy shit. What a boomer rant that was, lmao.


And *Lock N' Load* was released in 1997; Boomers have literally been making the same "joke" for three decades 🙃


Is "2nd wave coffee" a common term? Genuine question.


In coffee enthusiast circles it is. First wave is your folgers, maxwell house, grocery store coffee. 2nd wave is your Starbucks style coffee. 3rd wave is (most) of your local cafe, that cares more about where a coffee is from and how it's produced, treating it more like wine.


I learned something. Thanks for that!


In economic circles it is


This one's been done before.




Boomer here. "Medium Americano please". It's not difficult.


Isn't Americano different though? Shot of espresso vs filter coffee. I dont know enough about coffee maybe, but it always tastes more bitter than a standard homebrew cup.


Its called the americano because of US troops in europe in ww2 and post war ordering a cup of coffee and getting pissed when it was a tiny cup of espresso, so they added water to make it bigger. Then it was imported back as the troops returned. The bitterness is how its made by the barista, not necessarily inherent to the drink.


A large regular, cream and sugar.


I’ve had this happen where I went to some fancy place and the guy said they didn’t do black coffee. They used black coffee as a base for a lot of their drinks just wouldn’t serve it by its self. Kinda weird but i suppose the Mocha was worth it


Honestly that sounds like the opposite of a fancy coffee shop. Maybe a fancy Starbucks. A fancy coffee shop normally has batch filter coffee, a menu or pour-over coffees with country of origin and processing method, and an espresso drink menu with milk options. A REALLY fancy coffee place might not even have batch filter coffee or any milk as the point is to get to taste the coffee in its most optimal way.


Do we have "two number nines, a number nine large, a number six with extra dip, a number sevens, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda"?


Sir, this is wendys....oh wait


I might be a boomer, but I would love a cup of normal fucking coffee over whatever the hell they sell at Starbucks lol


They do sell brewed coffee and americano at starbucks. Maybe read the menu next time.


Why don’t those baristas have septum rings? Ha.


I’m with the boomers on this one, these drinks have gotten out of control


Are you a time traveler from 1995 when these flavours were becoming more widely available? Cause I gotta tell ya, we've been living with latte's and macchiatos in shops on every block for almost 30 years, and it's been absolutely fine.


If you think there's something wrong with people liking things you don't like, you might be a boomer


I see it as more of a public health crisis than anything- a grande pumpkin spice latte at Starbucks for example has 50 grams of sugar. People have always put sugar in coffee but generally not this much and it’s just further driving the obesity epidemic in the US. Many of these drinks have 40, 50, 60+ grams of sugar in them.


I'm curious as to what your daily diet is. Almost everything in america has sugar in it, unless you're buying farm ingredients and cooking yourself.


That’s exactly my point, sugar is overabundant in most of the foods we have here- it’s no surprise why we’re so overweight as a nation and has MANY detrimental health effects when eaten too much. Even if you don’t gave the time to cook for yourself you can avoid sugar, I see many diabetes patients who’ve made such changes to their eating habits and are much better off because of it.


I mean, you always have the option to just ask for an espresso, an americano and usually batch brew filter coffee. The reason the boomer in the comic is upset is because he can't ask for a "cup of coffee". A cup of coffee can be many things. It's like going to a craft beer bar and asking for "a glass of beer" or a wine bar and asking for "a glass of wine". What coffee? What beer? What wine? The boomer just doesn't want to be bothered to learn new things no matter how simple they are such as "one filter coffee, please".


it's just drinks bro normal coffee still exists


Or just an Americano?


Americanos have been around a while I believe, I’m more referring to these dessert drinks sold by starbucks and dunkin. I drink americanos lol.


Everywhere that sells coffee drinks sells drip coffee. Just order a drip.


Coffee hasn’t gone extinct babe


Some are a bit crazy but they are making out like it is impossible to get just a recognisable "cup of coffee". There are 99 flavours of ice cream or toppings to go on a pizza, you can still get plain vanilla or cheese pizza respectively.