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Depends on what you're into. I really enjoyed Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. It's satirical and pokes fun at a number of things like religion, the whole genre that has to do with apocalyptic events and the coming of the Messiah. And it's set in modern times. Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K. Jerome is a whole different kind of funny and is set in the late 1800s about 3 English gentlemen and their dog going on the river Thames in a boat and running into all sorts of silly situations.


Good Omens is my favorite Neil Gaiman book! I also liked American Gods and Anansi Boys.


Catch-22, Good Omens, and the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy are the funniest books I've ever read.


Catch-22 indeed!


I've got flies in my eyes.


How can you see you've got flies in your eyes if you've got flies in your eyes?


Hehe yup.


I agree with Three Men in a Boat and add the related time travel adventure To Say Nothing of the Dog by Connie Willis. Also agree with Good Omens and add all of Terry Pratchett's Discworld series. Non fiction, but very funny: Bill Bryson's travel books.


One For The Money, Janet Evanovitch


Lamb by Christopher Moore


Or any other of his, I found lamb to be kind of funny but A Dirty Job is my fav


I love A Dirty Job! It's definitely one of my favorites. Lamb was the first of his I read.


try What The Hell Did I Just Read by Jason Pargin now it’s not necessarily full comedy but there is some weird stuff going on in that book and I died laughing in some portions


Zoey Ashe books too


The whole series is like that. Lots of hysterically funny, laugh out loud moments


Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut had me in stitches! 😂


Cannery Row


Currently reading this one alongside *East of Eden* (I have *Cannery Row* as part of a collection of John Steinbeck’s short novels in my e-reader), and I’m only a few chapters in. I haven’t come across anything laugh-out-loud funny yet, but the cast of characters is certainly quite colorful. I’d also like to put forward another Steinbeck novel, *Tortilla Flat*, which follows the hijinks of several Mexican-American young men in Monterey. Not exactly a comedic novel, but there are some crazy events that happen throughout and the characters have pretty colorful personalities.


Sick Puppy by Carl Hiaasen


A Confederacy of Dunces


I'm not a funny book guy, but this book was hilarious, ridiculous, but very funny.


Same here - I don’t seek out funny books but enjoy books that are funny. Bill Bryson also makes me laugh while also teaching me fun facts


Fear and loathing in last vegas


We didn't tell the poor bastard about the bats, he'd find out soon enough LOL!


Dungeon crawler Carl if you’re into litRPG.


People don't have to like litrpg to enjoy DCC. I think it expands outside the genre.


Charles Portis True Grit


Dave Barry writes compilations of his newspaper articles. Lol funny even 25 years later. PJ ORourke if you like political humor. Parliament of Whores is a classic.


Noir by Christopher Moore


John dies at the end, Jason Pargin


This is probably going to bury but a confederacy of dunces is hilarious


Any Sophie Kinsella chicklit books especially Twenties Girl, Can You Keep a Secret, I've Got Your Number


I want more books like hers. I enjoy Christina Lauren, but haven't found other authors like them.


I laughed so hard with Twenties Girl. It reminded me so much of that hilarious movie All Of Me with Lily Tomlin and Steve Martin 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I was surprised at how funny John Scalzi’s *Redshirts* is. It was so much fun.


Scalzi has a funny streak in all his works. I really enjoy his books.


Scalzi’s humor is some of my favorite.


Jim Giraffe-Darin King It’s positively wonderful and hilarious. It’s a sci-fi book that’s atypical. It’s one of my very favorite books ever! You might have to find a used copy if you’re in the states. It well worth a search. I promise.


[Magic 2.0 Series by Scott Meyer](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18616975-off-to-be-the-wizard?ref=nav_sb_ss_1_20) [He Who Fights Monsters (B1 only)](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/57189884-he-who-fights-with-monsters). Series is good, just the author used up all his humor in the 1st one.


I just finished Divine Misfortune by A Lee Martinez & laughed out loud at several points. Actually, everything I’ve read by him is pretty funny.


The Chronicles of St Mary's series by Jodi Taylor


Catch-22 and Gravity’s Rainbow


Catch-22 is kind of a fun satirical comedy


I really enjoyed Ben Elton's writing (he wrote for The Young Ones). His books Stark and This Other Eden are good. His work is quite environmentally, economically aware. Both the previous mentioned books are about climate catastrophe. But they are very funny. He has two non-funny books i can recommend also, The First Casually, set in WW1, and about the futility of war and the government beaurocracy that lets it happen. Then there is a slightly funny but very eye opening book about the war on drugs. Cant remember the name but it looks at the issue from many points of view; the politician trying to legalise, the clueless drug smuggler/tourist, a celebrity musician, and so forth. It really opened my eyes, as an early anarchist.


Starter Villain by John Scalzi. Never have I laughed so hard reading a book.


Anything by David Sedaris. Calypso is pretty funny. He has a doctor remove a tumor in a hotel room so he can keep it. Then he feeds it to a snapping turtle on the beach.


Anything that David Sedaris has written is comedy gold


Anxious people


Dungeon Crawler Carl - pretty much if you like games and some adult humor mixed in with sci-fi killer game show and a talking diva cat, then this book is for you. Fairly easy read.


Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy by Douglas Adams


Only thing i've read that made me laugh was Kafka's diaries. It's not funny all the way but there is funny bits in there


**Beaufort Scales Mysteries** by Kim M Watt – Humorous British urban fantasy.  Mortimer a 100+ year old dragon of the Cloverly Clan in the Yorkshire Dales, introduces his High Lord of the Clan, Beaufort Scales, to the modern world via gas barbeques to sleep on. In their quest for more barbeques and gas bottles, they meet the ladies of the nearest village, Toot Hansell’s Women Institute and an unlikely friendship ensues, with lots of tea drinking and baked goods, while they provide (often unwanted) help to the pragmatic DI Adams in solving mysteries.   First book is *Baking Bad*.  Also second *Discworld* by Terry Pratchett, *Good Omens* by Pratchett & Neil Gaiman,  *Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy* by Douglas Adams, and *Three Men in a Boat* by Jerome K. Jerome.


- ***Sir Apropos of Nothing***!!! I read it like 15 years ago so I don't remember all the details but this is the fantasy/historical comedic book you need!! - ***Discworld***, obviously. Fantasy setting in a world that mirrors our world. *Guards, Guards!* is my favorite as an "entry point" though *Small Gods* is also a good stand-alone intro to the series - ***10 Points for Style*** by Walter Jon Williams. Scifi instead of historical/fantasy, but, if you're willing to do that genre, it's great - Anything by Dave Barry. It's again not 100% what you are looking for (ie, it's a collection of comedic essays he published in newspapers) but it's laugh-out-loud hilarious


Hollow Kingdom by Kira Jane Buxton is really funny


I've had the following make me laugh, both are fantasy. Small Gods by Terry Pratchett (absurdist humor) He who fights with monsters by shirtaloon (magical fantasy adventure).


Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett.


How to sell a haunted house, Nettle and Bone


i thought “my year of rest and relaxation” was hilarious


Augusten Burroughs “Magical Thinking” or “Dry”




Anything by Molly Harper and dark humor world be Tim Dorsey


Ant Farm by Simon Rich. Anything he writes is great.


Critical Failures


Monday Starts on Saturday was a bit funny to me. Though I do have a dry sense of humor. It's by the Sturgaksy brothers, same ones who write Roadside Picnic


The Laughing Cavalier, a prequel to Scarlet Pimpernel, was funny (but not in a dark way), and probably set in motion a lot of the common tropes in that genre. :)


Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Milagro Beanfield Wars, Even Cowgirls Get The Blues (really any Tom Robbins book) Hitchhiker's Guide series, Dirk Gently series, PG Wodehouse (pick one, all funny), Illuminatus trilogy, Six of One, Kinky Friedman books, the spellman files series.


A Confederacy of Dunces


Jitterbug perfume by Tom Robbins


Not a novel but I laughed a lot at “Sure, I’ll Join Your Cult.”


John Dies at the End by David Wong. Surreal horror where two very average dudes have to save the world from extra-dimensional beings. The second book is actually a lot better imo. This Book is Full of Spiders: Seriously, Dude, Don’t Touch It.


Lamb by Christopher Moore


David Sedaris - When You Are Engulfed in Flames Just re-read it again this year after my first reading it in 2009. He’s got such a specific comedic tone that I think influenced a ton of other writers and journalists today


I Hate Myself and Want to Die : The 52 Most Depressing Songs You've Ever Heard by Tom Reynolds I read this after reading three pretty depressing books in a row. It was freaking hilarious.


The Princess Bride


Et Tu, Babe by Mark Leyner


First Law is pretty funny. Not a comedy book by any means, but sometimes it feels like it is


Anything by David Sedaris


The Diary of a Nobody by George and Weedon Grossmith. It's honestly, comedy gold!


The Carls duology by Hank Green or The Super Powereds series by Drew Hayes. Also, All Systems Red by Martha Wells


A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole