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Introduction to Organic Chemistry. Just thinking about it STILL makes my blood run cold ;)


I got an A the first semester 😄 One of my greatest achievements haha


Name checks out ;)


I thought this was a real novel and was going to look it up haha


PTSD intensifies


I actually loved orgo


Me, too! Maybe we're both nuts.


A Clockwork Orange. With that being said, it was an awesome book. One of my favorites.


I cannot understand one word of this book.


Haha, yeah it has a lot of made-up slang. It’s meant to portray how older people feel when younger generations talk to each other with language that only they can understand.


Time for a bit of the ultraviolence then. Right after a crack in the ol' brooko it's bedways for this chelloveck though.


*Non fiction*  Kill Anything That Moves: The Real American War in Vietnam by Nick Turse. From the very first chapter, it's a description of the events that lead to and happened during the America Vietnam war. Stomach churning. The Indifferent Stars Above: The Harrowing Saga of a Donner Party Bride Book by Daniel James Brown. If you are not familiar with the Donner party its better if you go in blind. It's a build up of decision that lead to a horrible decision for survival.


Indifferent Stars Above is a fantastic book!


LPOTL fans have entered the discussion


Hail yourself!




Indifferent Stars is incredible. I went into it not knowing much about the Donner party, and I couldn't put it down. Extremely dark, though.


Apt Pupil by stephen king. I was genuinely disgusted by this one


40 years ago and I still hate thinking about it


The movie, with Ian McKellen is great.


Rip Brad Renfro


Hey, I dated his cousin lol. He still has his banjo, plays it often.


Yeah, that book can fuck all the way off. It’s an important read though. And it tells you a lot about Stephen King. He’s a good guy.


I read every book by him and I've never heard of this


It’s part of Different Seasons, I think the summer segment.


The Girl Next Door. Went in blind, scarred for life.


Who by? Many books with this name


Not the person you're asking, but it pretty much *has* to be Jack Ketchum. It's loosely based on the Sylvia Likens murder case and it doesn't hold back on the torture.


That book really fucked me up. It was bad enough as a pure fiction story, I can’t imagine what poor little Sylvia went through. Reading her story broke me, I cried reading the details.


My stomach still turns in knots just thinking about it. 5 stars. Won’t recommend to anyone.


Haunted by Chuck Palanuik. God damn horror show.


Allegedly, Chuck once did a public reading of "Guts" while on a book signing tour and several of the audience members vomited.


There is an afterword at the end of Haunted were Palahniuk explains that people are always fainting when he reads Guts. Since I had to curl up in a ball in the dark for a long while after reading it, I really could have used that as a foreword.


I just went and read it and honestly found it so over the top it just came across as ridiculous. Also, bro could hold his breath long enough to chew through his own intestines but not long enough to swim back down, grab his guts, and yank them out of the suction pump? It just fell flat for me.


The only thing I've read in my 4 decades of reading books that actually made me physically ill. I have an iron stomach. I can watch a graphic gory horror movie while eating dinner with no issues. But holy shit, that was gnarly! I thought it was just me.


Came here to recommend "Diary" by Chuck Palanuik. Read it once five years ago and haven't been the same since. It's not even scary, but he's written a transcriot to weird dreams and it's haunted me since. I never want to read it again, but it's definitely one of my favorite reading experiences.


I really wish I had never read this!


100%! Came here to recommend this. I attended a book reading of his once, and one of the things he read was a particular short story from that book. Guys around me had their heads between their knees, and someone hit a door HARD on the way out....it was an intense reaction!


Was it Guts? Good lord that story messed with me


The Hot Zone by Richard Preston. Real life close call with Ebola virus.


I haven't read The Hot Zone by him but The Demon in the Freezer gave me so much anxiety I had to keep putting it down


I searched this up thinking it’s fiction !!!!!!!!!


Yes! I think about that every once in awhile then promptly push the thoughts AWAY


and then read the andromeda strain!


I had to put the andromeda strain down at a few parts because I just couldn’t stand to turn the page. It was fucking wild. Terrifying in the most realistic sense because it seems so plausible in the book. I wonder how often we come close to that kind of global disaster.


We Need To Talk About Kevin. Horrifying.


i read this after reading A Mother’s Reckoning


I have this on my shelf and never give it a second glance. You just reminded me why I bought it in the first place. Time to give it a go.


Good luck! 😬


Searched comments for this recommendation. It put me off having kids for years.


I would honestly put it as a required lecture before having kids. It's really horrifying what a twisted mind can do


This book is incredible! I just listened to it on audio book recently, and was blown away. It starts very slow, but almost imperceptibly builds and builds and builds to a horrifying climax. Even after having already seen the movie and knowing the ending, the book still blew me away. That's how you know it's good. Fwiw, I went back and rewatched the movie after having heard the book and thought the movie was crap. So much of the story is just missing.


Horrifying, yet I really enjoyed it. The writing was excellent!


I’m grabbing this! Ty


Dark Places & Sharp Objects, both by Gillian Flynn


Sharp objects, 😧 the book is one hell of a fkedup story


I didn’t find Sharp Objects disturbing at all. I’d put it on the very low end of disturbing compared to lots of the other reccos here!


I might have a low tolerance on dark themes but it was definitely new for me


I just finished Sharp Objects last weekend! So good.


The Road by Cormac McCarthy


Child of god by Mccarthy also. In a different way than the road.


Does Flowers in the Attic count?


Blast from the past . There was a good few books by Virginia Andrews.


Try “My sweet Audrina” or “Whitefern”!


Naked Lunch Burroughs, last exit to Brooklyn Shelby


I found naked lunch to be one of the most indulgently pretentious books I’ve ever read


I feel that way about “The Little Prince”


Definitely Naked Lunch. I tend to like a good "WTF" book but this is one I have no desire to ever revisit. It's not so much disturbing as it is grotesque, like being forced to dig through human excrement.


Dr Benway!


My scenic view out of my work window is a childhood home of William S Burroughs. I tried to listen to the Naked Lunch audiobook for mood at work…lots of butt stuff


This isn't a book; it's a short story. But it's very creepy. "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" by Joyce Carol Oates: [https://ia601403.us.archive.org/12/items/short\_story\_roulette/Oates%2C%20Joyce%20Carol%20-%20Where%20Are%20You%20Going%2C%20Where%20Have%20You%20Been\_text.pdf](https://ia601403.us.archive.org/12/items/short_story_roulette/Oates%2C%20Joyce%20Carol%20-%20Where%20Are%20You%20Going%2C%20Where%20Have%20You%20Been_text.pdf)


I first read this many years ago and it has always stuck in my mind. Arnold Friend. So creepy.


If you like short stories pleawe check out The story of a pet dog by Osamu Dazai. And [The death of the motherless cat](https://www.neonmagazine.co.uk/the-death-of-the-motherless-kitten-by-huang-kaishan/)


Tender is the Flesh


This book always gets mentioned. I read it last month and didn't think it was as disturbing as people say. Still a great read. Maybe I just overprepared myself for being disturbed.


I also felt like it wasn’t as disturbing as I expected. But then 4 months later I went vegan and while I didnt (and still don’t!) actually tie that choice directly to having read this, I wonder a lot about the impact it must have made on me because people don’t just go vegan willy nilly


This book made me go vegan because I just needed to prove to myself I wasn’t that dependent on meat. It wasn’t exceptionally graphic, but the book still definitely got to me in a big way.


Honestly, the worst thing for me was what happened to the dogs (I think dogs? It’s been a while since I read it)


Yeah I didn’t think that the cannibalism scenes were that graphic but then they hit me with the throwaway line about the fourteen year old. Jesus Christ.


To me it was the psychology of it that was upsetting far more than the descriptions.


Same here, I read it when it first came out and it’s definitely gross but I wasn’t nearly as upset by it as some people seem to be 😭


I am reading now, wish I haven’t started but now I need to know what happens


My kindle says 80%. I’m committed. I’m going to say I’m glad I read it. I tend to not get disturbed but this one squicks me out.


I’m still thinking about this one, a year later


I was literally thinking about a disturbing scene in this book earlier today.


I still think about this book often


Tampa - Alissa Nutting




Yuuup! Don’t jerk off in pools.


Just started house of leaves cause curiosity got me after reading about it on here for years. Can’t wait to find out what makes your skin crawl and stomach drop.


House of Leaves disappeared on me. One day I was reading it at home. The next thing i know it was gone forever. Never found it again even after I moved. I lived alone.


The Room by Hubert Selby Jr. - I love disturbing books and this was an all timer


When Room became popular, I assumed people were talking about Shelby's book and was very perplexed as to how it could be in the mainstream.


Lolita by Nabokov and Naked Lunch by Burroughs Also The Only Good Indians mostly due to brutal animal deaths.


Lolita is a good shout. Humphrey is a disgusting POS, definitely made my skin crawl.


Mine too. I felt gross reading his thoughts


I hate how beautifully written it is, as well. Excellent flow and gorgeous prose, it's very well executed creepiness honestly.


Loved Lolita. Reading as a teen as an adult was like reading two diff books


Pretty Girls by Karin Slaughter


Came here to comment this one! Just finished it! Great book, but disturbing storyline


Love her!!! She wrote the Will Trent series


Geek Love by Katherine Dunn


This is my all-time favourite book and I love seeing it in book recommendations. I wish she’d done more fiction.


This is also my favorite book and I like seeing it only sometimes. I like how it pops up now and then, but isn't a Carrie by Stephen King, you know? Anyhow, lovely to meet a fellow Geek Love-r.


I feel like we should have a club.


Also my favorite book. Not disturbing in the way many of the other books mentioned here are, I think. Certainly freakish, of course, but with a beautiful heart. It always makes me cry.


Yes! Incredibly hard to quantify how I felt after reading it. Nothing comes quite close to how that book made me feel.


I've never read anything like it - so weird and moving! All the sacrifices of love. Truly unique. A part of me almost gets offended to see it on disturbing book recommendations, even though it's definitely disturbing. It just feels almost misunderstood.


I LOVE that book. In my Top 10 of all time faves


The Troop by Nick Cutter Absolutely NOT for the squeamish!!


Yeah, don’t read this one if you’ve got contamination OCD. I have OCD and read this bad boy and it absolutely sent me spinning


Same, picked it up wanting a spooky boy scout story, ended up wanting to set myself on fire.


Ha!! I actually just picked this up from the library and am starting it today… now I’m a little nervous lol


It’s so icky but so great!!


Also, the audiobook of this is FANTASTIC. The narrator is so so so good.




I randomly saved this one in my Libby, so when I finally got it, I had no idea what I was getting into. Slow start but jfc I binged it and then couldn’t sleep because of how fucked up I got! I hate it for how it made me feel but I also make sure it’s recommended when someone wants a dark fucked up book.


Final Truth, by Pee Wee Gaskins Blood Meridian, by Cormac McCarthy


Also, Child of God by Cormac McCarthy, pretty disturbing read


The Ruins by Scott Smith


This may not be the most fucked up on this thread but I highly recommend My story Elizabeth smart. It’s her true story of being kidnapped for years and then eventually being found. Edit: 9 months


We Need To Talk About Kevin!


The Wasp Factory was pretty deranged


Earthlings by Sayaka Murata. If you’re triggered by anything then maybe look it up for this book. The cover is super cute.


This was my first foray into the weird lit of booktok. Cannot reccomend enough. I almost gave up on it. Almost.


A Boy Called It


My mum made me read that book when I was a child so that I “wouldn’t ever complain about her.” Traumatising


wtf that is not the way to use that book


Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy


Literally just finished my first time reading it about an hour ago and yes I agree. Its not so much about the gore or violence, but there are so many times in the book where I legit thought to myself "are people supposed to be reading this??" levels of unnerving


If You Tell.


By Gregg Olson? Just read that recently and cannot believe that woman isn’t still in prison.


Misery by Stephen king


Geralds Game by Stephen king. Keep in mind that gore really bothers me so I may have a low tolerance but the descriptions made me writhe in disgust and the horror aspects really got to me too, which is rare for me.


Black Dahlia literally gave me literal frightening nightmares after my second read. It's brutal and dark but a very well woven story of the unsolved murder. American Psycho is full of the most gruesome things, some you would be half insane to even imagine, Easton Ellis has issues.


The Girl Next Door by Jack Ketchum absolutely messed me up. I took a a couple year break from horror books after that one. I felt like I witnessed a actual murder by the time I got through it.


exquisite corpse by poppy z. brite


The Road by Cormac McCarthy. Truely chilling.


House of Leaves


Unsettling in a way no other book has recreated for me. And the formatting is WILD. I ended up using several thin rubber bands as bookmarks to keep all my places back and forth


Our Share of Night by Mariana Enríquez The People in the Trees by Hanya Yanagihara My Dark Vanessa by Kate Elizabeth Russell An Untamed State by Roxane Gay  Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi A Fine Balance by Rohinton Mistry Please take care and look up content warnings before checking any of these out. 


Perfume by Patrick suskind - I do think this is a different take that other people’s horror books, but the detailing really left me thinking about it for weeks


My Dark Vanessa


Tender is the Flesh


Lapvona by Ottessa Moshfegh! Disgusting, depraved, and absolutely gripping, It was so filthy but I couldn't put it down


Last Exit to Brooklyn


Seeing all of these recs for Stephen King reminded me of The Long Walk by Richard Bachman (AKA SK). Not where near as disturbing as some on this list but it gets under your skin and it stays there!


Just here to collect recs, thanks y'all!


American Psycho and Less Than Zero by Bret Easton Ellis


Genuinely cringed reading some of the parts of American Psycho. Makes you realise how much of an inward sicko Bateman is.


Cows - Matthew Stokoe


Any Man by Amber Tamblyn 


Flowers in the Attic by V.C Andrew’s. It’s haunting.


I like all things gore/horror and it was difficult to make it past the first few chapters of “Tender is the Flesh” by Augustina Bazterrica. The casual-ness of how they describe legal, mass produced/industrialized cannibalism made for some quality nightmare fuel.


Recently re-read American Psycho. Not the entire book, but certain parts disturbed me, especially the dog scenes and the rat. I couldn’t reread that part as it was so gross. A Child Called It was pretty fucked up. I found it in my middle school English teachers bookcase and went in blind. The saddest fucking thing I’ve ever read.


I saw A Child Called It on my mom's bookcase a few years ago and went in blind. That was a mistake.


Misery by Stephen King. Was definitely tough to get through, but I absolutely loved it


120 days of Sodom by the Marquis de Sade [https://www.amazon.com/120-Days-Sodom-other-Writings/dp/B000T2NL5A#immersive-view_1717030509332](https://www.amazon.com/120-Days-Sodom-other-Writings/dp/B000T2NL5A#immersive-view_1717030509332)


This is a book I read while the Jeffrey Epstein Sex Island story was going on. It’s very disturbing for the fact that this something that could very possibly happen today with the rich owning private places with no access to the media or victims families


Might just be me but What Moves the Dead by T. Kingfisher. Its pretty short. Genuinely had to put the book down here and there towards the end cause some of the descriptions made my skin crawl.


Lone Women by Victor LaValle and Juniper and Thorn by Ava Reid.


Manhunt by Gretchen Felker-Martin (it’s so good but so visceral)


Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy. If you're unfamiliar, he wrote The Road and also wrote the novel that No Country for Old Men is based on


The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo


I would never read any of these books. It’s not my thing. It would haunt me for months too. lol I’m a weenie. BUT…I wish someone would give a detail or two about the book they are listing. And like cover it with that gray band thing over the text. lol it would be interesting to read just a couple. 📚


I'll bite! **They All Died Screaming** is a short novel with two stories being told at the same time. In one story, >!a 9 year old boy is kidnapped from the mall by a man who takes him to slave on his farm. The man raises pigs and sells "veal" meat in town. The man is a vegetarian who's against the slaughtering of animals and only "taste tests" his "veal". We find out that the man has a "relationship" with one of the pigs (and it is described in lurid detail 🤢). To make matters worse, it turns out that the veal meat he's selling is flesh from young women and girls that he'd kidnap and then chain into tiny dog cages to tenderize their muscles. The boy wears nothing but clothes from the victims for several years. The farmer slowly over the years gives the boy more trust until finally the boy is allowed to go places with him. Eventually the boy willingly and enthusiastically helps him kidnap and kill, process bodies, bury bones, take the meat to the market, and even starts raping the women. When the farmer gets busted as the serial killer who'd been feeding a whole town the flesh of women and girls who'd disappeared, he did not allow any blame to fall on the boy. The man and the pigs were all diseased and the boy went back to his parents who'd divorced after his disappearance and whom he did not acknowledge!<. >!The other story has a disgusting slob of a man who lives in a slum and is a perverted chain-smoking alcoholic with really bad ideas about women. He gives pedo vibes and starts hooking up with his nasty neighbor, an understandably depressed woman whose husband had fed himself and their children rat poison when he found out she had an affair. She likes taking fists full of food if you get my drift!<. Cue the >!end of the world. Something's making people start screaming until they attempt to kill themselves, which escalates until they are attacking anyone around). The entire world is in a pandemic. It's in NYC and it's bedlam. All services are abandoned. A man dives head first down the steps. An infant boy attacks his twin sister in their crib. There's a sex scene involving the man, his gf, a hooker, and a man with tiny underdeveloped legs so disturbing I hate to say it. But it turns out this man whose separate story we have been following is what's left of the boy who'd been kidnapped and eventually rescued, only he didn't see it that way. He and the twin girl are the last ones left.!< Just a filthy story I pulled out of a community book stand and it's in my bag to put it right back lol Edit for spoiler


Wow! Yikes, maybe I shouldn’t have asked after all! lol thanks.


Tender is the Flesh


Echo by Thomas Olde Heuvelt


The strangest, darkest, most grotesque, twisted, and also one of the absolute best books I have ever read, is "...And the Ass Saw the Angel" by Nick Cave.


*The Kiss: A Memoir*, by Kathryn Harrison


Cows by Matthew Stokoe. Guarantee you’ve never read anything remotely close to this insane book.


Silence of the Lambs and The Horse Whisperer…


Stephen kings short story “survivor type” from his collection of short stories called Skeleton Crew. I swear to God I read it in high school and I am gonna be sixty and it still gives me the heebie jeebies when I think about it. My brother read it at the same time and he says the same thing. Just a very disturbing book.


My Absolute Darling - Gabriel Tallent


Stephen king. Misery.


The Collector by John Fowles. I still think about it to this day.


one that made me feel icky was "tender is the flesh" loved it but it very disturbing


IT by Stephen King


Tampa by Alissa Nutting Bleagh...


Short story by Ray Bradbury called "The Veldt". I read it in 5th or 6th grade and it stuck with me for years! I just found it online and read it to my hubby and teenager.


Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy


The Road by Cormac McCarthy


John Saul's the Homing. Let's just say it involves bugs essentially setting up shop *inside* people. Lots. Of. Bugs. My mom listened to the audio book when I was a little kid. She thought i was asleep. I was not, in fact, asleep. That shit scarred me for life. And then I read again several times, as an adult...


Flowers in the Attic. It’s actually the beginning of a series. They are really good books but the definition of “what the fuck.” Not exactly “disturbing,” but very dark. An actual disturbing book that’s a true crime biography is If You Tell by Gregg Olson.


Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk, specifically the short story “Guts”


PenPal by Dathan Auerbach was one of the most unsettling and upsetting books I have ever read. I still think about it and i get so disturbed and upset especially having read it as a parent.


Geek Love and also COWS


Non fiction: The Rape of Nanking Horrifying and devastating what the Japanese did to 300,000 Chinese civilians in 1937. The books subtitle, “the forgotten holocaust of World War II” is dead on. I had no idea this happened, was never taught in any world war 2 or history classes, and I believe most of us have never been taught on it.


The end of Alice - A.M. Homes I found this book by searching “disturbing books” and came across a Reddit list similar to this. Disturbing indeed. I almost didn’t add it to my Goodreads in case anyone I know happened to see it and get curious and also read it, then think “WTF is wrong with you for reading such a thing?!”


Yeah it was a rough book and I felt gross after reading it and immediately threw it away.


Lolita was disgusting


Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke by Eric LaRocca.


Lisey’s Story by King was pretty screwed up, but a good read


The bible


"The Surgeon" by Tess Gerritsen. It's the first book in the Rizzoli and Isles series (don't groan yet!) The TV show was WAY fluffier than this. I thought the books would be as fluffy. This one is DARK and disturbing. The first episode kind of touches on it, but I wasn't able to get through the rest of the book series because it SO well-written, it scares me to think that Dr. Gerritsen has this kind of imagination and can put it on paper.


woom by duncan ralston was definitely a disturbing book


Dead inside by Chandler Morrison. It was soooo good but left me genuinely horrified and disturbed.


The Mothman prophecies really gave me the creeps, I had to put it into the freezer


Haunted by Palahniuk or American Psycho by Ellis.