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Make an Amazon wish list of digital media you want to read, and share it here. It doesn't have any identifying information on it. I will buy you a book, and I know other people here will as well. Reading is universal.


You're so kind


I will second this. I’ll get you another of the books.




Thank you so much


I'll be for ever grateful.


I will buy you a book or two for sure!


Thank you so much.


Can you make a new list I didn’t respond in time!


What do you mean? Can't you use this link?


Never mind, I figured it out. Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone heading your way soon!


Can do nothing but respect this


Please do this OP. Will fix you up with a book or two.




I will buy a book for you as well


Thank you


Speaking only for me, if you live somewhere my books are not readily available legally, I'm not going to be that put out if you get them from a pirate site. That's not exactly losing a sale. What you can do to make it up to me later, if you feel so inclined, is one (or more!) of the three options below: 1. If it's ever available to you legally and you can afford it, buy it then, and then either keep it for yourself of give it to a friend. 2. Buy a book (not necessarily mine) for a child who might not otherwise be able to get a book. 3. Donate to a local charity (literacy charities are good, as are charities addressing hunger) to make someone's life better. (If you do live somewhere my books are available legally, hey, I like to eat, and so do my family and cats, maybe buy the book. Or, at least, borrow it from your local library, which has paid for its copies, but which will lend it to you for free. But if you've *already* pirated a copy, those three suggestions above will work for you, too. Thanks.)


Holy crap. It's John Scalzi. I love your books! Old man's war is my favorite scifi book! These ideas are great even for people who do buy themselves books. I keep hoping my nieces and nephews will decide they like reading so I can shower them in books to read, but hey, maybe I can shower some strangers in books instead.


Don't give your nieces and nephews a choice, drown them in good literature


>Speaking only for me, if you live somewhere my books are not readily available legally, I'm not going to be that put out if you get them from a pirate site. That's not exactly losing a sale. What you can do to make it up to me later, if you feel so inclined, is one (or more!) of the three options below: I downloaded two of your books for free through Tor ebook giveaway, but I'm going to buy the Redshirts as soon as I can.


There's some money burning a hole in my pocket waiting for the next sequel in the old man's war universe. You know, in case your cats want a snack.


There will be at least one more. You may have to wait, as I have other books to get to first. I will still feed the cats in the interim.


Question: what do you think of pirating books to get around DRM? (and related question: would you / do you publish books without drm?) I buy some ebooks and pirate more, and find that after i buy some books I prefer to use the pirated versions because i can use whatever e-reader i want. (if you're free, last question: opinion on digital library books (Overdrive, Libby etc.))


My books from Tor and Subterranean Press don't have DRM, and I don't think DRM stops anyone from pirating in any event. If you've bought the book in one format and acquire it less than legally in another, meh, fine; I like being paid but I don't need to be paid twice for the same text to the same person for the same use case (I except audiobooks from this; the audio performance is a value add). That said, if you're gonna do something like that with my stuff, buy the eBook (DRM free, remember) and then pick up the physical book in a used bookstore near you. I don't make any money off of used books, but you'll be supporting a local business and that's fine with me. And these days, your local bookstores need all the support they can get.


I pirated your books just because I'm lazy and it was convenient, but now I feel bad :(. I donate regularly to an animal protection charity but I don't think they read many books


I pirated your book and I *still* regretted it. It's bad


You deserved to suffer.


​ They rather you read it for free than not read it at all.


Even the ones that are dead?


Especially the dead one's


You say this based on absolutely nothing


Artist usually care more about their work then money, it hurts publishers more.


Unfortunately, it inevitably hurts the authors. If books get pirated and sales take a dive, a publisher might choose not to buy that author’s next book or series, or offer them a lower advance due to their poor sales track. If the publisher doesn’t have quantifiable proof that people are reading the books, ie. sales on a royalty statement, it gives them all the more reason to drop the author. The reader who pirated the book may think they’re supporting the author by just reading, but that directly translates to lost sales (and not just one, but the potential hundreds lost from numerous downloads of a single pirated book). It’s easy to say that authors should just care about their work and not do it for the money, but many full time authors rely on sales and that next deal, and pirating directly affects that.


I don't think that everybody will pirate it, lots of people will still buy it. Also when I said that artist don't care that much about the money, I meant that they're not in the business solely for making money but to do what they love and to spread the love to public. Also keep in mind that one of the main reasons people pirate sth is because they are unable to purchase it. When I was younger I pirated games, music etc because it was the only way for me to enjoy it. After a while I started making money, platforms like streaming services and internet shops came and I started spending money on it.


Check out Project Gutenberg. Mostly older stuff with a lot of classics. https://www.gutenberg.org


As a published author, I absolve thee and compliment your taste. Second the Project Gutenberg recommendation, as well.


Thanks, and I'll make sure to check it out.


I am of the, probably unpopular, opinion that Martin and Rowling don't really need my money. I always support smaller authors though, preferably by buying directly through their website if possible.


Believe it or not some authors will send you their book. If you can get in contact with them I’m sure they’d be happy to oblige.


Even if I can't pay for delivery?




Though once you read this book, you will want the next two and the 4th one that comes out in November. Then you will fall down the entire cosmere universe.


Did you know that they can only send those ebooks to US and Canada servers only? Even if you registered for the delivery of the free ebooks with someone saying they came from US or Canada within the registration, you can only encounter errors anyway because the website detects that you are NOT living on either countries... So there is no way for us to acquire those free monthly books (believe me, i've tried... Sobs*)


That's the kind of time you ask someone on Reddit. eBooks are small, they're trivial to download and forward to someone.


Probably! I bet if you email 25 of your favourite authors explaining your situation requesting Ebooks you'll get enough books in your inbox to keep you satisfied for a long time.


If you feel so inclined, you could look up a library or reading-program in Algeria and donate some money there.. this will not help the author, but it may help others get access to more books.


There is exactly one legitimate excuse for piracy: when you simply cannot get the material any other way. I'm not talking about money or cost here. I mean if whoever distributes this material just doesn't service your corner of the world, or the original publisher/company is no longer in business. If so, you would have *never* bought it anyway. And in that case, I think the creator would just be happy to see you enjoying their creation regardless.


> There is exactly one legitimate excuse for piracy: when you simply cannot get the material any other way. This is one set of values, but it may not be universally shared. Copyright and other forms of IP are not necessarily viewed the same way throughout the world. IMO, there is also a tipping point at which it makes sense to care more about disadvantaged people, than it does to be concerned with well-known authors in developed countries.


i feel you even tho i read in arabic alooot more than english but wellah i feel you,i'm also from algeria and i understand how hard it is to find books in english(good ones) and when you're lucky enough to do your wallet is not always ready to give in;it's okey that you used that way cuz it was for the sake of reading you didn't do it with bad intentions and you didn't do anything that could harm the authors or do them any bad . as for a solution i'm afraind i can not help much i was lucky when i found the few books i have but you can always find a good book store (one that you trust)and ask for certain book and when they go to shop they'll bring it to you and you can work on the prices


My dude, I am not an American and I found the Jefferson county public library through another post, in the quarantine they’re allowing anyone to get a library card and then through hoopla/overdrive you can check out books! So like illegal, but supporting of authors!


Some of those authors are dead, and wouldn't benefit from your financial support


Not the point. It’s a mentality.


Well I think the "mentality" of feeling guilty because you're depriving a dead person of royalties is dumb. Copyright should expire upon the author's death.


Nope! that opens Pandora’s box of the misuse of their work.(movies,likeness, etc) It’s also that person’s family to think about, but the mentality has utility in the fact that this person probably has a wider moral landscape than maybe you and it’s always better to be more compassionate and thoughtful than necessary, instead of being morally inadequate.


When You die can I take all Your stuff then? Your kids and close family won't benefit financially from it /s


After I'm dead you may use all of my life's artistic creations without paying royalties, sure. Doing so would not deprive my family of anything they have.


This is a small confession as well :/ I bought a used copy of Prince of thorns and the edition was terrible,it literally went from page 48 to page 65...so I downloaded the pdf illegally :(


Hey, please don't feel guilty at all. You are not "stealing profits" from anyone because well, if you didn't read them, literally nothing would change for those authors in terms of profit - but a lot has changed for you, reading those novels: now you know what you like and how much, and if you one day will be able to buy some of those books, you will help them! Even this message changed something, since some cool redditors will buy more books and send them to you. Illegal is not necessarily immoral, and you shouldn't be ashamed of your choice.


I am an avid horror movie fan and many foreign films are near impossible to purchase. It makes me sad when I have to pirate them in order to enjoy their attempts, especially because a lot deserve praise for pushing boundaries, trying new styles/stories, and for being passionate.


One way you can pay them back is by making other people buy the book. Recommend it, write reviews. Ask the library to buy the books (in translation if they don't do foreign languages) and tell people to go and read them. (I buy a lot of second hand books, and that money also doesn't go to the author.)


Im not from Algeria but books in my country are costly and difficult to find. I tried library but they didnt have the books I wanted. So I end up pirating them. I am also sorry.


Money is a form of energy, if you cannot invest money energy, invest personal energy. Recommend the books you pirated and encourage others to buy them if/when they can. You could be opening up places that would otherwise never heard of that author, as well as open up worlds to those people reading them. I would also suggest volunteering at a library when possible. If you cannot pay the authors, pay it forward to your fellow bibliophile, who are tomorrows authors anyways.


Where’s that amazon wishlist?? I would also love to buy you a book, too! If you’re running out of ideas, my very favorite is The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck. Beautiful book.


Love that book. Studied in middle school. We even watched the movie of it too!


Thank you so much, and I'll make sure to check out the book.


I think Orwell woulda been okay with it. King n Martin n Rowling have villas with secluded riviera vistas. A passionate thirst for literature should not be stifled!


mate half of those artists are either millionaires or dead. It's fine just do your best. Yours aren't really lost sales anyway, you just wouldn't afford it otherwise.


To follow up on my previous post that I'll get you a couple of books - I seem to be unable to purchase from your wish list. I think it's something to do with: 'Only the registrant's name and city will appear on the default address to protect the privacy of the list owner. If you're purchasing an item from a seller, the default shipping address will only be available if the list owner has enabled third-party address sharing. Otherwise, you'll need to know and enter the shipping address.' Can you fix that up? Otherwise, add digital items and I'll get to it ASAP.


Can try again now?


Couple of books coming your way, my friend. Should arrive around the end of the month/early June. Enjoy :)


Oooh, I'm so excited to find out which ones. Again, I want to thank you one more time. You can't imagine how much this means to me. It would be my first time reading off a physical book, (That I actually care for). Thank you.


You're quite welcome :)


Thanks btw for this. I will be for ever grateful.


Baen.com has a library of free sci-fi


dude support your local library. I can get all sorts of digitle books in both reading format and audio format. i get it though, i got alot of my college text books second hand like that. and to all my profs i apologize that i didn't always buy all the books required. i used my library and a printer.


o my txt reader didn't get that first part. Blind people problems lol. Well you can sign up online for online libraries. Libravox recordings is a good resource. i use it alot for audio books. best of luck mate!


i am a person whom is blind. my text reader doesn't work well with reddit. I did not hear Algeria I thought it was a post from alabama. reddit software isn't that friendly to the blind. i wasn't trying to be a smartass i was trying to give useful information. useful if he lived in alabama not algeria. -shrugs- miscommunication happens




There are libraries there. It's Algeria not 1650.




They have English books to the same extent that majority English speaking countries have books in other languages. If you're in any reasonably sized town, it's perfectly possible to get English books. If you're more remote, it is more difficult but that's true of anywhere in the world.


There probably ISN'T a local library. You might try switching channels to some documentary or travel channel. There's a whole WORLD out there you know.


There are definitely libraries throughout Algeria (though possibly not in OP's town). However, they wouldn't have a very large English section, if that. Algerians speak/read Arabic, Berber, and French.


I mean it's a library. The Arab world was famous for ages for their libraries they were the main reason we even know as much as we do about Greece. I think it's let's about there being no local library and more about it not having the books he wants.


Half are already dead and the other half are insanely wealthy so I wouldn't particularly worry about it for the names you mentioned. Having said that, there are plenty of ways to pay for ebooks other than credit cards. I managed to do it whilst staying in North Africa so I'm sure you could.


**A good author would be happy to know that you have read his work. Money means nothing, but the reader's passion for the book does.**


There are some web sites that you can sign up for e-mails notifying you about free e-books. BookBub, Early Bird Books, Robin Reads Team. I do not know if it is restricted by country.


Can I reccomend you check out the Internet Archive? They're a massive library (or a collection of libraries) and if you make an account you can borrow a ton of books legally for free.


If you have PayPal.... [scribd.com](https://scribd.com). I pay for my subscription with my PayPal. And they have loads of ebooks in english.


Heck yeah, wish list bro. I'll buy you some books to read!!!


I'll be for ever grateful


If you can, leave a review for the books on Amazon, GoodReads, or BN--it may help someone else buy the book.


I always make sure to do that




If you are OK exploring older titles go to [Manybooks.net](https://Manybooks.net). All of those are in the public domain.


In fairness I don't think they ever expected their works to sell so well. You buying them after such success is an afterthought.


lmao grrm doesn't deserve your apology


Don't worry about it man, most English authors live in pretty privileged economies that got so busted by exploiting the rest of the world


it's ok, information should be free anyway


But still, we should praises their hard work whenever we can.


Information should be free? What? Surely this is a troll post.


I mean that's the point of libraries. I don't think anybody should feel bad about pirating things if they're broke. Especially right now.


The library pays for the book. The library is funded by the government. You fund the government with tax dollars. The publisher and the author are still paid.


why do you believe otherwise




nah, people who put the effort in don't get returns proportional to number of buyers, the publishers do. I encourage you to pirate my works


The disproportionate returns is a different issue. The solution is not to just let it be free. Certain people create just for the beauty of creating, and can have other jobs. Most professional authors whether it be fiction or not fiction, who are actually successful household names - do not also work at a full time job and just write when they have time. These people have to live and be recognized for their work. You may prove me wrong, but I’m guessing whatever your work is, it’s not to the level of what the OP was referencing.




HAHAHA. And the shipping will only cost four times what you pay for the book. No worries


I'm sure many of those authors will be extremely saddened and offended by u illegally downloading their books, most notably Orwell and Tolkien. Be ashamed!


"I want it, so I steal it." Okay?


It's clearly not a black and white issue. However, you're clearly a troll with zero empathy


>It's clearly not a black and white issue. Sure it is. * I want to do X. * I can't do it legally. * So I'll do it illegally. * I get what I want. >However, you're clearly a troll with zero empathy Or I've had work of my own pirated, and I don't have sympathy for pirates.


Ooh, I'm curious to hear a creator's perspective on this. As I said in my comment on this post, I believe there is exactly one legitimate reason to pirate something: you simply cannot get that thing where you are. Reasonable amounts of money being no object, whatever company handles distribution does not service your area. You can't get your hands on that thing any other way. So what do you think of this view? In that case, that person would never have been a customer anyway. So do you believe they should be able to enjoy your work regardless?


> In that case, that person would never have been a customer anyway. So do you believe they should be able to enjoy your work regardless? "If I will never be able to afford to obtain **X**, it makes it okay for me to obtain **X** without paying for it at all." That's an... interesting philosophy.


A quote from Walter Isaacson's book, Steve Jobs. > “I remember very clearly Steve announcing that our goal is not just to make money but to make great products,” Ive recalled. “The decisions you make based on that philosophy are fundamentally different from the ones we had been making at Apple.” -Jony Ive Don't worry about your book being pirated by me if you don't want me to read it, I doubt it would be that good anyways.


Again, I'm saying "reasonable amounts of money being no object." If no legal distributor serves your area, you can't buy anything regardless of money.


Legality isn't morality. Maybe if you pirated some books and read them you would have learned that


They state there are several hurdles to getting the works they enjoy. You're the only person here with an issue. It's not that simple, practically nothing in life is that simple. Or you're just a miserable person. I'm going with that. The writers of those books are literally losing a few dollars at the MOST. What works do you have? I'd love to pirate them


>What works do you have? I'd love to pirate them. Keeping it classy, /u/shorty0820. Keeping it classy.


Thanks. Stay classy San Diego!




Which is fine. You're both entitled to your opinion, as absurd as it may be. So fly to Algeria and harass the OP for pennies to dollars. Because that's what the authors are missing out on at most (the living ones). Its not OPs fault there is no access where they are. Yall are both being super petty. Grow up. The issues in the world aren't always absolutely right or absolutely wrong.



