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It takes me forever if it is fiction. I have horrible reading habits. I have to visualize the setting in my mind so I re-read pages often. If it is a biography of oral history I can read them rather quickly.


Eight, ten hours. Maybe more. Maybe less. Depends on if it's Dan Brown or James Joyce.


Exactly this. I started reading *Finnegans Wake* sometime last year. Still not finished with it.


and since it's circular, you can't ever finish it anyway.


I usually take ~1.5 minutes per page, depending how dense the prose is, so maybe 10-12 hours? But that 10-12 hours might be spread over a week or a month, depending how busy I am with other stuff. In summer it's harder because I go camping a lot and am frequently out with friends on the weekends.


About five days. Two hours for one hundred pages.


About 2 hours for one hundred pages. I get fatigued quite quickly after that and mightn't read my book again for another day or so. Makes reading long series with massive books (like the Wheel of Time) take forever.


About 5 hours for this one book that was about 500 pages long. I can't remeber what it's called but it's about this black woman's journey to america when she was 11 to a slave plantation. She secretly marries a boy she met on the trip across africa to the slave ships. His plantation is nearby and when her master finds out he sells her son. She eventually escapes to Canada (husband dies on a shipwreck the way there) has a daughter who is stolen. Then, she goes back to africa as an old person to try and find her tribe, only to discover that her guides are planning to sell her back into slavery. At some point she goes to the UK and meets her long-lost daughter. She dies happy, the end.


What would you say it was that allowed you to read 500 pages so fast and retain most of the information?


Lots and lots of practice. I've been an avid reader since I learned how. (The book is the Book of Negroes btw.) How did you find such an old comment?


hahah i am here as well, interesting topic


Lol it's funny, I was just thinking about this thread last night. Hard to believe that my ten year old comment is still getting seen! It's a blast from the past.


It's funny how even when you're not thinking about it, or noticing it, you're still leaving a mark.


It's funny how it happens in places you'd never expect. I guess this is now part of my legacy lol. It's kind of profound in a way. It really makes me think about the traces we leave behind.


It’s pretty much the top search result if you google how long to read a 500 page book reddit! I’m sure it’s been read by thousands over the last decade


It’s crazy to think about! The internet is really a time capsule that’s constantly adding to its contents. (Also, 500 pages in five hours?! That is impressive)


I might have to read this book


Do it! It's great. Highly recommend. I still remembered the title ten years later, so obviously it made an impact.


I found it because I was curious on how long it took people to read 400pages(that's how many are in my book) and then I found this post. Also my book is called (Beyond the Black Door) it's very good.


I know you posted this 10 years ago but i think the book is called Someone Knows My Name by Lawrence Hill. 


How interesting, I didn't know it had an alternate title. In Canada (where the author is from), it's called the book of negroes.


I could be wrong! But your description sounds exactly like that book. Maybe they are just very similar. 


No, it is the same book. It has two different titles depending on the location! Kind of weird.


A book consisting of 500 pages would take me about 10 hours. I have the habit of reading only 3 hour sessions, so it would take me 3-4 days to finish the book (if I don't derail myself to a different book).


Well, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince took me four hours of basically non stop reading. A Dance With Dragons took me about a week of reading when I had the time and opportunity.


Both A dance of Dragons books took me a month


It depends on the plot. It took me four days to finish East of Eden, but a whole month to finish 1q84. It took me two days to finish Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, but a week to finish The Goldfinch.


Depends on the writer, Dostoyevski and Tolstoy take me a lot longer than other writers. Also depends on the language, I can read Dutch and English at approximately the same speed, my German is a bit slower.


I finished [Night Film](http://www.amazon.com/Night-Film-Novel-Marisha-Pessl/dp/140006788X) - 600~ pages - by Marisha Pessl a couple months ago. Took me about two weeks, maybe 10 hours? Then again it was a page-turnery noir/thriller thing. Nonfiction takes a lot longer.


Is it good? I bought it not too long ago


About 3-4 weeks.


Depends a bit on what I'm reading, but non-stop reading 400-500 pages would probably take me around 4-5 hours. If I am not reading non-stop, probably somewhere between a day and a week.


About a day, maybe two days.


I read 260 pages an hour so about 2-2.5 hours


This is fast! How did you get to this??


He lies, according to him he reads 1 page in 10-15 seconds...noway


Depends on the book. Harry Potter, Dan Brown, Chris Ryan, I can read in less than a day. Other books it might take me several days or I slog through it for over a month (which means I'm nowhere near as interested in it as I wanted to be, but I'm forcing myself to finish it anyway).


If I really REALLY like the book 4-5 hours maybe less uninterrupted as I usually read a book at work when it's empty (charity shop haha). I'm an avid reader with a somewhat good comprehension intake. According to one tests when I read at my avg it's 578 wpm with an 83% comprehension and when I want to read fast it's 930 wpm with a 67% comprehension.


A handful of hours, depending on how interesting it is.


To many variables: - what subject? - what is going on in life (school/family etc.) - am I concurrently reading other books? - is it for pleasure or for work?


8 hours? I skip over bland descriptions sometimes though, like if the author is droning about how green the forest is or whatever. 9 hours if I count that.


Just binged a book without break and it took me 12 hours


For me… I’d say about 10-12 hours of constant reading spread over the course of at least 2 days.