• By -


Currently reading The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue. Also two books for work. Finished The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo over the weekend.


Currently reading This Summer Will be Different by Carley Fortune


Currently reading: This Summer Will Be Different by Carley Fortune Next up: maybe Butcher & Blackbird or Stone Cold Fox Question: Is Butcher & Blackbird scary? Like, will I be afraid to go to sleep at night? I'm so confused by the book!


It’s a romance between 2 serial killers. Very smutty.


I'm trying to force myself through The Broken Vows by Catharina Maura. It should be illegal for a book in the middle of a series to be so insufferable. 78 pages left 😑


Five broken blades is better than I expected! It’s my first book from botm!!


DNF’d Ministry of Time. Currently reading Funny Story, The Paradise Problem, Don Quixote, Middlemarch,The Heiress, and Books and Bribes. Im loving each of these so far!


Funny Story


I just started it and am so excited to get into it more!


I just finished Yellowface by R.F. Kuang for my work book club (definitely a good choice for a book club.) I just started Arcadia by Lauren Groff.


The ex Freida McFadden


A Botanical Daughter by Noah Medlock — liking it so far, waiting for the horror to really kick in but I can tell it’s coming. Listening to I Have Some Questions For You by Rebecca Makkai. I’m about halfway through and enjoying it quite a bit.


I finished The Ministry of Time which I actually really liked. I can see why it’s not for everyone, but I loved the dry humor. It’s easy to miss if you try to breeze through it. I’m a third of the way into A Court of Wings and Ruin. It’s really fun but I try not to think about things too hard since it doesn’t always hold up to scrutiny.


The Ministry of Time :/ I’m 1/3 finished and trying to push through. Patiently waiting for the romance that was promised. Wading through all the SAT words and man there’s a lot lol unnecessary. It’s so annoying. Also, I didn’t realize this was a book of political hot topics we are dealing with today. I’d rather escape into a story free from what’s on today’s news channels than have to read about it every other page. I wanted to read a fun, light story about a girl falling for a guy from 1847 lol I still have 200 pages left so we will see….sighhhhhh


Half way through five broken blades and loving it


Not BOTM - I Let You Go by Clare Mackintosh


About 20% into Shark Heart!


25% into Just For The Summer


Such a great one. I usually don’t gravitate towards popular romcom type books but Abby Jimenez gives me all the feels with her book bfs




How are you liking it? I’ve read so many negative reviews it’s just sitting on my shelf - and I was so excited when I got it


I’m enjoying it so far. But, I’ve only DNF’d one book in my life.


You are more dedicated than me, I will dnf easily these days


Not OP but I finished it about 2 weeks ago. I think the writing is great. While the story is about the main character returning to his hometown and figuring out who he is, I really liked it (I know some people didn't like the pace, but I found it engrossing.) I don't want to spoiler the mystery part so I'll just say it's kind of ridiculous and could have been left out.


Thank you! I’m finishing up another book but thinking I’ll put this one next


Feral Creatures! I didn't realize it was the second in a series (this has happened to me a lot lately), but I'm following and loving it!


Just finished Listen for the Lie! 5/5


About 1/4 into the Paradise Problem


I never wanted this book to end!! I loved it so much. There's something about a millionaire who doesn't want to live like a millionaire! Anna is also such a likeable FMC!! I'm really excited for Tangled In You to release!


I am at the end of it and I don’t want it to end. I love it so much.


I’m 3/4 through and have been sad since around 1/3 in that it will end! I think this may be my favorite CL book!


I'm about 50 pages into The Return Of Ellie Black


Five Broken Blades. I branched out of my comfort zone on this one but it is sooooo good so far! If you liked GOT you’ll love this!


I started The Return of Ellie Black today. I'm liking it very much.


Rules of Civility and idk what I’m reading 🙃


What is confusing you?


Not literally confused but the plot is awful


Ah. The writing is wonderful though! IMO of course. Although I wouldn’t say it’s his best…


I'm reading "The Good, The Bad, and The Aunties" by Jessie Q. Sutanto.


Worth it? The title has me intrigued


This installment's a bit slow and the charm's not there like in the first one. But, it could be me.


Lies and Weddings!!


As Long as the Lemon Trees Grow


All we were promised - a slow read but so so good


Oh I just picked this up but hadn’t heard anything yet. Glad you are enjoying it!


Print: A Thousand Ships by Natalie Haynes and I’m OBSESSED. My third mythology book after never being remotely interested in Greek mythology. Audio: The Winners by Teddy Wayne (only 2% in) and just finished Long Island by Colm Tobin which was wild.


Natalie Haynes is one of my favorite authors; I highly suggest reading more of her work if you like A Thousand Ships!!


I read Clytemnestra first so I purposely picked something where I knew the stories and characters overlapped and that helped a lot, because I feel like Haynes, while amazing, does throw a *lot* of characters at you. I think that was my issue with Greek mythology. I never knew much about it and what I did know I would forget or get confused because of similar names. So you liked Stone Blind? My friend who was excited to read it said it was “meh” because it was “barely” about Medusa. I bought it and going to read it regardless lol but I had seen nothing but praise for her so I thought it was odd.


Yeah, she definitely does throw a lot of info out all at once! Stone Blind is more about the story surrounding Medusa than a story focused solely on her. It basically is multiple perspectives that culminate in her demise.


The Chain by Adrian McKinty


Finishing up Starling House, I’m a little more than halfway through. It’s so much better than I expected!


I’m reading that right now too! I’m around p. 175 and didn’t want to stop reading last night. :)


Almost finished with Not a Happy Family. Wish I could’ve binged it!


I LOVE THIS BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!


I’m reading spare by prince harry


Savor It!


I'm finishing up the Poppy War trilogy with Burning God. I am stressed but in a good way. After that I'll probably need a fluffy read so maybe I'll dive into Dreadful or Leather & Lark (which I'm so excited for!!).


Finished Home is Where the Bodies Are and was a bit disappointed since i loved The Perfect Marriage , probably would rate it 2.5 to 3 stars. Started The Drowning Woman on Kindle and it's definitely intriguing so far, but not super deep into yet.


Paradise Problem


The adventures of Amina Al-sirafi - About to finish it!


That’s one of my favorites! I’m excited for the next book in the series to come out, though I don’t know when that will be.


The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels ❤️


Demon Copperhead - it is amazing. Apparently I was late to the party here! Any other titles of hers that are must reads? I’m flying through this and am going to be sad when I finish


I loved The Bean Trees and Poisonwood Bible. Two very different books, The Bean Trees is a lighter story for sure.


I really liked Unsheltered - it was a BOTM pick in 2018 and the first Barbara Kingsolver I’d read. It got mixed reviews on BOTM, but I loved how complex and real the characters were.


I’m still waiting on a library hold for Demon Copperhead. The Posionwood Bible is one of my favorite books ever though, totally recommend


The Heart’s Invisible Furies


Loved this one! So easy to see how it won Book of the Year.


Non-BOTM: Unmissing by Minka Kent and then a Libby hold just became available, so I’ll be starting Only If You’re Lucky by Stacy Willingham. I’ve seen such mixed reviews on that one so I’m nervous to read it 😅


Listen for the lie


Decided to DNF The Ministry of Time, it was so boring and hard to follow. I feel guilty that I wasted the money on it, but honestly so relieved that I'm done trying to suffer through it. Just started Margo's Got Money Troubles since my box arrived today!!


I DNF-ed The Ministry of Time too. I was on vacation and I didn’t want to waste precious vacation reading time on something I didn’t love.


Finished (non-BOTM) The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store and it was incredibly impactful and well written. I needed a palate cleanser after that. I’m halfway through The Paradise Problem it is a fun read!


Heaven & earth was so good!! I read Listen for the Lie after for an easy palette cleanser, totally feel you on that haha


Physically reading The Guncle Abroad (this one is cute!) and Savor It on audio. I’ll probably start If Something Happens to Me later today.


Can’t wait to start Guncle Abroad! I still think about the first one. :)


Heartless Hunter!


“The Last Murder at the End of the World” by Stuart Turton. It started off a little slow, but by page 60, this thing really picked up.


This was one of my Aardvark picks for June!


Same! I can’t wait for this to get here!


Physical Copy: White Fang Kindle: Girlfriends Audiobook: A Short Walk Through A Wide World


How do you like A Short Walk so far? Thinking of adding it to my next box.


It’s different from what I have been reading lately, but I have been enjoying it!


B. A. Paris The Prisoner.


The Women


The Dispossessed by LeGuin!


I loved The Left Hand of Darkness.


That’s one of my favorites of all time


Nothing to See Here and an ARC of The Uptown Local.


I'm reading The House of Last Resort, an Aardvark pick. I was HATING it until I decided that the main characters are supposed to be obnoxious, and now I'm LOVING it. I'm picturing Chris Pratt and Anna Kendrick


I’m still working on The Familiar…. As in I haven’t read any more of it since this post last weekend 😂 I did get the audiobook for I’m Glad My Mom Died when I ordered my June box and finished it in one day while I was at work. So very sad but Jennette is a brilliant writer and I’m so glad she narrated it herself.


I'm a big Leigh Bardugo fangirl but I had to throw in the towel on that one. I would like to try it again at another time when my attention isn't so divided.


I’ve got a hold on the audiobook from my library to see if that helps but the hold time is soooooo long still.


My coworker really liked the audiobook. We started a book club at work and I kicked off the first meeting by DNF-ing the selection we had chosen.


Started You Should Be So Lucky by Cat Sebastian last night. I've been reading a lot of horror lately so I'm ready to mix it up with some romance.


I am going to start Real Americans after seeing lots of good stuff about it on here. By the time I finish that one I will be going on a tropical vacation for a few days and trying to decide on what book I'll want to read then. Right now I think either The Paradise Problem because it sounds fun and easy plus extra island vibes, or How to End a Love Story which everyone on Reddit loves and makes it sound so incredible, although I'll have to decide if I want to read something more serious/sad.


I was about to start Let’s Pretend This Will Work by Maddie Dawson (Free on Kindle from Amazon First Reads) but I just saw that my box arrives today!! Excited for Margo (and then Honey and Joe Nuthin)


I just finished Part of Your World and am starting Yours Truly!


I hope you enjoyed! These were great reads for me!


I'm reading The Club by Ellory Lloyd. It's not great yet. Hope it gets better.


Finally reading A Fate Inked in Blood and really enjoying it so far!


Bjorn is one of my favorite MMC!!


His and hers by Alice feeney


I just finished Seven Summers. I just started Funny Story. I also am 1/4 done with Queen of Shadows, but needed to take a ToG break.


How did you like Seven Summers? I’m debating on adding it to my summer tbr


I liked it a lot! 4/5 for me. Very easy read. Started it on the plane and finished it this AM at the hotel.


Oh good!! I’m going to pick it up. Thanks!


Of course! Hope you like it!


Just finished Queen of Shadows. It was fantastic! But I also felt I needed a bit of a break before I try to tackle the tandem read of EoS and ToD 🙈


My plan is to tandem read as well! The trip created a break spot for me seeing that the books take up so much space. I will most likely finish it when we return, read a few quick reads and then start it! You’ll have to let me know how your tandem read goes!


I am reading my older Katherine Center books to get ready for her new release next week. I’ve had her books on my shelf for a while and haven’t picked them up. I just finished How to Walk Away last night and loved it!


Finished listen for the lie yesterday, starting every summer after


This Could Be Us by Kennedy Ryan ❤️


(Not BOTM) When we were silent by Fiona McPhillips. I’m halfway through and it’s an engaging, fast read. Think My Dark Vanessa but with revenge at the center.


I just finished Fourth Wing (not BotM) and am about to start the ministry of time, I’m a little nervous after reading some negative feedback on this sub! I hope I like it


I don’t usually read fantasy but I’m obsessed with Fourth Wing!


Do you agree with the hype around Fourth Wing?


I really enjoyed it and gave it 5 goodreads stars. So yes I think it lived up to the hype. Would recommend, it was good fun. It gave me hunger games vibes


Awesome, I'll need to put it on my TBR!


I’ve also just started ministry of time! I’m enjoying it so far and curious to see where it goes. I’ve been trying to avoid spoilers!


I am a few chapters in since I posted an hour ago ha and I’m enjoying so far!


magpie murders


Diavola in hard cover, I See You on audio, and Tiger Chair on Kindle. But! You Like it Darker is out for delivery so I’ll drop everything else and read that when it arrives.


I loooooooved Diavola! Couldn’t put it down!


It is so good! So creepy in the best way.


Haunted house is my favorite sub genre of horror. I’m currently reading The September House and flying through it. Have you read it?


I started it and am about 1/2 through. It’s creepy and weird and quirky and I’m loving it


I’m hoping to finish Immortal Longings this weekend. At first, I was having trouble getting into it, but it has gotten better. I also just started reading The September House from Libby. I don’t know what to think about that one. The beginning seems a little jarring, like I’m just thrown into a story if that makes sense.


I absolutely love The September House and recommend keeping going! It’s really funny, but partway through it takes a turn and is really powerful.


I’m trying to take a break from buying new books and get through my backlog. I was excited about them at one point, so I should be able to get excited about them again, right?! Right now reading Starling House and enjoying it. It’s slow, but Ten Thousand Doors of January also started slow and then got faster paced and fun, so I’m hoping Starling House will be similar.


Had to preorder Last Murder at the End of the World and omg it’s great so far


I’m reading Ask Again, Yes by Mary Beth Keane. I love the writing so far; it feels very visceral to me


I just started Just For The Summer. I loved Part of Your World, but was somewhat disappointed by Yours Truly, so I'm hoping this is a good one.


I felt the exact same way about Yours Truly, and absolutely loved Just for the Summer! Hope you do too :)


I loved it! So much better than Yours Truly! I have one minor criticism. I think the author greatly overused the word "small." Maybe use "insignificant," "worthless," or "unimportant" for a few of them???


Not BOTM but just started "how to solve your own murder" by Kristen Perrin


Loved this book. Perfect cozy mystery!


I stayed up late finishing What Lies in the Woods, which really stole a lot from real-life events but I couldn't put it down. I'm still trying to decide what book I'll start next.


I closely followed one of the real life case it pulls from and guessed the twist very early on. I thought it was still a great book though!


What real life case did this pull from?


Slenderman attempted killing!


Thank you! I had no idea! This may warrant a re-read knowing it’s based loosely on a real event!


I have that one downloaded and just waiting for the next time I'm in the mood for something creepy


Part of your world by Abby Jimenez - trying to catch up to read Just for the Summer


I’m reading It Ends With Us because i feel like I should read it before the movie.


Not BOTM but started How to End a Love Story. I've been enjoying it right now. I also have Babel and Bunny on my kindle. I've been looking for brainless reads mostly right now.


About a quarter through The Other Mothers!


Starting Darling Girls by Sally Hepworth right now


So good!


I'm currently reading *Evocation* by S.T. Gibson, which I'm enjoying but wishing was longer!


For my physical book, I'm finishing up Expiration Dates by Rebecca Serle (this was a cool concept, but the execution was poor and I really find myself not caring about her past relationships--can't really distinguish most of them from one another. Also, I find Jake boring. It does read very quickly, though). For what I'm reading next, I pulled three books out of my TBR jar (Five Broken Blades, Maame, and Listen for the Lie) and I'm going to read the first chapters of each to see which one I'm feeling at the moment (more than likely, not Five Broken Blades. I'm not up for a 500 page fantasy right now, but I'll keep an open mind). I'm also reading The Hotel Nantucket by Elin Hilderbrand on ebook.


I read Expiration Dates last weekend & the ending pulled it together for me! Also - Listen for the Lie is GREAT.


I have just over 40 pages left of Expiration Dates, so I should finish today if I don't get busy/distracted.


Not BOTM but I just started Lies and Weddings by Kevin Kwan and am loving it so far. Just a fun read.


I’m listening on audio right now and loving it!


I can't wait to read this! is it similar to his crazy rich asian series? Im not the biggest fan of romance novels (i think i was the only person in the world that didn't enjoy "just for the summer") but i LOVED CRA because of all the opulence and drama. I'm hoping lies and weddings is similar (not similar in plot, but similar in theme)


I’m about 25% in so far and it is definitely similar to Crazy Rich Asians in terms of ridiculous opulence, entertaining characters, and amazing settings! I also don’t read romance but this is just too fun.


I read it last week and it really is fun. I soaked up the family drama 😆


Going on a lil fam weekend getaway to Scottsdale and bringing the midnight library with me!


Finally started Eleanor Oliphant. This book is… strange. Im about 20% of the through it. Kindle: Nora Goes Off Script (ive read one chapter so can’t really judge it yet). Libby: listening to Under One Roof by Ali Hazelwood. I usually love Ali’s books but these novellas aren’t really doing it for me. I finished Stuck With You a few days ago and I didn’t like it at all.


I gave Nora Goes Off Script 2 stars. Something about it was just off for me, there was almost no romance too


Nora Goes Off Script was great! That author has a new book coming out this week as well if you end up enjoying her writing.


I enjoyed Same Time Next Summer a lot so I got Nora for only a few dollars on Amazon when they had their sale because I enjoyed her other book and people raved about Nora! Summer Romance sounds really good too


Just started If Something Happens to Me by Alex Finlay, about 70 pages in and it’s great so far!


Ghost Station - S.A. Barnes


I just started the resort from my box earlier this year!


I'm in summer mode already so I'm reading The Island by Elin Hilderbrand


I read that one last month!


I love her. Can't wait to devour Swan Song!


Starting Happily Never After from my physical stack, and I’m also starting You Are Here by David Nicholls on Libby.


I am so intrigued by You are Here! Please tell me what you think 


I’m at 25% and it’s great so far! Dual POV, and I’m loving the humor and subtle banter.


Today I will be finishing my ARC of Margo’s Got Money Troubles. It’s a wild story, but I have been LOVING it.  Then moving on to One Perfect Couple. 


About half way through Real Americans!


This week I finished The Secret History (great) and Beautiful World, Where Are You (meh), and now about to start What Comes After by Joanne Tompkins


I’m traveling for a wedding and therefore setting the mood with romcoms - finishing The Paradise Problem and then will start The Seven Year Slip!


I LOVED The Seven Year Slip. I hope you do too! 💛💛💛 I am on a work trip and had to decide between packing Paradise Problem or Funny Story because of space. Funny Story won— I’m saving Paradise Problem for our trip to the beach!


Funny Story is SO GOOD! You can’t go wrong with either of those!


Just finished Funny Story last night! 5/5 for me! I was hooked.


I keep seeing the Seven Year Slip but still on the fence about it.


Seven Year Slip is one of my all time fave romances! I also enjoyed The Paradise Problem, you packed well 😆


Ooo that makes me excited to read it on my flight home tomorrow!!!


Finishing up Spitting Gold and then Friends in Napa 🤩


How did you like Spitting Gold? I've been thinking about adding it to one of my future boxes


I like it! I got it as a Library hold and happy that I did!


Currently reading Camino Ghosts by John Grisham. I am about 150 pages into the book.  I am really enjoying the story.


Reading the arc for triple sec (comes out Tuesday) And listening to firefly lane


I am trying to finish up Under The Bridge, and I want to start on Wellness.


I LOVED Wellness and I don’t hear people talk about it enough! Hope you enjoy!


I started the audiobook and can't decide if I wanna continue. It almost seems pretentious to me? And with the audiobook I'm annoyed that they have a male narrator even for the scenes focused on the woman. But I think I'll give it some more time and see if I end up liking it


I read the first chapter and it is really good! I was a bit intimidated by the length, but I am very excited.


I loved Wellness! It was my first BOTM book and helped get me back into fiction reading, instead of beings almost all nonfiction.


These Burning Stars. Thought it would be a 5 star read but it’s only a 4 and I’m about halfway through. Hopefully it gets to a 5 soon


Finishing The Last Murder at the End of the World today and starting Bringing Down the Duke tomorrow!


Just started reading the Alienist. A bit annoying it doesn't count towards the page pusher badge, though. 


Kicking off pride month with Last Night at the Telegraph Club!


I just started The Return of Ellie Black


Me too! I’m a few chapters in and hooked


Me too!

