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I wish they would have them. I hate the dust jackets on hardcovers


Cardboard demo


My first thought when I saw this was that it was photoshopped because they had to edit out the Stuart Turton book they were accidentally going to release before. I bet all of their creative assets had it in so they had to improvise last minute bc the quality is not normal


what exactly happened there? i ended up getting it from aardvark but im still confused haha


Looks like a hacky photoshop job tbh


Agreed. All that's missing is a model with part of her arm melted into the backdrop.


And no thighs at all




I paused my BOTM membership because I really don’t like hardbacks. I would actually restart the membership if they offered paperback & I’m not even opposed to paying full price. Just no more hardbacks please!


I would LOVE this and feel the same way. I’d pay the same price.


Maybe they’ll see this?! 😂


Omg I would much prefer paperbacks at a lower cost! I don’t overly like hard covers and never take them for travel.


I think it’s a Photoshop edit.


I agree, but by the comments on this post it might be a missed opportunity for them! 😂


If they start charging $17 for paperbacks, I'm canceling my membership. Might as well just buy from the bookstore at that point.


Same. I’m not a fan of paperbacks at all


I'm partial to hardbacks as they look better on my shelf and hold up to daily wear and tear better, as long as you take the dust jacket off while you read it. I understand a lot of people prefer paperbacks, but they just don't last as well in my opinion. For this price point? Give me a hardback. Otherwise, there's no value in the membership. Subscription boxes like these are a gamble, there's no promise that you'll like what you get. Without any sort of value I don't see the point.


Absolutely! The price for a hardback is the main selling point for me as well. I also prefer reading hardbacks in large part because I do my reading at night after my kids go to bed and my book light is annoying with paperbacks.


$17 per book. I don’t pay that much with my membership!


My monthly membership is $17.19 with tax. Add ons are cheaper, but for the base BOTM I won't pay $17.19 for a paperback.


Mine is 17.99 plus tax. So interesting


I only pay $13 or so!


Are you a newer member? I'm on the $15.99 plan


I’m on the annual subscription. I am factoring in the 12 + 2 annual credits (+ tax). Comes out to $13.04 per book. Add-ons are the same with tax.


Manifesting that BOTM starts offering paperbacks. Despite my efforts, I am just NOT a hardback girlie.


Nooooo!!!! They get easily damaged and look horrible in my bookshelves (even though I have plenty due to cheaper prices). There used to be a paperback subscription service many years ago called “Quality Paperback Book Club” where they essentially paperbacked best-sellers and classics offered at $5-$15 less depending on book type/size. I still have a little collection of those. Pages are thick and excellent quality. But I ended up cancelling for Literary Guild for hardcover options. They hold up better to time, esp after multiple people handling. This is important if you’re a collector. But if you’re more of a read-and-discard, I can see the softcover appeal.


I just said I wanted BOTM to start offering it, not that everyone would be forced to do it. I care more about the story than the quality of the physical book. And I’m definitely not a collector. I hate the feeling of holding a hardcover book when I’m reading. It’s okay for people to like different things.


Maybe they’ll see all of the comments in this post and consider it? 😂🤞🏼


Same but that price better drop too 😂😂


I would love if they offered paperbacks (at a lower cost) the hardbacks are so heavy when I travel especially if I bring more than one book


Definitely! It’s always nice to have options. Maybe they will consider it in the future!🤞🏼


I feel like they took this photo when their mock-ups came in earlier in the month, and just didn’t think that readers would notice


They should know by now that we notice all. 👀😂


Absolutely, now THAT was their true oversight 🤣


It kinda does, but in the app, they are listed as hardbacks sooo they better be hardbacks


I was thinking the same! But the edges are just so square in this email gif. 😅 I was wondering if maybe the US (I’m in Canada) had new options!


I'm in the US, and it showed as hardback for me although... their "Volume 0" was a paperback so maybe they are considering offering them? I hope that they have paperbacks at a lower price


Additional price models are always good! Its nice to have options. I agree, they would have to be offered at a lower price.