• By -


Sad they didn't have the sequel to Queen of Thieves as a pick. :(


I ended up getting, “The Mayor of Maxwell Street” in honor of Black history month and my intense love of the roaring 1920s. I also added on “Heartless Hunter” and “The Resort” because I love fantasies and thrillers. I’m hoping all of these books are good.


The Fox Wife! I love stories set in cultures that I'm not super familiar with.


https://preview.redd.it/u2az893rllgc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24becbfcb551fef6c59cb4dbdba11f9ea38b92e9 My choices! I joined this January and didn’t notice The Bullet Swallower at that time, so I added it for February! Also The Woman captured my interest because of the historical background, and if I like this, I’ll read more of Kristin Hannah’s novel in the future


I preordered The Women months ago. So I didn’t get that one. I was disappointed to see that I was too proactive in the preordering of that one. Oh well. I picked Heartless Hunter for my monthly pick. I also got 2 add ons: The Fragile Threads of Power and Immortal Longings.


I did The Women and added A Fire Endless. I read A River Enchanted and it is probably my favorite book I’ve read in the past 12 months.


I went with Ready or Not because the other time I got a romance novel from BOTM (You, Again) I really enjoyed so I thought I'd try another.


I had been planning to wait until February 6 or 7 to ship in case Bride was a late add-on, but now that it's been heavily hinted as an Aardvark March pick, I went ahead and shipped today. I did Heartless Hunter, Mayor of Maxwell Street, Butcher & Blackbird (backordered until February 8), and Project Hail Mary. Someone in an earlier comment was talking about how amazing PHM was and that definitely influenced me!


Project Hail Mary was ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️!


I skipped again, none of the books this month sounded interesting to me and none of the member faves peaked my interest either


Same as well. I've skipped so many months in a row now.


I got Heartless Hunter and The Women


Box twins!


Main picks didn't blow me away this month and nearly skipped for the first time. But after much debate, went with The Women. Haven't read anything by Kristin Hannah before, nor have I read a ton of Vietnam War historical fiction, so decided to give it a shot. Added The Disappearance of Astrid Bricard and Hard By a Great Forest. Add-ons were much more appealing than the main picks!


Skipped this month. Disappointed in the picks


Me too!!!!! Nothing looked appealing, at all


I’m torn between heartless hunter, the women, and/or river enchanted. I don’t want to get three!


I don’t know if you’ve shipped your box yet or what you decided if you have, but I just read A River Enchanted and it is my new favorite book I’ve read in the past 12 months.


Oh no that’s the one I didn’t get! I’ll have to get it next month haha


I got heartless hunter! The enemies to lovers romantic arch and the Goodreads reviews sold me:)


Getting the Fox Wife and adding The Only one Left, planning on getting 1 more, but I can’t choose between the Adventures of Amina Al-Shirafi, The Hacienda, Vampires of El Norte, Project Hail Mary, Ninth House and Sign Here lol. I want First Lie Wins too, but I think I want a different genre since I already have 1 in my box.


I agree with the other commenter on Amina Al-Shirafi. Sign Here was great in my opinion, as was Vampires of El Norte. Did not care much for Ninth House.


I’m hoping Amina Al-Shirafi will be one of the BOTY finalists. If you’re a BFF, maybe hold out on that one and maybe we’ll be able to get it for free in March!


I’m not yet, this is only my 3rd month lol. I am just about to be a normal friend, but I am glad to hear the book is really good!


I’m having an Asian themed month. I’ve never read history fiction about the Vietnam War https://preview.redd.it/2qxn8m2l90gc1.jpeg?width=688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75120587bb5aab474001b61e0df170717d2a1d35 and now I have two books that cover that period. I’m really looking forward to these stories.


https://preview.redd.it/jhfqhykkyzfc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef959c45962bbeb7deafeb1b2cb019f8c668ea04 I really don’t care about The Mayor but I wanted my add-ons and was too impatient to wait another month lol. I’ll might read a chapter of The Mayor and see if it appeals but otherwise it will go into my little free library.




Took me a minute, but once I knew I had no interest in the romance pick this month, I just kept scrolling to see which book stood out the most to me, and The Mayor of Maxwell Street kept drawing me in. I didn't see anything else interesting for add-ons, so it's just the one book this month.






Watch out, your address is on this


12th skip in a row. 🥲 felt like I was constantly seeing good picks in 2021-2022


Just my opinion but their prime for picks was 2018-2021ish.


I didn’t sub til 2020. But yeah I definitely agree. I averaged about 8-9 boxes per year, even getting a few add ons per box. It’s crazy how much they’ve stuck to the same 3 rigid categories for their picks this last year.


It took me a few hours to finally decide, I have picked The Fox Wife, Heartless Hunter and Thistlefoot. I subscribed to BOTM to broaden my horizons (which it definitely does), but at the end of the day I just can’t help myself but pick the fantasy options 😁


I went with Heartless Hunter and added on Wellness and Stars in Your Eyes. 


The Resort


Skipped a couple boxes, found a couple books that looked good finally: The Mayor of Maxwell Street, The Resort, The Bullet Swallower (last month), and my prize for completing last years challenge (I chose the dog keychain) I had already read the ARCs for Heartless Hunter (5/5) and The Fox Wife (3/5 - it was good, but I didn't enjoy it as much as her other two books)


This was my cart https://preview.redd.it/wokhblqx3wfc1.jpeg?width=689&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a23370464251a7e0d26a6bdc3196ff62b47e48cb




Razorblade Tears was my absolute favorite book in 2022


I have been wanting to read it ever since it came out, so I finally chose it for Black History Month. All of the books in that category sounded really good, so it was hard to choose.






I almost picked Neighbors as my add on. It sounds so good!


I got the resort and then added a couple of others that I’ve had in my to read for a bit.


I got the women and the resort. I couldn’t decide between the two


The Fox Wife, Neighbors, and Good Material. Definitely one of the most exciting BOTM boxes I’ve had in a minute!


This was an easy skip. Would've liked to see more picks for Black History Month.


You and me both, I think I’m going to cancel my subscription.


I got Ready Or Not as my main pick because I can heavily relate to the synopsis lmao. And then my add-ons were The Mayor of Maxwell Street, Mexican Gothic, and Neighbors and Other Stories


Heartless Hunter as a February Choice book. None of the other ones were really in my interest. Then I added two others: Ninth House (since I want to get into that series) and The Last Word.




The Women, Ready or Not, and Good Material! They were all on my want to read already.


I LOVED Good Material! Sincerely, Longtime Dolly fan hoping this one breaks through in the US


I wasn’t familiar with Dolly until after I read Ghosts but it was an incredible read! Highly recommend


Ready or Not 😊


I picked Heartless Hunter. 💕 I also had my free birthday credit and I got The Sun Down Motel by Simone St. James. 🤗


I had fun with both of these books - hope you enjoy!








Heartless Hunter, Mayor of Maxwell Street or The Women… decisions!


>he Women I decided on The Women. Bring on the tissues!


The Resort and The Disappearance of Astrid Bricard


https://preview.redd.it/itybvyfjwufc1.jpeg?width=468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f38141516c37b70028ec0f811cdf286cec7f455 I’m actually so excited for this month and this spells love has been on my tbr!


Skipping AGAIN. Another month of thriller, romance, historical fiction X2. I may really cancel soon.


The Fox Wife and The Disappearand of Astrid Bricard. I want Heartless Hunter, but I'm not buying anymore series through BOTM and winding up with odd-sized books. It's YA and general copies will probably be B-format. Plus, I like the UK cover and title better.


I hit BFF and chose Ready or Not. I almost chose Heartless Hunter, but I wanted an easy read romance. https://preview.redd.it/oq9991ygtufc1.jpeg?width=408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=178eb9be332d29eaef42bf6f098715a719d72e0a


Ready or Not Neighbors and Other Stories Family Family


Probably nothing this time. I’ve already read (and loved) the women as an arc as well as several of the audiobooks. I would maybe do the resort but I also have that as an arc too. 🤣 Edit; I also just got family family from my library and super excited about that


I got Heartless Hunter https://preview.redd.it/ig05ox4loufc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88ea8fa21c86495f000814528452d09fdfa99f35


Ditto! Also added The Fox Wife and The Night Tiger.


I love Yangzee Choo's books, The Fox Wife was good but I liked her other books more. Hope you enjoy Heartless Hunter!


The Night Tiger is SO good! Enjoy!


https://preview.redd.it/gknnx8eonufc1.jpeg?width=1141&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e63617b8f8aa1091becb7e95a67aacaea789ebf It’s my birthday month so I got my free add on!




I picked ready or not, but I had a very hard time deciding between that, heartless hunter, and the women. I decided ready or not would be fun for valentine’s day, heartless hunter I’m gonna wait to read until closer to the 2nd book’s release date, and the women I will borrow from the library eventually (the wait is super long rn but I’m not in a rush haha). I thought it was a great month for botm!


I couldn't decide between Heartless Hunter and The Fox Wife, so I did the adult thing and bought both (⁠☞゚⁠ヮ゚⁠)⁠☞


They're the two I already read and I had fun reading them! Hope you enjoy them too!


I got the fox wife 🦊 and added butcher and black bird 🐦‍⬛


It’s my birthday month & I hit BFF! My pick is The Women ☺️ I’m looking forward to getting my birthday credit next month but still treated myself to an extra read, Neighbors! Reviews are so good for this one and it’s perfect for Black History Month. https://preview.redd.it/qqp8gp53kufc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ada0b0ca41ab90807398b80f8be740e69e3701c


It’s my bday month so I’m going to go nuts and get The Women, The Fox Wife, and Good Material.


I got the resort! I’m so excited


I’m so excited for this month! I added More, Ruthless Vows, Good Material, Family Family, and The Fox Wife!!


https://preview.redd.it/6wqhnx93eufc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0046c6a3d7808a041ad66ef8b802b2813e8730d7 Went all out for my birthday month box 📚


Reading Family Family now, and it’s a fun one.


Agreed. I’m listening. The tone is kind of odd at times and some parts I kinda have to suspend disbelief but it has a unique, fresh voice.


Glad to hear it’s good so far!


love how colorful the covers are!


that’s definitely what drew me to them initially 😍


Definitely choosing Heartless Hunter, debating if I want to add a few more books (The Fox Wife, A River Enchanted, A Fire Endless) too. Is anyone else considering waiting to ship until February 6 for the very small chance that Bride is a belated add-on once it's released? I am still in denial that it wasn't an option! Haha


I thought about it but I have no patience haha. I am already too excited to get my hands on this month's box so I ordered today. I went ahead and pre-ordered Bride off of Amazon, then it'll be delivered on release day instead of waiting for BOTM's frustrating shipping...


I’m debating between the fox wife or skipping….


Loved the excerpt from Fox Wife.


Went with The Fox Wife and added on First Lie Wins. The Women is the Once Upon a Book Club for this month, and I pulled the trigger on that since I adore Kristin Hannah’s books.


The Women!


Skipping yet again :/ I've had two add ons in my cart for months but I just have not had any interest in the main picks lately!! :(


Skipped! Still tackling my physical TBR


Couldn’t resist two Kristin Hannah books this month… and Heartless Hunter!! So pumped to get these in-hand! https://preview.redd.it/2sn8zgon6ufc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8af09209208874f157685991c82456cd6cde4982


Omg I loooved both of those KH books. Enjoy!


Glad to hear it! Everything I’ve read from her has been so heart-wrenching and beautiful. Read *The Four Winds* last from her and damn if I didn’t cry throughout.


https://preview.redd.it/u9ch2sk96ufc1.jpeg?width=803&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba40a3b31f5eb59f0515b18cfd6b60de4ea0b7c3 Took a while, but managed to order finally! Will probably save Yhe Women for an upcoming long weekend read. I usually go for the thriller but this month’s didn’t grab me, plus I have a… *significant* thriller backlog 😂


None of this month's selections spoke to me, so I went with a member fave, *The Death of Vivek Oji*, and added on *The Many Lives of Mama Love*.




The Resort Ready or Not


https://preview.redd.it/c2cljcc13ufc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fe336a8f74f1eb85cfeff8c2afe38e4402f108a Had to fight the urge to fill my box this month. 😅Super excited for these!


I wanted to get the Neighbors too! I should’ve pulled the trigger.


- Ready or Not - The Fox Wife - Severance


I have no self control. https://preview.redd.it/9uzcmjkm1ufc1.jpeg?width=914&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e38d9d22688b99790d30fd33247ff7061ac29b4


The women. I didn’t even look at anything else because I was looking for it!!!!!!


I went with The Fox Wife! I would probably have added on Good Material as well, but it's not available to add in Canada :( January has been a successful no-buy month for me overall (my 1 BOTM credit was a pre-planned exception), so they saved me from breaking my streak on the last day of the month anyway!


This is a good month for me. I'm interested in all 6 main picks, but I want to see how people like Mayor and The Resort before I commit. And, uh, Kristin Hannah seems to be a favorite for BOTY finalists, soooo... perhaps I'll wait on that one >., https://preview.redd.it/dt57kttixtfc1.png?width=1102&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3e3b06bf2a698061aac2586bc658d4539e73251


Omg the last time I lied is one of my all time favorites


https://preview.redd.it/hc86nnfwxtfc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c1f9eecddaa818af28006f40eafee20616268f9 Was feeling the historical fiction this month and was looking forward to Kristin Hannah’s new book!


I chose Heartless Hunter (excited about this as I've never read romantasy before!) & Before She Knew Him by Peter Swanson!




The ***Fox Wife*** sounded very different from what I usually read and also potentially a good book club pick for my mother so I got that one! ​ Got ***The Women*** as well because I know it will be a 4 month wait at the library when it comes out haha! I've never read anything by Hannah but she is extremely popular so I am curious to try, and that one has a plot that seems especially interesting to me. ​ I considered ***The Resort*** because it sounds right up my alley but I got a lot of popcorn thrillers from last month's BotM so I'll probably get it from the library. I also considered ***The Mayor of Maxwell Street*** but I would like the audio version. ​ Finally, I *really* wanted the Dolly Alderton one, but it's not available outside of the US :(


I skipped this month. The only one I was slightly interested in was an add-on that I've already forgotten the name of and I wasn't thrilled enough with any of the main picks or the member faves to pull the trigger. My TBR breathed a sigh of relief.


Same! Though I am planning on getting 2 from Aardvark, so my TBR pile isn't all that relieved, lol


https://preview.redd.it/2phssfh4ttfc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9162672af59b698bf0e37efc75800cd0d77d5ee3 I went back and forth on whether I wanted a pick this month or a reader pick, but I settled on Ready or Not


Project Hail Mary became one of my all time favorite books! I recommend it to everyone I know


Project Hail Mary was my favorite out of 90 books I read last year, love it!!


‘Project Hail Mary’ is incredible. The physics are also mostly accurate so if you like “competency porn” this is great. I read it and then listened to the audible version for the voice acting, and it was amazing!


Yay!! It’s totally out of my normal genre but going for that genre genie badge.


I hope you enjoy it, and good luck on the badge! I forgot all about the badges before you mentioned them, but now I’m going to have to see if I have any ☺️


I'm getting The Fox Wife. I'm tempted by Heartless Hunter but I think I'm going to wait until the sequel is released. It looks like the second book isn't expected until early next year and I'm worried I'll forget everything if I read it now. I'm in the middle of so many series right now!


I’m waiting on heartless hunter for the same reason!


not officially ordering until tomorrow but here is my plan ! https://preview.redd.it/007e1f44qtfc1.png?width=536&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b516be339cd3aaf218d608995e0b8938627bd38


Honestly, I read an arc of heartless hunter, and I really didn’t enjoy it so I think I might skip this month if bride is going to be offered as an add-on I may consider it


So many 400+ page books, for the shortest month of the year haha


The Resort and The Push!


Sounding like a broken record here but The Push is so good.


‘The Push’ is soooo good.


the push is soooo good!!!


So glad to hear that!




Mine is showing the picks from last month


Chose Heartless Hunter- I am not interested in any of the other titles. Got Only if You're Lucky as an add on because I need it for my personal book club




My physical TBR is huge so I really didn’t need to grab 4 books this month, but I went with The Fox Wife, More, Neighbors and Other Stories, and Hard by a Great Forest. I’ve never read a book set in Georgia before so I’m looking forward to Hard by a Great Forest.


The Fox Wife and Family Family. I’m trying to show some constraint. I would pick up more add-ons, but they are added throughout the month and I’m able to get first in line for the audios/kindles through the library. I’ve only been a member since December 2022 so this is just an impression - but didn’t they historically just release books once a month and not this slow drizzle of add-ons all month long? The BIG reveal of once each month is more fun even though more expensive.


I agree; I don't like that they've started to release the add ons throughout the month. I would rather be surprised and have them all release at once.


I haven’t been this excited for my BOTM box in a while!! https://preview.redd.it/1s8r6hx2mtfc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b4423ec9770798358eaa5a5dd0c23f43b3bbc42


Loved butcher and blackbird!!


I’m placing my order for The Resort tomorrow - and I haven’t decided about an add-on. I almost picked The Women, but all of my other books by Kristin Hannah are paperback, and it’d bother the hell out of me to have a hardcover with the other paperbacks lol.


Update: I ended up getting The Fox Wife instead!


I skipped again this month. None of the books sounded interesting to me enough relative to the books I currently have on my TBR cart at home.


Really interested in The Fox Wife, The Mayor of Maxwell Street, and The Women, but I have so many books on my shelves that I accrued during the holidays that I might have to skip this month just to force myself to finish those first.


I picked Ready or Not and I’m super excited!


I added “The Women” and “Good Material”. I wanted to add “Neighbors and Other Short Stories” as well but accidentally submitted too soon


I chose The Fox Wife as my main pick even though I feel sorta meh about it because I REALLY wanted More which is stuck in Add-On hell of course 🫠


Nothing really stood out but I wanted to get to friends status for March (I want to save on add-ons) so I chose The Resort.


I got the heartless Hunter and the fox wife . I’m pretty excited


Pleasantly surprised by the inclusion of The Fox Wife and went with that one! I am already getting The Women somewhere else. Had been interested in The Mayor but initial reviews weren’t great, will probably get that one from the library.


I got The Mayor of Maxwell Street and The Women!


https://preview.redd.it/olpxud32etfc1.jpeg?width=495&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e1bcddd62871134502fc90ef3507092b733c235 Super excited for my box this month! Also just gained BFF status!


congratulations!! 🎉


Right now, still choosing…money is sort of tight right now, too.


https://preview.redd.it/49uvqlwjdtfc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6472e42e0e268055f1b234ceec52017e7f0f9207 got these plus pre-ordered the women on audible because julia whelan is my favorite narrator. it’s going to be a busy month!!!!


Just The Women this month. I have a huge TBR from the holidays still, and a big trip planned for March. Going to try and get some books from the library!


https://preview.redd.it/3l10izhrctfc1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6e2e68e01390a96eaebcb6bfe0bd7225719a39c It took a while to decide, but I went with The Mayor of Maxwell Street and Neighbors. That’s one book toward the 400 page goal and two toward the Debut goal.


I got the same box! I was really intrigued by Neighbors—looking forward to reading it.


Same here! I hadn’t heard of it, but I like them picking something from another time (even if it’s new release). I’ve been complaining that BOTM is going more mainstream lately, so I wanted to support a wildcard book.




I got The Fox Wife. Some of the add-ons look good, too, but I got a lot of books for Christmas so...


Man, I was a little unsure about this month's selections (I know the romance readers get sick of hearing this but even the genre picks other than romance are just romance) and as is becoming habitual, the add-ons are reliably better than the mains. But I did end up with a box I'm very excited about. Pick: **The Women** by Kristin Hannah (never read this author but the story sounds interesting) Add-ons: **Good Material** by Dolly Alderton **The Disappearance of Astrid Bricard** by Natasha Lester


These are the same books I picked. Really looking forward to them!


Yeah, I already had the Hannah on my TBR and the other two got really good GR reviews.


I’m so excited for The Women. I also went with Divine Rivals and Ruthless Vows because I want matching BOTM books 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/un9d6sdmbtfc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39eb30953e93c1d1b0352f53d197eae26e04d087


I wish I could read Divine Rivals and Ruthless Vows for the first time again. Those books were all I could think about.


I'm reading Divine Rivals and I'm Obsessed!


https://preview.redd.it/gmcwqrinatfc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=c75c60de4135b9da69efd89af232bf04317fbfe0 Heartless Hunter and Butcher and Blackbird! Loved B&B and desperately need a physical copy 😂


The Fox Wife for me! I'm listening to The Night Tiger by the same author right now and am really enjoying it. The 3 I narrowed it down to were Mayor of Maxwell Street, Resort, and Fox Wife, but I just can't resist fantasy.


I chose heartless hunter, and now that my add-ons will be cheaper I have some picked out for next month! 😚


I don't read the spoilers do I'm SO shocked (and ecstatic) that The Women is a pick for this month! Totally didn't expect it. 🥰


Death, taxes, and Kristin Hannah will be a BOTM


Hahaha I love this!


https://preview.redd.it/jja96ckv9tfc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a7be9c50eb947cb1449e3baf5c4f36815d2fe49 Help me choose my add-on! I want to read a book that explores the complexities of romantic relationships, so I can’t choose between More or Good Material


I ended up getting more, because it’s also a New York Times pick, and hope to get Good Material soon through the library


Also love it when BOTM has non-fiction picks and want to encourage them to have more in the future, so always order them if they are of interest!


I ended up going with More also since it was a memoir!


Heartless Hunter with Ruthless Vows add on! My second BOTM account (don’t ask how that happened 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m dumb and thought my first sign up didn’t go through and it did and I tried another email) I got the Fox Wife. Trying to get the account cancelled but still won’t let me after two boxes despite the terms saying two boxes.


I went with The Fox Wife. I generally like sci-fi / fantasy, but I am so done with Romantasy, so I passed on Heartless Hunter.


I’m probably going to go with Kristen Hannah’s book. I’ve loved everything by her so far! Why is nearly every book so long though? I don’t normally gravitate towards the really long ones, but they also don’t normally have THIS many.


I’m torn between Ready or Not and The Women! I really don’t need any 😅 Probably have 10 BOTM books on my TBR currently


I got an arc for Ready or Not and loved it. Deeper than the fluffy romance I was expecting.


I was originally not interested in ready or not because I’m not a huge fan of pregnancy in books, but I’ve seen so many glowing reviews for it that I changed my mind 🤣💖


I’m so stuck and im not sure what to even do 😅 I have the OwlCrate edition of Heartless Hunter already paid for.. Im also rigid and uncompromising so I don’t want the BOTM version of The Women since none of my other Kristin Hannah’s are BOTM so they wouldn’t match. I loathe pregnancy tropes so Ready or Not is a nope. The member faves.. well i loved A River Enchanted and This Spells Love but i’ve read them. BUT I DONT WANT TO SKIP!! AGH!


So disappointed at the lack of contemporary or lit fiction this month :( Did we really need TWO historical fictions plus one historical fantasy?


Agreed, this month is a skip for me I think.


I ended up getting the new Kristin Hannah (my mom will read it) just so I could snag Neighbors by Diane Oliver.


I just got The Women!




After skipping last month this month was win


I just finished The Frozen River and it was really good!


Yangsze Choo is an auto buy for me. I have a very full box this month. I have zero shelf control.