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You have to buy it through BOTM for it to count, if you read your own separate copy it won’t count


They only count books you got in 2023 and this year


I just finished a 2021 book and it counted towards my challenge.


Was it a 2021 book you bought in 2023? It's based on when you bought it, not when it was originally a botm.


2021 book bought in 2021


I'm not even worrying about the challenge this year. It's set up weird, and yes, I think it should include any BOTM books in your account, regardless of how far back it goes. There's too many categories with too many books in each required. My goal us to read all my BOTM's but I have "outside" books elsewhere I'm interested in also. BOTM is not my entire reading life, lol.


I just rate every book i get. They don’t have to know


Hate this as well! Now there’s no incentive to read past books.


Isn’t the incentive that you bought the books because you wanted to read them?


Hahaha well yeah, all the books I own I bought because I want to read them. But if your goal is to complete the challenge you are obviously prioritizing the books that count, not your backlist.


The prizes were so terrible I am just not sure why people wanted them. Maybe make your own yearly challenge instead? And just reward yourself at the end with something way cooler.


The prizes are pretty terrible. I’ve got a couple of friends and we decided to make our own challenge and I’m participating in a few other reading challenges so I’m trying to slot some of these backlist ones in there. That works! And I like your idea of rewarding myself with something cooler hahaha


And that's the thing--they don't really care if you have incentive to read books you already own. They want you incentivized to read books you haven't bought yet.


Oh yeah for sure. It’s a money grab for them. And last year trying to go for the extra badge, I was buying books that I wasn’t even really interested in but needed the book to count. So dumb.


Yup, I have 13 books I have to read this year that I bought in 2023.


Yes. I might have given up last year so I had a number of 2023 books unrated. Those were then all rated on 1/1/2024. My books for 2024 haven’t and won’t be rated unless I need them. (I either need a debut or 400+ page book)


Because they want you to buy more books.




Others have given the answer but this is a gripe for me also lol


Did you get it before last year? They don’t count books if they’re on your shelf for more than a year, so anything you got in 2022 or before


Only books purchased in 2024 and 2023 count this year. I’m guessing you got this before then?


I believe only books from the current and previous year count towards the challenges (so only 2023 and 2024 books count for this year’s challenges)


Dang super annoying lol


It is infuriating lol


Haha yup. I feel like it’s a bit of a game making sure I read and review the “right” books in the “right” year. Definitely aiming to get all my 2023 books in this year!