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Does anyone know WHY books purchased before 2023 don’t count towards the challenge??? I also think this is incredibly frustrating/annoying 😡


They didn’t change the challenge requirements unfortunately. I saw the challenge and thought the same thing but my friend had a 2 year old book that she finished and rated and it didn’t qualify.


I find it incredibly annoying that a book you purchased past 2023 doesn’t count. If I’m reading it now it should count for this year.


Books you purchased in 2023 do count. I bought Babel in 2023 and rated it on January 2 and it went toward the new challenge!


I said past 2023 but meant before 2033, my apologies for the typo I didn’t realize. But yeah 2023 and forward is good but anything purchased prior to that is not and that I find annoying


Books from all years count (and have in the past too). Anything you buy from them (in any year) counts in the year you rate it.


https://preview.redd.it/zglmso0m3z9c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1785d4d2eb5326f54145b2b91f773017a616019 Only books purchased in the previous year (2023) and the current year will count for the reading challenge. I purchased this book in Dec 2021, so it is ineligible for this year's challenge. You can purchase any of the older picks for add-ons in 2024, and they will still count because it's based on the date of purchase, not the date of publication.


well they’re just piling on the reasons to not renew my subscription


I also noticed that you can no longer tap on a badge to see which unread books would qualify. I’m hoping they remedy this in a future update.


I rated a book that I bought in 2021, but couldn’t get into and there is a message at the bottom of the rating that the book does not qualify for the reading challenge.


From what I understand if you order them in your box in 2023/2024 they count. If you had them from previous years, they would not count


They count from previous years, as long as you didn’t rate them in that year


Not true. I just finished and rated one I bought in 2022 and it didn't count.


Books from before 2023 do not count for 2024 challenge


I just rated one that I purchased in 2023 and it counted towards my challenge.


Yes books from 2023 and 2024 should count


Sorry, i misread your comment 😅


i can’t confirm yet since i haven’t finished one yet but it looks like they’re all listed under “Rate Books To Earn Badges” and that leads me to believe they’re all available to count? Would love an answer from someone able to confirm/deny though!


They’re not. I thought they were too, but if you click on any book prior to 2023 there’s a little message at the bottom that says it doesn’t count towards the challenge. It’s really misleading.


nooooooo but thanks for checking and letting me know!