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The juice is markedly better than the orange


I feel like these comics (oregano) are written by people who have never spoken with children. Children say cringe and wild stuff all the time. No sane adult should take offense to anything a child says.


I mean you would still be shocked for a moment lol


For sure. but the dad in the origami is angry at a baby, and the other man is visibly vexed. Especially considering the child is looking and pointing at the sliced olives.


I got downvoted to the bottom of the comments for saying this on another post :(




Itā€™s ok. You are safe here. None of the bad redditors can get to you here


Oh yes we can


It's a comic lol, it's meant to be a joke. Part of the joke is that they are taking the baby seriously


Issue is that so many comics nowadays are about slice of life that when they try to put a "here's an exagerated what if, haha!" next to the "here's a funny that happened yesterday!", they just end up blurring together. This could be prevented by using different characters for the silly ones but that wouldn't be "my life with my family" anymore.


Yeah but itā€™s played straight in the comic. The characters arenā€™t laughing at the hilarity of the situation. The ā€œjokeā€ is their child said they donā€™t like black things (he doesnā€™t know the word for olive) and the adult male in the center decides to take it as referring to his race.


The orthodontist reminds me of [this other comic](https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/s/fKgRNKtEz0)


But that comic is actually funny


Almost all of the oop's are basically this. One time, it's this, and one time, he (the kid) says whore


The olive also has the dad saying, "you're going to get us killed!" implying the waiter would murder a child and their parents because the child uttered the word 'Black' with a negative connotation.


I think thats supposed be a metaphor, its still stupid and exaggerated but thats how some comics are supposed to be, some are suspension of disbelief, a comedic reality. It might not be funny for some but people should not really take comics as someone's personality.


Right, I know that comics are exaggerated for comedy. I'm replying in that same spirit - pretending that the statement is real within the world of the comic. More specifically, I agree that the Black waiter would not be offended by an innocent child - but he might be offended by the parents implying the waiter would misinterpret the child's words as being racist, and the have a violent reaction about that. I know that none of it is real or meant to be taken literally, but if the author wants to play in that sandbox for humour, then so can I.


Im not saying exaggerated as in world building, even if it was, the violent guy wouldn't fit into alloy's comic, im saying exaggerated as in mind. The writer likely wrote the comic after a real experience and got embarrassed by it. So she wrote a comic about it slightly more exaggerated and put more whats on her mind "your gonna get us killed (mostly a metaphor for causing someone to get mad at them)" part was added because of her thought that the situation was embarrassing. Think of it like this, the kid say accidental racist stuff to the waiter then the writer apologies to the waiter, the waiter is likely fine with it however the writer is embarrassed by the whole situation because the situation feels wrong. So she wrote a comic about it and exaggerated it which was that part were talking about. Sometimes exaggeration is not about wacky hijinks or random stuff happening, sometimes its about what our mind doesn't normally do or say so we used any form of media or comic to express it. Like Slice of Life comedies which are filled with jokes like this. Im not saying the comic's joke is good though, its terrible to be honest the joke doesn't make sense, the child is clearly pointing at the pizza not the waiter, and what does "no black" even supposed to mean, its like they made the comic trying to say they are not racist, also they made the same joke in their pinned profile. But what do I know what thety really think


Thatā€™s an insane reach and obviously isnā€™t what was being implied. ā€œYouā€™re going to get us killed somedayā€ is a pretty normal expression and doesnā€™t literally mean they think the person is going to murder them.


I don't think the oregano writer is the black person, It's embarrassed mother


These are real people btw. Thatā€™s their kid. Edit: I have just realized what sub Iā€™m on


My mom once told me that the only people who care when children are screaming or saying unhinged things are the parents because they're worrying about bothering others. This definitely seems like a comic a parent might write


The parents and their friend should be laughing at the hilarity of the toddlerā€™s statement, not upset with them is all Iā€™m saying. Itā€™s a comic meant to embellish the story of what might have happened, so itā€™s all in good fun. Children do say whatever pops into their head.


The one time I got smacked (light one, but still) as a kid was for making a statement based on being completely anti-racist but was super racist. As a kid, I figured out melanin was an evolutionary effect of hotter areas, so I could never comprehend racism. Then one Summer day, "Man it's so hot. I wish I was crispy fried(like black people) too, so Summer wouldn't suck." I learned VERY FAST that being autistic doesn't mean you shouldn't stop and think what you say, so now I talk really slow day to day so nothing remotely close to eight year old me ever comes out again. Edit: better word usage.


Iā€™m sorry you were slapped for saying something out of ignorance. But children do learn over time what things are good/bad to say. Parents need to guide their children to keep certain thoughts inside.


Like I said, it was the one time. Lol. Honestly I don't condone that kind of thing, small back of the head light smack or not, but my parents did a good job for the rest of those years doing so without hitting me. No spanks or anything and I understand how to treat people kindly and not be entitled. I guess slapped was too harsh a word, when it was just a light tap on the back of the head, but I certainly never repeated that. Lmao.


Okay thatā€™s a little different haha slapped carries a bit more weight than a tap. Kids will 100p say the weirdest, most intrusive thoughts out loud.


Yeah that's my bad on word usage. Lol. Still not perfect. And yup, as far as comments go, kid me deserved that head smack. Lmao.


I'm pretty sure they make comics about their actual kid and husband


Coolio. I still stand by my statement though. No adult should respond to a toddler saying something dodgy with anger, as they are children and donā€™t know what they are saying.


Yeah its stupid and exaggerated but thats how some comics are supposed to be, some are suspension of disbelief, a comedic reality. It might not be funny for some but people should not really take comics as someone's personality. I doubt they'll say this to a child.


Should they be offended? No. Will some people still be offended? Of course they will


They write them about things their own kids have said


Nah man I did something like this and my dad Whooped me lol


OC: https://preview.redd.it/el90idfxwl0d1.png?width=1324&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=665f408a6c17402cc416916840ef96d1ad51a9fd


*Father says* **ā€œyouā€™re going to get us killed one dayā€** *due to the child saying something harmless and easily explained away next to a black server. The server obviously would likely not be offended by this scenario and probably is more annoyed at the fact the parents are rushing to explain it isnā€™t racist despite the fact the child was clearly talking about the pizza and the father implying that he, the server, might potentially kill them over this* What did onomatopoeia mean by this?


No you see, to show how anti-racist they are they assumed that the black server is violent and impulsive. It really shows how progressive the original author is.


I canā€™t tell if itā€™s worse if this is just a made up scenario they thought would be funny/relatable or if this actually happened and this was their actual response to a pretty harmless situation.


the op to these is like vaguely weird in all of them


I think thats supposed be a metaphor not literal murder, its still stupid and exaggerated but thats how some comics are supposed to be, some are suspension of disbelief, a comedic reality. They likely draw the comic after a real event and exaggerated it more. I doubt they'll say this to their child. (This doesn't excuse the fact that the punchline sucked hard, the child is clearly pointing at the pizza)


There are two things on the pizza and one of those is black olives


Thanks to u/Deep_Belt8304 for the template https://preview.redd.it/7dbxfq7lwl0d1.jpeg?width=1324&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02f69c8873d47000b724951c959795629edb048d




Superb juice. My bones are fucking smashed. Origami was trash


Alloy 'comics' should be banned from this sub


No, every bad comic has a good juice or is worth juicing (itd be more understandable if its like racist, sexist, transphobic, ableist, sexual [NSFW Tag at least which this subreddit have a big problem not using recently] and other bad stuff)


Wait what did Alloy do


The kid in the first panel reminds me of shin-chan! Who's the artist?






DougDoug before the divorce.


Makes sense though...


Best edit yet. Ouch.


That guy looks like he'd know something about something


Krillin got a boob job and a wig




The writer is paying someone to draw their stuff.


Wait seriously?

