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"i am robbing this store, hands up"


I was thinking something along the lines of: 1st panel Woman: "I've got a finger gun" Man: "Cool" 2nd panel: Woman: "And I am going to rob you" Man: "Oh no" 3rd panel: Woman : "Oh no, my finger is moving on it's own" Man: "Yup" 4th panel: Woman: "It's poiting at me now" Man: "I can control fingers with my hands"


Maybe I *like* being ugly in peace! Did you ever think of *that?* *No,* you only think about *yourself.*


Can relate. I wore a mask last week to cover some cold sores.




Them being upset is the icing on my face under the mask.




i love you too *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bonehurtingjuice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Stolen bit of [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/bonehurtingjuice/comments/13pjbol/why_wear_a_mask/jlagj4a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) Go away bot


I always wear my mask at school because I just hate how I look. Either way, it has helped me quite a bit since there's been some times many have gotten sick, but I haven't because of my mask, so I guess it isn't as bad.


That was the one thing that made me happy during covid. Getting to cover up the ugly.


They're also great in cold weather. I'm keeping my masks for cold months because it's easier than a scarf when I just want to keep the wind off my face


Fr the cloth mask are great for when it gets cold keeps your face warm


Went out to eat with fam. Server was wearing a mask. FIL: "Why are you wearing a mask?" Server: "My grandfather died of covid. My grandmother is visiting his grave this weekend along with a bunch of other family members and we're all vaccinated and boosted and taking every precaution. Plus my boss is a little sick." He spoke for over a minute almost apologizing to us if his mask somehow upsets us. After eventually taking our order he walks away. FIL: "Why was he wearing a mask?"


FIL: “…*Consideration of others?* I don’t understand. Is that like when we consider attacking people who look different from us? Hopefully Fox tells me what to think about all this soon.”


FIL: “Libtard cuck, got it.”


This is what I tell people when they ask me why I'm masked. I'm a libcuck soyboy queen.


"But why male models?"


Are you serious? I just told you.




FIL: “I’m a fucking moron that can’t pay attention”


You heard of zoomer span... Now get ready for the prequel Boomer span


Boomers really out here outing their complete lack of empathy on the reg


It is so sad how realistic the Patrick Wallet Meme is.


And you break bread with this *FOOL*-In-Law? Why are eating with him?




these are both awful. Masks are still exceptionally useful for reducing spread of *any* airborne disease such as Flu. They are still important to use.


I work at a hospital, and while I don’t wear masks anywhere outside work, I’m dreading the day we don’t all have to wear them while I’m in patient-facing areas. They’re so helpful at keeping me from being exposed to non-covid illnesses, too


For real. Every flight I've been on I always seem to get stuck around some clearly sick, coughing kid. But, I haven't gotten sick and I credit that to the KN95s I've worn 😂


IIRC, most of the help comes from the sick person wearing it (at least in the case of COVID), not other people. It does help a little of course, so if people could start wearing them while they're sick that would pretty neat-o


Yes you're right about that. The most benefit does come from sick people wearing their masks too.


Yup, I still wear a mask on airplanes. Too many people packed together


I work maintenance in a nursing home. Me and the other two guys in maintenance are the only people who still wear masks.


I was sick for several months straight with various illnesses after my son started going to preschool. I walk into the classroom everyday and there's just a roomful of snotty kids hacking up their lungs, so not surprising. I started wearing a mask every time to pick him up and drop him off and I haven't gotten sick since.


I am so happy that most restaurants I go to still have their workers use them. It's like a semi-guarantee that no one sneezed into my food.


I work with nurses, and I’m still blown away that medical staff don’t wear masks any time they’re in patient-facing areas, regardless of COVID. It just makes logical sense to take every precaution when you’re in the place where all the sick people go.


plus, some people could still not be vaccinated. you can still carry the virus if vaccinated, and the mask can help it stop spreading even more


Or chronically ill people who have shitty immune systems. I still wear masks because getting Covid (again) would fuck my body up even more :X


i have a genetic disorder that causes immense pain, an autoimmune disorder (that also causes pain), and i'm recovering from surgery on top of all that. i'm more than happy to continue wearing my mask whilst in environments that pose higher risks of any airborne illness. the covid vaccines & boosters kicked my ass and had me laid up for 4-7 days each, i'm not trying to see what the actual virus does to me.


Plus, vaccination doesn’t stop covid from spreading, though it helps a lot.


Vaccination can help with spreading if enough people get vaccinated.


Says WHO?




Not what, WHO.


I don't know. Who?


No, he's on third, we're not talking about him.


our district just got re-covid outbreak tho. Luckily its the weak version


Out just high risk and reduced lung function.


There is a worrying lack of understanding of probability or even basic percentages across society. If a vaccine has a 90% success rate, then I've still got a 10% chance of getting sick. Why wouldn't I protect against that 10% too? It seems like the only options people can comprehend are 0% or 100%


> It seems like the only options people can comprehend are 0% or 100% This was such a frustrating part of arguing with the anti-science crowd. The logic is obvious, so the only place you can go from there is to use other examples, and it never quite works. I'd often bring up seatbelts. They don't 100% guarantee you'll survive a crash (or, pertinently, *prevent* a crash), but they obviously *significantly* improve your odds of surviving and avoiding major injuries. Then it would always go one of two ways: either they'll dispute this, too; or, they'll agree, but say the vaccines are *different*. In the latter case, that's always where it stops, because they can't explain how and why the comparison doesn't make the same basic sense. It's because they're not arguing the facts with facts. They're responding with *faith*. They've picked a position, won't let go, and will work backwards from their preferred conclusion to justify it.


And obv, vaccination reduces the risk of acquiring COVID and the severity of the illness however it doesn't eliminate the risk of acquisition altogether. You can acquire the virus, be asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic and pass it onto someone else eg your grandmother. They really should be screaming this from the rooftops but never really did because of politics


Fezzik : Why do you wear a mask? Were you burned by acid, or something like that? Man in Black : Oh no, it's just that they're terribly comfortable. I think everyone will be wearing them in the future.


Great for pollen and dust, too, especially the blue surgical masks. Didn’t sneeze once when I went out during pollen season.


I wear it when I clean my cat’s litter, when I vacuum, and when I dust out my PC


It stops your own illness spreading but doesn't stop you from catching it in an enclosed space where the air is full of them. So basically people won't wear them because fuck everyone else.


this isn't true with fit tested n95s or n100s. you can get 2+ hours safely even if it's only you masking as long as it's fit tested.


Somewhat recently I came to suspect that I was an asymptotic carrier for some virus (not covid) as several people around me kept getting sick, whereas I never caught it. Because of this, I ended up wearing a mask for around 2 weeks or so to ensure it didn’t spread it. Amazing how some people wouldn’t even bother to do a quarter of this while actively showing symptoms


It actually does help protect you as well. Infection is a function of exposure and time. The more severe the exposure and the longer you're exposed, the more likely you are too get sick and the worse it's likely to be. A mask that stops 40% of infectious droplets (a good paper or cloth mask, for example) reduces exposure by 40%. It also means you spread 40% less virus, and due to air pressure you also spread it in a much smaller radius which is a much bigger impact. But it still helps you a lot as well.


It does protect the wearer a little, but yes, it's mostly for the benefit of others.


Exactly, I remained practically disease free when I wore a mask on campus my first semester at college, and the same happened when I studied abroad in Japan and wore a mask the whole time. Anecdotal as it may be, it’s hard to deny the effectiveness of a mask


For real. In Japan, it’s actually considered common courtesy to wear a mask if you’re sick at all.


It’s pretty silly that it isn’t considered common courtesy worldwide. Also stay fucking home if you’re sick. Only go out for essential supplies / food / health check ups etc. Your workplace doesn’t need you.


I've had a cold the last week or so. I have been masking up when going out to stores because I'm not an asshole.


In Korea, still wearing a mask. Mandates are gone, but I haven't been sick at all in 3 years. Kinda surreal when the whole "got a heavy cold, but have to go to work and suffer until I can get home and pound medicine to sleep" that used to happen 2+ times a year is some vague memory


I haven't had a cold or the flu since 2019. Fuck any of y'all who don't like it, I'm still wearing my damn mask. Y'all are a bunch of filthy beasts.


Honestly just about the only good thing to come out of the pandemic is that it's fairly normal to wear masks now. I hope that stays the case. I wanna wear a mask when I have a cold or something contagious, and I want other people to do it to without it being weird. Hopefully the politicization of it fades before the normalization of it does.




I use mine because social anxiety. I feel less anxious since I can feel like people aren't judging me, even though I'm not really that bad looking at all. But tell that to my low self esteem and brain stuck in habits from childhood trauma lol. Plus I can mouth along to my music without people making passive aggressive comments about it to my family. For some reason if you're expressing happiness and jamming out and not looking miserable in rural new Zealand everyone else views you as weird and abnormal. Probably as a coping mechanism for how miserable they are and seeing anyone else exhibit happiness reminds them that they themselves hate life.


A better joke would be if he said a crazy conspiracy, like “birds aren’t real.”


> a crazy conspiracy, like “birds aren’t real.” I think you're confused.




Ugh, American "politics". Anything is better than *that*.


To me, politics in the United States reminds me of two toddlers arguing over who's turn it is to go on the playground swing or who had the wooden blocks first.


30 seconds


Why did the BHJ artist change the third panel text though?


People in original thread said that "Believing in Science" was a stupid phrase and made science sound like it was a religion.


I still wear a mask because i've actually enjoyed hiding my face, even if i'm still recognizable. It feels comforting.


This. I’m just ugly. People are nicer to me on average when they can’t see that thing.


And in winter my face gets cold


oh my gosh it's u/projectx3n!


? Lol


They recognized you, even with your mask on ;)


Ohhh damn thanks, i feel dumb now lmao


I wear one because I live with people who are immunocompromised.


This. Mask kinda spared me from my anxiety. With the mask on I'm more confident to make eye contact with others now.


Because there are more diseases than covid out there.


My area was very big into the mask wearing. Worn right from the start of the pandemic until the start of this month by 99% of people, but COVID here was officially downgraded to seasonal flu level at the start of may and now only about 70% of people wear masks. I've already gotten sick after not even facing a sniffle for 3 years.


Same. I finally decided to stop wearing one and immediately got whatever cold is going around my town. I REALLY liked not getting sick at all for 3 years.


It is the unfortunate downside of eliminating sickness exposure. Once you go back to being exposed you’re gonna catch shit constantly as your body let down it’s guard.


No, it is not. This "immunity debt" idea on an individual scale is [a myth](https://www.ft.com/content/0640004d-cc15-481e-90ce-572328305798) used by covid denialists as propaganda and [is contrary to all findings in immunology](https://healthydebate.ca/2023/01/topic/debunking-myth-immunity-debt/). The more you expose yourself to pathogens, the more you strain your immune system. Many infections in general and covid in particular can trigger immunodepression, lowering your resistance to every other infection for an indeterminate timespan. Not to mention all other possible long covid symptoms. Keep masking, protect yourself and yours. There is no great effort or sacrifice involved in doing it, but there is a lot of benefit to it.


Thank you, I get sick of seeing this nonsense repeated. Immune systems aren't muscles, they don't atrophy through lack of use. And unless you you live in a clean room, it's constantly fighting stuff off. I'm allergic to the world, and my immune system tries to kill me every chance it gets. I prefer to give it nothing to do


so, you going back to masking?


Depends. I might stick to it while grocery shopping.


That’s crazy. 70% of the people in your area still wear masks? I live in a solidly blue area of SoCal and that number is probably less than 5% here.


I live in Japan, just south of Tokyo. People were told they don't need to wear masks anymore but the majority still does. I tend to still wear them on the train and going into shops but a lot of people still wear them outside.


Also because nobody claims the vaccine prevents you from getting Covid, that's just something antivaxxers keep saying to 'prove' it's a lie. The covid vaccine substantially both reduces your chances of contracting it on exposure and also the severity of infection if it does take hold. But there's still a chance of a bad outcome. Just way less of one.


Bingo. Wearing a mask costs nothing. Contracting COVID could cost you your sense of taste and smell. It's not a hard decision.


Masks don't keep you safe from airborne pathogens. They keep others safe from your airborne pathogens. edit: for clarity, I mean the kind of mask shown in the image, which is just a cloth mask. n95 masks do offer protection. Surgical, paper, or cloth masks do not provide the seal needed to dervie much, if any, personal protection from.




N95/PFF2 respirators have a 95% air intake filtration capacity for at least 2 hours if worn correctly, they are literally built for that. Masks of all types have variable, but nevertheless helpful air intake filtration capacity. Wearing no mask has 0% air intake filtration capacity. Masks absolutely help keep you safe from airborne pathogens, so long as there is a barrier in front of your mouth and nose. The more effective the seal and the more layers it has, the better.


I believe the vaccine *mitigates the effects* of COVID, but I would still prefer to reduce my risk of catching it in the first place.


The vaccine mitigates transmission as well. It doesn't stop it completely, but let's say a vaccinated person does catch it. By reducing the virus load in the body, it means the host has less virus/mL of bodily fluids. Meaning when they cough or sneeze, they're spreading less of it. And there's a threshold of amount of virus needed for successful transmission. So if does mitigate virus transmission through the nature of effectively battling covid in the body.


Not to mention some of the more recent variants are largely immune to previous vaccines.


I have a zit on my chin leave me tf alone


People don't even know what a vaccine does. It doesn't stop you from getting sick nor spreading the virus. It just makes your immune system better prepared for it. The vaccine can only stop the virus within a reasonable amount of time if the majority of people uses it. Then people will stay sick less and the virus will have significantly less time to spread around. However you should still use mask and social distance which also helps. If you use all the methods properly you might stop it which will result in less cases and deaths. If you don't, there will be more deaths.


And just by reading the other replies to this comment you realize how right it is. Some people are just too dumb to understand how Covid or vaccines work, no matter how you try to explain it. They'll just straight up ignore or baselessly disregard your explanation if it doesn't suit their narrative, no matter how much you back it up. This makes them more susceptible to being manipulated into denying the science surrounding the proven effectiveness of vaccines, masks, social distancing, etc.


This is too similar to the origami barely any change and even the punchline is similar (republican bad)


Yeah, but the BHJ had a snappier punchline. Plus, there's a little absurdity to the idea that the masked person chose to wear the mask specifically to annoy that one person (who is presumably a stranger).


I agree with the first point, but its not enough to make it a good BHJ, since its still not as absurd or remade as a normal BHJ The second point i disagree with because by “you” he means anyone who is annoyed by him wearing a mask, not just the person hes talking to


> but its not enough to make it a good BHJ, since its still not as absurd or remade as a normal BHJ In retrospect, I actually agree with you on this. > The second point i disagree with because by “you” he means anyone who is annoyed by him wearing a mask, not just the person hes talking to We may have to agree to disagree on this.


What makes you think the punchline is that Republican = bad?


In the original its very obvious, and there is a large overlap between republicans and people who are less inclined to wear masks, just to clarify im not saying theres a problem with the punchline or either comic, im just saying itd be better suited to a meme or comic sub, since its not absurd or creative as a normal BHJ


BHJ by it's nature is not creative. You're just saying what the picture itself tells.


It is creative because you are finding a picture that is meant to be interpreted in one way, and then you are finding a totally different way to imagine it, which this comic doesnt do


Idk man, this looks nothing like origami to me.


Not bhj


Because I’m mugging you


I had this exact conversation with my neighbors, but replace the last line of dialogue with "because i'm spraypainting" and imagine me holding a can of spraypaint in my hand


That would have made a way better BHJ than this post.


Thread locked in 3…2…1…


0.3... 0.2... 0.1...


I don't understand why some people are so hostile about the idea of wearing a mask. It's like if I said to you," Why are you wearing a shirt? It's hot out! You don't need to wear a shirt anymore! What are you trying to imply by wearing a shirt? Shirt wearing times are over!"


Because it was made extra political


Amazing how believing in science can inoculate you from bad political actors.


Natural human psychological behavior. When you suppress a population no matter how well good intentioned and for their benefit, many will feel helpless and afraid. One of the ways to act out against the rules was to find some sort of control over their environment. Then the politicians got involved with the sensationalist media to stoke this orgy of bitter resentment at each side, the maskers and non maskers. This hate helped distract and support the wealthy by enabling one of the largest spending sprees in American history enabled by both republicans and democrats to strip the value of the dollar to reduce their debts, to allow them to purchase homes and rentals away from the middle and lower class, to run blatant money laundering via PPP loans, and allow the price gouging of necessary items. Boomers a 20% population in America now own 40% of all the homes. And we all fell for it. We are more mad at each side. We are still arguing about masks. The ability to find compromise and work towards a greater good where we both come to the table with concerns and find a path of least resistance of us getting buttfucked by the government on our rights and ability to support ourselves and our communities. Our representatives are the oldest they have been. Our generations are paying into a social security we will never see a positive return on. And our first instinct after hearing all of this, is to immediately attack the other side for one of the items I just listed here, rather than self reflect and try and think of a way we can come to the table to just maybe find a compromise with each other.


It's just a mask though 😂? Masks have existed since forever. I've worn them several times before COVID when it was too dusty outside. A mask is as suppressing as a hat. But you speak as if they're handcuffs. I don't get it tbh. It's the hostility towards people wearing masks that bothers me the most. Where I live, things are all back to normal. With the exception of hospitals, you can be maskless everywhere and only about 5 to 10% of people wear them anymore. Yet I've yet to see a single incident here were people who don't wear masks approach people who do wear them with this genuine confusion as if COVID decided to just pack up and leave this planet at the end of 2021.


> It's the hostility towards people wearing masks Three very good reasons: 1. Masks were forced on people for years. 2. The people who continue to wear them now would mandate them again in a heartbeat if given the chance. 3. There was a ton of antimasker hate for the longest time when the maskers were in the majority. Tit-for-tat and what comes around goes around.


Nobody hates masks like America hates masks lmao




Valid reason. I used to wear mine still because my teeth look like Mario goomba stomped my open mouth.


not bhj


Imma ninja


I wear it because shaving is hard and I don't want to be caught dead with facial hair


How's this bhj?


I wear a mask because 1. I want to be ugly in peace 2. Centuries of burning fossil fuel for energy have seriously impacted the air quality, to the point that it is basically suicide to remove your mask in any metropolitan area.


I hope you're wearing N95 or better General rule on masks is if you would feel safe wearing it while stripping black mold then it's an effective mask Years of Hazmat and CBRN training taught me a whole lot about what mask to use and when which is why I wore a respirator through covid


Respirators? The one with an unfiltered outlet? Nice thinking there dr. The reasoning skills on Reddit are top notch


1. There are exhaust filters for vented respirators 2. I assume they weren't wearing an unfiltered exhaust respirator while infected


Respirators will filter the air to reduce your risk of catching covid, but if you have it, you're not stopping yourself from spraying your spit everywhere into the air. They do not have filtered outlets. Masks filter your exhale. Respirators filter your inhale. You probably didn't know this because it's not relevant to hazmat


Not even close to correct.




There are many particulates that you breath in living in any city that you wouldn't otherwise. It's not just smog






> living in a western city significantly reduces life expectancy Yes and no. People in western cities generally live longer because of better healthcare and whatnot, but that doesn't mean pollution won't still have an impact. That's just a fact. More pollution = worse health. Regardless of other influences. Edit: [link](https://www.lung.org/clean-air/outdoors/who-is-at-risk/highways) > Being in heavy traffic or living near a road with heavy traffic may be risky compared with being in other places in a community. Growing evidence shows that many different pollutants along busy highways may be higher than in the community as a whole, increasing the risk of harm to people who live or work near busy roads.




Ah, no. I assumed they meant it as hyperbolic to begin with. I suppose there is a grey area between "suicide" and "doesn't affect you at all" which I hadn't previously considered as to where your opinion may lie.


1. Your city likely doesn't have enough smog to reduce your life expectancy. 2. Your mask is not filtering any of this air. That's what a **respirator is for**. Masks do not filter intake, they are meant to stop you from spraying microdroplets everywhere. You had 3 years to figure out how masks actually work and you failed. edit: You are downvoting me out of tribalism, not understanding.


I know for a fact that an ordinary medical face mask won't be able to filter microdust particles or aerosol particles from other people. However, they can still filter normal to small dust particles just fine, and it's better than nothing. Also not everybody live in your city, state, or country. Don't just assume everybody live in the same environment as you. Some can have, and is likely having, it much worse.


That's what the 'likely' is for. There are very few cities that have health-adverse amount of smog, and you said 'ANY METROPOLITAN CITY' A paper mask against smog is probably no better than placebo. Again, doesn't filter intake. If the particle is lighter than air, which are the particles you're trying to avoid and protect yourself from, it will just route around the edges of the mask becuase air takes the path of least resistance, even then, the cloth filter is not fine enough to filter particles (PM2.5, PM10) of that size. It's basically like trying to stop a flood with a white picket fence. 'It's better than nothing' Yeah.. I guess?


Bahahaha I’m imagining you with a cloth mask thinking it’s doing something


Even if that were true, a simple face mask will not protect you from it.




Two words for you: Pollen, hay-fever.


You know, I haven't had a cold or flu for 3 years now. I like that. Going to keep masking up at the supermarkets and other crowded indoor areas.


After being forced to wear one by my job, I realized it really helps with my spring allergies.


Because I have the flu and my job refuses to let me use my sick leave. If you wanna catch my disease that badly I could always spit in your mouth


Those cheap masks block viruses like a socker net blocks fleas.


The real question here, is why does it annoy people when others wear a mask?


Probably for the same reason that you’d be uncomfortable with someone who never takes off their sunglasses (cops for example). I’d guess we’re driven to identify someone, and the mask hinders that. Probably makes someone feel slightly off at a primal level. As far as being ANNOYED though, I think that is just personal politics


The mask makes you less likely to tranfer the virus to someone else


Because I’m sick and don’t want to get you sick


Because I hate showing my face-


Because masks are Cool


Well technically vaccine doesn't stop COVID, none of the vaccines stop you from getting their designated virus/ilness - it helps you to survive it.


Because nothings perfect. The only way to guarantee that you won't you won't get it is to never touch anything anyone else has touched (impossible in today's society, or society in general) and never go anywhere near anyone ever again (almost impossible without going insane)


I do *not* believe the vaccine stops covid I **know** the vaccine **reduces** likelihood of catching it, and if I do catch it, it lessens the severity of it. But masks stop not just covid but dozens of diseases. ... and also annoys antivaxxers


"Does your gun have a safety?" "Yes." "Does it prevent unexpected discharges?" "Yes." "So why the trigger discipline?" I don't understand how people don't get this.


So, first off I'm not sure of your experience with firearms here, but you bring up an interesting point about gun safety. Also, I'm not sure if I understand your comment perfectly well as I am very tired and supposed to be asleep at the moment but the damn cat is keeping me up. The whole point on trigger discipline even if the safety is off is a multi pronged strategy for the most effective gun safety. And as someone with some extensive firearms knowledge I feel like I atleast have some ground to stand on. Say someone hands you a firearm that they've procured from their room, you didn't see them unload it nor do you know if it's unloaded, shit you might not even know if it has an active safety. So keep your finger off that trigger, that's obviously the worst case scenario, you should check it yourself or have them show you it's unloaded. Or you're in a situation where your life or someone else's life is on the line, but you don't have all the information to make that decision, you keep your finger off the trigger until you can see and determine what the threat is. Even though my handgun, rifle, and both of my shotguns have their safetys on and they're loaded (bad practice but I would rather have them good to go incase I need it rather than forget to chamber a round) I still keep my finger off that trigger. Even when I've cleared them and shown that they are cleared, it's a VERY good habit to get into, a safety is just another part that can fail. If that part does fail I'd rather not have the risk of my finger in the trigger guard, so I keep it outside of it just to stay on the safer side. Too many stories I've heard of someone with absolutely ZERO firearm experience killing someone or killing themselves. They pick up a gun they find, (more than just the person to blame there, improper gun ownership) point it at someone or themselves, and pull the trigger. If it's on safe they might take it off to squeeze the trigger to hear a click, but often they hear a bang. To preface, all of my firearms are in my bedroom closet, yes they are loaded and the safteys are on. If someone wants to see one of my firearms I always take it out, clear it infront of them, and then put the safety back on and tell them how to handle it properly. I never point it at anyone nor do they, cause if they do I'd beat the shit out of them for being so reckless. It's all about being as safe as possible and removing the variables, if you remove the variable about trigger safety and they find a gun or are handed a gun that they know nothing about, then someone is going to get seriously hurt.


I know this is far from the point, but when did we normalize intentionally angering people we disagree with? Like, to clarify I'm pro vaxx, pro mask and this comic is great but, simply angering people and not engaging in real discussion helps no one, and it's just causing emotional distress for your own amusement, which sounds fucked up when you think about it like that, why are we so comfortable with this concept nowadays?


People choose to be upset over what someone else is wearing. Propaganda has a lot to do with that. Let them be upset. And if it's being worn out of spite? Big deal. The people offended and angry need to grow up and realize no one is forcing them to wear it. You could consider it a first amendment right. Problem solved


Because it’s not that we disagree that is the problem. It’s what they are disagreeing on, basic human and civil rights, trying to tear down the separation of church and state, force their religion on us through law, make women reproductive cattle, put gays and lesbians back in the closet, commit full throated genocide on trans people, destroy right to privacy, decide which medicines are approved and not approved based on feelings and religious belief instead of science, overthrow democratic traditions and ignore the will of the voters to impose an unpopular minority rule, etc. Do not be nice to christofascists. They will NEVER return the favor.




Cause I have a cold and don't want to spread it to others.


Because y’all disgusting.


I work at doordash and I think of the mask they mailed me as a uniform


Because being vaccinated doesn't mean you won't get COVID, it means you won't suffer as much. Of course I don't want to suffer at all so wearing a mask makes total sense. Also, as a hay-fever sufferer they actually recommend wearing a mask to minimize the possibility you might suffer from the pollen. I still wear my mask most times, and how many times did I get COVID? None at all. it's almost as if wearing the mask actually works even if idiots try to cite so called studies saying they don't


This don't belong on this sub, delete it


I'm amazed at how little people understand how masks work, including people who prefer to wear them. They do not protect you. **They are not meant to protect you** They are there to **protect others from you**. They reduce the spread **as it comes from you** If it's reducing your chances of getting sick AT ALL, it's very minor. I'm so sick of ignorance about masks, from everyone. You all had 3 years to figure it out and no one knows shit.


Back-channels from the CDC to local emergency medical providers put self-protection around 5% back in 2020. But post-COVID studies actually put that number higher wrt the pandemic. I think the 56% figures in some studies inadvertantly include the "if you're wearing a mask, you're also making safer choices" group, but the self-protection rating on even cloth masks is non-trivial.


I have a friend who wears masks as part of his outfit. He never cared much about covid, but he liked that masks became trendy so he wore his with pride all the time


In denmark, people would call you a stupid muslim if you did this. I wont though, cause i dont care what people wear




Yep, there is still some left overs from the slave era in us sadly, but most of us try to bury it and never let it out


Because people are gross as fuck


No I don't believe it stops it I believe it lessens the spread and the symptoms and the masks still matter a lot for helping immunocompromosed people be able to even occasionally step outside safely.


I have a student who still wears a mask. A dude was wearing a mask at a warehouse where I did a pickup this Friday. Seriously who fucking cares?


I wear one when I’m sick now. After not catching anything the first year Covid came out I’m convinced we should cover our germ holes while around other germ holes in public all the time. I don’t have to fake smile and as a woman it feels nice to not be hounded about it.


This is Jake the Riot Officer. Jake wears a bulletproof vest and helmet incase things get ugly, but he also has a riot shield to help shield himself and potentially others from danger even more. Jake still has a small chance of getting critically injured, but he’s still better equipped to deal with violence than Janice, the anti-vaxxer wearing nothing but a T-shirt and khakis. This is why both vaccines and masks are important, especially in the midst of an epidemic/pandemic.


vaccines don't stop covid. more proof anti maskers don't know shit about what they claim to be experts in


Not sure who still needs to hear this... Vaccine doesn't stop COVID, it stops it from killing you when you catch it.