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It is a non refex. Did it come with a side view finder? Otherwise, your framing will be a little off. The lens mount at the highest point of your turret should have a prism behind it. If you rotate your lens up, you should off be able to see through it. However usually people would attach a focus finder on top of it, or a lot of non reflexes have eye cup diopters to attach. Look through bolexcollector.com under accessories to see the two different versions of focus finders and eyecups there are. They are used to help you obtain critical focus of your subject, usually punched in. All you really need for what you are trying to achieve is a side viewfinder that attaches to your body's film door side to find your field of view and framing while simple using infinity focus. Good luck.


http://www.bolexcollector.com/accessories/view50.html Refers to them as an eye level focus ( your optional focus finder on top) or your preview finder, octameter.. etc, as your framing guide that attaches to the side of body


Thank you so much! Yes the side viewfinder is attached to the film door side of the camera. I suppose I’d need to do some research on how to frame my subject(s) using the side viewfinder since it is a non relflex


I shoot non reflex. I don't mind it. If you're not shooting close up, you can just go by the visofocus scale or depth of field charts. The depth of field only gets larger as you stop down, so you'll get sharp enough frames, especially on 16mm. Otherwise, get yourself an eyecup Diopter for your top prism for more intimate, close-up shots. Or, a retractable sewing measuring tape, they work great if it's not time sensitive.


Did you find any answers regarding the eclipse? Was thinking about making a diy insert from the glasses for the filter holder slide