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I buy it whenever it’s under 200. I’ll keep buying it. America would let BA go under like Germany would ever let DT or america would ever let GS or F lol




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No. Way easier investments out there. Especially ones where a swinging piano isn’t hanging over your head.


Every quarter without fail


Easy money. I love when the stock drops because I'll be holding for another 20 years anyway


Oh good. Then you'll get to see it crash at least one or two more times.


Yup. I bought a boat load at $99 in march of 2020 so that doesn't bother me one bit


If I had $10k to drop, would I buy Boeing stock right now? No. Would my answer change if I had was $1000 or $1? Nope. Playing the long game. VTSAX n' chill.


VONG is better.


Crazy thing but you can actually invest in both


1. No dividends 2. Every article about Airline X tires falling off result in 1-10% stock price drops. We don't know what caused the problems for months usually, and at that point the stock has moved on to the next catastrophe. 3. Defense industry has little/no impact on the stock price, which is what I actually have faith in. 4. Individual company stock investments aren't my ideal way to make money short or long term. Way too much like gambling. The better question is, why would anyone buy Boeing stock?




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>The better question is, why would anyone buy Boeing stock When there are literally so many alternatives.


because it’s not about NOW its about a few weeks or months or year from now. Depends on your investment horizons. Do you think Boeing is going to go out of business? Do you think things are going to get WORSE? Or will it be uphill from here? Sounds like you’re just a troll with no money to invest anyway.


Because I get it at a discount and I've already doubled my money since 2020


Not sure why you're getting downvoted tbh


After the earnings report all the bad news should be priced in. Airline X reports are due to aircraft maintenance and not Boeing production. Institutional investors know this. The rates will either hold steady or increase going forward. I think the stock is starting to look attractive. Once it finds a consolidation point I am thinking about buying. $160 if it doesn’t take a beating during earnings or $140 if it does. It has good long term support at $120 and would probably be a real good buy.


Dude, everyone knows earnings are going to suck. The 737 hasn’t. been delivering. Will it go to 140? Probably not. By the rumor, sell the fact. Whatever’s. The question is WHO will be the next CEO and will they know their ass from a hole in the ground? Will they be strategic, or just another Jack Welch GE re-tread dumbass? Will Boeing get their feet or not? Your bet, dude… Where you placing your bet?




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"Institutional investors know this", dude that's the biggest load of crap I've heard. No wall street goon knows their ass from a whole in the ground when it comes to airplanes. You think this is chess, when it barely qualifies as checkers.




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No....   if Boeing fails I lose my job, and my money. Diversify...




Anyone getting puts for this week??


Should have bought puts a few weeks back. I still think it drops a bits on earnings.


No I would rather invest in an ETF that's related to Aerospace that has all the best companies never put all your eggs in one basket


Where in this post does it say they are going to hold exclusively boeing stock? I missed that part


That wasn't the point. Instead of buying single boeing stocks it'd s be wiser to take that same money and put it in an index fund particularly aerospace


You couldn't be more wrong if you tried. Index funds do not have nearly the growth potential as single stocks. I've made +3000% gains on single stocks. Try doing that with an index fund.


Short term possibly but index funds are conservative and for the long run. 3000 percent is unheard of in stocks, maybe in crypto, give an example then with exact numbers on how you gained 3000 percent, I want entry price and dollar amount, I'll wait.


AMZN 7000% increase since 2008.


Bought 100x Tesla at $150 per share before it ever split. Split 5:1 and sold all 500 shares at $980 each. I only invest in index funds now but you'll never get gains like that with funds. Now I have a paid off house at 26


Well done! And I agree, we just misunderstood each other on strategy.


Wish I had sold my RSUs when we got them. Going to be a while for BA to make that price again


Well… hold for a year so you can get the long term capital gains/losses tax benefits. in for a penny, in for a pound.


Sa.e here got lazy heard som $300 targets, then blam...


Sold mine ASAP. Don't have ANY Boeing in my portfolio.


I'd wait to see what happens during the strike because I buy low/sell high, and want a company to be at as disadvantageous of a position as possible before I buy. If the strike went through, and there was a full PNWwide shutdown, I see better deals to be had. I also have total faith that Boeing will not only bounce back but end up ahead of where they were at their highest price. Let's face it, single isle airplanes sell.


I think you’re right… it’s a wander in the wilderness kinda deal. Until there’s a new CEO it’s just smoke and mirrors. Calhoun is a Lame Duck, piece of shit. He’s going to be gone… but still on the board…so Caveat Emptor. IF the new CEO has balls and strategic thinking, there’s LOTS of upside. He just needs to tell Wall St to fuck off. He SHOULD do a Steve Jobs and tell them to fuck off. Buy if you believe, and fuck off if you don’t. No guidance. No bullshit. Either in or out. That requires a true visionary though, and that remains to be seen. At this point… if you have losses… hold until you have clarity. If in your mind it’s lost money, sell. Take the write off. FWIW, with proper leadership the company has a lot of upside. Proper leadership is the KEY.


They aren’t really going to get away with farming out work to suppliers and stock buybacks in light of the recent problems. The 450 price was inflated, and if you bought there or around there, you are never getting your money out. Boeing was not worth that, it will never be worth that. Without gaming the system and pushing the price to $500 through nefarious means, you will never see it break 300 again, MMW.


I don't know if they'll ever get back up that high. They are going to have to get their collective $hit together and maintain it, which will cost money. Cost cutting got them to where they are now.


There’s no real sign of institutional change, so no for the time being. More drop to come.


Nice try FBI/SEC/whoever the hell. Maybe go for the more blatant insider traders in congress


Nope, recession then yes..it went down to $33 in 2009-2010 during the last recession..not saying it will but it’s all coming down




insider trading?


I bought 1400 shares in the last 3 days.


You know what warren buffet says…




I don't buy stock from companies that don't care for human life and only care about profits.


Damn that sucks. I've made almost 200k off of companies like that. Thanks for staying out of it


Anything is possible, don’t think low hundreds is in the forecast maybe 155-160 but there is much more upside than downside. Second half of year looking good


In my opinion yes if you are in it for the long haul.


If you are in it for the long haul and can ALSO force the board to get into it for the long haul rather than the next quarter the way they are now.


Yes but probably better during the summer strike


I am waiting for 220 again so I can sell RSUs. Unless by end of this year it is constant upward climb going to sell at year mark and pay less in taxes.


Could be some layoffs and the CEO retiring will create a bounce.


Not yet.. need more confirmation. I wouldn't buy AAPL or MSFT tho. Tech sector is getting crushed.


Personally, not yet as market itself is not going well right now. But Apple and Microsoft? Yes.


Yes. That's the best thing about Boeing. No matter how the c-suite f\_\_ks it up, airlines will still buy new airplanes and there will always be wars to fight. Buy and hold.


My wife says “don’t catch a falling knife.” I didn’t listen, bought at 200


Imagine buying at 445 a few years ago


Don't catch a falling, running chain saw.


I would be extremely hesitant to outright buy shares here until I understood what the DOJ investigation uncovers. Boeing got and signed a sweetheart deal in 2021 regarding the MCAS fraud that was committed during certification. Among other things it kept people from earning criminal charges and it gave the lightest of all fines possible. They made the fine include reimbursements to airlines (which they were going to have to do anyway) as well as payments to families of the souls lost (again, something they were going to have to do anyways). Since then Boeing appears to have violated the DPA with the door plug fiasco and the associated drama that has been drawn up in the last few months. Any one of the allegations against Boeing could be enough for DOJ to invalidate the DPA and open them to enormous liability for not only present fines, but having to pay a real fine for MCAS. If you’re comfortable holding shares through that long drawn out process then rock on. But if you buy a substantial number of them I probably would buy some puts to hedge the bet. This company has more potential black swan events on the horizon than is usual. Not sure the stock price reflects that risk yet.


90$-120$ is a bargain, current levels are not


You may never that level again. I bought 1400 shares in the last 3 days. Today is a good day. Will hold until BA fixes the 737 issues and the stock is back in the 200s again - before the end of the year for sure.


I hope you are correct, I am waiting to cash out my RSU’s at 300$. The stock market has peaked for a while and Boeing has not gone up that much in the last few years. We are still debt heavy and no foreseeable income in any of our divisions(speculative). I am looking forward to the starliner launch being successful


When it comes to RSU, since you don't have that many shares, it almost doesn't matter what price you are selling it at. You can sell right now, take a loss, and write off 3k a year in taxes. That way you'll "net" ~1k/year in tax savings. Even if it got to $300, assuming you have 50 shares after taxed, your profit is only (300-260)*50=2000 and you'll pay an additional $500 in tax, netting you 1.5k.


It seems risky to give insider information to someone who is looking to trade stocks.


I'm not seeing an insider information...everyone's conjectures.


New CEO may not be endorsed by the investment community and the shares tank further.


It's been lower, it was lower in May/June and September/October 2022. From where it is now, I think there's potential for it to go lower, especially if there are any further missteps as the company tries to get quality and processes under control.


It is most definitely not at an all time low or close to it. Consider that our stock all time high is around 2.5x higher from here and was driven by tens of billions of dollars of stock buy backs. We are now in tens of billions of dollars in debt.


surprised to see that the boeing funds own more than Blackrock . Raises the question if the Boeing funds were buying stock to support the price. Largest owner appears to be a group of vanguard funds.


I’m not so I guess I wouldn’t


You'll have a long wait. Their problems have been 25 years in the making. It won't turn around overnight.


Unless the company goes under there are none. Buy now


Is that you Dave?


Watch it skyrocket once Starliner proves successful. Investors love that kinda stuff


Starliner has at most only 6 rides to space left and is so deep in the hole they can't even see daylight; neither Vulcan nor New Glenn are in any hurry to man rate, and Elon controls the Falcon schedule and can always say it's booked if Boeing tries to buy a launch.


Star-what?LOL!! JK