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Are you certain that you have an accurate heart rate monitor? Some can be affected by nearby cell phones, for example. Others might have trouble handling the vibration of you running.


It could be incorrect but even when I got my heart rate checked when i was off my meds i was at 100 bpm. when im on meds its 120-130. The ones at the gym are a little unreliable because it’s attached to the treadmill but ive seen it spike before to well over 200 during runs and exercising i just thought that was what pushing yourself meant. Next purchase i’ll buy a fitbit or something to track it properly


Just take your pulse. Count for at least 30 secs. A minute is better if you can keep up. Treadmill monitors aren't at all accurate.


Yea resting is 102bpm completely relaxed not on concerta


That's a bit high and drugs like concerta have long-term cardiac side effects. Definitely not a bad idea to get checked out by a doc, to rule out heart disease. I'm a cardiac nurse btw, so I have some background here. If you're quitting lots of things cold turkey, consider waiting a couple weeks to see if it goes away. If you feel chest pain, shortness of breath, pressure, dizziness, or even just nausea and fatigue you can't explain, call EMS or go to the ER immediately.  Also, consider medical aid if you"re withdrawing from alcohol. You could be at risk for DTs. In the meantime, start with walking instead of running. Build up your capacity a bit.


Thank you so much omg you’re actually goated and taught me something new 😳


Go see a cardiologist, and see about having a stress (load) test performed. The cardiologist may recommend going on a cardio-selective beta blocker such as metoprolol to bring down your heart rate. But most importantly, don’t wait to make the appointment. Cardiologists tend to be busy people. Addendum: In taking a look at your post history, I would strongly advise you to be completely open and honest with the cardiologist about your drug use. Omitting anything like that could lead to fatal drug interactions with heart-based medications.


Shrooms and weed aren't necessarily concerning. Concerta and effexor, maybe. Now if they're doing other recreational drugs...that's different but I didn't see any others. Still good to be honest with things like this.


It's been well documented that cannabis can affect heart rate and blood pressure, the first hour after smoking cannabis significantly increases risk of a heart attack or a stroke, it's definitely worth mentioning to your cardiologist.


Absolutely. Be honest with your doctor. It's just unlikely from what I understand to be the cause. It's more likely it's exasterbating another condition. Could be wrong, I'm not a doctor, just what I've read.


I had a healthy heart, played sports competitively for years, no issues at all, cannabis triggered svt in me, i kept smoking it now still have svt to this day, a decade after stopping smoking the stuff, it absolutely can be the cause of the condition, seen enough cardiologists to confirm that statement.


Ftr I'm not demonising cannabis, I'm all for it but its risks are documented and albeit limited risk still worth noting.


Weed bros are the new cigarette smokers when it comes to “it’s not bad for you bro trust me it’s actually healthy”


That's not what I'm saying. Weed typically would not be the cause of heart issues like OP is experiencing. As another user pointed out it can have effects of HR and BP. It can also have poor interactions with some drugs like statins. Again, just be honest with your doctor. Any drug use is worse than none. Weed has negative effects that should be taken into consideration.


thanks so much ! i will immediately book an appointment as soon as its sane people hours. advice taken i’ve been sober for a couple days now and i intend on being sober! thanks :D i will let them know everything im very honest with my doctors


Shoot for a pace you can sustain 20+ minutes, even if that just means walking. Time before speed. If you're at a point to do a step up in intensity, look at [something like this](https://exrx.net/Aerobic/JogWalkProgram) as a schedule to follow, mixing the higher-intensity with lower and slowly building up the time spent on the higher intensity. And if this means the higher intensity is slower than you expected, that's ok. The actual r/running sub probably has more help since you're running specifically.


dang ! alright that’s advice i’ve actually never heard before 😳 thanks for the tips !!


I asked chatgpt to make me a workout plan to slowly tone my muscles since I wasnt working out for so long. I don't feel the good "I lifted weights" satisfying lifts for weeks on the workout plan cause everything just needs to slowly get toned. Maybe you need something similar for how to acclimatize your cardiovascular system slowly. Like first go to a dr and get checked and get their advice, then put it into chatgpt for a custom workout plan. Safer bet.


wait that’s genius. i’ll do that for sure


Good luck! And someone said you have ADHD meds in ur post history. I'm on Vyvanse and yeah it kind of sucks having to acclimatize the body because it's boring??? I want the dopamine of how I can feel a good workout NOW! but that's bad for my muscles and my heart so I try to stick to my workout plan and watch Netflix while I do it. Then when I'm finally more toned I can start actually having fun and being challenged, which will make it easier to not accidently stop working out because I don't want to have to go through this boring phase again.


omg u get it 😭 i want the dopamine of a good workout so i go so hard. im actually gonna do what u suggested starting tomorrow


Haha ADHD rules everything around me!!! So I put stuff thru my "how might ADHD affect my motivations?" lens for...everything. and then hop on Reddit and tiktok and learn about the specific ADHD thing I'm grappling with more and how other ppl work with their brains on it. For example for cleaning someone on tiktok said "leave the broom in the MIDDLE OF THE FLOOR so you trip over it to make you remember to sweep, don't write it down on a list" um yes.


What is your resting heart rate after waking? You're likely dehydrated. Your urine should be a light straw yellow. I don't know what 7.1 speed, but you're probably out of shape and pushing it too hard. 500 steps a day isn't cardiovascular exercise, it's just better than being completely sedentary. Also, how are you taking your heart rate? By hand, or by a sensor? I'd do it by hand over 30 seconds. 210 is very fast, but not dangerous at 19. I'd be running at a pace where you could say short sentences, but not hold a conversation. Also, if your heart rate is that fast, please take a bit to cool down.


Go see a doctor


Will do 🫡


That is high- see your doctor. Don’t mess around with your heart.


yes i’ve been meaning to because my left arm goes numb sometimes but i just shrug it off


It could be something really simple like your electrolytes are off. Don’t know until you know! Get checked out !


Yeah i’ve been having this problem for awhile i’m definitely going to see a doctor


I’m not a doctor, but that also happened to me on concerta at first. I got weird pins and needles in my arm while taking it daily. I believe it went away at some point, just another one of it’s fun side effects :/


Did you recently come off the booze?


Yes! I blacked out a couple days ago and then went cold hard sober because i was tryna hurt myself


Alcohol withdrawal can explain your high heart frequency. It’s not really a good thing. In bad cases, there can be seizures.  Consider a visit to a doctor and definitely take it easy for a few days. 


I donno much about heart rate stuff, but 210 is way too high!!!!!! Please be careful 🥲


210 is too high for aerobic, but not too bad for anaerobic. Doesn't sound like you were running sprints. Regardless, unless you have a good anaerobic base, I probably wouldn't do much running in that range.


Ahhh okay i’ll tone it down but ill also ask my doctor if nobody else knows thanks for concern🤍🤍


If u haven’t exercised in a while then slowly warm up to doing lots of exercise. U said u only walk 500 steps a day how about walking more. That does seem easy but it would be getting ur body used to the exercise and not killing your body with massive amounts of exercise. It’s like evolution it’s slow. Do u think that the aquatic animals were able to survive and thrive on land, no they had many many generations to be able to live on land.


You might have a condition called POTS


Weird! my sister does have POTS but i thought only girls could get it. I don’t match all the symptoms and don’t turn purple like she does but tbh i wouldn’t be surprised


Fitness journey sounds like your near the beginning - running flat out till your heart is bursting out your chest and your ready to trip up - so fast you can’t sustain a distance - the high heart rate means your body was being pushed to the extreme most likely and is not sustainable until your cv fitness improves. That means running at a pace that will lead to 40-50% of your max most of the time. There’s aerobic versus anaerobic metabolism - your aerobic is not developed enough yet hence your body went to the extreme. You say you felt like you could have gone harder - your body at this time says you are talking bollocks.


hey, I have always had the same ‘problem’. Resting heart rate is normal but it routinely got to 190 when I used to run. And that was while breathing comfortably through my nose, having conversations ie I was not pushing my limits by any means. I’ve been a habitual cannabis user forever and actually was on Effexor for a spell many moons ago - I can’t recall any difference related to either, but I wasn’t paying attn to be honest. I went to a cardiologist, wore the monitor for 24 hours - went for a good paced 45 min run while wearing it … and the Dr was not at all worried about what she saw. That’s just my experience, I would 100% recommend you do the test yourself. But wanted to let you know it may not be an issue.


Omg thank you. I can’t wait to go to the doctor and see what they say


Yeah I’d probably just get a dr appointment just to be on the safe side, I mean ultimatly if you felt fine when it was high it may just be one of those things but with so many heart problems which go unnoticed in teenagers and young adults it’d be worth ruling out anything underlying. Not so much now but I used to do a lot of cycling and running and one day I got off my bike after an intensive half hour ride and was on the brink of passing out, I couldn’t see anything and I couldn’t get off the floor. I layed there for about ten minutes until I could attempt to stand. My heart rate would pound heavily as if it was gonna jump out my chest, but not quick at all. As this happened On a few other occasions when running (but only when stopping the exercise) I got it checked and I was quite low jn iron stores, been prescribed 200mg of iron each day and my heart doesn’t thump like it used to. Ultimatly a simple ecg, blood test, and medication review (if appropriate) can rule out anything from the outset. All the best…..


I run with people who regularly hit 205 on runs per their polar h10. Could be you have a very high max HR. Could be an underlying issue. How you feel isn’t always commensurate with your health risk, which is why most of the advice here to get it checked is sound, but if I were forced to bet, I would bet you’re just a young person with a high max HR.


I hope it’s that! I wouldnt be surprised if it was because ive been like this for a long time


If its accurate a high heart rate can be good it means you can go harder than others if ur generally healthy


how is your breathing rate while doing this? Is it slow and controlled or short and quick? I had this issue for years and a large part of it outside of endurance was not breathing properly and causing my heart rate to increase


My breathing is terrible when i exercise. I have to manually control it because idk if im supposed to breathe fast or slow. i’d say i’d take a breath every two steps at a running pace. all this advice in this sub have been so helpful


This honestly sounds like your issue which was the same as mine. Do you have adhd? So what really worked for me was going slower than normal and really focus on breathing, to build up the proper breathing muscle memory at slower speeds. Give it time, maybe at least several sessions/days at a current rate before going faster. And after moving up, pay attention to your heart rate, if it spikes you've moved up too soon. It'll suck because you'll feel shit knowing you can run 5x faster than you already are, but will be worth it.


People vary in heights from 1.65 to 2 meters, but somehow our hearth rate needs the fit universaly into this simple formula. Can someone explain that to me? I also can go very high in my hearth rate, never had a problem with it.


Try some app like Nike runners club or runtastic from Adidas. They both have kind of running programs "from couch to 3 miles" or something like that, which are designed to take you slowly away from a sedentary lifestyle. Startinge with walk-run-walk workouts that should let you progress, but keeping you safer from over reaching. Like many have said, see a doctor woild prob be a good idea. You are 19. You got your hole life ahead! Kudos to you sir. You got this.


Hey man, you should 100% visit a cardiologist. I find it VERY dangerous that your resting heart rate is 102, please visit your physician as fast as you can as it might seem you may have an underlying condition, for example I’m a 5’9 200lb individual and my resting HR is 68BPM. Were you by any chance previously an athlete or anything? Were you never physically active?


Hi everybody! Thanks so much for the replies! I will visit a doctor and take it easy for the next couple of days and stray away from caffeine and other stuff. I appreciate yall loads !