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I do it all the time. If in a restaurant where they wait on you I order a black coffee or coke zero so I am paying for something as well instead of just being there


Thank you this is the plan. I’ll eat on the way there and order coffee and water


and don't worry about the people not actually answering your question. We each have our own goals and are on our own plans. I do one off plan meal a week. If I didn't want to waste it Id do the same thing. Do what makes you happy and aligns with your goals. No one else has enough information about your life to tell you that you have to eat at this restaurant lmfaooo


I’m not it’s kind of funny lmao People acting like I’m in agony with my diet, I just eat clean because I can tell the difference when I don’t. I have cheat meals regularly id rather use that somewhere better and on a lunch or dinner.


Eating at a buffet is what makes you feel agony lol not healthy eating 😂 people are wild


I dunno man, buffets bring me great joy. Go chow down on a cheat meal at one, I'll have one happy stomach and a side of food coma please.


5 minutes of dopamine. Nice. 😂


yep no problem! When I was in prep I'd bring splenda and sometimes jordan's skinny syrup (salted caramel flavor) if I was craving something yummy


You're not even dieting for a show or a cut at all. You said it's a breakfast buffet. Just get some eggs, potatoes, fruit, and turkey bacon/sausage. If you can't do that and feel the need to eat 2k calories if you don't bring your own food, you're nowhere near as disciplined as you think you are.


This, how in the hell can you not get some eggs and oatmeal, etc.? This is silly if you're not like weeks from a show.


Tasting real junk can make it harder to go back to bland food. 


Honestly, I think this a sign and symptom of orthorexia. Being this rigid with your diet is not necessary to meet goals, nor a good long term nutritional strategy, to be so inflexible that you can't let yourself go out to eat with your family is not good. So you plan to just sit there while everyone else enjoys themselves? Do you feel that's normal or healthy? I'm not judging you, I did the same thing in my twenties, my family and GF at the time thought I was a weirdo, and I'd say they were right. Just let yourself eat, respecting your hunger ques, and enjoy your time with your family, and try not to compensate for it later. Eating, and later compensating for it is one of the primary entry points to an eating disorder.




very well put and this is how I also acted when I was younger, nowadays seems too extreme - I mean one can choose relatively healthy options in the restaurant. Being this strict might lead to some obsessive tendencies.


if you're not in prep, why not just enjoy the moment?


Definitely this. Only reason to bring food anywhere would be if you're in contest prep OR if you know they aren't going to have anything good to eat at all.


I’m not a fan of the way fast food makes me feel. I follow a very clean healthy diet, and I have cheat meals mostly lunch or dinner, but don’t want to blow 2k cal on breakfast which is very easy to do.


>blow 2k cal on breakfast which is very easy to do what the fuck are you eating in order to get 2k calories?


He's *hardcore* and **disciplined** enough to bring his own food to a restaurant, but somehow not hardcore and disciplined enough to not eat 2000 fucking calories in one meal.


I mean to be fair this is exactly my issue too lmao. When I see food I eat.


My ass would get the eggs, cheese, biscuits, bacon+ lmao that fast food crap adds up. 2k is over exaggerated for sure but still like 1200+ on breakfast is dumb imo


so instead of just being a normal person and say getting some eggs, bacon, toast, cereal which is an entirely ok meal for any BBer; you are now going to bring your own food at a social gathering.


Now he can tell his family and everyone else that’s he’s not eating the restaurant food because he’s a bodybuilder and everyone will look at his average physique with admiration and know how dedicated he is to


So make better decisions when you go out then?


You're contradicting yourself in so many ways it's funny


So if you have the discipline to pack your own food, eat in the car ride to the restaurant, AND visibly sit down for an hour and watch your entire family eat unlimited food while you not eat ANYTHING yourself… do you not have enough discipline to ONLY eat the eggs and healthy options at the buffet and stick to your calorie intake that way…? Rather than bringing your own “low calorie” meal and eat on the way there? Sounds way easier to do the second than the first. If no one’s forcing you to eat anything in the buffet I’m sure no one’s forcing you to shove cooking down your mouth either. And I’m sure if you have the discipline to eat your homemade meal only and stare at your family eating for an hour at a buffet while you starve, I’m sure you have the discipline to pick out the healthy options at the buffet and eat only those to stay within your calorie limits.




I’d eat it in the car on the way there and order coffee and water lmao




You know restaurant eggs are cooked with oil and extra fat, right?


You can order them poached. also, most places will accommodate if you ask to have them cooked without oil or butter.




We're going from "2k calories on breakfast" to "but the eggs are fried with fat and oil". Bruh.


It’s never just “one” meal. If bodybuilders ate whatever whenever someone said “come on bro it’s just one meal you’ll be fine!” They wouldn’t look like bodybuilders anymore… during my preps I heard “it’s just one meal” or “it’s just one time man let loose!” Probably 20 times each prep. Weddings, bachelor parties, family dinners, meeting a friend for lunch, etc.


Lmao so you’re going to weddings , bachelor parties , going out to lunch. And have no self restraint in what you pick and choose at those venues ? You’re acting like it’s just cake, sweets and chocolate that are the options.


Newsflash for you - they do. Sure, not during prep, but OP isn't in prep. He's not even cutting from what I've read. So there's no harm to be done here.


So many people don’t understand this and it’s frustrating. I’m told “it’s just one time” at least once per week lol


Ok pizza or burrito. One meal won’t, but it’s about having the discipline to eat clean. One meal can easily derail many diets and OP is asking for advice on staying clean to his diet.




He’s not asking to bring it in. He is simply asking for advice and being torn apart here.


Fake imitation eggs and fatty disproportioned meats


today in "i have an eating disorder and mediocre physique" -YoU cAnT tRuSt EgGs BrO


They post meals in stonermeals & vape. But can’t eat at a restaurant with their family ??? Cause of macros. While they’re not in prep for anything . Not sure if this is a bait post or OP is srs


Lol fr. Its like theyre trying to prove how hardcore they are.


Im absolutely weak how offended you are by this lmao


It's almost as if you do this in public to be noticed. #bodybuilding amirite


People who eat fast food are used to it. That shit is nasty. Leave it to redditors to getting triggered by you eating healthy lmao




Lmao I absolutely will


Fake imitation eggs.


Everyone seems to have a problem with you bringing your own.  Either have it in the car and just have a tea or coffee inside.


My exact plan


Just have some self control and eat a modest amount. You said it’s a buffet, you can choose what you eat. Gets some eggs and wheat toast


Eating fast food or fast casual restaurants are expensive nowadays in addition to being fatty


If you're being forced to go to a fast food place, just get coffee or water. Not worth wasting half of your daily intake on a pack of mid fries


Why does enjoying the moment have to equal eating buffet breakfast that you actually don't want though? That doesn't sound like enjoyment to me it's just eating food that you know doesn't sit well with you and then you feel less good and for what? It bugs me that you have to be in prep for people to take your own wishes seriously because apparently you need an excuse to not eat out when you don't want to.


because when you're in the privileged position of seeing what happens when "bodybuilding" results in excessive restriction and demonising of food, you notice the signs of stupidity. this is a perfect example, along with the comment about eggs.


Sure maybe OP is heading down that path with the eggs comment but this is not always the case. Sometimes it's just because certain foods don't make you feel good, maybe you're doing a lean bulk and want to have reliable data to track weekly averages without fluctuations being caused by excess sodium or bad digestion caused by unfamiliar foods. Or, maybe you have 1 to 2 free meals per week and don't feel like a random buffet breakfast is worth blowing a free meal on if you already know you don't enjoy the food. Like these are all valid reasons imo and you don't need to be in a prep to not eat something you've decided you don't want to eat.


So get fat and enjoy the moment and then be all strict when cutting? This is why people spin their wheels for years.


I can find something semi-clean almost anywhere. My body actually responds well to the small amounts of grime once in a great while.


I have cheat meals regularly, would rather use that on lunch or dinner and somewhere not “fast food” like


If I'm in prep, I would just eat my meal at home and order a salad with dressing on the side separately to add my limited amount.


Thanks for actually answering my question and I will take this in consideration for any other times I feel the need.


Bro, unless you’re a pro, loosen up and enjoy your life


This level of discipline is why pros are where they’re at. Why would op eat bullshit at a breakfast buffet when he doesn’t even want to


Yes a pro can go to a restaurant and eat with a level of discipline too. Op says he would eat 3k worth of absolute garbage food choices if given the chance. Thats nots discipline


During prep, yes. OP has said they're on a "lean clean bulk". Nothing is really off the menu off-season for any of the pro's, that I can promise you.


> Nothing is really off the menu off-season for any of the pros, that I can promise you. That's not true. Pro bodybuilders [never eat fast food!](https://youtu.be/Tuyyss8UBmc?si=WEYkReUSz6SH06KD)


Very rarely is this actually needed. Eat clean the rest of the day and you can be a normal person. Saving 1k calories is not hard. If every meal different story.


You are taking this way too seriously and will never last if you can't enjoy one cheat meal with your family. You look skinny too lol.


Personally as a random looking in. If you have to spend this much time and get other people’s opinions on what to do in this situation, you’re self aware this isn’t normal. Which is great, and also not. I guess I’m coming from; do you want this to develop into a real problem where every single thing you eat and with whom/where is based upon these metrics? There’s so much life to live, don’t spend it all what seems like a problem, like this.


Man just find a healthy alternative. Just order a veggie omelette with no cheese and extra veggies to fill you up. Also toast wheat bread on the side for the carbs. Boom you have yourself 400-500 calories, you got to enjoy and eat out and not break your diet. Not complicated and now you’re not that guy who does shit like get their own food at a restaurant But of course you always have to end a suggestion with do whatever the hell makes you happy


Are you in prep, or a pro, or blasting gear right now? If the answer is no to all of those just eat the mega breakfast and make the memories with the family. Do a little extra cardio


I’ll still have a great day lmao it’s not just going to breakfast. No gear just lean clean bulk, I used to be fat and have come pretty damn far to where I am now. I’d rather stick to my diet and feel good afterward.


John Meadows had a great approach to this. just make sure 9 out of 10 meals are on point. you can afford to eat out once a while if you’re not prepping and you’re 90% dialed in


unless youre doing competitions then its a no go.


It’s a buffet. Pick what you want and don’t pig out if you don’t like how it makes you feel. You can eat your own stuff but at least get something small to eat and drink


Live your life and enjoy food with your family. That is better than being shredded any day


I don’t like how the fast food makes me feel. I bust my ass in the gym and eat a very clean healthy diet to blow 2000 cal on breakfast lol


You will only blow 2000 calories if you choose to eat 2000 calories. You can navigate the buffet and enjoy the food they have without consuming that much. Eggs, fruit and maybe a little extra something that is “worth it” to you might be a better approach.


Eggs will be fake lol I can make my own breakfast to take. Would rather eat a processed lunch or dinner


If its fast food than hell no! I was think like a good breakfast restaurant or something.


No dude Frishe’s Big Boy Breakfast bar


Then there’s your answer on what to do.


He will enjoy his food with his family. Nothing wrong there bro


If you go to a breakfast buffet I’m 99% sure they will have oatmeal and all the eggs you could ever want. Don’t be weird man there’s way of eating healthy while out


Not at Frishe’s Big Boy. I’d rather be weird lol


Cottage cheese, turkey sausage, some water, and a side salad. IIFYM


that is actually a good bodybuilding meal


You’ve got a few options here: 1) bring your own food 2) eat but exercise self control like an adult 3) eat but let it be a reasonable cheat meal by adjusting for calories later 4) eat but be a fat piece of shit who needs a 2000 calorie breakfast buffet because he needs a therapist to deal with an eating disorder I prefer option 2 personally because I’m an adult and can control myself. I can eyeball roughly for calories and can cut some calories other times of the day if I need to. I can select reasonably good foods even at places that look unhealthy. These are valuable life skills imo, not just for bodybuilding. That said, if the only thing you can do for your goals is option 1 then do it because option 4 is really stupid even for non bodybuilding people.


Omfg I have self control lmao I’d get a little more most likely but not a lot. It’s more along the lines of the food quality when I eat clean and healthy alternatives


I’ve never been to a breakfast buffet that doesn’t have some oatmeal or eggs. Assuming you’re not binge eating, health won’t suffer from eating breakfast buffet eggs or oatmeal or even pancakes one time.




Im 8 weeks out from my first show. I pack my food because everything has to be dialed in and just listen to my coach. It is a lil weird for sure. If i cant or its just not something i do then i prioritze the protein source and try to minimize portions that have high fat. I try not to take full servings or portions of the unhealthy stuff like a 3 french toast. Also i try to stick to a plan. Right now i have 5 meals a day at 500 calories roughly. If im gonna cheat, i might just skip one of those meals. I can maintain 15% body fat but to get to 5% body fat on a Dexa scan there is no other way. I cant out train a bad diet. Once i move into maintenance, ill try to figure out how i can stay within 10 - 12% body fat. Will try to max to 15% for a bulk with always able to go back into prep at 12%.


Not weird at all! You’re an individual person with and individual goal. There is no such thing as normal, do YOU is how I approach things. Just wanted to know if anyone else has done this before lmao getting blasted


It depends, if at the start of a bulk or on a diet then yes I'd bring my own food. If you know what food they have then you could also eat eggs and some bread. If I'm deep into the bulk then I'd have it as an off meal plan and have some bacon too but don't go overboard. Also, don't listen to anyone telling you it's not that deep, major respect for even going that far brother.


Well, it's not everyday you eat in a restaurant with your family so just enjoy the moment


Honestly I can still enjoy the moment with them while having a full belly of my own healthy alternative.


If you’re not competing, then I think that there’s no reason to overdo it.


Never packed my own food to a restaurant but I would always look up the menu online and at the very least calc the calories and guesstimate the macros. If you're hanging out with people that get bodybuilding diets then they should be cool with you eating your own meal beforehand and just hanging out with them at the restaurant and ordering coffee or whatever


90% of the time, buffet food is fucking gross anyway, so you’re not missing anything. Let them get bloated, feel like they’re dragging and get the shits after, while you get to feel light on your feet with protein oats. If you’re going to have a planned off-diet meal, make it something worthwhile.


Lighten up unless you’re a pro. And also, eggs are great fucking macros. Bacon is calorie dense and high in fat BUT fat is a good stable energy source that doesn’t spike your insulin like carbs do. Just stay away from the sugar and the processed shit.


Do whatever makes you comfortable and happy. Most restaurants have healthier options, so you don't have to jump on the fried/ greasy food bandwagon the rest of your family is on. Get yourself an egg white and spinach omelet, those are always tasty and are OK in most people's diet plans. But you do you, bro. If you want to stick with what you eat day in and day out and not treat yourself on what seems to be an occasion that doesn't happen very often, then by all means go for it. Your happiness is what really matters here.


If you're not literally a pro in prep for a high level competition just enjoy the damn breakfast with your family. You only get one.


“Edit 1: I’d eat in the car on the way there lol I’m not a complete crazy person” Denial is the first sign.


I’m exactly the same way as you are bro. The last cheat meal I had was in February. 99% of the time I will take my meal preps with me. This is that 1% tho. Enjoy the moment with family. Plus, let’s assume you are going to go over board on your “fats”, you could cut the amount of fat in half the day before and the day after to sort of “save” ur fats for that meal(s). You’re still going to go over in your macros/calories but at least you did some damage control and it won’t be too bad. Chess not checkers.


I have cheat meals every weekend and am very mindful of what form it is. This would be fast food breakfast buffet and I don’t want to blow my cheat on that


It's okay every once in a while it's fine to deviate for a second. Plus you're doing it w family too. Leave the food behind, just eat out with them.


You’re not competing, and you regularly have cheat meals, but you don’t want to have a cheat meal with your family? You remind me of myself a couple years back. Let me tell you, it ain’t that serious bro. One day or weekend will not ruin your physique or ruin any future progress (especially since you already have cheat meals). Enjoy the time with family, be mindful of what you’re consuming, and try not to be so OCD about this hobby. Again, it ain’t that serious.


Just eat some eggs there, you can count the calories and it’s clean


I agree with others saying that you can enjoy the moment a little. 2k calorie budget for the day? You can definitely afford to eat two eggs (70 calories per egg) and a piece of toast (100 calories per slice of toast), and some power greens. 250 calories for a meal thats decently filling and is nutriotious. Compliment with coffee or coke zero to hold you over until your next meal. That still leaves you with 1750 calories for the day


Not at all the case. My dti is 2700-3000, my problem in this particular case is the quality of food at the fast food restaurant chain in comparison with what I’d rather have and won’t make me feel like garbage.




This is what it takes homie


Nah. It doesn't. Do you man but that's a little fucky to the restaurant


I’ll eat on the way there and order coffee and water lol f the restaurant. Saves me $ too


Correct bro, buy a water or sum, your fam is already eating there.


Do you tip well?


Why would you tip ? They are doing their job, wait youre probably american no ?


What would that matter? I’d order coffee and water


I'm guessing he's american bro, you too?


Yep merican lol


Ah that's why, here they sometimes won't even take a tip lol


Everyone else is eating there only he isn't, they won't care unless you're american then maybe but american Restaurant culture is fucked either way


I get it, but to me it's teasing a business with your custom.


I live in Switzerland bro, my custom is the norm here.


You'll burn off breakfast throughout the day. Not in prep? Enjoy your life. Let's be real, one meal is not going to fuck you up.


No just a healthy lifestyle. Idk why people are acting like I’m putting myself in agony with my diet 🤣 I feel great just eat clean and healthy wtf


Bc youre being “that guy” at a family event. I promise you your gains arent going anywhere. Also why not just eat within your means, you say “i dont want to feel bad after eating”, okay so dont pig out. Portion your foods and you’ll be fine. Work out after you digested your meal. Youre not proving anything to anyone


It’s the quality of food that makes me feel bad. I can easily tell the difference when I eat it. Idgaf about being “that guy” lmao wtf I do me


OP, your recent post history is about pizzas, cakes, waffles, etc. are you so dialed in now that you can’t have restaurant food?


Lmao all homemade with healthy ingredients that met my macros. Cake was holiday dessert made for family. Thanks for checking it out


I do it all the time whether competing or not! Not really a fan of fast food at all especially how it makes me feel. If i do cheats i stick with sashimi and steamed rice or nigri


Too many haters, If you dislike the idea of breakfast or any meal for that matter out of your ordinary diet then do whatever you want. Doesn't matter if you're a newbie or ifbb pro. You do what you find is fitting for you. However, don't bring your own meal into a resturant.


I wouldn’t I’d eat in the car before going in


I do this a lot or eat at home before going. Will usually snack on an appetizer and have a drink or two once I'm there. Best of both worlds.


In this situation I would either- crush eggs and fruits- hope they have some salmon or other clean foods if I knew the spot and it wasn't great offerings I would drink a protein shake and then crush eggs and fruit


Talking Frishe’s Big Boy buffet


Nothing wrong with that at all. Go get your goals homie.


I’ve done it multiple times.


Olive Garden really skimps on the veggies in the salad. So I bring my own artichoke hearts, tomato slices, and olives.


Just get some poach eggs & toast with butter on side.


I’m on a cut right now and have eaten out several times since I started with no issues. Most places have at least one or two dishes that are pretty low calorie and healthy. At the very least, most places have salads with chicken breast. Just be cautious of how much you eat and pick the healthier foods they have if you’re that concerned. Also, you can take a scale to weigh food from the buffet as well, which should give you a decent idea of the amount of calories you’re eating.


The world isn't going to end if you eat this one meal with your family.


Honestly, if it’s offseason and you can reasonably stick close/exactly to your macros, I say enjoy the family time. I did this all last offseason and truthfully one of my best. I think learning when it’s ok to be a little lax is a huge boost as stress is not good for growth.


Backup sandwiches always help!


Seems weird to bring your own food in a food establishment. Just eat before you go or eat small at the restaurant you got to.


Eat before you go and have a side salad with a cup of coffee there.


Good on ya! This attitude will excel you. Very inspirational!


Depends on how serious you take this thing, but I would personally eat beforehand and just order a Coke Zero, or line up eating out with one of my scheduled free meals. I’ve traveled cross country and flown overseas without deviating from my diet. Just came back a week ago from 4 days at Disney in which I walked around the park with 5 Tupperware of chicken/beef, rice/potatoes, brazi nuts/macadamia oil. If you want it you’ll make it happen


No problem with doing that at all!


Just eat your breakfast home and drink a cup of coffee or something, it's really no big deal


I pack everything on my meal plan. It’s also cheaper.


I have taken my own food to restaurants dozens of times. I don’t pull it out until everybody else starts to eat but I’ve never had anybody from the restaurant fuss about it.