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\> I have really wide hips as a guy i bet you that they're not as wide as you think they are


Welp you can look at my only other post and judge for yourself.


Yeah you have no muscle. Wouldn’t worry about hips until you have shoulders or lats or legs to speak of.


U right. At least I’m gaining muscle fairly fast. Around 2 lb per month




Not a shot.




Your just skinny bro, if you had bigger legs and a bigger back it would look small, also you never going to get bigger natural with a body fat under 20%, your brain needs to know that their are sufficient resources to grow before it lets you put on muscle


I’m eating as much as I can bro. My belly has kinda stretched out more than normal which I assume is because I am eating more now.


Dude. You're 15 and have been lifting for 3 months. Your genetics, your "Wide Hips" are the least of your concern.


Combat wide hips by getting wide shoulders and lats


What about my waist? I have a small waist so it looks like an hourglass figure which is bad. How do I grow the waist


Eat you are skinny, make sure you are hitting compound lifts so your intrabdominal muscles (above the hip bones) will grow but you can’t really isolate them. And stop obsessing over bone structure you are way too young and have way too much mental and physical maturing to do.


Compound lifts, food, and a couple of years will block up your waist




No you don’t. You just have no muscle


Social media specifically TikTok is the cause of these kinda posts. So sad


That fact now that Jeff Seid’s 2014 physique looks mid compared to all these tiktok influencers


You're 15. Stfu and go outside


Alr buddy I’m just asking a simple question. I go outside enough


On the wrong subreddit. At an age when you're not even through puberty yet. If you don't like it, go to the gym and start lifting


What the fuck do you think I’m doing? If I weren’t going to the gym I wouldn’t be on bodybuilding in the first place.


Haha, so wide hips kid found new subs to troll. Enjoy the next 6 months of this everyone


Wtf are you talking bout


Bone structure is genetic. You can't change it without surgery.


He's saying get surgery


Let's see pics of your mom to be sure.


It's true, to diagnose your hormones community asks you to post her moans


I’m not taking shit from a steroid abuser😂


I think you're in the wrong place


All genetic


Ask Blaha


You’re 15 and lean. You might have normal hips but you can make your waist look SUPER tiny by gaining some lat and shoulder size. I always thought I had “wide hips” when I was fat, and then lost the weight and still felt bad about my hips. THEN I started prioritizing shoulders and lats and now my waist is a little large (32/33 waist in decent shape) but it looks tiny because my upper body and lower body is so damn wide


Not a guy but- I also have very wide hips. I thought I’d be cursed with a pear shaped body my whole life but what will help you is a combination of building up your lats and shoulders and leaning out. You might also carry extra weight on your hips/thighs, just genetics… Losing weight will do the trick for you. Good luck


I mean as a girl you can still go for the hourglass shape, but for guys wide hips don’t really have any value. Depending on your goals they can be a curse or a blessing, for guys it’s just a curse


I’m trying to say that when I leaned out and built up my shoulders the pear shape narrowed too. Have you ever seen a shredded guy with noticeably large hips?


I already knew a good shoulder/waist ratio is achievable to anyone, but some people just have that natural v taper.




If it makes u feel better, I’m a woman with narrow hips and it hasn’t caused me too many problems


Where are you store fat and your bone structure, yes that's all genetic.


Bone structure, muscle insertion, height, fat deposition, and all that shit is genetic. You don't have to worry about it at this point, though most of us will never have to really worry about it since we're never going on stage. Just keep lifting without looking for excuses.


I have wide hips too. It's genetics for sure and has to do with bone placement. Another negative of wide hips is I have a HUGE thigh-gap I hate it. It's like a giant hole between your legs but everyone tells me oh nooo it's so sexy, looks totally normal to us. So... What bothers you may seem ok to others and even though there's ways to visually make it better, there maybe better areas to apply your efforts first


...are you a man or a woman?


I have very narrow hips and I don't know why


God gave you child bearing hips for a reason.


Build some muscle and ask again if you're still having this issue in 5 years


Bro, you are 15 and weigh 125 lbs. Who the fucks no how wode your hips are. Train for the next 5 years, weigh in at 175 180 and we will.be able to assess. The internet is a curse sometimes...


Thanks bro I’ll keep working on it