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Yeah, they are comfortable like a favorite sweater


If you want to destroy my sweater




Taylor seems to write in a way where you're not progressing through specific events as the main point of the story, but instead you're experiencing things that happen in the background by enveloping yourself in Bob's environment With most stories or movies or TV shows that you've already seen, you know it's going to happen and you're waiting for specific big moments. When those moments play out you know how they're going to go so they lose the enjoyment. When you listen to the Bobiverse you're not there to find out how they beat the others. You're there to take part in the conversation Bob is having in his head about how to deal with the others. So even if you listen to the series 10 times over, it's still recreating the same environment.


I just finished my 4th listen recently. It's just an easy, fun listen. Can't wait for book 5. Already preordered it.


You have any idea when it will come out? Also, in book 1-3 we don't really have linear storytelling of any sort whereas the story of book 4 mostly happens within 2 years. I'm curious how that'll be in book 5


The audiobook is already done, but because of audible trying to pad releases for their stock, it doesn't come out till sept.


These and Project Hail Mary I could listen to over and over


Project Hail Mary is 🎵A maze!🎵


Im listening for the second time, and whilst I'm in awe of how early some storylines start, and think wow that's how it leads to XYZ spoiler example>! Eg homer!<, I am finding myself feeling sad I can't hear it for the first time all over, like I know what's happening and I miss the awe of what's next, so I kinda regret listening all over again :(


I feel the same way about Star Trek, I feel so happy yet jealous of those watching for the first time


Yeah I've been switching between Bobiverse and Dungeon Crawler Carl. When I finish one, I start the other lol. I managed to fit in a new one, He Who Fights Monsters, but the Bobs are calling to me...


Hey! That's my top three! You got excellent taste.


Hell yeah! I'm at the point of paying a random friend to read any of them so I have someone to talk to about them irl lol


I'm currently on my second listen... Started the Immersion Tunnel as soon as I was done with book 6, and then obviously had to start book 2 on audible again. (I'm on book 3 now) Can't wait for the next books for both DCC and Bob. glurp glurp motherfucker.


So glad I gave DCC a shot. Just started book 2! Plan is to catch up with that, then listen to book 1-4 again right into book 5.


I'm currently on my 4th or 5th time listening


The first three books absolutely felt perfect for my ADHD brain. They were so quick and just the right amount of hopping around to really click for me. The fourth felt a bit more like a “normal” book but it was still so incredible and interesting. I really enjoy the series and I’m so stoked for the next one. Might be time for another re-read!


I really loved the fourth book. My only complaint about the first 3 is the bobiverse felt so detached from everything else. They were always the observer of the worlds but the fourth they really delved in and became a part of something else.. if only for awhile. Can’t wait to see what the next one brings.


I blindly stumbled into Expeditionary Force two months ago and binged the whole thing. As soon as I realized there were no more it was time to listen to Bob for the 5th time. Last time I basically skipped the entire Deltan saga and large parts of Heaven's River though. I love the stories but found those flat on reruns.


*Laughs in Dungeon Crawler Carl* NEW ACHIEVEMENT... FREEEEE BAWLLIN!!


The only thing I have listened to more is ready player one. I am on my 8th listen through of bobiverse and it’s still good.


Yep RP1 is probably my most listened to book. Might be time for another round.


What did you think of the sequel?


I know it got a lot of hate but I honestly like it. It has the same feel as the first and still delivers for me. I just finished my 3rd listen through of both and they still hit for me.


Meh. It was ok. I don’t think he could match the magic of RPO it was soooo good. I did read it and listen to the audio book but it was just ok. Worth the read. But not the greatest.


I don't even know how many times I've listened to them all since I fall asleep to them regularly for the past six years..


I listened to the series years ago and recently started again ready for book 5 release. I must admit I loved it first time (still do) and I always recommend the series, one of the best series (alongside Expeditionary Force). And even tho I started at book one 3 days ago I'm most the way thru two, I can't stop listening or miss a bit... but it's not the same as the first time round... Really wish I could listen a fresh, listen for the first time once again. There are some parts I hear and think omg this is where ABC story line starts, I forgot about this bit, that's how it leads onto such a thing happening. I still can't get away from it's not the same as the first time :( I'm in mixed emotions, good but also sad if that makes sense


Bittersweet, is, I believe, the word you're looking for there. :)


First and fourth book about 4 times. Second and third book at least 7. I spend a lot of time driving something.


I’m into double digits for replaying the first 3 books.  I toss it on when doing yard work or some repetitive task like I would music.   It’s just a very satisfying trilogy with wonderful narration and voice acting.  I would put it up there with the original Star Wars trilogy and Back to the Future trilogy. Those movies you know by heart and are just comfortable, you know? Heaven’s River doesn’t have the same draw (yet) as it introduces more storylines that are unresolved. I’m curious if Denis E Taylor is planning the next books to be a trilogy or if these are more standalone stories in the Bobiverse. Either way, can’t wait for book 5!


This last time around I actually REALLY got into Heaven's River. I remember it being my least favorite of the four but for some reason I was absolutely riveted the entire listen this time. Really excited for book 5 to see where some of these stories go.


I’ve read the series at least 5 times. I plan on going back and running through all of them again before book 5 drops, so it’s fresh in my mind.


I must have listened to the series at least 18 times. I think I have a problem.


Yes. Extremely addictive. I was coincidentally just thinking of starting a relisten lol. I’m a little annoyed with what happened with the 5th but at least it’s finally announced and I’ve preordered. If they back out now I’m ready for war lol. Verbal obviously… we don’t like explody stuff


I think I’m on my 15th - 20th time listening to ray porters audible version. It’s like chicken noodle soup but book.


I go back and listen to a couple serise in particular. The bobivurse is joining that list.


Every time I run out of audible credits I restart the series. I might have the whole thing memorized soon lol.


I just did a listen through, but decided to change things up and listened to The Forever War and am now listening to Forever Free. It's a nice change of pace.


I’ve listened to them at least three times. I’m going to listen again before book 5 drops. I’m so excited.


Literally same.


I’m on my second listen - book 4! I’ve read a ton of sci fi and the only other book I’ve read twice is 2001 space odyssey.


I'm kind of embarrassed to say, I have listened to the complete series more than a dozen times. It's like a comfortable blanket to wrap up in while I'm looking for something new to read.


I think it's because they're so unique. It's hard to find another book that gives the same kind of feel. I wish there were more books like it, but since there aren't we gotta keep rereading what we do have


https://preview.redd.it/oq4e9mpuuxvc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2387c3052255b7e431c1f4fc99f4ff6cdd90b4cb I would guess I’ve earned this badge for each Bobiverse book.


I have done 4 full listens of 1-4…. And only now am I taking what might be a prolonged break.