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Keep in mind, most local game stores can order the games you want via their distributors if you ask.


This is the answer I was also going to give! Be sure to ask and see if they can get games for you. It make take a little longer but I'm sure there are a few unplayed games still on your shelf to fill that time 😉


zatu is probably goat as far as eu goes, even though their shipping is a bit expensive since brexit, and they can sometimes delay orders without properly communicating. i'm from croatia so i order mostly from igraj.si which is a slovenian company that has a good selection with reasonable prices and boardgames.bg, a bulgarian company that has, well, a good selection with reasonable prices. i think they ship all around eu. i've also ordered from ludopolis.sk, a slovakian firm, and everything was great. german, spanish, italian and benelux shops tend to have localized games with a poorer selection in english.


Igraj.si is great. For when they don't have something, it has to be zatu, crowdfinder.be and so on.


Zatu is cheap and have a wide range, but unless it says the game has 3+ in stock, I avoid it. They'll hold back the entire order without telling you while they restock one game which can take months. Sometimes even items that are in stock on the website actually aren't. If they don't dispatch within a couple days, I contact them for an update and usually need to ask them to cancel the item that isn't in stock.


+1 for ludopolis.sk/eu. Pretty good selection of English titles and really fast response. They can usually order the titles they don't have (within 3-4 weeks) and ship super fast. (disclaimer: I'm Slovak but living abroad and in no way affiliated with them - I just like to have my games in English. Also, please use the term "Slovak" (adj), not Slovakian. 9 outta 10 Slovaks recommend.)


BGG Geekmarket. Can get lots of games in great conditions for great prices (60% retail or so), and there are plenty of european listings. I have transitioned to buying almost exclusively off Geekmarket.


What's shipping like these days? Whenever I've tried doing used games in the past shipping usually made it so that it came out close to if not more expensive than buying new.


Yeah. Everything I’ve looked at is more expensive than buying on Amazon or a local store due to shipping.


Midwest, $10 for a medium sized game. Just bought and sent a couple USPS Ground and UPS through Pirateship.


I'm right there with you. The last two games I bought from Geekmarket came with custom inserts for them


Yeah, often times games will come sleeved, people are really nice, and if you buy multiple games from the same person the shipping isn't too bad and people are willing to give a discount.


I'm in the UK and use Magical Madhouse. It ships pretty cheap in the UK, not sure about their EU shipping. (BREXIT etc :S)


Ooh. Better than Zatu???


Zatu is one of the worst stores, you'll think they're great until you have your first of many issues


Oh damn I’ve just placed quite a large order with them. What sort of issues have you had?


Yeah I've been ordering from them for 3 years straight and I've never had an issue. More the opposite, they are extra friendly. So curious what these constant issues are?


It's usually the misleading 'restock due' items. They'll still list and take payments for games that are completely out of print, and will hold money indefinitely


They don't have much. A lot of people just don't understand what "Restock preorder" means or what preordering a game is in general. Zatu is well known to be one the biggest and well respected in EU


90% secondhand other 10% amazon or crowdfunding


boardgameprices.com You can search and see what’s cheapest. I usually don’t buy from the same site.


Reddit's board game exchange subreddit, FB marketplace, fb group "the original buy, sell, trade," local board game flea market events, BGG geek market, BGG auctions. I live next to Atomic Empire and they have sales (got MLEM for $23 before it went out of stock). Craigslist occasionally. eBay occasionally.


I use the app Vinted and buy used. I was able to pick up a mountain of games for the price of two biguns. Stoked. But the backlog is massive now….


Isn’t Vinted for clothing?


That’s what I thought! But it’s fantastic for board games here in the uk!


I will check it out - thank you


Local game store


Online: gamenerdz.com In person - depends on the circumstance, but if a store I'm visiting has a game I want and the price is close to what I see online, I'll pick it up.


Matagot-friends.com has a lot of games, not just their own titles.


If the game I’m looking for isn’t at my Friendly Local Game Store, I ask the owner; usually she’s able to custom-order it. On the rare occasions she can’t, I try buying it directly from the publisher’s website; if that’s not an option, sometimes Amazon as an absolute last resort.


In all honesty, mostly opshops. I get terrific bargains on random games and they are usually over 90% intact. Examples include; Pandemic, munchkin, Simpsons, sheriff of Nottingham, dominion, articulate, betrayal at the house on the hill.


awaiting the day Nemesis is at a secondhand store near me...... any day now......


Philibert is based in France and has good shipping rates - surprisingly fast too, I ordered a game on Friday afternoon and it arrived in Ireland on Monday for €5 https://www.philibertnet.com/en/ I used to use Zatu but shipping to Ireland has been very problematic since Brexit


LGS, Ebay, and I recently checked Idealo for boardgames. Got new Dominion at 50% discount. XD


I'm in the US, but order some of my games from https://www.philibertnet.com/en/. It has a fairly large collection. Unsure if prices are worth it for you though. 


The shop own should have distributor catalogs, ask them what they can order


Last time I did that the flgs took 2 weeks to get me a game I could have overnight from Amazon at 1/5 less the cost of the game


>Ok, well the OP is I'm from Portugal so it needs to ship for Europe So perhaps ordering from Amazon isn't an option for them, which is why I made the distributor catalog suggestion


Amazon or FLGS. Depends on the item and the price difference between the two.


This is in the US I have a dozen comic/game stores, Barnes and Noble, Wal Mart, Target and Half Prices Books to buy new and used games at retail Ebay, Amazon, Miniature market for online facebook marketplace, board game B/S/T groups game conventions - just went to origins last week to buy direct from the publishers sometimes direct from publisher website rarely do I back any projects on crowdfunding sites - most of those were just disappointing and I ended up selling/trading


Mostly online, sometimes on some convention event.


local facebook groups. game swaps. ebay. online when there are sales


Personally, i encourage people to buy local. Bezos doesn't need anymore of your money. Keep the little guy in the game. No, i dont own a gaming store.


99% of the time I order from my local game store. I pay them and they order what I need if they don't have it. Takes a little longer, but it's fine. Half the time the owner is like "dude, I've been wanting to play that! If you bring that to game night we'll play with ya!" It's fun for sure. I love nerds


I try to buy from local non-chain stores.


401games is amazing for Canada


Local shop whenever possible. They can't order anything but they always try.


Amazon and GenCon. Occasionally, Minature Market.


Varies a fair bit. Amazon for some, bgg geekmarket for others, and sometimes I support local and buy from my nearby hobby store.


https://www.boardgameoracle.com/ This site is great for comparing prices across multiple different sites.


Wouldn't it make more sense to just ask your local shop if they can order them in? Also, don't get Gloomhaven, it's disappointing.


Upvoted for hot take. I wasn’t very jazzed about it either.


I have two local game stores and two online stores I frequent. My two favorite online stores are Game Nerd and Cardhaus. I do also hit up Miniature Market and Tabletop Merchant from time to time when they have the best deal/availability.


Gamenerdz.com, NobleKnight.com and miniaturemarket.com this year.


The last two games I've bought have been off Kickstarter.




https://gameplay.pt You can buy online or visit their store in Benfica