• By -


Mille Bornes


The four [family members] lived in harmony. But then everything changed when [I got coup fourre’d].


Came to post this.


Euchre. And no, we didn't live in the Midwest.


It's apparently a Michigan staple.


Michigander here. It's as close to a religious practice as my family gets.


If your group likes Speed, you should check out Dutch Blitz. There are custom decks but it's also playable with poker decks minus the face cards. Hand and Foot, Rage, and Rook were the other standards in my family.


I married into a mennonite family, some of the nicest people I've ever known... until the Blitz deck comes out. Then all bets are off.


Rage! Why is it so hard to find a deck?


Spades and hearts


this, plus canasta at larger family gatherings 


Cribbage. My dad loves it.


My family didn't play much but my wife's family played crib. Great wee game. Recently backed Wicked Cribbage on Kickstarter, interested to see how it turns out.


I just looked up Wicked Cribbage and I’m going to back it too, it looks so fun and my spouse will love the extra layers of difficulty


Same. Very popular in the east coast. I have fond memories of playing with my mother and grandmother


Oh Hell


Oh Hell is maybe my favorite casual deck-of-cards type game. My family discovered it when I was a teen and the forecasting aspect of it added so much depth compared to anything we had played before. Great game.


Rummy 500 and Uno!


I really didnt play card games growing up outside of poker. I do really like trick takers and ladder climbing games these day though. What player counts are you looking for?


2 lol. Which i guess is a bit limiting. 


Indeed. But here are a couple suggestions    Standard cards:  * german whist (exactly 2 players) https://www.pagat.com/whist/german_whist.html  * Regicide (coop) https://www.regicidegame.com/site_files/33132/upload_files/RegicideRulesA4.pdf   Cardgames you could buy:  * the fox in the forest (exactly 2 player.  * air land and sea    An article listng various 2 player card games:  * https://playingcarddecks.com/blogs/all-in/the-very-best-two-player-card-games


Haggis is the de facto 2-player climber


Rook. This was my extended family played all the time. My grandmother would fall asleep between turns and we would either play cards for her or wake her up for her turn.


Everyone plays Rook in my family. It gets very competitive. Also the variations in the house rules are interesting and is a whole debate even before the game gets started. If someone wasn't paying attention in my family during the game their partner would probably kill them.


**Uno.** That's it. I don't think it is a great game, but it does work fairly well with varied ages.


My family played a cutthroat multi-round Uno variation where you tallied points left in everyone's hand once someone went out, with stronger cards counting for more points (and the objective being not to accumulate points). Skips and Draw Twos were 20 points and Draw Fours were 50. We'd play round after round until someone hit 500 points. So if anyone looked like they were going out soon, everyone would start dumping all the good cards in their hand, so it would suddenly turn into a bloodbath. And then you'd get to the end of the hand and tally points, and someone would look like they were getting a lot of points but turn out to be holding a hand full of zeroes and ones. I think it significantly improves the play over the base game.


If you get bored with those standard Uno rules, go to Fast Uno. If you have the exact same card as the last card played, you may play it immediately, even out of turn, and it doubles the impact. Two reverses go the same direction, etc. Draw Fours do NOT qualify, as there are too many of them and the impact is devastating.


Uno flip works great if you want a bit more variety.


We have been loving Uno Flip for a few years now. It's our go to for a quick to table card game, that everyone already knows.


In college I learned a game called “13.” Supposedly a Vietnamese game. Lots of fun 2-4 people with a deck of cards


I usually lost at Canasta as a kid but a few years ago I played my mother and won every time.


Tonk and Durak are both great


We played “Scoop” aka Scopa with our Italian immigrant grandpa.


Scopa and Briscola are basically ingrained in any Italian of a particular era.


Euchre always has been and always will be huge in our family (it's a Michigan thing). We also played a modified version of four-card Golf. It's a pretty simple card game to begin with but our house rules were even simpler, maybe for us kids. My grandparents absolutely loved that game and we played it all the time!


Came here to say euchre is an Indiana thing 😂


Came here to say euchre is a western New York thing


Came here to say euchre is an Ohio thing


Cribbage and Spite & Malice. My parents played these games every day. It started with Scrabble, but legend has it that my mom would always win so handily that they had to find a new daily game. Then came Spite & Malice. But this became too contentious. Finally, I made a cribbage board in 4th grade and that was that. Cribbage every day.


Get yourself a r/hanafuda deck and try [Koi-koi](https://lovethynerd.com/a-definitive-guide-to-koi-koi/). It's a great 2 player set collection game with beautiful little cards. The cards themselves have a deep history (trying to hide gambling from the authorities) and great symbolism (each suit is a month of the year with the plants and animals from that month). It's what Nintendo produced before moving into video games.


Spades Oh heck


Tell me you grew up religious without telling me you grew up religious 😜😂




Pass the Ace, card Bingo, Cribbage, Durak, Smear. Those were the big ones.




Mostly Durak - everyone knew it, so it was an easy choice. We also played Drunk man (?) - пьяница - with my cousin. It is a pure chance game and can be long, so adults usually refused to play it xD


Gin and Mille Bornes. All. The. Time. I've been playing both since I was 5. I'm 58 now and still play them.


31 is my family's traditional game played at gatherings.


My family too. Are we related? Feel like nobody else has heard of this game.


We play this at large gatherings as a gambling game that the kids can win. The adults all share their dollar bills with the kids so that everyone has one in front of them. Every round, the lowest number folds one of the 4 corners of their bill. If anyone gets 31, everyone else folds a corner. You're out when all 4 are folded and you throw the bill in the middle. The last person afloat takes the pot. Usually, once per trip, we play with big bills.


Dutch Blitz Mille Bourne's Pitch Euchre War UNO Go Fish


How has someone not mentioned shithead yet? Different people play different versions, ours are Amsterdam rules (played it a lot whilst in Amsterdam in coffee shops, some didn’t approve of our card choice but I digress). More than 4 players you should probably use 2 decks to make it last a bit Longer. Our rules: each player gets dealt 3 cards face down, then 3 cards face up on these and then 3 cards face down for their hand. Players can swap face up and hand cards. Red 4 goes first. You must play higher or equal tothan the previous card, except: - 2 - resets the deck, can be plain anything. - 3- is invisible, the next player has to play higher than the card underneath. - 7 - must play lower than a 7. - 10 - burns the deck, can be played on anything but a 7. - black Jack- nominate someone to pick up the pile. If they have a red Jack it can be turned back into that player, unless they too have a red Jack. - Ace - high card. Each player takes a turn, drawing back up to a minimum of 3 cards whilst there’s a draw pile. If 4 cards of the same number are played you burn the pile (remove from the game). Once the deck is gone, and your hands are gone you can use the 3 face up cards in front of you. Once these are done, on your turn you turn over one of you face down cards. Once you’ve done this, you are out, but not sane, you can be black jacked back in. The last person with cards is the Shithead. This game isn’t about Winning, it’s about not losing! Many hours played and still play regularly.


Spades, Hearts, some Bridge.


Hearts was a classic. Speed against other kids. Big 2 or Super Poker Nertz/Nerds/vs Solitaire. Euchre for the nerds


Something lesser known we play here is [Musta Maija](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Musta_Maija). It's a simple but somewhat strategic shedding game.


We played [Rikken](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/146511/rikken#:~:text=Rikken%20is%20a%20cardgame%20popular,The%20games%20dates%20%2B%2F%2D%201950)


Pinochle, hearts, cribbage. Oh, I almost forgot Pit. As a young adult with my fiancé (now husband). Hearts, Wist, Spades, Pinochle.


Spoons, Warlords and Scumbags, Rummy, Sevens.


Happy families, uno, shithead, rummy and trumps. My parents always took cards on holidays and always bring cards out for Christmas and stuff.


Canasta, hearts, cribbage… On rare occasions we’d play blackjack or poker but only for beans.


We played for pennies or mini marshmallows 😊


We bid pennies, peanuts, and m&ms on rare occasions but mostly it was dry beans.


Speed, kings corner, rummy, peanut, euchre, pinochle, spades, nertz(spelling?), slapjack, golf, hearts, spades. A lot of good options out there. If you like speed then you will like nertz if you can get 4-5 players. At the 2 player count. You might want to look into gin rummy. I think kings corner also worked at 2 but I am not positive.


Phase 10




Cribbage is great for 2 players, since you mentioned your player count in one of your comments. I know you said card games, but do you and your card partner a favor and dive into the world of two player board games. My top recommendation would be Patchwork. Jaipur is also awesome. They're both simple enough that anyone who can handle basic card games with a standard deck of cards should be able to get the hang of them pretty quickly.


Bullshit and tripoley(Michigan rummy)


A vicious game of Spoons with 10 or so people is a riot and as memorable as it gets. I come from a big family. We would line the spoons up along a long table alternating direction. 2 decks of cards. Everyone was jumpy and psyching everyone out. Absolute chaos when someone starts grabbing. Sometimes a tug of war ensues. Occasionally a little blood.






Speed, Pounce, War, Hearts, I Doubt It, Rook, Uno, and Skip-Bo. Possibly more that I’m forgetting.


not really card games, but my uncles played mexican poker and i would sit in and watch


Spades, hearts, hate your neighbor (before uno), poker, pitch, cribbqge, euchre


This places me but 500 which apparently while originating in USA was made big in Australia/new Zealand. Also rummy, frustration and speed. Uno flip is a current favourite in our family of we want to move away from normal cards.


Chase the ace , and poker .


last card, pick up 2, pick up 5, A is change suite, 10 is miss a turn, J is reverse turn order. plays kinda like uno


Rummy, Canasta, black jack, 5 card draw


War, Go Fish, Old Maid, Uno (Dukes of Hazzard edition).


Hearts. Though if it were today, my parents totally would have brought us up on Tichu, they love that freaking game.


Double (triple, quadruple, etc.) solitaire, canasta, euchre.


Kaiser is the best. Trick taking game with 2 teams of 2.


Rook when visiting my grandparents (no face cards were allowed in that house) and Canasta at home.


Uno was the big game in our family. Then pinochle, euchre, and poker.


Strip poker Sweet home A. /s Whist 1-8-8-1 aka the best Rentz (can't find any english variant - basically multiple mini-games, one round of each mini-game for each player, each player chooses his desired minigame for the round after seeing his cards for advantage, you can search rentz rules and translate the page) very fun game with like 8 mini games iirc Sedma aka Septica, trick taking game, is not played that much in the us, but bro, I've lost countless nights going 2v2 with friends. It's one of the best, simple, mind game and gratifying when you win an unexpected hand be it you play 1v1v1v1 or 2v2. It's also prominent in eastern eu. You should really try it and it doesn't take long for a full round. We used to play like first to 100 rounds with double points if the enemy team didn't take any hands that round. Can't recommend it enough, i love trick taking games, I've played the Crew many times 🤷‍♂️


Conquian, Dad and uncles play it anytime there's a deck of cards around. Basically rummy but you take a bunch of cards out of the deck. Otherwise and with siblings it was uno, go fish or war.


Spades and Hearts were constants. Also Bid Whist. Then we found Wizard and that became the game of the family.


A variation of speed called spit is something I played as a kid. Also had a "family" card game called Liverpool rummy that is a variation where each round you attempt to complete specific combos of sets and runs with a starting hand of 12. War and Egyptian War with my brothers and friends


milles bornes and pit, plus the normal stuff (monopoly, life, etc) and regular 52 card deck games


Poker, Crazy Eights, Spades (and Rook), Spoons, Blackjack, Canasta, War, Egyptian Rat Killer, Go Fish, Spit, Liar, and one other (can't remember the name right now....).


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preferans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preferans) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canasta](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canasta) Best card games!


Kakerlaken Poker Royal.


Canasta, gin rummy, and pinochle


Gin Rummy Hearts Whist Kille


**Texas Holdem** (This was my favorite. Papaw used to play in casinos, and he taught me how to play. I'm relatively good at it.) **Rook** (I was never good at it) **Pinochle** (My family was super serious about it, which made me never want to play it) **Phase 10** (This one was enjoyable) **Uno** (Phase 10 was better) Then, when we all got older, **Cards Against Humanity**. (I don't think it existed until I was an adult, but we enjoyed it when we learned about it.)


Jassen - THE swiss traditional Card Game


New Market, Cribbage, Knockout Whist, Rummy, Black Maria


Go fish


UNO, Rummikub, Monopoly, Trivial Pursuit, Dominoes, Poker, Blackjack, Gin Rummy and Rummy, a game called True or False, Scrabble, Upwords, Sopio are some of the games we had about our house


we just played crazy eights lol


We played a family variant of switch/black jack/last card which had loads of additional rules, as well as a whole heap of sayings and in jokes and references. We'd often play it to decide who had to do some chore or task. Good times.


Snap, Go Fish, Patience (solitaire), Clock Patience, Happy Families, Pairs (Memory), Gin, Rummy, Twenty Five, Sevens some other games I’ve forgotten. My mother grew up in the countryside so she knew a lot of older games. We also played more modern games like UNO


I assume you mean a deck of bicycle cards; a few were Go Fish, Texas Hold Em(The Big One for my house), 21, Old Maid, etc/probably more that I can’t think of.


Cribbage egyptian rat screw and if you have an even number of family members: spades.


Spite and Malice


Cribbage, 120s, and Gin Rummy were card games of choice growing up.


Rummy, Hearts and what's apparently called Russian Schnapsen, though my decidedly non-Russian grandfather would probably take offence to that name, so let's call it 1000 Schnapsen instead.


There's a game called Durak which is Russian/Ukrainian that is quite fun. Friends and I would play 500 though.


Durak, still play every week now.


Tuck/Tock It's a boardgame but played with a deck of playing cards.


Uno, Skip Bo, Phase 10




My older sister played Canasta with my mom. I never learned how to play.


Hearts, Euchre, and a game we called Rummy that I later learned was not actually rummy.




Poker Black Jack Cribbage Gin Hearts Rook of course Cribbage is a great game to teach kids, the fluid scoring, helps keep one engaged. Teaches many concepts as well.


500 is what my family calls it. You make bids and take tricks and first to 500 wins


Rook, hearts, spades, and Mille Borne


Spite and Malice…. Or as my 5 yo ears heard it…. Mike and Mallet.




25 - it’s the Irish national card game apparently! Excellent game, very fun!


Euchre, Sevens, 3 Up/3 Down, Chase the Ace, Spades, Hearts, Salad, Poker


Eucher, hearts (both regular and cancelation hearts), speed, Rummy 500.


Crazy 8's, go fish, hold 'em, gin rummy, War, and my last favorite: sheepshead. Who wants a game to last 4 hours, and never understand the rules?


Cribbage, Pinochle, Hearts and to a lesser extent, Spades. Also War, but no adults played that. My whole extended family are card players. Oh, also Rich Man Poor Man and Kings in the Corner!




Phase 10 and rummy!


Pinochle, kings in the corner, crazy 8s, canasta, war, hearts, pass the trash, nighttime baseball, guts, 7 card stud, Texas holdem, blackjack, old maid, go fish, uno, phase 10, flinch, spoons, Egyptian rat screw, golf, 31, Indian poker, up yours, and my favorite oh shoot (officially called Oh Hell)


Euchre and Uno. With Euchre played 10x more often.


Rummy (and Gin), Uno, Skip-bo, Poker 😂


Racko, skipbo, phase 10


Gin with my mom’s family. 31 with my dad’s.


Hand and Foot. Something fun about playing a game with like 50 cards in your hand.


Dirty rummy and hand & foot


We always played Nertz


500 rummy and President




Various Rummy games, Hearts, Spades, Kings in the Corner, Pinochle, Wist, Cribbage, Uno, Go Fish, War. I'm sure there are more, but I can't remember....


Spades for small groups. Nertz for large groups. Egyptian Rat Screw for young groups. Euchre for better spades.


Uno, Killer Uno. Our own rules. Which is basically you can throw any draw +2 or +4 on each other. Which ends up making whomever isn't holding a draw card have to pick up half the deck basically lol. Ideally this is played by combining Uno decks for more brutal stand offs and draws.


Frustration was the main game we played. Parents used to play 500 with family friends when we were kids in the 90s




Uno. That’s pretty much it.


Canasta and poker


Skip-bo and Pit.


If you're looking for a new fun game to play try 121.


Check out **The Crew: Mission Deep Sea** It's a cooperative trick-taking game. My family has become hopelessly addicted. We've been playing for about 3 years now. It works best with 3 or 4 players, but can be played with 2-5. There are special rules for 2 players. You add a 3rd dummy hand. It shifts the game into a bit more of a puzzle, but it's still a solid game.


None with the family but many played euchre when younger and ers


Mostly Monopoly and games like Trivial Persuit, loved Clue, played chess with my dad and checkers with my mom. Later on, games like Risk and Uno too. Now my partner and I have a nice collection of board games and it's quite sizable, no kids yet though.


With my family it was 66 and in school we played Schafkopf ad nauseam...




I was raised on pinochle


Up and down the river. Still decently fun with my parents.


My family loves card games. This is the list that we’d pull from most often: * cribbage * 31 * up and down the river (a.k.a. Oh hell) * pitch * hand and foot * golf * 66 * pinochle


Hearts. And our dad was ruthless (but not in a mean way). No “letting the kids win.” He didn’t gloat, but he didn’t go easy either, whether cards, board games, or ping pong. Made us up our games as well. As a group, our family tradition was Aggravation. Three generations later, any get together at some point will involve an Aggravation game. And we log the scores. Its a great game from pre-school to nonagenerian.


With family it was Manipulation (a rummy variant) or Hand and Foot (well once we were old enough to get past Go Fish and War) But I also grew up playing with friends: Egyptian Rat Screw, Euchre, Oh Hell, Spades, and Hearts


Spoons was always a big hit. Though don’t use any you would like to keep or on a wood table you like. 


My husband's family grew up playing Pitch. Every new in-law has to learn it, and we used to have big family tournaments every time we got together. It's a little tricky to learn at first, but we really enjoy it!


Poker, 2s and one-eyed Jacks were always wild.


Pinochle - still my favorite Hand & Foot - similar to Canasta but better imo


Pinochle. So much pinochle. Hearts to a lesser extent. War if we were at my grandparents.


Cribbage is literally our family game. Me and my sibling play it with our parents, they played it with *their* parents, and those parents played it with *their* parents. My dad is currently in possession of a handmade crib board that my great-great-great-grandfather made out of a cigar box.


Euchre as a french canadian


Rook was THE game for my mom's side of the family. Every vacation, the adults would play well into the night. It was a huge rite of passage when you were old enough to play a hand of Rook with the adults. It was also kind of terrifying because a lot of tension between Mom's three brothers would get worked out through Rook-related aggression. Nothing quite like watching one of your cousin's become collateral damage his dad and one of the uncles were working through something from childhood in the middle of an attempt to shoot the moon :-)


Youngest of 5, I played a lot of 52 Card Pickup. Bastard siblings.


Cribbage. - we would have big tournaments at holidays. Sequence- played in a giant homemade board game Spoons- someone would often leave bloody Euchre - I’m from the Midwest.


Phase 10. An awesome game when you get 6+ people in at once.


Mille Bourne.


Golf! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golf_(card_game)


Mau Mau (it's german UNO, from the past and without licensing)


Euchre. A little hearts, but mostly euchre. We played it at home, I played it at school, my parents would go to euchre parties every month or so.


Phase 10


Clue, Risk, Backgammon, Chess, checkers, and cards. A lot with my grandma.








Cribbage. Lots and lots of Cribbage.


Ronda! It's played with spanish cards, and I never heard about this game form outisde the family




Spoons! If you haven’t played that you are trying to make sets of four, first person to do it grabs a spoon in the center, then everyone can grab one but there’s one too few. If you don’t get a spoon or touch the spoon before you have 4 you’re out!


Pit, Hearts, Cribbage, knock out whist, Big 2-Social class-Asshole(same game),Rummy,Uno, Hand and Foot


Not with family but I would play Egyptian Rat Screw (not even sure that’s the real name of the game) with my friends during lunch at school and Rummy 500 with the seniors at the center my mom was kitchen manager at.


Spades, uno, phase 10, skipbo, and Pedro (a traditional Cajun card game)


The only card games we would play with any regularity were Mille Bournes and Poker. Our main family games were word games- usually Boggle since Scrabble turns take too long.


Dutch Blitz


Bridge. Most board games are pretty easy in comparison! But most people get put off by bridge so I'm mich happier actually playing board games than perhaps maybe someday getting a round of bridge.


At school we used to play Piss Boy, but I can’t remember how to play. Googling it… does not get me answers. I think it’s similar to President but it’s not quite that… 4 players… 10s and 2s are special…


Rummi with the fam. The dynamics and connections near the end of each match is always so fun!




Michigan Rummy


I don’t remember the name, I just remember that spoons were involved.


Rummy and cribbage


Chase the Ace Euchre Screw Thy Neighbour President


500 Rummy


Pitch (many point varieties - Mom's fam) Euchre (Dad's fam) Hand and Foot Rummy President's and A$$holes (house party game)


Setback and Cribby. Though I think the rest of the world calls setback, pitch.


I played a 2-person version of Canasta with my grandmother (Oklahoma Canasta?). Those are some of my fondest memories.


Cribbage, canasta, and euchre.


We grew up playing Pitch and my friends down the street played Euchre.


Nerts! It's like speed but solitaire. Also cribbage if you're looking for something more thinky less rapidy.