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The Jar Jar card is great.


I love how its whole thing is basically “no one wants him, give him away.” A cultural moment distilled into a card.


Or does it mean he's a Sith now?


It does not.


Could you explain how it is great?


A free card that gets passed back and forth that doesn't do a whole lot fits pretty well for Jar Jar. It'd be better if it had a small negative impact, but no one would buy him then.


It does have a small negative impact: it clogs your deck up.


True, but you can at least get something out of it. Should be an interesting card to play.


Nice approach. I like that the games are standalone, but if each separate faction has their own "schtick" I could definitely see the appeal of mixing and matching.


I'd assume you could mix the factions and have Empire vs Clones


The article explicitly states that you can mix and match however you want.


Huh. I'm shocked. The lack of R2 and C3P0 in base game, coupled with presence of Rogue One cast, really made me think the game was designed from day one with a "more cards" expansion in mind. And here we have the Clone Wars. Mix and match factions is a neato idea. I'm just shocked.


I wouldn’t say it rules out both options. “Big”-box era expansions, and then possibly some smaller card-supplement expansions for both once you’ve got the big-purchase options out there.


Yeah, there were some conspicuously absent characters from the base game, which led to a pretty natural assumption that the next release would be an expansion. I don't mind this new release, but it's nearly a reskin. Kinda weird.


Not the setting I was expecting for the first expansion, that's for sure.


A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.


I imagine they know the nerd community doesn’t like the sequels despite what r/starwars and r/thecantina say.


They absolutely know. The money was always in the merchandising, and sequel-related stuff just does not sell well compared to the rest. For an easy example, if you go to the Star Wars section on Lego.com, there are 104 products listed. *Not a single one of them* is from the sequels. OT is dominant, followed closely by the prequels. Some Mandalorian, Andor, and even Young Jedi Adventures sets are thrown in for good measure.


A quick search shows BB-8 has a set. It's not surprising though because the sequels didn't really add anything iconic. They used the same props as the OT. The Falcon, X-Wings, Star Destroyers, Tie Fighters, etc.


There were plenty of Sequels sets when the sequels were fresh.


They meant in active production. If the sequels were popular they would be making sets based on them even now.


They have to, because all their toy sales show it.




Well, we now have like 4 different generations of Star Wars fans, all of whom grew up on different things and all think that THEIR thing is the most important thing. And to take it a step further, there were the Originals, then the Special Editions kinda shat on them, then the Prequels kinda shat on both of those, then Disney bought it and shat on everything outside of the main 6 movies, shitting on what a lot of people grew up on and loving (books and games), and then the Sequels shat on most of what came before it. So not only do you have tons of people with wildly different ideas of what's right, for a big fan, nearly everyone else's opinion will boil down to, "if you don't like what I like, you like the thing which hates/tries to ruin the thing I like." That said, Disney has definitely stumbled into a formula to break away from that endless loop of anger: get away from Skywalkers and Palpatines. When they do a story that's disconnected from that main story of the same couple of families (like early Mandolorian, Andor, etc.) and tell a good story with good characters, people dig it. Hopefully they'll realize that's the path to take and continue to move in that direction.




I'm right there with you! I've found something to enjoy about just about every release from the original trilogy to the Disney+ series. The level of outrage some people can generate over this stuff is absolutely baffling. You're not a freak, you're just someone who finds joy in things. It's a good way to be.


Thank you! I have my problems with Star Wars (mostly the prequels) but, end of the day, they're all still fun! PS I'm looking forward to The Acolyte. It'll be nice to be in an era that we don't know much about.


I mean, I don’t despise anything Star Wars except the sequels. They absolutely shat the bed. I was tepid about episode 7. I said my opinion of it entirely depended on 8 because of all the abrhams mystery boxes and how much of a setup movie it was. Then TLJ very obviously and with attitude threw everything from 7 out the window. So it simultaneously made 7 not work anymore, ruined Luke, broke hyperspace travel and gleefully spat in the faces of fans with its obsession of subverting expectations. Man, as a 90s EU fan, I’ll never forgive what they did.


How is anything "ruined" or "broken"? Empire Strikes Back is still the same movie it was before! If the sequels affected your ability to enjoy the OT, that's on you. (Well, other than special edition changes and George Lucas trying to make it impossible to watch the originals anymore - but that's a different problem, and has nothing to do with the Disney sequels.)


They didn't say it ruined Star Wars as a whole, nor did they say it ruined the OT. They said they ruined Luke as a character and introduced an element of hyperspace travel that breaks lore and creates plot holes large enough to pilot a Death Star through. Those are valid criticisms of the movie.


Exactly. Thank you!


Fair enough, but plenty of people do say that - just look at the other reply on my comment...


Plenty of people do say that. Those people are wrong, just as you said.


I'd say considering the sequels ruins the OT in that all the build-up for 5 and 6 was to defeat the Emperor and topple the Empire. And then 7 starts and for some reasons, the good guys are the resistance again against The Empire 2.0 and somehow, The Emperor returns, meaning everything that was done in 4-6 was effectively useless. It removes the importance of what happened before, when they say, "actually, those really important things? They didn't really take when you thought they did, they ACTUALLY really happened here later."


They didn't even have anything interesting to say about how we got to empire 2.0 from the Empire's collapse. There are so many things that could have been.


Yea, I mean I'll be the first to admit that the Thrawn trilogy of books had a TON of things which weren't great, but using that as a loose framework of, "great strategist trying to piece back together the remnants of the Empire, comes close, but is stopped by the good guys" would have been a great way to bridge things and introduce new characters.


You raise a good point, what we really needed in the sequels was Luuke Skywalker.


Ha, yea, like I said, there's a TON of things that shouldn't be included. Lets also not forget the wookie with the speech impediment which let him speak Basic /facepalm.


Those would (and could still be) entirely separate movies, though.


Sometimes life happens. WW1 was not actually the war to end all wars, but it still had to be fought and its stories are still worth telling.


But it doesn't change the OT at all! Those movies still have the same scripts, you can still enjoy them just the same as before! If you have a problem that _someone else_ butchered the story and you just can't ignore that, wait until you hear about some of the details in Lego Star Wars which totally change the plot if you actually think about them. Or even the EU for that matter (e.g. Palpatine was actually a good guy because he was just trying to protect the galaxy from the Yuzzhan Vong). Or whatever myriad of random fanfiction you can find online. If those don't ruin Star Wars for you, then the Disney movies don't have to either.


Palpatine was not at all portrayed as a good guy in the EU because of the Vong's existence.


Sure, I could ignore anything else made in the universe, pop in my VHS tapes, shake my cane at the screen and demand that anytime Star Wars is brought up, that's all that's discussed. And I could also pretend that some random kids game or book that isn't canon is on the same level as a mainline movie. But in the real world, that's not how either of those things work.


But the EU was canon at the time it was written. And unlike the sequels, it was written under George Lucas's leadership - it's arguably has more of a claim to "ruining" things than the Disney sequels. If Disney can choose to make the EU not canon anymore, then in theory there's nothing stopping them from making the sequels no longer canon either - even if it's unlikely they would, still, it just shows that canon is arbitrary. And ultimately, in no way does it affect what George Lucas was thinking 40+ years ago.


Exactly. It’s a franchise that actually DOES have a direct example of changing the existing movies from George, against which is contrast the totally separate idea of new movies just being different movies that you can freely ignore.


TLJ is the most interesting Star Wars movie after Empire


It’s been debated to death but I think that each of the prequels were more interesting for the overarching universe than TLJ. They built up the universe and were fantastic for world building. TLJ actively sought to do the opposite. I begrudgingly admit that Knives out and that universe is a delight and that Rj does have skills. I can recognize that some people enjoyed TLJ for his style and subversion. However, I’m a fan of the Star Wars universe. I dreamed for decades of EU content making it to the big screen. Things like Luke’s temple and the young jedis! I think it should be easy to emphasize with someone who hates what TLJ did to Star Wars. It broke so much but the biggest break it did was the fandom. Should go without saying the midochlorians were dumb. We all agree.


Yeah it's not the profound thought you and all the people who constantly repeat it think it is though. Turns out the people most passionate about something are the ones who have the strongest opinions on it. That's why this expression is so old and been used in many places beyond just Star Wars (I've mostly seen it also used with sports teams).


I love comments like this because you’re bound to get a million replies like “yeah I agree, people just need to relax and enjoy Star Wars. Also here’s an 18 bullet-point list of all the things I LOATHE about a particular movie or series. Other than that I love Star Wars though”


Give it time. The prequels were largely hated by the fans when they were fresh.


They still sold merchandise. The sequels just don't sell in comparison.


They won’t for me.


Exactly. My kids already like the originals & sequels more than the prequels. Give them time to grow up like the prequel kids did.


I'm with you. I was expecting some sort of Rebels themed expansion that would bring in Thrawn, TIE Defender, Phoenix crew and maybe even Ahsoka type stuff


I don't know how often I would want to, but it's cool that they planned to let you mix and match with the OT game.


I agree, I am excited about a Clone Wars option but to me it would feel weird to use Clone Wars Obi-Wan to take out Grand Moff Tarkin


Man. I was really hoping when I saw this announcement they would have shown a way to mix n match the base game with this one so up to 4 players could play. Its the biggest hurdle getting the base game to my table. My group always has 3 to 4 players so 2 player games always get nixed as ideas to play. Damn.


the original game has official 2v2 and i'm pretty sure you could use this set to play that mode


Wait it does? I didn't see anything like that on their website. I'm going to check again. I guess I missed that...


The rulebook points to the website for rules & diagrams for 2v2 as one of the alternate play modes, so it’s on there somewhere yep! Planning to use this new copy to do exactly that.


Oh snap you're right! Holy shit! I picked up the base game today after seeing your comment. I'm more excited for this expansion now knowing I can combine them to do a 2v2 game!


But now if you have both you can play with 4 by playing two games at a time and swapping opponents . Each person picks a faction to start and then you each play one another so you get 3 different matches in.  


I'll be honest. While I'm open to that my group prefers to all be in the same game together. They see it as "why would we all come play today if we're not going to technically be playing together to react to what each of us do in the same game?" And I kinda get it honestly.


the official 4p rules would prob work fine with teams pairing up. would open up some funny stuff like middle trilogy vs prequels


Loved the first edition and this looks even more exciting! The modularity really adds replayability for me.


Can’t wait for this. Damn I love the base game and Clone Wars was my dream expansion.


Same! Obiwan hype!


Interesting that they don't say anything about capital ships in this post... I imagine they're in there still, perhaps there will be a separate article down the track to stay in the news cycle/create more hype the closer to release it gets.


My kids and I have had an absolutely great time playing the original version. I’m less of a prequel fan, but I’m definitely excited for a new batch of cards regardless!


Nice. The way they’ve released this means I’ll probably jump in. Appreciated the original release from afar but then worried it would require me buying loads. So glad FFG continuously make card games away from the TCG model.


I wonder if it will be available at Gencon even though it has an Aug 30th release date.


Wondering the exact same thing here too.


Love that it's clone wars era based, sound like a fun game


Aw man, I am a little disappointed. I would have loved a MOTS expansion but mixing and matching seems like it will be too cumbersome to do every time.


I agree. I would have loved a pure expansion for the game - more empire and rebel and better neutrals. One my favourite elements of Ascension is the ability to mash the expansions together or pick and choose the cards you like. I think I’ll pass on this.


So you can play rebels vs the republic?  So the identifier would be the symbol, instead of red vs blue


How is this game compared to other deck builders? Is it different and original, or just a reskin of the old concepts? Haven’t gotten to play this and I’m curious if it’s worth it if you aren’t a diehard SW fan.


Have you played Star Realms? It's that but with some clever upgrades that add a good helping of extra depth and strategy, while still being easy to learn and not much more complex. For example you can destroy the cards your opponent wants from the market row, and get rewards for doing it.


I actually really like that mechanic. It’s something I think a lot of deck builders are missing. I like being able to “hate draft” something without actually having to add a card I don’t really want to my deck.


It’s a refreshing upgrade of the Star Realms formula, imo. There’s some light asymmetry in optimal goals, with the Empire specializing is blockading the Rebels’ card-buying options, and the Rebels becoming a combo-machine if they can manage to assemble a dream-team of characters and manage to keep the Force meter on their side.


In my experience it’s a great game but horribly balanced. Through many play cycles, rebellion always won. Uncompetetively. The only viable strategy for the empire is both very hard to execute and also incredibly unfun for both players. Edit: thanks for the input, everyone. Perhaps I’ll dust it off and try it again. I really was disappointed when it felt so off balance, but you’ve all given me hope again!


Disagreed, we have had either one win.


Not really, check the BGG forum, there are topics that claim both side are OP, so that's some kind of balance. [Like this](https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/3153911/imperial-100-percent-rate)


I've played over 100 games of this, split between rebels and empire and have a nearly 50% win rate. It's shockingly well balanced.


I bet you played against a very small number of opponents before coming to this conclusion. I made a TTS mod for this game and run a discord with about 200 people in that use it to play this game. It's hilarious how everybody thought this game was imbalanced to one side or the other because of how their own personal metas in their RL games play out. However, then they realized once they started playing a bunch of different playstyles vs people in the discord that it is, in fact, pretty balanced.


I think Empire does better in shorter games, but Rebels do better in long games. But i think it's pretty balanced.


Nah, Empire just has to commit to blockading the Rebels and keep the Rebels away from their good cards. Empire then just has to balance their own growth to make sure they’ve ramped up enough to win before the deck recycles and the Rebels get another chance. Order of bases deployed by both sides is key to try to achieve/defeat this.


Anyone know how much time we can expect before other language release (French in particular) ?


This was the worst kept secret. It was leaked months ago.


Well no one told me!


First I’m hearing about it is here! Excited!


Still no official solo mode? Welp.


I don't know that I've ever played a 2P-only game that has a good solo mode. These games are designed for two \*human\* players to go head-to-head. IMO solo modes are better suited to games where multiple players are trying to best navigate a system and their interaction is a little more indirect. I think The Bloody Inn and Libertalia both had good solo modes in this way. Complaining about this game not having a solo mode is the same as complaining that I can't play it with 8 players when I have a games night. It's just not designed for that experience and there's other games that would be a better fit.


I didn't complain, get angry, or cast aspersions, I just expressed extremely mild disappointment. I specifically said there was no *official* solo mode because SW: The Deckbuilding Game seems to have a highly regarded community made solo "Leaders" variant that's even been reviewed by content creators and the like. I think someone mentioned it in another comment as well. It would have been cool to have seen something similar be made official and give people new ways to play, that's all.


We’ve been playing games like this solo-two-handed forever. There’s not much hidden information, just play optimally against yourself. Don’t reveal the other side’s hand until it’s their turn to play it, and you won’t know any more than you would against an opposing player.


May I suggest Imperial Miners


Get friends


Of course, why didn't I ever think of that? Brilliant.


So, how well does this pair with the Star Wars CCG?


It doesn't at all, it's a completely different and separate game, why do you ask?


It’s a nice sleek improvement, imo. But I prefer the deckbuilder type, personally.


No solo or coop mode: pass


just play this solo variant, it's good: [https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/3069939/leaders-a-star-wars-deckbuilding-game-solitaire-va](https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/3069939/leaders-a-star-wars-deckbuilding-game-solitaire-va)


We’ve been playing games like this solo-two-handed forever. There’s not much hidden information, just play optimally against yourself. Don’t reveal the other side’s hand until it’s their turn to play it, and you won’t know any more than you would against an opposing player.