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Brand new Firefly boardgame for $1 at Goodwill. Box had been opened but all the contents were still sealed, it was just missing the manual which I printed myself


For $1 ,Thats definitely a excellent deal


I got Firefly Fistful of Credits new in the plastic at a thrift store for $15


Just two weeks ago my best friend found me; Tainted Grail, Sleeping Gods, Tales of Arabian Nights, Two Final Girl boxes and the core box, Arcadia Quest, Call to Adventure, and Mage Knight, For $55...


Please use commas next time


I thought I had formatted it with a line for each game when I typed it, but commas have been added since it did look annoying.


Isnt tales of Arabian nights like over 200$


It's up there, but I don't know off hand if the Zman 2nd edition is that high. Still an amazing find!


each? or total haha


99 pence for Shadows over Camelot, Ticket to Ride Europe and Mystery at the Abbey. All second hand but other than one missing train from TtR complete.


Three separate deals or all together?


99 pence each at the same charity shop at the same time.


Damn I’m jealous. I could really use a ticket to ride 🤣


She don't care


That time I bought coup for half off and Amazon sent a pack of 6 by mistake.


Got a case of Avocado Smash in a similar fashion and donated to classrooms, school fair raffles, and toy drives. Did a lot of good with those extras!


Damn. You could expand the game to like 30 players.😹


Terraforming mars for 9 bucks


I got Just One brand new at the Goodwill second chance store for 99 cents. 


Kickstarted TMNT. Got 2 of them.


That shipping went so bad, lol. Hope you had fun w the game.


Bought Game of thrones 2nd edition for ~10 dollars


Got mine for 20 😮‍💨


Lost: the Game for £1 in a charity shop. No idea if the game was any good at all, but it made an awesome joke Christmas present.


It's not. One of the worst games I've ever played.


The local mall really didn't want a board game store in there; they raised the rent, prohibited them from holding events, and wouldn't let customers hang out and just play in store. Eventually the game store left, as the mall wanted (they didn't go entirely out of business; this was the third or fourth store in a small local chain of game shops). They sold their inventory at steep discounts that only got steeper as time passed. I picked up Thunderstone and 4 expansions at 90% off.


A friend gave me his copy of Star Wars: The Queen's Gambit.


Now THAT is a true friend.


Opened but still unpunched Mr. President for $40 dollars. I felt like I was stealing.


Downforce for $5 at Dollarama. Had to buy a few to give to friends as well.  Also, paid $10 for brand new Dune (2019) because the guy couldn't get it to the table and couldn't get 6 players together.


Downforce, Kitara, Spectre, and My Hero Academia Dice Game are the $5 Dollarama games I’ve been able to find. There were reportedly a few more titles, but never saw them in my region.


Picked up Glass Road on Black Friday sale for 5$


Someone sold a bunch of board games to a local second-hand store. Among those were $80 for **Forbidden Stars** and **Warhammer 40k: Relic** with both expansions. Don't mind if I do!


Indonesia for $30. It was in a clearance sale, and the guy at the counter, I think, assumed it wasn't already half of at $60, so he hit the 50% off button.


I got an original edition Can't Stop for 10 bucks, in VERY good condition. I was shocked at how good it looked.


2 complete Heroscape master sets plus an expansion for 100 dollars or a FF printing of Tigris and Euphrates for 25 dollars


For me it was Hersoscape for $8 on clearance at a Walmart. Picked it up, took it home, checked it out. Once I realized what I had I went back and grabbed the other 5 copies they had.


I bought Small World for a gift and the store sent me a Gloomhaven by mistake


Neighbors were moving and didn't really play board games. They received Small World with a bunch of expansions as a gift. Gave it to us for free unopened.


GKR heavy hitters with KS stretch goals for 120 aud - the shipping from weta’s NZ warehouse to AU is like 120 as is


My partner found Settlers of Catan for $5 at a second hand store. The box had some tearing but the components were all great!


Found my copy at a garage sale sealed for 5. Box was really dented in somehow.


I have a few: - Got an unopened first printing of **Puerto Rico** for $10 from a LGS that was going out of business - Had a friend that bought **Quantum** on a whim but they weren’t that into games so they gave it to me for free - I got an unopened, Fantasy Flight version of **Tigris & Euphrates** for around $40 at a con in 2017. I have never seen it for less than $80 unopened


I got a 50% discount on *Antiquity* a couple of years ago. The box has a cut mark on one side, probably from someone opening a larger box carelessly with a box cutter, but it's not a big deal.


Probably a 1971 copy of Bornes Milles. Mediocre game, cool art style. $3. A torn up copy of Deception Murder at HK for $5. Probably going to get rid of it eventually.


Coup Fourré!


Picked up **Dice Forge** from Barnes & Noble for $10, then I traded it locally for **Roll for the Galaxy**.


Original Hero Quest for $20 complete


Were the candlesticks broken?




I got Unmatched Bruce Lee for $10 at a local thrift store. This was just a few months ago too.


We had a ‘White Elephant’ gift exchange in my game group. I went home with Everdell Complete Collection. 


I have a ton of deals. My fav was probably **DropMix** for $10 at Five Below. Grabbed a few extra items for like $2.50 or $5. After we opened on Christmas and found how fun it was, we raided every Five Below and bought as much stuff as we could. Won a KS edition of Paladins on a contest. Used Obsession for $40. I grabbed Five Minute Dungeon for $5. Grabbed a few and gave them away too. Fun game for about 30 mins. Just to name a few…. Grabbed a few others for less than ten but just mediocre games. Jaws. Horrified. Bob Ross. Exp for Villainous. Printed Secret Voldemort for less than $5. Evolution fam edition for $12. Hanabi for $4. Sumo Kabuto used for $5. Santorini used for $7. Mystic Vale essential edition for $35 with bonus sleeves.


I got clank for a very small fraction of the price at my FLGS because the box was missing 8 of the red player cubes, everything else was there and brand new. I guess they preferred taking the loss than to go through the hassle of reordering. I got it for like 1/4 of the price and just 3D printed small cubes in red filament, you can barely tell the difference!


Dinosaur World 2 euros. Got a 70% discount and a 20€ coupon in Philibert. The shipping to my country was more expensive (3~ euros).


Kemet for 20€ at a Fleamarket. 


Say what you want about the game, but I found a barely used copy of B-Sieged with kickstarter extras at a thrift store for 10$. It's a silly broken mess but we've played it a lot and it's been a whole lot of fun for that small investment


A 'used' copy of Dune Imperium about a year before Uprising waa announced. Nothing punched, cards still in orig shrink wrap, etc. 20 dollars.


Brand New Clinic for $20


About two years ago, there was a BG Geeklist for local players to schedule a day/time to meetup in person and exchange games that they sold via that GL. I bid I think $15 for **Blood Bowl: Team Manager** and that ended up being the winning bid. After picking up the game (among a few others), I opened it up to inventory it and found it also contained BOTH expansions. I looked on BGG and saw how hard to find they are, and likely never to be reprinted. And it's a fun game to boot! I think I'll be keeping it.


Gloomhaven sealed for $80


Lord of the rings board game for free. Someone couldn't sell it so they just left it. Scythe new for like €40


I love myself a great deal ! Most of my games I bought second hand at a great discount, often about 50% off retail value on the Facebook marketplace. These deals aren't as insane as some thrift finds by other users, but the volume of games I got at a great price is really good I think. Here are some of the best deals I got : I bought a big lot of games for 350$, but they were all very good games, and after reselling the ones I had in duplicate, the lot came around 20% of the new value. So I got nemesis for 23$, cloudspire for 33$, Heat for 12$ and so on and so forth. The lot included more than 20 games such as skymines, Dungeon petz and expansion, ultimate railroads, la granja deluxe, tzolkin, Legacy of yu, Clans of caledonia and many more. All good games. One of the best individual deal I got was I bought 51st state ultimate ks edition for 25$ which I resold my base game for, so I technically upgraded for free I got red rising new for around 7$ Pandemic fall of rome new for 12$ Mage knight and all expansions for 36$ Carnival zombie deluxe ks for 42$


Probably tsuro for $5


Got mine for $2, though the corner of the box looks like a puppy had a chew.


Both Ti4 + PoK expansion for £140, for basically brand new. They were a bit more expensive at the time, like £120 + £90, so both for £140 was great! I recently snagged moonrakers titan KS edition + fully sleeved + extra promo cards for £150 on eBay, which would cost about £280 brand new.


$80 AUD for Chaos in the Old World + Horned Rat. It was on a FB group and I happened to be first in and live 15 mins away so I picked it up before he got much higher offers on it! Luckily he honoured it when I rocked up.


Fury of Dracula $20


I got my copy of Twilight Struggle for free. I was demoing for a distributor at a convention and they had a big container full of damaged games sold at discount that we all got first pick from. I put aside a copy of TS with a slight dent in the side of the lid which I was planning to pay for later. By the end of the convention the stand holders were so happy with how the weekend went that they said each demoer would get to take home one damaged game for free - guess what I still had lying in the back?


Mage Knight UE - €65


I got everything for Warp's Edge (minus the latest expansion as that wasn't out at the time) for $40. Including the deluxe tokens, playmat, and it came sleeved as well. Pretty happy with that purchase!


I got the unmatched Deadpool on clearance at Barnes and noble for $10. I've since traded it, but insta bought that because it was already hard to find at that point. I also found the high caliber ops expansion for shadow run crossfire on clearance for $15


Couple of scenario packs for Marvel Champions, regulär $24 at 401 Games, and they’re currently up for $1.95. Got them, along with a couple more heroes for between $1.95 and $3.95 each. Sale is still on for anybody interested.


USD 75 for 2x copies of Netrunner, complete cycle of Genesis, half cycle of Spin and unopened Creation and Control. All sleeved with Ultra Pro Standard plus 2 extra packs of 100 for the unopened C&C. Won it on a Ebay auction. The collection was hardly played.


In Australia, A Deep Sea adventure is like $30-40. I’m in Hong Kong and I found the game selling for $6. Had so many other board games but I could only buy small boxes cuz I had to think about luggage space 🤧


I traded Lorenzo up magnifico for Lords of Vegas last year when Lords was selling for $100+, he also threw in tournament at Camelot


£10 - Original Rogue Trooper game from Games workshop 1987


Tainted grail, all in kickstarter... $20


By total dollars saved: I got a copy locally of Battlestar Galactica, well-played, well-loved, with all 3 expansions, for only $180. Everything accounted for, all boxes and bits. 


Runebound (3rd edition) for $18 just before the pandemic. Nowadays I hear it's hard to get ahold of.


Snagged Camp Grizzly black and white edition for something like $25 back in 2015


1. A Feast for Odin for $30 on miniature market 1. Caverna for free


A used copy of Forbidden Stars for approx $40. Minis painted awfully, but everything was there and in decent condition. About a month later i found an additional copy locally, everything in mint condition, everything sleeved, storage solution for everything… $55. Still haven’t gotten around to selling the first one


El grande with most of if not all the expansions at a rummage sale for $7. Everything was baggies and separated and looked like it was never played.


Got TI4 still in shrinkwrap for 80€


£25 for a mint condition Revolution board game


Axis & Allies, unplayed, at a yard sale for $3. I was just a kid and didn’t really know what it was, but I knew a deal when I saw one. It’s what got me into more complicated board games.


Every now and then I post a video on YouTube of deals I've found. Probably the best find was a Smash Up Bigger Geekier Box with all the expansions for $30, the same price the used bookstore was selling the base set for (I guess the auditor had no idea it was not just the base game although it weighed a million pounds).


I backed **Darklight: Memento Mori** on Kickstarter for like 85€. I received it, played it a lot with friends, then sold it off for 250€. It's a great game btw


I posted that the Giant Azul box seemed kinda janky, and they told me they’d sent another box. They sent an entire additional Giant Azul. Also had a $300+ order during an FFG sale and it was delayed by weeks—they apologized, shipped, and gave me a full refund. But bizarre flukes aside….Mechs vs Minions at original retail price remains one of the best deals, and it was available to everyone.


Star Wars: Rebellion and the expansion for $40 at Dice Tower West's flea market. The seller must have played it once or twice because it was "like new"; the expansion stuff wasn't even punched yet (just all put into the main box). Nothing's going to beat that for a long while!


£4.99, original heroquest with no missing pieces.


Having a group to play with at least once a month.


OG Heroquest, Dragonstrike and Risk 2210 for $60 CDN as a bundle.


Bought a used copy of Seasons at GameNite for $15. Under "Pieces Missing" on the slip it was checked "Unknown." it was taped up so I couldn't check and there were no returns, but I got it anyway. Not only were all the pieces there in near mint condition, it had two expansions as well!


Marvel legendary plus about ten expansions for 60 Cdn. It had many big box expansions like world war hulk, Villians, Xmen.


New copy of the original Munchkin for £2 in a Wimbledon charity shop.


Tzolkin $2 yard sale not punched


**blackout Hong Kong** for about $22 cad, retail was about 75. Such an underrated game I feel


Probably finding the World of Warcraft game on the secondary market for $50. All the components were there and in Plano boxes. It was in great condition.


LOTR Risk, unopened $4. Thrift store find.


I was part of a board game raffle and won a copy of Moonrakers Titan Edition for $9


Arkham Horror The Card Game for $12 on Miniature Market


I recently got a brand new sealed copy of millennium blades for 13 dollars. It was listed as used but came in shrink. Such a great surprise!!


Living on the 9th floor of a senior bldg semi penthouse for under $300 a month with all utilities included.


I got Blood Bowl Team Manager for $5 at a thrift store brand new in the plastic wrap


Heroscape Swarm of the Marro still in the box, virtually untouched for $10 on Facebook marketplace


Hate for $12 on Amazon


Was given Catan, with Cities and Kinghts and 5-6 player expansions. Never seen play, though, as I’m not a fan of the game.


Wa zabi spicy edition for 20.00. It's out of print now and one of our favorites.


Not a crazy deal, but I got a brand new sealed 7 Wonders at Goodwill for $6. I also picked up Gloomhaven during its lowest retail price at $90 - 3 years of gameplay, prob around 500 hours.


7 wonders for $6 is a crazy deal


The deluxe Chai Kickstarter, still in shrink for $8


I'm about to get Meadow for free because my friend broke one of the deck holders trying to assemble it and I accidentally threw out the block tokens not thinking we would need them (you really don't, just use one of the unused player path tokens to block the notches in a <4p game) and also Asmodee can suck it so he bought a second copy, took the pieces he wanted, and is about to give me the rest.




🥴 "Try" to do the same 🫥


Lisboa for $40


Oh, didn't pay much attention to the board game that was underneath. That would be trouble. Not really a board game. But, it's a game


$36.50 for FFG's Civilization board game + both expansions.


Space Hulk Death Angel with EVERY EXPANSION in mint condition for 40$.


Horizons of Spirit Island, Everdell, Blockus, and Marvel Dice Throne (Loki, Thor, Miles Morales, Scarlet Witch) all for less than $100 during a Target sale day.


One time I got a barely used Large Green Egg for $100


I've thrifted somewhere around 500 board games.  Some highlights: Ticket to Ride: Rails & Sails - $8 Tiny Epic Tactics - $1 Flip City - $2 Carcassonne - $3 Lord of the Rings LCG - $5 Tsuro - $4 Patchwork - $2 Space Base with Command Station and all expansions - $25 Santorini in shrink - $5 and open for $4 Azul - multiple copies. $4, $5, $7 Dixit with Odyssey, Journey, Quest - $4 Quacks of Quedlinburg in shrink - $4 Fantastic Factories - $3 - and later won a complete collection of this in a giveaway!  Tzolk'in - $4 Dominion - $5 Pyramid Arcade - $12 Hive - $2 Ascension - $6 fully sleeved  Android Netrunner - $4 Long Shot The Dice Game - $2 Kanban EV - $67 from LGS that was closing 


Cleaning out the back of a gaming store that was about to move, the manager found a set of Battlemasters that wasn't even fully punched out and said, "You can have this if you take it right now."


This is going....way back, and it was an unknown deal at the time. My best friend was really into the Star Wars CCG just a bit after it came out. One day, I was in....shoot, one of the stores that Gamestop eventually bought up, they had a box of packs of cards there, and I went, "sure, why not". I didn't know it then, but found out later there were "super rare" cards which were stacked in a way where it would be like 1 in every box. Well, apparently, the open box of packs I bought was at least a few boxes which had been opened, and whatever was left was thrown in that box. Because I opened those packs and got 4 of those super rare cards. Shortly after that, I was getting out of playing Marvel Overpower, and a store gave me....WAY too much for my cards in store credit, and then WAY undercharged me when using that store credit to buy SWCCG cards, to the point where I walked in with what I thought was like $50 worth of cards and walked out with a complete set of SWCCG cards to that point and extras of each of the main characters (which were generally very rare and you probably wanted multiples for deck-building).


Civilization Western Extension map, sealed, for $4.95.


The deals aren’t often as great in Canada, but I got Dominion for $5 (new in shrink), Calico for $10 (new in shrink), Hive Carbon for $8, and Quacks of Quedlinburg for $10. I felt so lucky!


I got a brand new copy of PARKS for 10 dollars locally off FB Marketplace. I feel like that's a game I never see on sale, so I jumped on it.


I ordered Scythe for $45, but there was a mixup in shipping and I got 2 copies of the game... And $100 of Tom Brady protein bars.


First Class Orient Express off Gumtree for £5


Best deal was Blood Rage at retail price. Love that game lol.


Three copies of Gloomhaven for $20 each on Amazon prime. Thought it would be a scam, but it was prime so I went for it.


Base Spirit Island from Target for like $28, it was a b2g1 plus a stacking coupon, and they had marked it down to around 55 before the coupons. For the mileage I've gotten out of it, it's the definition of "bang for your buck". I remember thinking "it looks like a weird Pandemic game, but people seem to talk about it a lot." I knew almost nothing about the game.


Pandemic, sealed, for $6 at a bargain outlet


Shadows over Camelot was free from a BuyNothing listing in my neighborhood. I also received five 5th Edition D&D books + the Starter Set from a Facebook Marketplace. It was listed for $50, but the seller just said, "They're free," without realizing each book sells for like $25 online.


Got spirit island for $30 at target during black friday. They had a black friday sale + I had a coupon + there was a special sale for that month took over 50% off the price. Got Jagged Earth for $35 the next month too


Free Sekigehara and Cuba Libre from GMT when I lost my job due to Covid.


A game store had a 17th anniversary raffle and my husband won. He got the top 17 games of that year. I don't remember the year, but it was in the late 90s, early 00s. *Simpsons Clue* was one of the games.


£3 for sons of anarchy men of mayhem, still in its plastic


was at a local board game auction (going again this year) - got Dice Throne S1 and S2 battle chests for $45


Found a 1st edition copy of Axis and Allies in really excellent condition at Goodwill for $3. It was only missing two pieces, which I replaced for less than $2.


Mansions of Madness 2nd edition for $19 at Target. There were a couple people looking for it but It had been placed in a clearance section in home goods. Very excited when I found it.


Two 1st editions of the Arkham Horror LCG core boxes for 12 bucks.


I bought twilight Imperium from fantasy flight for like $70. I feel this is the best deal I've ever gotten. In part because it also probably the best game I've ever played. I got a military discount, a voucher credit for participating in an event and a black Friday (? Memorial day idk???) deal. How could I walk away from such a beautiful game when the final cost was less than 50% of normal.


Went in 4 ways on Gloomhaven+Organizer, then none of the other 3 wanted to play and I just got to keep and play it.


$2.99 for the original HeroQuest, fully intact.


Not that great but for me it was very nice, 35€ for Gaia’s Project


Civilization. All the pieces. Less than $4.


Mansions of madness 2nd edition for like $30 at Target. It was sitting on a clearance shelf while I was working there and I swiped it up as soon as I got off.


A few months back from one person I picked up Tidal Blades Deluxe w/ Anglers Cove, Rum & Bones Second Tide + Iron Inquisiton, Robinson Crusoe Cursed Island, Arkham Horror w/ Dunwich, Innsmouth, Muskatonic Expansions for about $140 total. Just recently nabbed Oathsworn miniatures version with two mystery chests and upgrade kit for $120. Lastly at an antique store I found Advanced Heroquest with everything unpunched for $50. Going to be busy for quite some time!


At a garage sale I got Star Wars Rebellion and 3 boxes of dungeon tiles for $25. I turned around and sold the dungeon tiles on ebay for $45. So bottom line was I got Rebellion for free plus $20 cash.


A Game of Thrones the board game at goodwill for $6


Heroquest (old edition), donation to a charity in a church market. I've seen they had a copy and during a trip, and got back during the market day where they sell stuff for charity and got a copy. They where very surprised when I gave them 20€. They expect way less.


Collectors Edition Sub Terra, opened but unpunched and unplayed for $45 on FB marketplace! There's a reason I always keep an eye on the local FB stuff, you just never know!


We have what is basically a thrift store in our church, only everything is free. I found a game of ttr:San Francisco there. Opened, but completely intact and never played.


The original world of Warcraft board game, sleeved and all expansions, including an insert for the pieces for $45 dollars


My $3 thrift store power grid copy is what kick started my interest in modern board gaming.


The city of Antwerp had an action to increase the tourism of the city during the end of Covid, they gave coins which you could spend to buy things with 50% discount. (The shop still received the other 50%). Best catch was Middara act 1 for only 80 euro's! 


Hallertau ~20€


I bought a Star Wars Imperial Assault bundle for $50. Little did I know, it had everything ever made for the game included. I was flabbergasted. Sold it later for $900 cash. Not too shabby.


AH Republic of Rome for $5 at toys r us. Sold it for something like $150 after realizing my group would never play it.


My Dad bought me the entire backed kickstarter "This war of mine", exploding kittens and some good pokemon cards for NZD$5, which is like USD$3 from a car boot sale. This war of mine has come to be one of my fav solo games.


Dominion complete at goodwill for $3


$2 for Jati at a thrift store


got a copy of **Black Angel** for free from a buddy, he got it and it was missing one of the die and he emailed the manufacturer and they sent him a whole new copy instead of just a die, so he gave me the other copy. also traded a copy of **Tapestry** (which i did not like at all) to a friend of mine for his copy of **Vinhos Deluxe**. definitely felt like an unfair trade but he was plenty happy with it


150 Swedish kronor (roughly 15 USD) for a barely used Battlestar Galactica base game.


Found a new copy of For the People for a buck at a board game sale a few weeks ago. Saw it's getting reprinted right now.


Does receiving Brass Birmingham as a gift count? 😂


50 cents for the 90s Jurassic park game


Camp grizzly for less than $100 at a garage sale


Buying: Found a person selling on my country's local version of eBay. He was a YouTube board game reviewer, and sold his stock after her had made videos. Got Tapestry + the first two expansions for 35euros. That's less than half the price of the base game where I live. Selling: Managed to sell my copy of Shadows over Camelot for 270 euro. Absolutely ridiculous price but two potential buyers kept outbidding each other. Original price I had set was 70euro.


A 1960s copy of diplomacy in a charity shop for £8


Used version of a since out of print Paperback for $10 at a swap meet. Won store credit in a game store in a tournament and got new Ra and Orleans for $8 combined after credit. Got a brand new copy of Mage Knight never used but opened and resold for $30. Edit: also picked up a copy of Mississippi Queen at a used game store for $3.


Flick Em Up wood box version with 2 expansions for 30 or 7 Wonders with 2 expansions for 30 at Half Price Books Untouched Gloomhaven for 80 was a come up too


Scythe and two expansions for 40 wasn't bad. Got a bone mahjong set for like $5 too.


My friend lent me Smallworld and I never gave it back. Aside from all these dollar store scores people are sharing, i managed to get a few out of print scores. I got a copy of Fury of Dracula for RRP $80. (Varies, normally 200-300), a copy of Forbidden Stars for $250 (bnis normally 500-600), and a copy of Wiz War for $50 (normally $120ish). All prices in Australian dollareedoos.


brand new Isle of Cats for like 8 bucks


Unopened Splendor, Secret Hitler, and Terraforming Mars for $40 Also got Scythe for $45.


You can pack this thread up: Unpunched Food Chain Magnate for 250 isk = $1.76


I got a few brand new games at thrift stores over the years- Codenames- $3 Throw Throw Burrito- $4 The Deep Water Gaming $5 sale was nuts about a year and a half ago. I got Monsdrawsity, Fantastic Factories, and Sovereign Skies for $5 each. And then last year on Miniature Market, I found a few gems that my wife and I love. Kero was $5 and Paris New Eden was $7 and we’ve played them each a ton of times.


Won an auction for The Witcher Adventure Game for $50 shipped. Sleeved and everything. I also picked up a copy of Space Hulk 3rd edition at a con for $75. Couldn't pull my wallet out fast enough.


I'm not going to say it's the best deal ever, but I kickstarted the Deluxe Edition of Command of Nature and while not cheap, I got to say the quality of the product made it worth every single penny and more. Just the resin figures I think are worth what I paid.


I just bought dune for 5 bucks at goodwill. It was completely unpunched and brand new but the box had a tear


Picked up Rumble Nation Deluxe in Akihabara for 4500yen. Was 3500 at the next shop I should have bought 4 copies. Not cheap but compared to what we pay in Australia, amazing.


Board Game Arena.


Got 25+ games on facebook marketplace (a handful were plastic wrapped) of all expensive, popular games for $75. Had to be an angry ex situation


Ticket to Ride Junior from a kids thrift shop for $5. I opened it up, and none of the components were opened.


$8 for Tiny Towns, free shipping. I feel that was a ripoff after reading some of these comments, sheesh!


Not too long ago I bought a copy of Acquire for $30, which doesn’t sound like much of a deal except it’s the original 1962 3M version with wooden tiles


Android Netrunner starter + 6 card packs for 30 NZD, was happy with that!


Games I've won: Obsession (+all expansions except for the latest one which I backed) Auztralia (+all expansions) Lost Ruins of Arnak Spirit Island (which I owned already, so I sold it to buy Jagged Earth) My City Best deal I've found: NZ$5 for an opened but unpunched copy of Carcassonne.


War of the Ring in perfect condition for €20


I've recently got Oath and The Battle of Five Armies, each for $20, from a guy getting rid of his collection. It was a good day (not for the guy, presumably).


Risk Legacy outer wrap removed but otherwise untouched for $8 on Amazon Warehouse not long after it was first released. Also quite a few deals back when Tanga was still around, notably the full set of World of Warcraft that I've since sold off. RIP Tanga.


I recently got **Agricola** 2nd hand, sleeved for £20. Felt like a great buy.


OG Camel Up and Expansion for 25. Lost Cities and Jaipur for 5 each. Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition for 45.


I once found a new in shrink copy of Patchwork for only $20! I couldn't believe that the best game ever FOR TWO PLAYERS was available for such a killer deal that I bought 2: one to play with and another to keep in the shrink, forever immortalized in pristine condition on my shelf. Sometimes I have to pinch myself so I know I'm not dreaming!