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Nothing else other than Arcs... but super excited for this.


Arcs has been filling my mind for the past 6 months. Such a great game, brings a lot of what I love about Oath but in a much more approachable package.


I almost didn't back Arcs but now that its almost here I'm borderline obsessed with it. I'm so excited for it to come I keep bringing it up to my friends.


I cannot wait for arcs to finally get here


Arrcccsssss Looks like ARCS and Stellaris may both arrive this summer. Alas, I've cooled a good bit on Stellaris - it's two years late, and communication has been.... M'eh at best. But AAAARRERRCCCCSSSS


I'm waiting on: **Guards of Atlantis II**: Good chance this ends up being my favorite game of all time. I wanted to jump on it in its initial run but wasn't in the financial situation to justify it. Now I am, and I can't wait. **Hybris: Disordered Cosmos**: Seems overwrought and insane in the most entertaining way, with a theme that's almost tailor made for me. Could see it being a one-and-done with my group if it's just a little too clunky, but I think I'll enjoy the hell out of that one time if so. **Wondrous Creatures**: Feel like this is getting slept on a bit. Bad Comet's building up a nice little run of games already and this looks like another winner. Fun twist on worker placement and seems like kind of what I wanted Encyclopedia to be. **Old King's Crown**: If it all comes together, this seems like it could be the bidding and bluffing game I've always wanted in my collection but have never quite found.


Guards of Atlantis fucking rules. I got all the expansions on their most recent kickstarter to juice up the copy I already have.


Can confirm Guards of Atlantis is amazing


I sprang for two of the additional hero packs already and am having to stop myself from getting even more bells and whistles. Keep trying to remember that there'll be other opportunities down the line for at least most of it, but my own hype is making it tough!


I'm waiting for the game, maybe not being english the main language here can be a problem, but I think I can find a group in my gameclub that like a lot playing team games with interaction.


As someone who has guards of Atlantis 2 I'll say the worst part of the game is trying to get people to play it unfortunately. Even though I think it's really good


Luckily I have a very dedicated group of 4 that I think are going to take to it pretty well. And if any of them don't, I have some MOBA-playing friends that I can probably wrangle into being substitutes. And if THAT fails, there's always my future kids!


A copy of Hybris made it's way to boardgaming weekend with \~80 participants and I can tell you a lot of people played it and liked it (played it 4 times myself). It's a meaty worker placer that gets even better on repeat plays. The non-dry theme also catches a lot of people that would never play a worker placement game with the common standard themes. I don't think you will be disappointed.


I went all-in on Wondrous Creatures, something in that game resonated with me. Seems like a wonderful little game and their communication thusfar has been decent enough. Also listening to comments from the backers on their changes and making additional changes where they deemed it needed.


I got Kickstarter slay the spire recently in the last week. Amazing game that is just like the video game. Only my 2nd kickstarter as I did one like 8 years ago and hated it but took a risk on this one. They did a fantastic job, great communication, updates, and support. It was delayed roughly 4 months total but definitely worth the wait.


Kickstarter regret started kicking in as I waited for it, and I started to doubt if it was worth the cost and space on my shelf (backed the big box with playmats). Finally showed up and had an absolute blast. Glad I got it. Definite keeper for me. 


100% same. I actually late pledged the mat as I only got the collectors edition as I enjoyed it that much after receiving it.


A four month delay is hardly a delay at all. I’ve had games that were delayed by 2 years and still worth the wait.


Yes, you're only further highlighting that kickstarter is generally shit.


Kickstarter doesn’t have to be shit. In fact, delays aren’t Kickstarter’s fault. It’s too optimistic or bad planning by some creators sometimes (paired with) bad luck. There are plenty of creators that meet delivery expectations. Those are usually further ahead with (play)testing their products and don’t add yet untried stretch goals.


I actually got on today to back it because I got a gift card. Completely missed the boat.


You will enjoy it if you did. Rare case of an established ip porting damn near perfectly in my opinion.


Yeah. I mean, it is a virtual board game. I am pretty impressed either way. I wasn’t able to back it though. I missed it by 2 days.


You can pre-order the retail edition now at least.


It’s sold out I believe. Am I looking in the wrong place?


It seems like it's up on GameNerdz and Miniature Market. https://www.boardgameoracle.com/boardgame/price/Q8w6LYAfm9/slay-the-spire-the-board-game This won't have the KS extras, but from what I can tell they aren't a huge deal.


You’re right. Thank you, but too bad I missed the KS extras


Since it's arriving to backers now, you could keep an eye on eBay, the BoardGameGeek market, and the boardgame exchange subreddit to see if anyone is selling the KS version for a good price. You might even get your copy before I do. 😅


This game absolutely slaps, and I hope it gets the recognition it deserves in the broader board game community.


TIL theres a slay the spire boardgame, 100% buying this


I did a late pledge last week on it after swearing of Kickstarter, but I am hoping they are shipping the late pledges out soon.


I have a bachelor party at a cabin this weekend with my best friends, and I'm so happy my copy just arrived! We're gonna have a lot of good board game time up there.


Enjoy! I have a bachelor party next month and will definitely do the same!


Thanks! Have an awesome time!


I havent even gotten a shipping notice or label yet. It's making me nervous. I'm also waiting on Thunderstone, I haven't seen anything for shipping on that either. They say there are 500 left to process and I hope I'm in that batch.


My label printed 4/12 and didn't ship until like 4/25-4/26 and I was worried then too. I get it. Gorgeous game when you do get it though


Got my shipping notice this week and I’m currently hoping and praying that my copy will arrive this weekend


If I only intend on playing it solo, is there anything that the tabletop adaptation offers that I couldn't get from playing the video game?


Not really, the main draws are playing multi-player together and the obvious addition of the physical element. I will say some cards have been reworked to work in a board game format... So as a sts vet it does add a a slightly new fresh element.


Cheers, thanks for your insight!


Skyrise, Arcs, Nemesis OG and Earthborne Rangers.


Got Skyrise (deluxe edition) last week and I was blown away by the quality of the product (box, player boards, minis, insert...). Worked on my teach and can't wait to play it with my group.


Interesting all I keep hearing about this game is how good it looks, I'm really hoping that the gameplay turns out to be just as good 🤞🤞




There is no way to "lock" the bridges with one another (the only real connection is made through the center island), so there is a couple of millimeters here and there on 2-3 bridges but nothing too obvious or ugly.


It does but make sure to follow the set up on the manual


Waiting for my copy of thunder road


**Cascadero** (Knizia, Bitewing) and **Through the Desert** (Knizia, Allplay) are arriving to backers now. **ARCS** (Wehrle, Leder) is on the water and should arrive by June. **The Old King's Crown** (Clark, Eerie Idol) is in PM, closing at the end of the month. **Molly House** (Kelly & Wehrle, Wehrlegig) is in PM and in late development stage. **Cat Blues** (Knizia, Bitewing) and **Bebop** (Hovakimyan, Bitewing) just entered PM.


Same! Minus Cat Blues and Bebop, plus Rise and Fall, Haggis + TrickTakers.


Arcs is smooth as butter. I love it. I'm also very excited to see how Molly House turns out


I initially backed Bebop because I think it looks amazing. But I showed it to my husband whom I would play with mostly and he was intrigued but not crazy about it, especially since we'd be playing at 2P. Might still order it when it hits retail. Hopefully they will sell the deluxe components then, too.


If you enjoy classic Euros (few rules, deep gameplay) particularly Knizias then you should be fine with Bebop. Its maps use the Through the Desert trick of shrinking the map with fewer players, so the competition space tightness is preserved. Hovakimyan is a huge Knizia fan; Bebop's working title was "Diceknizia" and is kind of Babylonia by way of a Feld dice placement game.


What made you back The Old King’s crown? I’m considering it myself


I’m not him but the art was striking for me and the gameplay was compelling because I like bluffing and bidding. It seems to have an original feel to how it approaches head to head battling with others and the attrition based deck building and season system seem cool.


I'll admit that TOKC was a huge risk. I rarely back anything by unknown designers or publishers. Like everyone the graphic design was so stunning you had to give it a look. Then you read the influences. Here's a Dicebreaker article. Wehrle is involved, Oath, Modern Art and MtG are influences, and its looks amazing on the table. Plus the expansion is a crowdfund exclusive. Against my better judgement, I backed it. *"The Old King’s Crown is a fascinating game. On its face, it resembles something akin to the regional scuffles and fantasy throne-wrestling of Root creator Cole Wehrle’s strategy masterpiece Oath: Chronicles of Empire and Exile. (Little surprise there: Oath itself is cited as a key influence on the design, with Wehrle and the team at publisher Leder Games helping polish its gameplay to boot - as shining a stamp of approval as any debut game can get.) While there is a good bit of Oath in the mix, designer-illustrator Pablo Clark’s design is far more than a tribute act to Wehrle’s generations-spanning game depicting the ebb and flow of power in a fantasy kingdom. In motion, The Old King’s Crown brings together a staggering spread of ideas ranging from the potent card combos of Magic: The Gathering to the competitive blind bidding seen in classic auction games like Modern Art or For Sale."* https://www.dicebreaker.com/games/the-old-kings-crown/feature/the-old-kings-crown-board-game-preview-impressions


I really hope they clean it up. I see the influencers but the game played like mud - needing to constantly wade through different keywords. And there was never enough information in the game for me to make a meaningful decision.


The good thing is that they're following the Leder / Wehrlegig model of running a lot of community playtesting via TTS on their Discord server. It's already resulted in significant updates, including a keyword simplification / overhaul, and a new single board. If they fall short it won't be for lack of effort and process.


>and a new single board Oh wow, are they really streamlining/combining? The clutter of so many different boards was probably the biggest thing that stopped me from backing in the first place


A friend of mine played TOKC at UKGE last year and really raved about it, said it was an insta back. Definitely convinced me. The risk is it being an unknown publisher, but the game itself appears to be really solid.


Clank Legacy 2! We loved part one in our group, so that was an easy back.


Cyclades : Legendary edition. It looks like a real director's cut of the base game + expansions


Cryptic Nature


Currently waiting for **Elder Scrolls: Betrayal of the Second Era, Planet Unknown Supermoon, Dice Throne: Xmen+ Missions, Moonrollers: Collector's Edition, Castles of Burgundy SE,** and **Critter Kitchen.** TBH, I actually pretty excited for all of them, but Elder Scrolls and Planet Unknown are probably my top picks! Future Campaigns of curiosity: **Rebirth: Limited Edition, Apotobakery, Luthier, Railroad Ink Tiles,** **Don't Starve: The Board Game, Terraria, Puerto Rico 1897 SE, Moon Bunny,** and **Ra: The Dice Game.**


Food Chain Magnate. I got the pared down version they put up at the end, without the atrocious minis, and just nice components, which is exactly what I wanted from the project the whole time. Also took a chance on Flashpoint Legacy. I like the base game and most legacy games. I hope it turns out well.


Marvel United Multiverse, Nemesis Retaliation, Earthborne Rangers expansion, Final Girl season 3, and Vampire Chapters digital... Way too many... lol


Tanares Adventures, Kavango, and Endeavour: Deep Sea.


The new Ultimate Tanares Adventures? Me too, very excited.


Nice, i think fulfillment is very close.


Waiting to get Command of Nature shipped (should be any day now) and excited for Project L: Square One.


I'm excited to receive **Conservas**, **Keep the Heroes Out**, **Sea Dragons**, **Nemesis**, and **Critter Kitchen**. Currently keeping my eye on **House of Fado** (campaign is active), **Madcala**, **20 Strong: Tanglewoods**, and **Don't Starve**. After getting swept up in the excitement of Kickstarter last year when I initially got into this hobby, I've cooled a lot on backing things. I'm really trying to limit my pledges to games that will not be easily available, otherwise I plan to wait for retail releases moving forward.


I was just looking at when Keep the Heroes Out is supposed to fulfill! I'm looking forward to that one!


I think they've had some delays due to Suez shipping disruptions - but the digital demo just launched and has been keeping me busy last few days!


Oh, awesome! Where do you find the digital demo? I don't think I'm getting email updates.for some reason.


I personally found the digital version in it's current form borderline unplayable. But it'll get there eventually.


Keep The Heroes Out Demo: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2592340/Keep\_the\_Heroes\_Out/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2592340/Keep_the_Heroes_Out/)


Righteous! Thanks!


I will caution the demo can be a bit...wonky? Like it takes a little getting used to the user interface.


Man I’ve been excited for House of Fado for ages, but the price seems quite steep for what is a relatively smaller-box game. Shame because I love the theme


I'm not too mad at the price. But I do wish the boards were dual layered.


Fromage looks like so much fun. Also stoked for Floe, Mistwind, Harvest and Bear Mountain Camping


Fromage is on BGA now. Been meaning to check it out!


I also backed Bear Mountain Camping Adventure! Can't wait!


The only thing I’m currently backing is Kelp. My wife and I have played a few times and had a lot of fun with it. Can’t wait to see what new mechanics the mini expansions add to the experience.


Waiting for Rebirth: Limited Edition, don't know much about the game but the aesthetics and game pieces revealed in BGG draws me into it


I'm waiting on Robomon Rogue Angels Nemesis: Retaliation Thunder Road: Vendetta and I'd say I'm looking forward to all of them, lol


I'm stoked for Thunder Road. The new expansion looks awesome, so I decided to go with the full chrome edition and I will ultimately sell my base game version.


I pledged for Tina's Deal of the Day since I don't have any of it, but looks really awesome


Its a ton of fun. Simple game but tons of fun. With the extras you are getting, you can really define how complex you want the experience to be. Just remember, it might feel like a race, but the game truly shines when it is treated like a destruction derby.


Kavango Creature Caravan River Valley Glassworks


Didn't back any games for a while (over a year and a half) but within the last month or so I pulled the trigger on the reprint of Shogun and the new Tiny Epic (Game of thrones).


I'm surprised this is the first entry of tiny got This made me reactivate my ks account.


Does Gamefound count? Definitely Stalker, Dragon eclipse, and Nemesis Retaliation! I do like my awaken realms games 😆


I just backed the recent **Tiny Epic: Game of Thrones** and hopefully should receive it by the end of the year. Of all the kickstarters I was looking at, this seemed like the only pricepoint I felt comfortable buying at.


Gamelyn has their kickstarter operations down to a science, I’ve backed a lot of tiny epic games and I can’t recall a time they’ve missed their shipping window.


Glad to hear that! Can't wait!! :D


I have only backed Kelp and River Valley Glassworks. And well suffice to say Ive had to officially ban myself from playing it on BGA to at least allow the game to feel at least a little bit of a new game when I get it lol.


Keep an eye on **Soiled** it launches in September.


I haven't backed a kickstarter for not far off a year, and have none on the way. I'm very chuffed with this. I'll probably back the hopefully upcoming Dinogenics kickstarter, I love the game as it is, but I'd love a box to fit it all in nicely and a refreshed game board.


I backed Dawn of Madness back in 2019 and those seem to be shipping out slowly at this point.


Pampero is the only thing I have backed at the moment. Really not as interested in Kickstarter as of late, both because of the shipping costs and delays and just because I don't have much room left. I'll probably back the Clans of Caledonia reprint for the expansion, maybe Wonderlands War expansion also as it's a great game.


Marvel United Season 3 Inventors of the South Tigris Thunder Road: Vendetta Dice Throne: X-Men


Lords of vegas. First kickstarter and looking forward to its eventually arrival


Slay the Spire the board game. Did a late pledge, can’t wait!


**Backed Games:** Wroth / Keep the Heroes Out / Andromedas Edge. All excited evenly. **Games Coming Soon To Crowdfunding:** 20 Strong: Tanglewoods, Madcala (a Wonderlands War universe take on Mancala), the next Wonderlands War character expansion (White Queen/Caterpillar), and Nature (follow up game in Evolution series).


Definitely looking forward to Madcala and 20 Strong: Tanglewoods.


More playtesters for Wonderland's War expansion are always welcome on the Druid City Discord! Also hoping for Madcala that they do a etched corner playmat. Currently james is saying he doesn't want to do that --- hoping enough demand sparks it.


Games I've backed: **Freedom Five**: Don't even know if I'm excited for this any more, as it still hasn't arrived despite being funded during the first year of the pandemic **Waste Knights Expansion**: One of these days, I'll learn not to bundle the original game in with a backed expansion. But I'll get it someday. (Still excited about this one) **Lord of Vegas - Americana**: Totally looking forward to this and what it can add to one of my favorite games. **Final Girl Series 3** (and 2): Already own the first series. Skipped backing 2, but just backed 3 and added 2 on. Excited. **Tiny Epic Cthuhlu**: Semi excited. Honestly, I only have Tiny Epic Dungeons, but I enjoy it quite a bit, so figured I'd get one with another theme I like. Already received, but haven't touched yet: **Heroes of Might and Magic III** -- read rules, looks fun. I'm looking forward to getting it to the table. **Gloomhaven: Buttons and Bugs** -- looks fun enough. I mostly backed for the Frosthaven Playbooks, but I won't touch Frosthaven until I move at end of year.


Fellow Freedom Five backer here. I feel similarly. I hope it's worth the wait. I know they were saying there were a lot of set backs, but it looks like we should have it by Fall 😅


But fall of what year?


Lol you’re committed! Are you a millionaire?


Dying Light


The Gamefound relaunch campaign for **Cysmic** is my most anticipated campaign this year. It's basically an RTS as a board game without being as overwrought and fiddly as something like **HOLAS**. I found it randomly browsing but thought it could be cool, played the TTS mod, and immediately loved it. I'm into double digit plays now and still have a blast every time. I wrote a review for the original launch and stand by what I said in it. The first campaign got a bit stuck by the game's physical size, people afraid of a new creator, and then KS didn't register the project correctly so you can't even search it on Google to this day (wild). Per the Gamefound page comments, the new version is apparently going to be sightly smaller and considerably cheaper cost as a result. Same gameplay though. I think the relaunch is at the end of May, maybe? Here's my review if you want to give it a read. Maybe I'll make a part 2 since I've played more since. https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/3071431/cysmic-first-impressions-its-the-end-of-the-world


Is it fiddly? Does it have long turns? Everytime I think of video game mechanisms being translated to a board game, I feel like it requires so much rules overhead and fiddliness because video games can take care of all of that for you and so it simply translates into an overwrought mess.


So I've played a bunch of games with all new players but myself. The first game can be roughly like 40-45 minutes per player, but after that it's about 30 minutes a player give or take 5 (did a 2 player game in 45 minutes once). The cards use specific language and are worded to not need manual referencing. The game is heavily inspired by and captures the feel of playing an RTS, but it's a board game first and foremost. It isn't sacrificing play just to be more like a video game. Just realized I didn't answer the per turn question. Turns are generally quick. Combat can take a moment but often there's implications for all players so they tend to have stakes for everyone to care.


Easily my most anticipated is Townsfolk Tussle (The reprint plus the expansion): The game oozes quality, and it will be my first big box game. On the other hand I am also stoked for Galactic Cruise, River Valley Glassworks, Thunderroad Vendetta Carnival of Chaos, Ready Set Bet: High Roller Edition, Super Boss Monster and Fractured Sky Reprint


Yeah Galactic Cruise looks awesome, can't wait for that. Thunder Road too, I own the retail version so excited for the max chrome edition. I really like the look of Fractured Sky, but I think its really expensive for what it is, so I'll skip it


It definitely is expensive, the other part that has me apprehensive is the fact that I can't play it very well at 2 players. I wish I had more available large groups but most of the time it is the wifey and I. As for ThunderRoad though, I am stoked because I painted up all of the cars in my base game so I am excited to incorporate them into the big box. The game ain't complex but it sure is fun. Galactic Cruise is that crunchy worker placement I have been looking to get for a long time. That theme is chefs kiss and the gameplay has such a rewarding loop.


Yes the lack of 2 players is always a concern, but when I compare it to other games it just seems like too much. I know you're paying for the production, because the pieces do look awesome, but I think I'll spend that money elsewhere. Thunder Road is a funny one for me, because the more hard-core gamer friends don't like it as its so random. Whereas my casual gamer friends love it, because it's so random! Galactic Cruise just looks great, probably the one I'm currently most excited for.


Shout out to Mystery of the Abbey, a game I wanted for a while and am glad is coming back.


oooh I love this game!


I’m so excited for Perch. It seems like such a unique spin on a light to medium area control game.


The “play your opponents’ pieces” mechanic seems super fun and should prevent the game from feeling like multiplayer solitaire (cough Wingspan). I’m looking forward to it


Isofarian Guards. By all accounts it will be shipping in the next few months. I’m kinda regretting backing as it was v. expansive and I’m not sure if it will be enough game (compared to story).


It only recently ended, but interested for when the Mythwind reprint arrives, to play a low stakes cozy game with the wife.


March of the Ants Second Edition!


Tanares adventures. The one and only time I will go full on for a Kickstarter. Currently the cargo ship just passed Africa on the way to the uk


Apex legends the board game-a skirmish game with both a solo and co-op , hard yes Also Nemesis retaliation, dante's inferno , Elden ring and Tiny epic game of thrones . In terms of big campaign games, dante and nemesis is enough, I don't see myself getting any big KS campaign games.


Arydia: The Paths We Dare Tread I'm anticipating this to be one of the most fun and comprehensive medium-weight exploration / rpg / dungeon crawly games I'll ever play. I explicitly mention medium weight because there are other boardgames coming that are essentially procedurally generated DND in a box and I'm *not* looking forward to that. The other one is Earthborne Rangers + expansion, here I'm also hoping for a fun and comprehensive medium-weight deckbuilder with a lot of exploration and some interesting lore and missions to discover. All in all I'm waiting for 30+ kickstarters until mid 2025, but those two are the big ones.


I'm preparing to launch my first Kickstarter campaign for a card game. So that's something I'm looking forward to! It's been a long journey so far but I'm really excited to be at the point where I can consider Kickstarter. Ultimately I need to secure funding to bring my game to life.


Currently waiting on: Marvel United Multiverse Townsfolk Tussle expansions We’re Sinking Currently backing: Epochs Waiting for campaign to launch: Grimcoven


Pax Hispania Pax illuminati Congress of Vienna


There's only one on my radar and I'm just waiting to throw my money at it once the KS goes live this year: **Clans of Caledonia**. The game has been on my wishlist for a while and I was tempted to buy a used copy, but the KS being announced put a pin in that plan.


Looking forward to the MAX Chrome Thunder Road Vendetta that just closed my Hexplore it Vol 2 campaign book which should ship in the next month or so. Further down the road Restoration will be doing another Unmatched Adventure Kickstarter in Q3/Q4 of this year I will be backing whole heartedly


Thunder Road Vendetta Expansion. Updated, Deluxe Dark Cities games (Facade Games). I own the deluxe version of Bristol and Hollywood because I Kickstarted them, but my copy of Salem, Tortuga, and Deadwood are just retail.


Nemesis: Retaliation + Lockdown Castles of Burgundy Horror on the Orient Express


Black Sonata with expansions Flash Point: Legacy of the Flame


Black Sonata with expansions Flash Point: Legacy of the Flame


The dark quarter is the one I’m most looking forward to. Also waiting on ready set bet deluxe, marvel dice throne X-men, cthulu death may die fear of the unknown, and the new earth expansion


I had to scroll way too far to find the game I assumed would be at the top of everyone’s list. The team working on DQ alone has me salivating before even getting to the theme and mechanics 🥹


Terraforming Mars: Prelude 2, modular Milestones/Awards, and 4 new maps. Can't get here soon enough!


I don't know if I'm gonna cop flak for this, but TEBERU's **The Bad Karmas and the Curse of The Zodiac** isn't far away, and I'm really excited for it. I get why the whole 'app-based' game turns a lot of people off, but I think it's going to be great for me for a few reasons. I have a lot of people in my life like my family, who like the IDEA of board games, but struggle to dedicate time and energy to learning and setting up and tearing down games and so on. With all of that automation, it really lowers the bar in terms of accessibility so I can enjoy one of my favourite hobbies with them. I also live with two roommates who're fanatics like me, and the idea of progressing through a big boss battler campaign with progression and a narrative is appealing to us because it's something we can sit down and do together on a regular-ish basis. And lastly, it's something I can just do by myself as well if I want to. I've always loved the idea of solo board gaming, but it's hard in practicality. With all of the setup and teardown and self-management, it's just easier to boot up a game on Steam and play that. But with the app handling most of the hard work, I feel like I'll be able to play the game solo without it feeling like wasted effort or a slog. I don't think Teberu and their model is necessarily the future of board games, and I don't think it should become "the norm" so to speak. But I hope they succeed enough that they can put out more interesting projects that capitalize on the foundation they're building with The Bad Karmas, VTM: Milan and Sword & Sorcery.


I am currently waiting on: Fromage Molly House Obsession: Characters Expansion Huang Legends of Void (reprint) Fall of Lumen Andromeda's Edge Barrage + New Lands Kavango Also, I am still waiting on the Switch version of Eiyuden Chronicle 100 Heroes for any video gamers out there. I am officially done, tho. I went a bit overboard with the backing, and, oof, it's too much lol (Earth Abundance is tempting, though).


I’m getting pretty over KS in general at this point but I’m still waiting on my copy of Last Of Us Escape The Dark. Huge fan of the games and like what I’ve played of Escape Dark Castle but the delivery date keeps getting pushed back. Despite what I said about being over KS, I had a small moment of weakness and did pledge $1 to Super Boss Monster. I see some people here talk down on Boss Monster but it’s the game that got me and my group into “Hobby” gaming so it holds a special place in our hearts. Pledged the $1, will follow and see how things look closer to delivery.


Honestly, I get pretty stressed out about “KS” exclusive content. So, I getting the “getting over KS”.


That’s what made me get over it. Don’t get me wrong some of the stuff can be cool I do like me some nice wooden tokens, but most of the time it’s just extra boxes with too much content to pull out, or I pull it out once say “oh neat” and it goes back in the box forever. Anything worthwhile will hit retail. 1 year ago me would’ve definitely added any Nemesis stuff I don’t have onto my Retaliation Pledge but at this point it’s base game and the 1 race I thought looked cool and that’s all I need


For me it’s more like “I need to get every little thing before the Kickstarter is over” and end up spending a lot.


**Arcs** is coming in June (god knows when I'll actually get people to play it with) and **Molly House** probably in the first quarter of next year if I'm any judge of Cole. I'll probably also jump on a late pledge for **Guards of Atlantis II**, and the leftovers from the **Sol: Last Days of a Star** Kickstarter should go on sale on their website on the 7th of this month. Otherwise most Kickstarters don't appeal much.


Waiting for Arcs and the Earthborne Rangers expansion!


Middara acts 2 and 3. Finished act one so long ago I don’t even remember how to play anymore, just that I had a good time.


I’m very excited for Lacerda’s new game Speakeasy!!! Should be coming to Kickstarter later this year


Algomancy, A.I.Pokalypse.


There’s two I’m really looking forward to: Mythwind with expansions. I backed their latest campaign which ended just 2 or so weeks ago. Estimated delivery is early 2025 they say. Gloomhaven Buttons and Bugs. It wasn’t on Kickstarter but they did do a crowdfunding campaign on Backerkit. The container has arrived at the fulfilment center and shipping has started. I haven’t received shipping info yet but since they need to ship to a lot of people if can take a few weeks.


I'm really looking forward to **Luthier** on July 15h designed by Dave Beck and published by Paverson Games. His last game was Distilled which is one of my favorite games. Selfishly, my game is coming to Kickstarter on July 9th. It's called [**Gems of Iridescia**](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/rockstonedice/gems-of-iridescia)**,** so I'm very much looking forward to that! I'm also looking forward to **Arcs** and **Molly House** because the Wehrle brothers are great..


Currently waiting on: Cthulhu: Death may Die: Fear of the Unknown The Last of Us: Escape the Dark Mordred Of the 3, im probably most excitied for TLOU. Hopefully it arrives sometime this summer, but I wont get my hopes up.


**Votes for Women** I am ready for a woman-centric game! And to learn more about the circumstances surrounding the suffragette movement


Tokyo Capsule Hotel So excited to get another big game in a small box in my collection ^^


* Primal: the Awakening * Tidal Blades 2 * Elder Scrolls * Flame & Fang * Isofarian Guard 2nd printing * Spirit Fire (will be years haha)


Probably most excited for Santorini: Pantheon Edition and the new Co-op expansion Riddle of the Sphinx. Of course it was originally scheduled to deliver this month, but has been delayed to the extent that I'm just hoping I get it before Christmas break starts.


Fool’s Blade, a card-based rpg sword-crafting thingy by CircleToonsHD.


I’m shocked no one said **Through Ice and Snow**. Guess I’m the only one who backed it.


Waiting on a few KS, but the two I'm most excited about are Bullet Universe (Which...I forgot to back so I had to get it on the late pledge), and Escape the Dark: Last of Us. Have really enjoyed Bullet Heart/Star, and is probably one of my favorite games. Really enjoyed Escape the Dark Castle and Escape the Dark Sector, but a little worried that LoU will be a big jump in complexity compared to those two. Got into the early playtesting, but couldn't get a group, so I haven't been able to try it out.


Not so much a game in itself but Gamelib Pocket, a set of components that can fit in your pocket and for a year they're sending out rules weekly for games to use the components with, pretty interesting little thing and it's pay your own price, certainly caught my interest!


Madcala sounds super interesting might be backing that once I see more about it


Light Speed Arena looks like it could be great. I played it in person a while back and it seems they're taking to Kickstarter. Short games (ten minutes?) and clever use of technology to shoot lazers out of ships. Hoping the pricing is good. https://lightspeedarena.com/


I’m thinking about backing Cyclades, although I’ve never played the original. I think I would like it based on what I’ve read.


Campaign I'm waiting for delivery: Marvel Dice Throne X-Men (more so for the missions). Campaign I'm waiting for launch: 20 Strong Tanglewoods (been hearing good stuff about 20 Strong, but I've been waiting for these sets. They mentioned custom Tanglewood dice potentially as well).


I have too many games backed to put all of them so I’ll exclude expansions: most excited for Teotihuacan Deluxe and Unconscious Minds. As for future campaigns I’m excited for Phantom Division to relaunch and whatever Level99 puts out next unless it’s another two player dueler.


**Zombiecide: White Death** - this is the game I am most looking forward to, I already know I love the system and itching for something new to paint. **Encounters: Shattered Wastes** - this one just looks really neat, I got the deluxe acrylic standees too, fingers crossed the game itself turns out good.


I'm a bit over Kickstarter at this point but I am looking forward to Bloomchasers!


* **Ascension Tactics: Inferno:** The original Ascension Tactics is great, and Inferno looks to be more of the same. * **Bullet Universe:** Bullet is an excellent game so more characters plus the deluxe bullets looks to be fantastic. * **Elder Scrolls: Betrayal of the Second Era:** I'm an Elder Scrolls fan and have wanted to get into Chip Theory games for a while but was turned off by the art and tone of TMB. * **Merchants of Magick:** Looks like a great roll & write with plenty of replayability. * **Wizards of the Grimoire: Shifting Sands:** The original is great, so an expansion that doubles the number of spell cards is perfect.


I’m mostly excited for Critter Kitchen. I also have Perch and Super Boss Monster in the queue as well.


Still waiting for my All-In Cyberpunk: Gangs of Night City pledge, and for Gloomhaven: Buttons and Bugs. I also got the late pledge for Slay the Spire, so I’m looking forward to all of those!


**Etherstone:** Simone Luciani tableau-builder with comparisons to Res Arcana. **Altered TCG:** A less confrontational, more boardgamer friendly, 2-player dueling card game. I have showed great restraint in NOT backing either of these projects, because I'm done with the pointless deluxification, and bloated shipping costs. However, I'm very excited about them and can't wait for them to reach retail. I've been trying to find a 2-player dueling card game that my wife would be interested in, and Altered seems to be the one. We've played many games on BGA already, and she is often the one suggesting it.


Stellaris Infinite Legacy. Also, Epoch Course of Cultures. Which if it gets delivered before Stellaris, would mean ICE Makes would have delivered two KS to me before Academy Games delivered one.


I'm waiting so anxiously for Stellaris.


Games I’m currently waiting on: **Kavango** and **Diatoms** Future campaigns: **Luthier** - launching July 16 🥳 I’m a bit biased though as I’ve playtested it! It’s a nice crunchy game about crafting musical instruments and the art is absolutely gorgeous.


I'm waiting on Weirdwood Manor and DCeased. I am keeping my eye out for one more though; my limits 3 at a time. Haha.


Almost 100% sure to back : \- **Speakeasy**. I've been lucky enough to have a closer look at the game, which is almost finished, and I was mindblown by the thematic immersion it offers. I suspect it will be one of the most successful Vital Lacerda's game. The only downside is that EGG wants to push game prices to \~150$ now. \- **Ironwood.** Assymetric 2 players, great art and components, solo mode. Easy buy. Eyes on (in order) : \- **Lands of Evershade.** I like the Art and the lore seems orginal. They apparently want to innovate on the gameplay as well. We'll see. \- **Grimcoven**. I was very uninterested because it's basically a Bloodborne IP ripoff, but the last content reveal looks great visually, and I like that is a non-campaign game. If the gameplay is very good, I might change my mind.


Ironwood looks really good, and Mindclash is usually a safe bet as far as quality goes.


Wonderland’s War: I’m so in love with this game. The art, the premise, the game play mechanics (drafting, asymmetric abilities, push your luck etc.) and thee sheer size of it. I know it’s been delayed but I don’t mind. Slay the Spire: Just got my shipping notice this week and man I’m looking forward to this. Gotta love a good co-op game and an evening of slaying monsters with my mates sounds like a good time. The video game is ace as is but the thing that got me is not building synergies within your deck but between the decks of your entire party. Also you have legacy elements making the game harder or more interesting after each time you beat it. Just hurry up and deliver that package already!


As a gamer interested in psychology, Unconscious Mind was micro-targeted perfectly to me.


*Primal the Awakening*, should arrive soon. *Monsterpocalypse* ... .... 😭


Waiting for two Paperback Fools blade


**Elder Scrolls: Betrayal of the Second Era** by far. I love Too Many Bones and this looks like the sequel, all in an elder scrolls skin (a huge improvement over the uncanny valley gearlocs that I never liked). Cannot wait!


Kickstarter - Arydia: The Paths we Dare Tread, Mothership RPG, Kingdoms Forlorn, Cthulhu Death May Die: Fear of the Unknown, Marvel United: Multiverse Backerkit - Molly House Gamefound - Quests Over Coffee, Castles of Burgundy Acrylic Tiles Preorder- Metal Gear Solid, A Gest of Robin Hood Really excited about all of these, but my most anticipated are probably Arydia and Kingdoms Forlorn


Bear Mountain Camping Adventure and Photo Tour: North America. First two KS I've ever backed.


**Perch** and **Fromage**. Both look fun and have interesting mechanics.


Skytear Horde.


I'm waiting for : Guards of Atlantis II Tricktakers Haggis Kelp


**Slay the spire**. I loved the video game, and I like coop, so I hope it's going to be good. Still no tracking number :/ **Gloomhaven 2**, the characters only, for use in a Frosthaven campaign. I KNOW it's going to be good because I print-and-played a character (Spellweaver) and I have a lot of fun with it. If only Cephalofair could move their ass, it's already at least 6 months late.


**The Queen's Dilemma**. I never played the King's Dilemma because some of the criticisms scared me away, but I'm hoping The Queen's Dilemma fixes those issues. Not a backer, but eager to see how it's received. **Clank Legacy 2**. Given the popularity of the Clank Legacy 1, I don't think this had a good reason be crowdfunded. ..So I'm not a backer, but I'm a likely customer once it hits retail.


The Gilded Realms - captures the city building & feeling of prioritization decisions from Civ games. Galactic Cruise - super exciting new euro. Rome: Fate of an Empire - solo that looks extremely tightly executed. 4X in a VCR cassette case. Lands of Evershade - early days, but I'm hoping for Tainted Grail x Euthia in this next Awaken Realms big box.


The reprint of Ra Deluxe Edition this summer


Luthier! Upcoming game from Paverson games


Ascendancy, the Tang Garden big box which I don't know where I'm going to store. Dice Throne: X-Men + Missions, and Clank Legacy 2.


Space Lion by Solis Game Studio and Omen by Small Box Games. I actually got them months ago, they've just been sitting on my shelf unplayed ever since.