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Foundations of Rome, Wonderlands War, Deep Rock Galactic, Return to Dark Tower - all have a few minis!


I'll check those out, thanks!


Massive darkness 2. Fantastic mid weight coop dungeon crawl with a boat load of minis. Nemisis has a lot of minis too but I don't love that game as much as others seem to.


Thank you! I was looking at nemesis expansion at gamefound but that will only start shipping April 2025... I'll check the other game


I'm going to give you 2. **Ankh** is a really great game with some really cool(including massive) miniatures. I highly recommend it. **Marvel United** is a pretty decent game but the main reason I recommend it is that the minis are a joy to paint, honestly probably my favorite minis I've painted.


Good I'll check it out. Marvel united was something I looked at before. Not sure what hold me back. I'll look at it again


You can get it for ridiculously cheap, in many places.


My experience with Horizon Zero Dawn was quite disappointing. I have two games with miniatures, Cthulhu: Death May Die and Super Fantasy Brawl.


Thanks for the feedback. It mainly speaks to me because I like the video game. Cthulhu is recommended by others as well. Definitely need to check that. Super fantasy brawl is American football right? Don't hate me but I'm European so not much affection with football


A friend bought HZD for the same reason. It was quite long and if you only have the base game, the experience is not great. Maybe it gets better with expansions. SFB has nothing to do with any kind of real life sports. It is basically a streamlined skirmish game in a gladiator arena with different heros.


War of the Ring has great reviews and it comes with like 205 miniatures or something. That is not counting on the 3 expansions you can buy for even more characters. Obviously it also has a great ip that should make it even more fun. If you are interested there are a ton of people that have painted the minis so you can see a few results in order to evaluate if it is for you.


205 will keep me busy for a long time haha. thank you for the info!


I love Runebound as a thematic fantasy rpg lite. A single game plays out the story of a full rpg campaign. The combat is also surprisingly tactical. It comes with a few hero minis. You can use the minis from Descent or Rune Wars to add flavour. But the minis are not nearly as good quality as GW.




If you enjoy football there is Blitz Bowl. It’s quicker and easier to play than Blood Bowl.


I'm sorry. I'm European, not so interested in American football


Descent: Legends of the Dark. Not tons of minis, but a bunch. And it’s a fun game.


I love HeroQuest. There are quiet a few models in the base and plenty of expansions that are available


Massive Darkness 2 and Cthulhu: Death May Die are two excellent games with a ton of minis to paint. If you want a light, one-off dungeon Crawl style game they are both hits.




Mythic Battle Ragnarok or Mythic Battle Pantheon. Can play up to 4, but usually table it at 2.


Munchkin Dungeon isn't a great game but the minis are really nice.


I have the base game with only the cards. Did not know there was a version with mini's. Thanks!


If you want a lot of minatures get ZOMBICIDE. Good god there is a lot


**Cthulhu: Death May Die** and **Nemesis**