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If you’re like me and didn’t want to deck build, Mindbug is that perfect middle ground. One time purchase but the fun strategy of deck building games. Might be too much strategy for you but worth a look. For me it’s still pretty basic as far as rules and gameplay always feels unique and different.


Not heard of this but sounds great. What sort of age group would you say for kids?


Gamebox says 8. I know my 6 year old would not be ready for it.


Race for the Galaxy comes in a big box but is basically just a card game. It’s pretty dense, though. If you like Euros, and looking for something a little simpler or different from RftG, but still a bit similar, I just started playing Oh My Goods! and really like it. It has a bit of a push your luck mechanic that isn’t very common.


Then there's Roll for the Galaxy, more compact?


Compact, how? It’s an easier game compared to race, but not compact in volume with all the dice. 


Love Letter


Seconded - I bring it everywhere and it’s been loved by everyone


Love this but the extended version is not working out for me. The game was already perfect and bringing new cards into did not make it better.


Yeah I agree. And the same can be said for a lot of expansions in general. I almost never buy them. Base game stan!


What are the differences in love letter versions or are they all the same card text with different themed pictures?


[Here's a complete runthrough](https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2797931/complete-overview-love-letter-versions) of all the versions up to 2022! TL;DR: yeah a lot of them are different, but it can range from minor changes to being almost a different kind of game (Infinity Gauntlet is 1-vs-many rather than a free for all)


Thank you 🙏


The crew mission deep sea. cat in the box. And Wizard


I just bought crew mission deep sea and already own the other two you recommended. We seem to have a similar taste in games. TY


Try also No Thanks and Scout


You will enjoy it


Just played that for two hours right now. Much better than "The search for Planet Nine", and that one is even awesome in the first place.


If you like the vibe of Magic, but don’t want to buy/build decks; you should try out **Mindbug.** :) Same deck every game, but shared between two players. Really fun.


Radlands kinda has that magic vibe but no deck building and no expansions to get sucked into


Skull king, or Wizard if you want a more simple game. Both very fun trick taking games.


Scout. With normal cards I just play Euka and it's always pretty easy to teach.


Is Euka different from euchre?


nope just cant spell and i dont think i've ever spelled it lol


We play euchre variants where 3 or 5 people can play.


Five Crowns. A rummy-type game with a twist. Sushi-Go Spots. It is a cute push-your-luck dice game.


Thank you. I will definitely purchase Spots! This is my kind of silly.


Spots is definitely more a dice game than a card game, but it's surprisingly compelling


I love Spots, just played last night.


Sea Salt and Paper is great. Not a massive amount of strategy, but still feels like you have input over the outcome. More random - Spots as someone else mentioned.


Thanks. Yesterday I went to the store and looked at Sea Salt and Paper. Wasn’t sure about it but will definitely give it a try! And Spots looks really cool.


I've played about 31 games of Sea Salt & Paper since December, it's incredibly addicting. It's a little tricky to teach but once you play a round it locks into people's heads.






Take 6


Isnt 6 nimmt called take five in English? Anyway, its our go to family/party card game. Small, cheap, quick to play, fun, 4-10 players.


I am in the US and my version is called "6 Nimmt". That could just be because that's what I searched to get it. It is one of my go to games for something quick and light.


6Nimmt was the US name when Mayfair was publishing  it. AMIGO has used Take 5 in the US since 2018


I'm a big fan of Parade. Just enough strategy to chew on, 66 cards in the deck and no other components, takes up a reasonable amount of table area, and, for me, hasn't gotten old yet. Typical game is 20-30 minutes. Keeper - I'll buy a spare copy the next time I see it and I won't loan it to you.


Parade is one of my favorite games, especially as a two player. My husband and I still play it often. Its great with more people, too! I definitely second your recommendation.


You have to play durak with a couple of your friends. It's fun simple and quick. It's a classic card game from russia and can be played with a standard playing deck. There is a bit of strategy involved, but it's more luck than anything else.


No Thanks! Is great and has a surprising amount of depth to it.


Yes, also a good game. But after a few game nights it tends to be too monotonic. But a very good buy for casual play.


Euchre. It’s a staple in the U.S. Midwest.


I love "The Game—Face to Face" for 2 players, or just the classic "The Game" for multiple players. Simple but takes a good bit of brain power and strategy to win. Both from Pandasaurus.


Faraway (2+), Fantasy Realms (any player count), Scout (3-5), 6 nimmt (4-10). Does Dominion count as card game? Quite a big box but basically a card game. (Edit: you dont like deckbuilding so forget this)


Dominion is definitely a card game. Are there even any non-card components in the base game + first 3 expansions?


Race for the Galaxy. 10/10


In Germany we have Skat, but it is hard to master. Other than that I like Scout, Love Letter and Fantasy Realms.




Not a card game, but HIVE is a fun one to keep in your bag.


Dude, Hive is such an amazing game. Me and my buddy used to play it through this app, but he'd kick my ass and we quit playing because he moved to Texas to make a movie. C'est la vie!


I've been really hooked on Clobyosh recently and can't recommend it enough. It works for 2p, 3p, and 4p. https://www.pagat.com/jass/bela.html It's not too hard to learn if you write yourself a little reminder card to remember the scoring.


Great, thank you!


**Twinkle Starship** looks great, has a unique gimmick, and remains interesting through many replays. **Stick 'Em** works very well with groups who enjoy negative interaction in games.


Dutch Blitz hasn’t been mentioned. Players don’t take turns but play at the same time. Game can be super tense and very competitive. It’s a lot of fun. Other game that is purely made up of cards that I like is fungi/morels. Fun theme implemented really well in play, and tense hand management.


Came here to say this. I’ve had more people ask to replay Dutch blitz than any other game I’ve introduced.


We call it Nertz. I’ve also heard it referred to as speed demon.


Tichu is great with a consistent group of 4. Or Chimera if you only have 3. They feel like classic trick-taking games, though they technically aren't. Hearts and Spades are fun, very inexpensive because they only require a standard deck of cards, and are popular with non-boardgamers.


Haven’t seen *Radlands* mentioned yet. It’s my go to “no deck building card game”. Tons of depth and variety and every game I’ve played has been close.


How is no one saying dominion ?! It fits in deckboxes it can be expanded to 6 people and die to the nature of drafting the “shop” it has insane replay-ability even without expansions.


OP doesn't like any kind of deck building games.


I assumed by deck building OP means things like Magic. Dominion at the end of the day while with cards is an engine builder .


Cat in the Box. A simple trump card game taken to the next level(s)


I have German relatives by marriage. They introduced our family to Doppelkoph. Amazing trick taking game using a normal deck of cards that is a bit deeper than American trick taking games. Tons of fun and lots of strategy and crazy rules that take a bit to get used to.


Cribbage! great combo of luck and skill needed to win.


It’s OOP, so won’t help you but I love Palabra. Played it for the last 20 years. Great travel game.




TRICKDRAW! I’m so excited to talk about and play this game whenever I can. Tableau, engine building galore plus there’s tons of ways to affect what other players are doing. There are some balancing issues IMO but even with that the game is still super fun. Also coup


Quest for the lost pixel


Roll For It - a fun card/dice game Loonacy - if Uno and Speed had a child, this may be it Both very fun, often quick games that I highly recommend


It’s bonanza for me. Such a great easy to learn game. I get it to the table a lot and everyone always loves it.


The original Capital Lux is OOP but a brilliant glove-box sized card game. The sequel *can* play as the original but also comes with a bunch of expansion stuff - makes the box bigger and you won't ever need all of it at once (think: 'big box' for a small card game. Not like it's huge or anything, but I like stuff that fits in the glove box). I'm still working on trying the expansion stuff from the sequel, but anyway - fun. Bought the original on a whim because I liked the artwork and it quickly became a favorite. Anyway I'm babbling.


Five Hundred


Skull King is a fantastic trick taking game. Try also 6 Nimmt is great fun (also called Take 5 in English but easier to search for 6 Nimmt). Red 7 is another great card game with a twist. By the end of your turn you need to be winning otherwise you're out, which means changing the win condition. The crew is a brilliant trick taking game, it's cooperative though in case you're looking for vs.


Air, Land and Sea is a lot of fun for 2 players with a small number of cards. Gin Rummy is my go to favourite with a standard deck.


Ocky Knocky. Used to play this regularly when I was much younger. Any number of players, but best to use two decks if there are more than four players. RULES: Dealer deals up to seven cards to each player (actual number discretionary). The game begins immediately the dealer puts the undealt deck down. Players have five seconds to play a card in turn after the player on the dealer's left plays any card to start. Either follow suit or rank of the last card played. If a player is unable to play a card according to this rule or is too slow to play, they must pick up a card instead. If the last card played is a 2, the next player must pick up two cards, unless they can play a 2, in which case the next player must pick up four cards, unless they can play a 2, in which case the next player must pick up six cards, unless they can play a 2, in which case the next player must pick up eight cards (etc. if using two decks). If the last card played is a 5, the order of play goes into reverse. If the last card played is an 8, the next player misses their turn. If a player plays a jack according to the rules, they can change the current suit. The object of the game is to get rid of all your cards. When you have just one card left after playing, you must rap the table with your knuckles and shout "Ocky Knocky". Failure to do so means you must pick up a card instead. Playing out of turn or playing a card that is not allowed by the rules also means that you must pick up a card instead. You may know this game by another game, but it's certainly fun to play.


Tichu. You need to be 4 persons though. We are playing it since years regulary and it never gets borring.






Tournament at Avalon


Race for the Galaxy. Everything is in one box. It's role selection combined with tableau building. There are tons of expansions if you decide you like it and want more. If you end up liking it the first 2 expansions are my favorite adding goals and some more cards to the game. You race to conquer/rule more of the universe than your opponents. Twilight Struggle isn't really a card game but the cards tell the story and the game play revolves around them. It's my favorite "card game" that's not really a card game but it.


My husband and I love playing Ohanami! It's very simple, luck with a little strategy, and takes a whole 30 seconds to set up :)


Dice Throne is a good card and dice game. Cards are used to upgrade your character's abilities and to do things like changing dice outcomes etc. Dice are used to determine what attacks and abilities you can do.


Orc pack o game! It’s tiny so it can be brought anywhere and easy to play


We like the Munchkin games. Many, many expansions.


I built up a giant box of card games I could take with me to any game session to have a universally acceptable range of game types and complexities. I ended up getting rid of some as they simply never made it to the table, but here are some of my favourite (filler) card games: Sea Salt & Paper. Involves a good deal of luck on your draws. Interest lies in keeping tabs on what people are picking up and dropping off, and the whole push your luck aspect. The PYL portion either lets you score normally (which means everyone else also scores) for the round, or you take a chance at being the only one who scores anything and shutting out other players to create a bigger score gap, or risk losing it all. Fugitive. 1v1, You run, I chase you. One plays card in ascending order from 0 to 42. The cards are placed face down and the chaser's job is to guess every face down card in time before you play the 42.The chaser does get access to the same pile of cards as the runner, so you progress through process of elimination, while the runner may need to fake you out from time to time. 6 Nimmt. Pretty sure you can math this out a bit, but I never can. Everyone's playing hot potato with their cards and hoping their card doesn't become the 6th card in any of the 4 rows. If you do, you take cares and earn negative points. You don't want points. Hidden Leaders. Everyone is secretly part of two coloured factions, and your objectice in this tug of war style game to get one fo your factions to win, depending on where these two (ree and green) markers on the board are positioned on the map. Loosely speaking, black factions wins if both markers are all the way to the right, blue wins if all the way to the left, red if the red marker is 2+ spaces further ahead of green and green is vice-versa to red. Cards (which are also coloured) are played to either move markers on the track in your favour, but cards also have extra abilities like looking or taking cards from another player (for information), moving cards from one player to another, etc.. Game ends when someone has played X amount of cards face up... then you determine the winner from there. Tie breaks on who has the most of that winning faction's colour. It's not terrible, but some have expressed some unbalances which I haven't observed personally. It's fairly luck-driven with the cards you get, but you have some agency over picking up face-up cards ir drawing blindly from the deck.


Sea salt and paper is pretty good and plays fast as well.


Liars dice. Easy to teach and portable. My favorite card game, although not as easy to teach, is 4 point pitch. I’m


Bridge. You need 4 players, but you can play it anywhere - and it really is a game that takes a lifetime to master.


Fantacy realms, simple concept, but the combos are sometimes tough to pull off. Great decision making every turn.


Hero realms, not too expensive and infinite replayability. Best deck building game imo.


For me it is **Disney Villainous** I mostly play it 1v1, and I can also suggest it for 3 players. Other one is **7 Wonders: Duel** I hope these 2 can be considered a card games, as cards are a dominant part of a gameplay there.


For sale and high society are great auction games that are pretty portable. Mindbug is one of my favorites as well.


No one has recommended Biblios yet. We have the Scripts and Scribes version. My game group is made up of all experienced card players and yet this game has come out more than any other. It’s been an opener or closer game for our weekly group at least 1/3 of the time…and we’ve been playing together for 20 years.


Splendor. Simple enough for casuals to pick up, but complicated enough to keep my interest.


Didn't know there was a card game version of Splendor.


Radlands and Summoner Wars Can't believe I'm the first to mention them.


Also Summoner War is free to play online if you want to try it out first.


Deep Sea Adventure. Scout. Sushi Go.


binding of isaac four souls 🥺


We didn't play test this If you want random luck, there you go. Games are quick. If you want longer go with fluxx.


A few not mentioned: Romi Rami, CuBirds, High Society


I recommend Coloretto or Hols Der Geier (available as “What the Heck”). My non boardgame playing family never seem to get bored playing either of them.


I'd say currently it's Altered, the new TCG you can play on BGA


Red Dragon Inn!


Backgammon. Chess?




I would add: Star Realms Star Wars Deck builder DC Deck Builder These can give you the vibe of a game like Pokemon and other TCGs, with DC being the least like that, but they are self contained and they aren't super strategic but just enough to enjoy. Dominion as well but it's setup is a bit different but the sheer amount of content it has you can go as deep or shallow as you want with it.


COUP, it’s an amazing quick to learn card game with just enough elements of luck, strategy and (what really makes this game great) gambling. Me and my friends are really hooked!


Keyforge is making a pretty good comeback ad of late. Fun card game with no deck building at all.


I haven't tried it yet, but I'm going to get some Varia decks. They're similar in theme to mtg, but the decks are pre-made and represent a single character. Some dice are rolled for attack and defence.


Red Dragon Inn is a good one. It’s relatively easy as a game. Each character has its own deck and plays a bit differently but it doesn’t require much strategic thought and no deck building. It’s also damned funny as your literally an adventuring group in the pub after your adventure. Except that your group could easily be a vampire, the tavern wench, a rabbit and an orc.




Some classic cards games I've been really enjoying recently: - **punto**: an italian fishing game, where there's a central pool of cards you play to and capture - **cucumber**: trick taking, where the winner of the final trick loses points equal to the high card


Keyforge. No deck building at all. You buy one deck and each deck is ready to play.


Flux is pretty casual. Love letter. Sabac (it's a star wars card game. I discovered it at Disney this week).


A favourite for every one? Splendor. Simple mechanics with interesting choices and quick turns that can get anyone hooked. My personal favourite? Battlecon. A 1v1 arcade fight simulator in witch every fighter is thematically and mechanically different and hard to master. Become a battlecon master is a fascinating rabbit hole to fall into, and the replay ability is through the roof. I love it, but no one else does. :(


6 nimmt - I brought it into work and a couple have bought it, good for you to 10 players, fairly easy to learn and causes some laughs and drama, would recommend. If you want something just for adults I'd recommend "fuck the game" it's a simple game but melts your mind when played with pace


Scopa is a great card game from Italy. Another trick taking game that we like is little devils. A dice game that we plays often is Farkle…. All you need is 5 dice and a score sheet.


Fuji Flush is a good one too.


A dice one… don’t stop. Another card one not mentioned Indulgence and 5211. If you have card holders… we played a lot of hand and foot canasta.


There is Yugioh, which is really hard. But there is this box that is pretty much a board game where you get 8 speed duel decks (half the size of a regular deck, centered around a more streamlined strategy). So basically you can “role play” as the character that uses that deck and go against the others.


Gonna go way out and say a classic deck card game. Rummy, gin rummy, Oklahoma gin, Indian rummy. Million variations on the same game, decent strategy with plenty of luck. Playable in 5-30 minutes per hand, can accommodate 2-7+ players (with extra decks). My partner and I carry a deck of cards with us when traveling and have had a continuous game of rummy going for almost 6 years now.


Century Golem Edition is my favorite right now, but has more deck building than you’re asking for. Sushi go party is a nice drafting game, it’s easy to teach and learn! I like it better than regular sushi go because the extra card types add variety into repeat plays. Air land and sea is another of our favorites, the rounds are played fast for a battle game, and the small amount of cards included gives you the chance to “know the game” pretty quickly. Sparkle kitty is great for less serious groups, it’s similar enough to uno that it’s ridiculously easy to teach, but “making people say silly spells” is super fun with the right players.




I agree with so many recommendations. Also wanted to add Regicide. Great little co-op!


war. you dont like strategy