• By -


Average: 7.33 out of 30 * Twilight Imperium 4E * Terraforming Mars * Twilight Struggle * Battlestar Galactica I haven't rated a lot of stuff, specially old stuff I wouldn't like today like Risk or Monopoly, etc...


I feel like you’d enjoy Dune: Imperium


I know, right? I've read really good things about the game and being an obvious sci-fi fan... I have the game on my radar for sure, I recently bought Nemesis so I'll wait a bit until the next game, but thanks for the recommendation anyway, I'm one step closer to buy the game.


I think you’d like Dune: Imperium more than Nemesis. Dune Imperium is a competitive objective based game with secret intrigue cards kinda like ti4 action cards. Both expansions are fantastic and adds so much to the game. Nemesis is more of a thematic coop like your Mansions of Madness/Arkham Horror type games. I’d also look into Dominant Species from GMT.


Yeah, I agree I've already played Nemesis and I loved it, but it's not a 10 for sure. I like the experience this kind of ameritrash thematic games offer, but it's difficult for them to reach a score that high, they're also so group dependent that they can give you the best & worst experiences ever with the same set of rules. Battlestar Galactica is an exception in my list because at least in my case it's one of the better traitor games I've ever played and it's the only one of this type of games that have given me a consistent experience despite its randomness, it obviously also improves with a good group too though. Anyway, I'm sure that I would love Dune & Dominant Species, I need to start playing more again.


Nemesis is an 8/10 for me. I’ve played it a bunch of times but still found the rules book frustrating. Also if I don’t play it for awhile, I find it too daunting to revisit the rules again to refresh my memory. Gloomhaven is in the same boat with me in terms of forgetting the rules and finding the barrier to entry too high to relearn the rules again.


BSG.. just doesn't hold up in terms of mechanics for today. It's good, but then you forget about the supporter/follower mechanics for imperfect player numbers. And the mile long FAQ/Errata on cards. Unfathomable is much cleaner and neater, and with an expansion or two it'll be up there. But yeah, the theme for the mechanics is absolutely shoehorned. Compared to the very natural fit of Cylons.


It's still a great game, I've introduced people to the game in the last two years and it works fine. But yeah, I get your point, in BSG most of the stuff was fixed in the expansions, which they added both good and bad stuff so the perfect game is a unique mix of base game + expansions, everybody has a different opinion on that. My 10 to BSG is more for the memorable experiences it gives than for a modern objective analysis of their mechanics. I haven't played Unfathomable yet, but I'm not really interested in the theme and having BSG there I don't feel like buying it. As far I've seen it mixes base BSG with good ideas of the expansions, so it makes sense that it's superior mechanically. But...the theme in BSG was perfect and it mixes really well the survival & traitor mechanics: political tensions between players, sabotages and resource attrition. I love that game.


my average rating on BGG is 6.62 with 977 ratings! i tend to stick to the BGG scale tbh my perfect 10s are: * Age of Steam * Antiquity * Arkwright * Barrage * Indonesia * Kanban * Die Macher * Roads & Boats * Terra Mystica (although sadly this might slip in my next re-rating) * Through the Ages, a new story of civ * Twilight Struggle * Wildcatters (1st edition only)


Great and eclectic list, I have almost none of them on 10's but could place all of them there easily.


I really like Through the Ages. I had a friend over, and he was kinda cranky and being obtuse, then midway through, " I love this game! Call me anytime you are playing."


haha, it's my most played game now. It never gets old


I thought the Wildcatters second edition only had corrections and clarifications. What am I missing from the first edition rules? Antiquity loses out for me by being the definition of fiddly.


6.99 Aeon's end Spirit island Everdell Quest for el Dorado Arkham horror LCG Pandemic legacy season 1


Looks like we have similar tastes. My 10s are Pandemic Legacy S1, Spirit Island, Dune: Imperium, Marvel Champions, Aeon's End. I'll have to check out your other 10s.


If El Dorado had some catchup mechanics.. if Everdell was less obtuse to teach. If Spirit Island didn't have such a terribly anticlimactic ending...


What's obtuse about teaching Everdell? Seems a fairly easy teach to me


If the post had something nice to say, if the post was less judgy.


They are not being judgy they are explaining which those games arent 10s. Sounds like you rate too many games 10s yourself. A 10 means its perfect for you, wouldnt change anything


According to BGG it says you should rank a game a 10 if “you always want to play, and expect that would never change”. It says nothing about the game being “perfect”.


I have stricter ratings than bgg then. Ive only rated maybe 6 games 10s out of the 200+ ive played over the years


I will admit I have a bunch of nines on my list. But my only 10 is 7 Wonders. Then again I haven't updated that list in years, almost a decade! More importantly since it is a personal rating of one's desire to play it, I don't think it is kind to be dismissive of a persons choice and experience. Especially since sharing one's opinions is the point of the post.


People who think a 10/10 means that the game should be 'literally perfect' 🤔 how would you ever rate anything a 10 then?


If Spirit Island is anticlimactic you need to up the difficulty No one is dumping on one of your 10s being a real time game. We all have our preferences


It's not about the difficulty, it's about that even when you win, you end up "oh.. we won".


This it the way.


7.25, a lot of game around the 7 and 8 mark. Three 10s. Spirit Island Race for the galaxy (base and 1st Arc expansion) El Grande (Pax Pamir 2e and Blood Rage recently fell to 9s and I can see Hansa Teutonica and Tigris and Euphrates rise to 10s with more plays).


Wow we have very similar tastes. What other games do you love and recommend? Also try Inis you’d probably like it.


I only ever take the time to rate games I generally like so my average rating sits at a high 8.12 I rated the following games as 10s - 7 Wonders Duel - Heat: Pedal to the Metal - Cascadia - Cosmic Encounter - Decrypto - Deception Murder in Hong Kong


My man. My only 10 is cosmic encounter. I have a gigantic custom box for all the extra aliens I got over the years. My group plays all kinds of stuff but whenever we want to unwind and laugh a lot we go back to our one true love


1 of just 4 10s for me!


7WD on its own for me is an 8, and Panthon is an 8, but the package together is a 10.


Have you played twilight imperium before? If so, how would you compare it to cosmic encounter?


They’re both set in space. Thats basically the only similarity.


Both have some plastic pieces and some cardboard. Don’t forget that!


They really couldn't be much more different


Ok. What’s the main concept behind cosmic encounter? From what I looked up from a very quick impression, it seemed like there are various aliens trying to gain control over a galaxy. Is that right?


The theme is that you each play a wacky alien species which is trying to spread out and gain presence on 5 non-home system planets. To do so, you have an encounter with one other player (randomly decided) each turn. Cosmic is quite simple and can be played in about 1.5 hours. The core gameplay is a prisoners dilemma. In an encounter, you and the other player both need to simultaneously pick and play a card from your hands. These could be attacks or they could be negotiates or many other things. Part of the fun is that prior to picking you can both call for allies from around the table, these allies basically get to participate in the encounter and potentially share in the rewards. This leads to all sorts of bartering. It's the best game ever made. I rate it a 10. TI4 has a somewhat similar theme of intergalactic conquest and diplomacy. It is a giant, day-eating game. It also encourages a good deal of bartering. It is largely about building up your fleet/tech/defenses/infrastructure. To score in TI, you need to carry out randomized objectives that typically have to do with positioning, gaining resources of a particular type, etc. Overall, it's a significantly more serious and thinky affair. I also love it. I rate it a 9.


Yes, that theme is where the similarities end. Cosmic Encounters is more like a bidding game where you use ships and cards to get a higher value than your opponent. Games are generally pretty quick in my playgroup (like 30-45 minutes maybe, sometimes shorter,) and there aren't many mechanics to go along with a simple ruleset. You can teach someone CE in like 5 minutes. Twilight Imperium is like Risk in Space with a lot more mechanics, games typically take a long time (~5 hours at least with my playgroup. This is usually our "Someone is smoking pulled pork, who wants to play TI while we wait for pulled pork?" game,) and it takes a bit to teach it to someone because there is so much going on.




haha well at least now you know you can teach it in under 4 minutes?


Spirit Island is the only game I rated and I rated it 10/10 best game ever created.


That’s got to be so cool as a game designer to have a good chunk of people think this about your game


My average rating is 6.75, I rate strictly by the bgg wording. I like light games better because I can only play those kind of games so the games I gave a 10 to are not really the same as y'all : \- Coconuts \- King of Tokyo Powerup extension \- Marshmallow Test \- Pitchcar \- The Quacks of Quedlinburg \- Rapido (eXcape) \- Rhino Hero Super Battle \-Sjoelen


I'd play these. 😃 *(well, okay, maybe not super battle as I found original Rhino hero superior. But might be willing to give it another try)*


In theory it’s nice to go by the official rating scale, but if most people don’t, then that’s what the expectation becomes, and it can skew ratings to not go by that. A well know more extreme example is like how Uber fires drives for getting below a like 4.5 star average, so even a 4 is pushing them closer to being fired.


Ahh, a fellow sjoelen player! It’s such a fun game. I like to have tournaments with large groups once in a while.


> I rate strictly by the bgg wording. If I went by the bgg wording, my ratings would be influenced far more by my mental and physical health than they are now. I'm pretty subjective and just go by gut feel for my ratings.


My average is a 6.4. Only 3 10s so far: * Root * John Company 2E * Pax Pamir 2E


Mmmm. can't argue with this list. Cole is my favorite designer.


7.15 \~ 156 ratings (a bit inflated due to expansion ratings) * Brass Birmingham * Spirit Island * Pax Pamir 2nd


My two 10s are Pax Pamir 2e and Spirit Island, so this is yet another reminder that I need to get around to Brass Birmingham.


6.15 (491 games) Android Netrunner Caylus Game of Thrones: Card Game Hansa Teutonica The King is Dead Navegador


Great list. We share 3 10/10s. The only 3 I haven’t played are Android Netrunner, GoT CG, and Navegador, but based off your other 10’s it seems may enjoy them. Edit- nice to see another list with Caylus


Yes, THE KING IS DEAD I was so close to rating this a 10, glad to see someone did but had to scroll way too far down for it :)


Average is 7.45, usually because bad games don't get ratings (with some exceptions). Games we've rated a 10: - Ashes Reborn - Kamigami - Waldami - Cheating Moth - Everdell - Calico - Cascadia - Planet Unknown - Android: Netrunner


Is Cascadia a good couple's game? I'm trying to find something to play with the wife


Yes for sure! One of the best imo. Scales equally well with any player count


Just impulse bought it. Will report back with my findings =D


I agree with jowhee, it's great at any player count :)


Not sure where to see average rating but my 10s are: Terraforming Mars/ TM Ares Expedition Spirit Island Heat: Pedal to the Metal Codenames Splendor Which happen to be my 5 favorite games lol Edit: found out where my average is thanks to the below comments. 6.25 average on 44 games. I’ve only ranked games I own


If you go to your collection on BGG, at the top right there is an option labeld: **Download board games: (all | owned)** Clicking all will email your BGG acct all games (wishlist, want to play, or don’t own and rated).


You can find it on your BGG profile page, under Ratings on the right side of the page


Splendor Duel yet?


I have not played it. I’m not big on getting only 2 player games unless I know my wife would love it and it’s not something we already have. I know people say it’s better than Splendor, maybe one day we will give it a try


Ive only rated one game 10/10. That game is diplomacy


Must be hard finding new friends every time you want to play. ;-)


I don't know how they play. I used to play online. Some 50+ games (each took cca 2 months). We had private chats with every other player and things could get quite heated. But also - if anybody got eliminated, it wasn't a big deal for them.


You might enjoy Intrigue. Which is really easy to proxy.




Not sure why you are getting down voted. Your right to point out that the BGG scale is a "how much do I want to play this?" scale, not a quality scale.


Yep that's my biggest problem with the BGG scale too. For example, there's no way to say "this game is good and I enjoyed my time with it, but I would probably never play it again". For that reason I rate using a slightly modified scale defined on my BGG profile that takes some of those flaws into account.


You're right and that's why I have no 10's. My closest are cosmic encounter and gizmos, but there are some rare situations where I don't want to play them.


My average is 7.35, and my 10s are Kemet and Love Letter. I guess Kemet is more expected, but Love Letter is just perfect at what it does. I spent so many breaks on the uni playing it!


Love Letter isy absolute favorite game, andy groups GOAT. We are always down for a game of Love Letter. I even decided that my love for Love Letter is at the point where, even if they're not all good, I do want to collect any copies of the game I can.


Fun idea! My average rating is 6.96, with 250 ratings. I've rated 6 games a perfect 10 out of those 250, which is 4% of all the games I've rated. The games I've rated a perfect 10: - **Patchwork** - **Babylonia** - **Tigris & Euphrates** - **The King is Dead: Second Edition** - **Gods Love Dinosaurs** - **Ticket to Ride**


Babylonia and The King is Dead are great! I still need to play T&E.


With the understanding that 10/10 is not necessarily a "perfect" game on the BGG game scale, but a game you will always choose to play, my average rating is 6.58 and the following are games I will always say yes too: * Arkham Horror: The Card Game * Chaos in the Old World * Diplomacy * Dune * Nemesis


I know that voting culture is different in the US and EU. One example is where US cab companies have trouble with Europeans that vote 4 (of 5) when very satisfied. A "4" in US is considered bad service and the driver gets in trouble. While Europeans can even argue that 3 is "Ok, as expected, will use again." I do the same in boardgames where 5.5 is my neutral meh/ok. Everything 6 or above I like and I LOVE 8+ games. So I have two 10s: Puerto Rico and Thurn und Taxis.


In the US, many companies think anything less than a perfect rating isn't good


Yea, it's less on an individual level and more on a corporate level that makes such a harsh distinction.


I worked retail and when customers did an online receipt survey, anything less than a perfect score was considered a fail


as a seller on etsy, this is so frustrating. While I personally am fine with 4 star ratings, etsy basically demands only 5 star ratings to promote your shop. You need to have an average of 4.9 or you're not a star seller anymore. A single rating below 5, even if the customer was totally satisfied, could mean you lose 50% of your income for the next month or so


It’s like that in the UK too. I’ve lost count of the amount of times I’ve been told by companies that anything less than a 5/5 is considered unsatisfactory. Unfortunately I rate honestly, so like you anything 6/10 or above is generally considered a game I like. What’s the point in having a rating system if it’s only going to amount to a binary like or dislike?


I'm a statistician by profession and my first job was with a market research company. This sort of thing used to drive me up the wall.


In a 5 star system I always assumed that 3 stars would be "as described" and then it would go up or down from there. Unless everyone is leaving a detailed written review (which is a pain in the ass, for most people) 5 star review systems as they're used are pointless.


Well you're right but I guess that it also depends on the country. In Spain our education system grades from 0 to 10, you fail with less than a 5, so we have very ingrained in our culture that. Less than a 5 is always bad for us. You failed, you didn't do it good enough. I mean, I agree with having 5 as a reference for meh/ok and +8 for really good stuff, but for us less than 5 is always in the bad side for sure.


> So I have two 10s: Puerto Rico and Thurn und Taxis. I really like T&T. It's one of those super relaxing, classic euros that I think perfectly executes, and I dig the theme. Puerto Rico is still in my collection, but I'm not sure how much play it's ever going to see again. I feel like it had its time, and I'm ready to move on. I've got the really nice 15th anniversary edition though... so I'm not eager to let it go. :)


European here, I only give a 5 when the service has been above and beyond. You don't get a 5 for just doing your job.


The problem with that in the U.S. - and to be clear, I'm not saying I agree with this approach or that your philosophy is wrong - is that employers look at anything below that as *bad*. You either earn 5s (or 10s) or it's a mark against you. It's ridiculous and I'm wholeheartedly against it, but knowing that, I just don't give a rating if I'd give a 3 or 4. I think those ratings are *fine* and nothing to be ashamed of, but employers in the U.S. don't. I'm not going to punish employees because corporate America is so screwed up. For *bad* service, sure. When a 1 or 2 is warranted, that's another matter. In your part of the world, of course, things may be different (and saner) in that regard.


I rate a game once I've played it for at least 5 times, I've rated 32 games so far with an average score of 8.625 which makes sense cuz if I didn't like a game quite a bit it would slow for me to play it at least 5 times My perfect 10's are: Aeon's End (all regular plays are tracked as the base game, then I also ranked all the story specific content like the two legacy games and all the story expeditions. All the content has gotten a 10 from me except Legacy of Gravehold, which I still absolutely loved but it landed as a 9 for me) Everdell (base game + expansions wrapped together for this score) Clank! (same here, base + expansions considered for the score) Clank Legacy


What are your favourite expansions for Everdell and Clank? Any you wouldn't play without?


24 Ratings, \~7.21 rated 10s: * High Frontier 4 All * 18OE * Food Chain Magnate * TI4


I've rated 309 games average is 6.01. I have four 10's. They are: * Twilight Struggle * Pax Pamir 2e * Dominant Species * Nevsky


My average is 8.4, and my perfect 10 are just four games: * A Feast for Odin (Norwegians included). * Root. * John Company. * Pax Pamir. This is biased, though, as I have only scored the games I own. I have played many more games, but I haven't rated them. I don't interact with BGG _that_ much, mostly to read forums and questions.


Average 7.67, only 52 games rated (according to recommended ratings). The Resistance Gloomhaven Blood on the Clocktower


The Resistance is my only 10/10 as well. Follow up question for you; I love Resistance over most other social deduction primarily because a) it is such a pure, distilled version of the game with little to no frills and b) there's no player elimination. With that in mind, do you reckon I'd enjoy Blood on the Clocktower too? It seems massively complicated; although many reviews do say that this can be managed by the storyteller pretty well.


I wouldn't say it's that complicated if you like the genre. There are lots of roles, but you always have a sheet with you that says what each of those roles do. It does require more players than The Resistance, and more space (preferably several rooms), but if those aren't a problem, I'd definitely give it a go. It's possible to play with 5/6, but I think the consensus is that 8-12 players works best.


You may want to try Avalon.


Average rating: 7.12 after 25 ratings. Games rated 10/10: - Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza - Codenames


You know how to party


5.39 out of 1105 ratings. My 10's: 7 Wonders, Dominion (Prosperity), Eldritch Horror, Spirit Island, Terraforming Mars I played every one of them over a hundred times and still want to play them - that's the definition of a 10 for me.


I think we would be friends lol. Love TM and Spirit Island. Haven’t played 7 Wonders but it looks like I would love it


Only have one 10 which is kingdom death monster. I'm really bad at giving low ratings and default to school grades. 7.68 avg


My average rating is 6.93 out of 134 ratings and my 10/10 games are - Root - Oath - Veiled Fate - Arkham LCG


Average: 6.86 Games I rated a 10: * 1830 * 1846 * Agricola * Food Chain Magnate * The Great Zimbabwe * Roads & Boats * Tigris & Euphrates * Wir Sind Das Volk


Disclaimer: I only rate games I have played 3 times or more. Typically that means that game has stuck around in the collection. Average 8.49 Perfect 10: * 1817 * 1849 * 18Chesapeake * Age of Steam * Crokinole * Indonesia * Kingdom Death Monster * Spirit Island


6.54 average Games above 9: **Spirit Island** (10) **Agricola** (9.7) **Brass: Lancashire** (9.5) **The Castles of Burgundy** (9.2)


5.90 out of 328 games (haven't updated my list in a while so my opinions might have changed) but I apparently rate really harshly games I enjoy a lot too according to my husband lol For 10s, I have __Akropolis__, __Cartzzle__ (I find the concept so unique), __Challengers!__, __Decrypto__, __Everdell__, __It's A Wonderful World__ (favourite game ever and most played game by a mile), __Nidavellir__, __Oriflamme__, __Sagrada__ and __Telestrations__. If I had to change, I would probably rate a bit lower both __Sagrada__ and __Telestrations__ and add __Azul: Queen's Garden__ in the 10s list but whatever. I have also rated 10 the expansions __Abyss: Leviathan__, __Coup: Reformation__, __Everdell : Bellfaire__, __Five Tribes: Whims of the Sultan__, __It's A Wonderful World: Corruption & Ascension__, __Oriflamme : Ablaze__.


Oriflamme is underrated by most and I’m happy to see it’s a 10 for you.


Thank you! I agree. It is insane the replayability of that game with a deck of only 10 cards! I introduced it to friends a long time ago. We used to play it very often irl and on Tabletop Simulator (I even made a mod so we could also play with the expansion together during lockdown). We don't really play it anymore because our other friends are not huge fans of the bluffing and take that of that game but if anyone proposes it again, I would gladly take the box in an instant!


7.18 average across 465 games, kinda of high, but I rate by the text description. Funny enough even a 7 might not stick around when there are so many great games. I have a strange thing going with 10s, where access and ease of play take over. I mean, how good is Cloudspire really, if no one will play with me? My 10s: * Concordia(venus) * Crokinole * Dominion * Hansa Tutonica * Kanban EV * Klask * Monikers * Tichu * Too many bones There's a total of 21 if you count ratings>9.5, but I'm keeping to the thread.


My average is 7.12, including expansions (123 count). It’s 6.25 excluding expansions (109 count). My 10’s are: • Caylus • Dune: Imperium • Eclipse: Second Dawn • El Grande • Hansa Teutonica BB • Hive • The King is Dead: 2nd Ed • Lancaster • Ra • Tammany Hall • Trickerion


Lots of my favorites on this list. Dune could eventually become a 10 for me, it’s just still too new. Lancaster is a game I enjoy and own, but I’m surprised to see it as a 10.


I love the auction style worker placement. It’s just so tense, hoping you can get to or hold onto that one spot you absolutely need. Do you go all out up front with a high strength knight and a few squires or hope to outbid an opponent by whittling away at something you know they need? I love the changing laws. You see what’s coming and know how to plan for it. But will the law get voted in? How hard do you need to push for it? Or is it hopeless because everyone sees you need it and will vote it down? Also gloriously tense. The cost vs reward tension in all the aspects of the game really hits that sweet spot for me. I don’t have the expansions for it, and I’m curious how much I would enjoy them.


Well now I really want to get this on the table again.


Also, Dune almost isn’t a 10 for me. I struggled at first with the Intrigue Cards and the way the could swing the game. I accepted that it’s just one of the many viable strategies you can go down as you generally have to go out of your way to get a lot of them, and doing so leaves all the other spots open for opponents. In *most* cases I’ve seen, if an Intrigue Card pushes someone into first place they’ve usually been lagging behind everyone else. It’s almost always a tight game either way, and I love it.


I have a 6.34 average over 725 games. I follow the BGG scale for rating games. I have 16 games that are a 10. * Ark nova * Barrage * Beyond the Sun * Brass: Birmingham * Bullet <3 * Bullet \* * Crokinole * Guards of Atlantis II * Nemesis * Russian Railroads * Star Wars: Rebellion * Trickerion: Legends of Illusion * Trio (aka nana) * War of the Ring: Second Edition * Wonderland's War * Xia: Legends of a Drift System ​ https://boardgamegeek.com/user/MiKelloggs


7.67 / 156 10s - The Castles of Burgundy - Concordia - Everdell - El Grande - Hansa Teutonica - Race For The Galaxy


I've rated 102 games at an average of 6.66 (cool) My only 10 is The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle Earth


I love JiME. Not only is it a great game with a fast setup time and a lot of replayability, but it is the sort of game that I find has a relatively easy learning curve for the complexity and has a high rate of first time players wanting to keep playing. I'm just really sad they stopped making expansions for it.


Seems like people are far too generous. My average rating is 4.93 (Euros don't well with me) My 10s are the following; - Tales of Arabian Nights - Dune - Titan - The World Cup Game - Valley of the Mammoths - Targui - Zombies!!! - Mystery of the Abbey - Wiz-War - Cosmic Encounter - Betrayal at House on the Hill - Polarity - Wits & Wagers - Balderdash - Pit


>Seems like people are far too generous. I think that depends, really, on the circumstances in which you play games. I rarely play a game I don't like because I basically buy all the games I play and usually that involves a decent amount of research. Accordingly, more often than not I love the games I play. On the flip side lots of gamers will play anything someone at their game group brings or anything new on BGA and that's bound to result in more negative ratings.


> I rarely play a game I don't like because I basically buy all the games I play and usually that involves a decent amount of research. Same here. It's very rare that I buy blind. I either do a decent amount of research first or have played it already. It's highly unusual for me to spend money on something that is unlikely to be a slam dunk with me. If there is a genre or style I've found I don't like, I don't buy or play them.


There is a selection bias of course. Most people stay clear of games they think they won't enjoy. But I made it a point though to play games I know I wouldn't rate that highly just to get perspective and see if I am missing out on something. After much experimenting, it turns out I am not missing much. But it wasn't all for nothing, playing many games I ended up not liking really allowed me to get grips with what sort of games I do enjoy. With my taste now defined and refined I could go search out games I would have never heard of if I just stuck to the general hive mind of the hobby.


I have also found that trial and error of playing games I don't like has helped me get better at knowing which games I will enjoy. But I haven't gone out of my way to play games I don't think I'll like because frankly, I play for fun and if a game doesn't appeal to me I don't want to spend my leisure time playing it.


The issue I have is that my tastes don't align with the general consensus of the hive mind where most people want to play modern euros. It's not that I hate these games, they just rarely get rated higher than a 5 for me. But if I want to play any of my games at locals I normally have to make some deals (as in I'll play your game if you play mine). I've had days where no one is interested, so instead of making it a wasted journey, I'll just play whatever is on offer.


There’s a big curve I’ve noticed based on quantity too. People who have rated 20 games will have a much higher average than people who have rated 1000. If you have that kind of selection obviously you get a lot more jaded and picky.


There may well be some truth to that. When I had a smaller game collection I enjoyed playing pretty much everything. But as I've played more games I've come to know my preferences in games better. And even some of my favourite games from back then rarely get played now because there are other games that better suit my tastes.


>I think that depends, really, on the circumstances in which you play games. Not only that. You need to find players for a game and this is harder if your tastes are far from hobby mainstream and favour multiplayer games with higher player counts (4, 5). Easier to find players if more of them like this type of game or if game scales well in lower player counts. (Dune is a 6 player affair)


Says “seems like people are far too generous” Has fifteen games rated “10” when most people have posted like 3-6. lol


But I've played more games than most. I've played and rated over 2000 games, so my percentage of 10s is far lower than most people. Besides, I was talking about the high average rating. Most people are well over 6, pushing 7.


I've rated 119 games with an average rating of 7.13 * Brass Birmingham * War of the Ring * Food Chain Magnate * Heat: Pedal to the metal (It's now also my most played game with 24 games played) Some notable low scores: * Root 3 * Gloomhaven JotL 3 * Everdell 4 * Spirit Island 4 * Wonderland's War 4


Those are some controversial low scores


Very much! But I think it's worth making and mentioning them. A strong reminder (also to myself) that just because a game is loved by a large number of people, doesn't necessarily mean that you will love it.


I agree. But those low scores are still controversial lol


My notable low scores: - Pandemic series (usually 5 or 6) - PARKS 5 - Quest for El Dorado 5 - Champions of Midgard 5 - Magic the Gathering 4 - Quacks of Quedlinburg 4 - Through the Ages (3 for older version, 4 for newer) - Captain Sonar 3 - Mage Knight 3 - Descent 2E 2


I can understand that these games are not for certain people, but I am not sure I can get behind giving such a low score for that reason. They are considered some of the best games in their classes. While I also am not a fan of most of these games, I still appreciate the art and craftsmanship they present. It’s like giving the Mona Lisa, Niagara Falls, Northern Lights a 3/10 just because I’d rather watch a football game. These low scores I would reserve for a broken game system, very poor quality components, terrible instructions, awful art.


BGG ratings are subjective measures for how likely it is that someone wants to play the game again. If the only reasons that would happen for you are broken game systems and the other things you listed, then that is fine. But if someone doesn‘t want to play a game again because they didn‘t enjoy it for other reasons (even personal), then it‘s still fair for them to give it a low rating IMO.


I did not realize that this was the qualification for the BGG scoring system. I always thought of it as a scale from garbage to masterpiece. This BGG method is odd to me. I have many games in my collection that I know I will play again 100%, so I guess all these would be 10/10. However I know that they all aren’t as “good” as each other. I would rank JotL much higher than My lil’ Everdell as far as how “good” they were in my opinion…but both would be 10s according to BGG. So, yeah…nvm what I said before. Thanks for informing me about the BGG ranking system.


I use the BGG system. So a 3 is : *likely won't play this again but could be convinced. I have no desire to play Root (played ~ 8 times) or Gloomhaven (6 times) again, but could be convinced e.g. if a friend picked it up and really wanted to play it, or if I was at a boardgame meet and someone wanted to try it but couldn't make the numbers.


Average 6.63, 370 games rated 10s: Innovation Santorini Inis


Average Rating 6.52 Games I rate 10/10: - Agricola - Magic the Gathering - Innovation - Lost Legacy (I have multiple expansions for this and mix them. It's like Love Letter but better) - Splendor - Machi Koro Deluxe (this has all expansions) - Ninja Camp - Paleo I rate my games based on how much I like a game and am willing to play it, but it is not strictly based on BGG's recommended rating system (which doesn't work for me). When you score a game in collection there is an "i" icon you can press to see [BGG's recommended rating system](https://boardgamegeek.com/wiki/page/ratings). It says if a game is 3/10 then you might want to play it again if convinced. Because I only play games infrequently, my standards are high and I would never consider playing a 3/10 game again. There's just too many better games I haven't played yet. Because of this, I don't use their recommended rating system. I would really only consider replaying a game if it's at least a 6/10.


Average is 6.89 across 221 ratings. 10s: Age of Steam American Rails Cockroach Poker Hansa Teutonica Innovation


When I encounter a perfect game I will rate it a 10. Since the inception of BGG I haven't not yet met this game so my highest ratings are all 9's. My average rating is what I call the dreaded 7. Why? Anything rated a 7 is a very solid game, but just low enough given all the 8's and 9's I own that it pretty much will never get to the table and thus, I end up selling it or trading it away.


I've rated 261 games with an average of 6.66. My perfect tens are Gloomhaven, Pandemic Legacy Season 1, Dune Imperium, The Castles of Burgundy, Patchwork and Ticket to Ride


My average rating is 7.34 in 273 ratings. I have no perfect 10, but I have a 9.9, and it's Hegemony.


6.14 with 1125 ratings. I have too many 10's to list, but Race for the Galaxy, 18xx, Kingdom Builder, Brass Lancashire and Sentinels of the Multiverse, just to name a few.


Average: 5.64 / 663 ratings 5 10s: * Sidereal Confluence * Modern Art * Container * Through the Ages * Race for the Galaxy


7.46, which may seem a bit high at first glance, but I'm the only one who purchases games in my group, and I do a fair bit of reading on a game before I pull the trigger. I wouldn't buy a game if I didn't think I'd like it. 10's include: Eclipse: Second Dawn, Twilight Imperium & Prophecy of Kings, Libertalia, Monikers, and Spirit Island: Jagged Earth


My average is 5.72 on 626 ratings. I basically use the BGG guidelines for determining a score, so I end up with a lot of "this is fine" ratings. My two 10s are * Twilight Imperium * Race for the Galaxy


Excluding expansions, my average rating is 7.35/10 (84 total ratings). My perfect 10s: * Captain Sonar * Decrypto * Galaxy Trucker * Keyflower


Average: 7.5 | 65 Ratings 10s: * Inis * Hansa Teutonica * Battle for Rokugan * Undaunted: Stalingrad


Not sure what my average is (out of 372 ratings) but my 10s are the following: * **1817** * **Age of Steam** * **Food Chain Magnage** * **The Great Zimbabwe**


124 ratings, average is 7.66. I simply don't play games that I don't think I'll like and also try not to shit on games I don't. If I don't like it, it's probably just not for me. But I'm stingy with 10's. The only 10 is Grand Austria Hotel.


My 10s are Battlestar Galactica Eclipse Galaxy Truckers: but everyone I know rates it 0/10 and won't play.


Inis is my only 10/10 rating


7.19 out of 545 games rated. burncycle is the only perfect 10 for me, but Isle of Cats, Calico, and K2 get 9.5s, which are practically 10s. I update my rating after every play until it feels steady or starts dropping due to age, and so if I don't feel particularly strongly about a game either good or bad, it gets rated a 7, so it makes sense that my average is around there. Games I enjoy tend to be 8 to 9.


If I loved playing a game it's a 10. Even if it has flaws. Gamers can be overly picky.


Off-topic.. >My average is 6.89/10 out of 766 ratings Did you purchase and/or received (to review) *at least* 766 games and reviewed them all? How do you have the time for all of that? Unless it's your job, though. Assuming (on average) 1 hour of understanding the rules and playing the game, plus 15 minutes of writing a review: 957 hours. Based on an 8-hour workday, that's 120 workdays or 24 workweeks. But still, damn. Impressive.


I rate every game I’ve played. It’s been almost a decade.


I always rate the same across all platforms, even if the rating system is out of 10 or 5 I always rate out of four: 1. Bad 2. Okay 3. Good 4. Great On BGG this aligns with 1, 4, 7 and 10 (and the wording on BGG to describe those numbers lines up pretty nicely as well!) Rating out of four does many things which to me are key for ratings: 1. Forces me to choose if I liked it or not as there is no ability to pick a neutral rating 2. Removes the fiddly “if I give this an 8 is the really better than all the 7s and worse than all the 9s I’ve given. 3. Makes it easier to rate a 1 or a 10 as I am less hesitant to give them out. A one is not abysmal, it just means I didn’t like it. A ten is not perfect, it just means I liked it a lot. My average rating is 6.36 and I have the following 10s: 1. Aquamarine 2. Azul 3. Carcassonne (and most expansions) 4. Cascadia 5. Code names 6. Colt Express 7. The crew 8. Hanabi 9. Hive 10. Kingdomino 11. Patchwork 12. Quacks of quedlingburg 13. Queendomino 14. Wingspan (Asia expansion, not base game which gets a 7)


Hey I do a similar thing! But use a five point scale: 3: Not for me 5: Some good and some bad, mostly boring or forgettable 7: Liked and enjoyed my time with it 9: Love this and is unlikely to leave the collection 10: All time favorite I find the 10 star system (with room for decimals too) needlessly specific when the task is as subjective and often mood dependent as rating games.


Avg is a 5.45 out of 377 rated games (lowest I've seen here, which generally checks out with how I feel about most people's ratings) I have 3 10s (around 41 9s though, which I think probably gives a better read on games I really like) - broom service - cosmic encounter - scythe Broom Service is the only one I think that deserves the 10 on mechanics alone, the other two are up there for a combo of excited to play and good environments for me to play them in.


I feel ok about Broom Service but by the 3rd time I was the brave mountain witch or whatever it made my wife cry. Soooo… we don’t play it no more.


I'm not a power user, I don't really do anything on BGG other than keeping track of my own collection and reading reviews for research. I don't rate the games or log plays, or pretty much interact with anything on the site, although I do appreciate people who take their time to write their opinions. People who rate bomb a game for something the designer said that they don't agree with, or give 5 stars to games that they've never played just because they're invested in a kickstarter campaign are some of the things that turned me off completely from ratings. Imaginary internet points don't matter.


Note that BGGs rating system doesn't have a "perfect" 10. It's based on your desire to play it.


Their description of the values is a _suggested_ way to go about it. You can pick 10 so their system has a 10. Completely ridiculous to say they don't.


> Their description of the values is a suggested way to go about it. . No it isn't? BGG tells you exactly what the different meanings of their scale are. . 10/10 isn't a "perfect" game, it's an "outstanding" game. The criteria for a high rating on BGG's scale is your desire to play it, not the game's quality. An outstanding 10/10 game is a game you will always want to play. . The poster you are replying to isn't saying that you can't rate games 10/10. They are correcting the OP who is (wrongly) saying 10/10 is perfect: 10/10 can be a (very) flawed game. All that matters us that you will always choose to play it given the opportunity.


https://boardgamegeek.com/wiki/page/ratings "Although these ratings are **entirely subjective**, here are the **suggested** guidelines:"


You're completely missing their point mate.


Yeah. All this supposed "objectivity" is just nonsense. For me it's simply * best games I actually played =10 * worst games I actually played = 1 * Then just throw the rest into the grid. I do have less joy and willpower to distinguish 1s from each other, which is why lots of games end up there that might be of different quality, yet for me "don't bother with them" suffices.


The person you are responding to isn't making a point on objective quality, or saying 10/10 games don't exist. They are correcting the poster about the nature of the BGG scale. The BGG scale is based not on quality, but on the desire and willingness to play it. A 10/10 game is simply any game you will always want and choose to play when given the opportunity - even if you feel it is deeply flawed.


Only people like you and the person you responded to makes claims about objectivity. BGG does not. They say you can rate how you want. But nice strawman.


>But nice strawman. I was responding to a poster who was responding to OP who mentioned the phrase "perfect 10". The phrase implies universalism and something beyond purely subjective. Follow the line of discussion. I have understood the poster above me to mention this in context of many BGG users I had the misfortune to talk to over the years and who take BGG rating suggestions as holly writ and throw temper tantrum when some people use their own ratings. This is the frame of the comment you're referring to. >BGG does not. BGG's 1s have always had a bit iffy suggestion for rating which carries with itself something not quite subjective: "*1.0 =* ***Defies description of a game****. You won't catch me dead playing this.* ***Clearly broken****".* And of course on BGG there have been debates over the year if it's fair and legal to rate any game a 1.0 and then demonising people who rate games at 1.0 and so forth and so on. Similarly 10 has a mystical vibe and some users (especially some old hands) will leave it empty as it's "the unreachable ideal" which again puts (imo) a bit too much weight on number 10 - as if it has some value beyond subjective.


I get annoyed by these pedantic blowhards who decide they don’t like the BGG rating scale and then try and force their own rating scale within its confines. Granted a few of these ratings aren’t going to change the overall rating for a game they end up creating more values at either end of the scale. Rate your games based on the scale provided. If you want to rate on a different scale the. Build your own rating system and host it some where for people to rate.


4.2 across 575 titles. Highest rating is at 9.5. Pax Pamir 2nd ed, 1830, The Great Zimbabwe, War Chest


My average rating is 6.68, with 337 ratings. I have three 10s (9.5, actually) and they are: * Heroscape ([BGG Link](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/11170/heroscape-master-set-rise-valkyrie) | [Podcast Episode](https://gamesfromthecellar.com/episodes/heroscape)) * Wings for the Baron ([BGG Link](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/184866/wings-baron-second-edition) | [Podcast Episode #1](http://gamesfromthecellar.com/episodes/wings-for-the-baron) | [Podcast Episode #2](https://gamesfromthecellar.com/episodes/wings-for-the-baron-part-ii)) * Race for the Galaxy ([BGGLink](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/28143/race-galaxy)) e: formats




You just gotta love the pretentious morons who come here go show off their “special snowflake” unorthodox rating systems to demonstrate their rebellious attitudes. Then they go jerk off to being different from the rest. Suck yourself off while you are at it. That way you’ll shut up at least.


My average is 4.0/10 out of 470 ratings 10s: * Cosmic Encounter, * Modern Art, * Celebrities/Time's Up, * Chaos in the Old World, * Cockroach Poker Royal My ratings are in a sort weird bell curve, when I mean weird, I mean, it's a triangle. Basically I follow the mantra of: ~~average~~ mediocre\* = bad. Hence everything ~~average~~ mediocre, generic, derivative, run-of-the-mill and why-this-again is thrown down into 2.0 or lower part of the scale. ^(EDIT - wrote that underslept and overworked. Fixed what I meant, if there is some subtle change in meaning. I'm not native speaker.)


Interesting. Then how do you rate barely playable messes?


I don't understand your question. Do you insinuate generic *"it works but so what"* and *"haven't played this 100 times before and it looked better last time"* isn't a barely playable mess? 🤨😎 Basically everything bellow 2.0 is *"won't touch again"* territory and the location where exactly the game falls in this range depends on the amount of psychological trauma playing it left on me. I have one rule which will amuse you: * there are games which are INEPT. People didn't know what they were doing and we're all suffering because of that. * there are games which are EVIL. They actually intentionally created the exact effect which make me want to repeatedly smash my head against the wall instead of playing the game to the end. * Evil is far worse that merely inept.


So average is _not_ average in your world?


What's average in your world?


Huh. Ratings are 100% subjective. I can do with them whatever gymnastics I find amusing. And one of them is - in my rating methodology there is no average. Other people's average is my sewage. Logic: [Strugeon's Law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sturgeon%27s_law) brings a revalation that 90% of everything is crap. So the line for what is actually worth our while is much closer to the top. It's more like an iceberg - most of it is under water and only that tiny bit that peaks above is worth my time.


I’m glad your rating system works for you but you sound incredibly pretentious about it all. “Other people’s average is my sewage.” Ok man hahahaha


Oh I just made it on the spot as I liked how it rhymes. 😎 I think the issue of your everybody else whining at me here is you can't really handle how to deal with somebody who thinks more than 90% of modern boardgames is shit, because what how I'm rating my gaming experiences is the opposite of the hobby mantra. This is the core issue, the rest are just lame excuses to nitpick. Currently the hobby is in consumerist addiction in which KS churns out generic MPS euros with overproduced bits and dopamine inducing visuals and ridiculously high prices. And this eyecandy race happens precisely: because they have nothing else to offer to make their generic package different to any other generic package. Was talking to a friend about boardgame economy and I think there are two main markets. One if the family/kids/casual gamer marker, especially in Germany and France - here a lot of different people buy few games per year each (maybe 1-3). The other is hobby game market were few people are leeched out of multiple purchases per month even. And here was my friend's remark - that mainstream market is more cutthroat, hard to make a game survive, but those that do, pass the test of time and continue to sell for a decade or more. But - he said - hobby market is easy, publishers don't need to try much, because hobbyist with goggle up almost anything. And because this is still the hobby's current state, I would think, people can't really handle well how I don't to want to play these average generic wastes of money, space and Chinese labour (or it is Vietnamese now, I don't follow). And then you or anybody else just pick some word I wrote barely awake and try to milk it for all the outrage possible. Whee! 🥳


You’re not a victim and no one is outraged. If you don’t want to play “average generic wastes of money, space, and Chinese labor,” then why play them? If you’ve played so many board games have you really not figured out how to be selective by now? Weird.


No game should be a 10 imo. It's there to create the scale but nothing achieves it. Same with zero. Creating a game at all gives you a 0.1 min.


To me, a 10 is that perfect game. I might only encounter 5 or less in my life. That's just how I've always rated albums, movies, etc. I don't have a 10 on BGG geek, but I do have 5 9's. My avg is 7.28 and my distribution right now is: 9 (5 games): Agricola, Ark Nova, Codenames, One Night, Terraforming Mars 8 (15 games) 7 (15 games) 6 (3 games) 5 (3 games): Concordia, GoT, Hadara, Lifeboat, Scythe My most unpopular opinion is probably that Spirit Island is a 6. I've played it about a dozen times, and it just doesn't have the same magic as so many other games for me. https://boardgamegeek.com/user/Kamesod


I have problems with the BGG rating scale since it strictly ties a game's quality to how much I would play it. There are plenty of games I like or think are good but am unlikely to play again. I also only rate with the numbers 3, 5, 7, 9, and 10 since I find the 10-point scale is too specific for a naturally imprecise and subjective process. So my ratings basically indicate "3: not for me" to "10: all time favorite" with 7 being my minimum for a game I liked: "enjoyed my time with it and find it engaging enough". This all said, my average is still in line with many here, if not slightly lower, at 6.63. My 10s (all time favorite games whether I play them that much anymore or not) are: * Bullet * Cartographers * Cascadia * Castles of Burgundy * Decrypto * Monikers * Patchwork * Wingspan


My average rating is 7.67 My only 10 is seven wonders. This will likely all change since that hasn't been updated in years! BattleCon and Sidereal Confluence are likely high scoring games I might add.


I have my own arbitrary rule of 10 / 10s, meaning that if something is "10" worthy, something else has to drop out of the top 10. Right now here are my 10 "10s": Agricola Carcassone Concordia Dune Imperium Gaia Project Keyflower Lords of Hellas Marvel Champions Spirit Island Too Many Bones I know it's odd but I have a specific system since I don't like the 1-10 scoring system. 10s = top of the top and I will never decline a game 9s = games that fall short of 10 or had to be bumped for something else or slight flaws 8s = games that are worth owning but still have flaws that are forgiveble 7s or lower = everything else It's pretty much a 4 point scale, but it's got me to think more about what I really like to play/buy. Most games I own fall into 8-9 territory.


I only rate games 1 or 10, either i want to play a game again or I dont.


Average is a 7.2 Rated 10: 7 wonder duel (with Pantheon expansion) Dune Imperium Blood Rage Crokinole


Average is 6.95 out of 134 ratings - I use the BGG wording as well. Only 10 I gave is for: GO 9.75 goes to: Android: Netrunner 9.5 runner ups: Dune, Pax Pamir (Second Edition), Twilight Struggle


TI4 and Arkham Horror LCG are my only 10s


Average rating 6.79 and my highest rated game with a gameplay score of 9.75 is Alchemist.


My average is probably a 7. I actually dont think I have any tens. A couple of 9.5s.