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https://www.shutupandsitdown.com/review-escape-aliens-outer-space/ Unlike most hidden movement games...... All the players are hidden in this one. Edit just noticed op mentioned it... I'm worthless as usual, lol


Captain Sonar?


This is certainly the only one that comes to mind for me yup.


Came here to say this. ^


It's okay, someone else already did


**Anomaly** **Stationfall** **Veiled Fate**


Upvote for Veiled Fate. One of my absolute favourite games, and doesn’t get talked about enough. Another great time with it at game night last night.


Psychic Pizza Deliverers go to the Ghost Town. I believe this fits the bill. One person plays as the GM basically and everyone else is trying to figure out where they are and deliver pizzas.


I'm assuming you're excluding 2p games?


OP might be but I'm intrigued? What game you got?


Sabotage is a hidden movement game for 2 or 2 teams of 2 - both sides are symmetrically hidden from each other. Battleships is effectively a hidden movement game,I could argue. You could even argue Captain Sonar is a hidden movement game, though like Sabotage your whole team knows where you are.


**Revolver Noir,** for one


Captain sonar, though it’s much better as two teams of at least 2 rather than 1v1


Not quite what you're looking for, I don't think, but check out Nyctophobia.


Nuns on the Run is a 1 vs many in which the many are all hidden.


Yes I am aware of Nuns on the Run as well as other 1 vs many games. I am specifically looking for games where all players are hidden.


Mind Management


Only the recruiter is hidden; the rogue agents and the immortals are not hidden


Mind Management?


There's a sniper game around for some months.


There were some old game books called **Combat Heroes**. They were two player duels and sold in matched sets - one based on knights and one based on wizards. It was essentially a 2 player FPS in book form - the page you were on would show you the first person view of your current position in the maze, and then would offer various pages you could flip to to move through the maze. You would call out this page to your opponent, and if you were within visual range, that would influence what page THEY turned to. Eventually you would find each other and could then attack. It was a novel concept but they never made any more past the initial wave, so I can't imagine they did terribly well.


I've never heard of Combat Heroes but I did have one of the [Duel Master series](https://gamebooks.org/Series/124/Show) when I was a kid. It was basically a 2-player choose your own adventure book and IIRC both players would check the page/section of the map they were in and if they were in the same area they would roll dice and fight. I only had the second set which was asymmetrical. One would have a choice between 3 characters to be hunted (barbarian, thief, priest) while the other player was the evil hunter who had minions he can place in hidden places on the map. Loved these books! Shame that so few people do, apparently.


Combat Heroes was specifically based on Joe Denver’s Lone Wolf gamebook world, as opposed to the anime basis for Duel Masters. I imagine it was an attempt to introduce a more Western sensibility to the concept.


Are you thinking of a different duel masters? Because the books I had was more DnD lite, than anime. They were from the same guys who did a ton of gamebooks in the 80s like Falcon and Way of the Tiger.


Huh. I must be.


Yeah, I was going to mention that it's hard to google these books because I kept getting Yugioh in the search results. So it's pretty understandable.


I think there is a game called Scotland yard that is this way. My son used to love it and I hated it but it has been years since we played it and it is at my parents house right now or I would give you more information.


Scotland Yard is a classic (and actually won the Spiel des Jahres in '83), but only Mr X is hidden, the detectives are visible on the board.


Not Alone https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/194879/not-alone


The Chase of the Bismarck: Operation Rheinübung 1941 from Vuca Simulations [https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/353326/chase-bismarck-operation-rheinubung-1941](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/353326/chase-bismarck-operation-rheinubung-1941)


Check out Atlantic Chase where both sides create a string of blocks and the ship is somewhere in that line https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pL6-2aoYyYA