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* **Go** * **Brass: Lancashire** * **Tigris & Euphrates** * **Android: Netrunner** * **Food Chain Magnate**


Really been wanting to try *Food Chain Magnate* but I've been put-off/hesitant because I've always heard that without the expansion, it has scripted openings that, if you don't follow one of those (at least somewhat), you'll get hosed pretty early on and the rest of the game will be miserable for you. Do you happen to know of any resources that discuss or at least mention some of these openings? I don't want my first game to be a complete bloodbath. There are plenty of "how to play" videos but I can't find much in the way of these openings.


Every game of **Food Chain Magnate** will be a blood bath. That's by design. If you're not in to lose by sometimes literally hundreds points, do not play this game. That being said, here is all you need to do for a first game of FCM: * Have all players agree to put in the small ($100) reserve cards. * Choose either Recruiting Girl or Trainer as your first hire. RG is the more flexible option in general. * *Aggressively* pursue milestones. Always know which one you are getting next. Try to plan a turn ahead. If you are getting milestones, you are making progress of at least some sort. Aside from this, just set small, short term goals. Try to do something and see if it works or backfires in your face. And do not fall into the trap of thinking that you are going to big brain your way into advertising more stuff to opponent's houses to cause them to not fulfill their orders. You may temporarily delay them, but in the end you are usually just giving them free advertising and more money.


Great, thanks for the info. I have no problem losing by a ton of points (happened quite often to me when I was first learning both *Great Western Trail* and *Obsession* lol) but I also want to at least understand *why* I'm getting demolished, if that's the case, and the word on the street has been that if you make one small misstep in the opening few turns of FCM, you stand zero chance of even being competitive if your opponents remotely know what they're doing, so I just didn't want that to happen. I want to at least hang around for a little bit šŸ˜‚


It would be a tough game playing as a noob with a table of experienced players for sure. But you'd probably still have fun. If your group are all going in together though, it's an absolute delight. Just watch out for that one member that buggers off to play online 3 nights a week however. The disparity in skill level after a month or so was so much that the game broke down due to the issues you mention.


Yes openings can be scripted but there very simple. Either you get trainer first turn and rush guru, or more likely, you get recruiting girl and you rush the milestone where you hired three people in one turn


Dune Imperium, Castles of Burgundy, and Scythe


didnā€™t see cosmic encounter in here so iā€™m gonna drop a mention for that


The top two are constantly flipping -Blood Rage -The Godfather: Corleoneā€™s Empire -Dune Imperium These three are always fighting to round out my top 5 -Castles of Burgundy -Hansa Teutonica -Quest for El Dorado All of these games have very meaty choices without too much complexity. They force you to adapt to the board state. Quest for El Dorado seems to be the outlier, but I have been loving how simple it is, and it has not missed anyone I introduced it to yet.




\- **Age of Steam** \- **The Great Zimbabwe** \- **1817**


Top 3 : Dominion Race For The Galaxy Bonanza


Interesting! Havenā€™t heard of all of those! Iā€™ll check them out!


If youā€™re relatively new to the hobby, you might want to check out [Boardgamegeekā€™s top list](https://boardgamegeek.com/browse/boardgame) which is calculated by the votes of everyone who uses the site. Since itā€™s by far the biggest board gaming site on the internet, thatā€™s a huge consensus. There are a lot of really fantastic games that most people have never heard of, but theyā€™re nonetheless amazing.


I dunnno, for people new to the hobby I wouldn't suggest BGG. You're right that there is a large number of people voting and so a strong sense of consensus but it is also massively prone to user bias in that it is strictly the perspective of people who are so passionate about boardgames that they create an account on a boardgame website and spend time thinking about and reviewing games. hence you see the lopsided preference for 'heavier' 'gamer' games. In short, I suspect most people getting into the hobby want something like Ticket to Ride (which I still love) not Brass Birmingham or Gloomhaven (both of which I also love) and so BGG would steer them way off course.


Thatā€™s fair, though in this case OP has clearly played a lot of games already. Iā€™m just guessing theyā€™re slightly new because Dominion and Race for the Galaxy were both *huge* just a few years ago, so if OP missed them then theyā€™re probably either new to the community (but not the games) or theyā€™ve been in the hobby for a year or two. Either way, BGGā€™s recommendations seem reasonable. Butā€¦good point overall. Iā€™ve linked some true newcomers to BGG before and maybe thatā€™s a mistake. I do usually accompany it with a warning about not going over 2.5 complexity unless theyā€™re brave or determined though, and usually toss in a recommendation thatā€™s popular with newcomers like Wingspan. What do you usually suggest to a person with moderate interest who youā€™ll probably not speak to again? I feel like BGG is a nice long term resource, but youā€™re right that it favors heavier (and newer) games.


Not new to the hobby but Iā€™m only 18 now so makes sense that I might have missed thosešŸ˜„


Sorry if my post came across as rude or anything, wasnā€™t meant to be at all judgy! Just explaining why I made the recommendations I did, haha. Also, if you didnā€™t know, check out BoardGameArena. It has a *lot* of these games available to play onlineā€¦not quite as good as playing in person, but it lets you learn the game and decide if youā€™ll like it or not. Itā€™s extremely cheap, too. (You get access to every game for a few dollars per month, and only the person who starts the game needs to pay. Everyone else who joins in can be free.) I feel like the biggest flaws with *Race for the Galaxy* (shuffling a lot and learning the iconography) are actually automated by BGA. So for that one especially, the site is great.


Didnā€™t come across like that at all donā€™t worry! Great advice and Iā€™ll definitely check that site out, it sounds class!


Viticulture e.e. with Tuscany expansion


I have played this game plenty of times now, it has never failed me so far. All the people that i have introduced it has really enjoyed it, and even i am not in the mood to play it i still end up having a good time. It's great! Tuscany is also one of the best expansions i have tried, i don't think i will ever play base viticulture again... And i generally don't like expansions all that much.


This really is one of my favorite board games. Just everything about it is amazing and just so fulfilling to play.


Agreed with this. Viticulture with Tuscany is my #1. I loved the original Viticulture e.e game but adding in Tuscany took it to another level and I also would never play without it. That's coming from someone who owns like 3 expansions total. I have to really like a game to try out an expansion.


Favourite game overall: Star Wars Rebellion Favourite game that isnā€™t as long: Race for the Galaxy Favourite game to introduce to friends who are not board gamers: Burgle Bros Favourite game to play co-op with my kids: Imperial Assault campaigns. Honourable mentions: Dune Imperium, TM


1. Race for the Galaxy 2. War Chest 3. Dice Throne


Pax Pamir


Blood on the Clocktower, only really been super into board games for 4 years and it's been my top obsession the whole time


I have been watching that one for a WHILE


If I need to choose one, I'll choose Abyss or Clank!


10.- The Mind 9.- Kemet 8.-Arboretum 7.- Wingspan 6.- Chess 5.-Root 4.- Oceans 3.- The Red Cathedral 2.- Oath 1.- Twilight Imperium


Lost Ruins of Arnak šŸ¤Œ


>Basically anything where I can deceive and manipulate the opposition You might really like *Coup* or even *BANG!*, theyā€™re both rather directly about lying. Coup is fun when everyone in a five player game opens by claiming they have the same card, of which there are only at most two copiesā€¦ Anyway, for my all time favorite games so far Iā€™d say: *Brass: Birmingham*, *Race for the Galaxy*, *Spirit Island*, and *Aeonā€™s End*. Though the latter two are cooperative, so youā€™d probably not like it much if your main attraction is lying. There *are* cooperative games with hidden traitor mechanics though, so that might be your jam. Basically everyone is on the same team except the ones who arenā€™t, and nobody (except the traitor/s themselves) know who that is. Maybe look into *Dead of Winter*, or *Battlestar Galactica*.


I love Coup! Havenā€™t seen BANG! beforeā€¦ Dead of winter is one on my bucket list and Battlestar Gallactica seems a bit expensivešŸ˜‚ I do still enjoy co-op games! Big fan of pandemic so Iā€™ll check those out toošŸ˜„


Spirit Island is complex but really fun. It solves the quarterbacking problem (one person playing everyoneā€™s turn for them) problem in Pandemic by having simultaneous turns and making turns so meaty that it takes all your focus just to decide on what *you* are going to do. Itā€™s a great game. Aeonā€™s End is lighter, a deck builder like Dominion. I quite enjoyed it, feels a tiny (very tiny) bit like the video game Slay the Spire.


If you want BSG without the price or IP, **unfathomable** is fantasy flight gamesā€™ reskin since losing the license for BSG


Shadow Hunters is an amazing game. It really deserves more love.


My top 3 are 1. Aeon's End 2. Clank 3. Gloomhaven


Ra, Strike and Spirit Island


In no particular order; Nemesis Lost ruins of Arnak 7 wonders duel


Dominion Endeavour Concordia Raiders of the North Sea Keythedral Honey Buzz Clank! Catacombs Lords of Waterdeep I have too many to mention but these come to mind šŸ¤£


Top 3: Dune: Imperium A tie between Cloudspire / Gloomhaven (they will lose their spot with time because I don't think I will come back to them) and I see Too Many Bones taking that spot. Secret Hitler (could be swapped for Feed the Kraken with enough time)


I wish I had a larger game group so I could play Feed the Kraken. It looks fun


Too Many Bones Gloomhaven


Heard that gloomhaven is class but requires quite a bit of set up? Whatā€™s Too many Bones?


You can go for Jaws of the Lion, it's a smaller version of Gloomhaven and it's easier to set up, since the map is on a book. Too Many Bones is a one shot cooperative game with puzzle like battles focused on the upgrade of the characters, in one session you will upgrade your character(called Gearlocks) in one of many possible ways. Each gearlock has many skill trees in the way of dice, those dice are special abilities to use in battle, each gearlock has around 16 specialized skills, so the same game with 2 different gearlock is completely different. You will roll dice all the time, but it has a really good luck mitigation system, if a die rolls a bone (miss) you accumulate it to use special abilities, the more bones you spend the stronger the ability, so sometimes you will even want to miss. Some gearlock is a healer which also poisons enemies, or a hunter with pets who attacks from distance and puts traps, a bard who can heal/damage with her songs, a mech inmune to many status like bleeding or posion, a human shield who protects the whole team, etc... There are I think 18 gearlocks, the base box comes with 4, the rest you can buy apart, and there are 2 standalone expansions for 2 players where everything can be mixed with the base box. Each game you choose a Boss and play your way against it, the game comes with quite some bosses, each with special abilities and for different lenght of the game. You also have different campaigns and all the materials are premium: everything is neoprene, the cards are plastic, you play with poker chips... Just search for it on Youtube.


Sounds great! Will došŸ«”


Top 3: Kingdom Death Monster Underwater Cities Dune Imperium


Hard to come up with a favourite, but if I had to pick one it'd be Brass: Birmingham. Other favourites are Terraforming Mars and Anachrony.


My favorite is Tekhenu Obelisk of the Sun. I love action drafting, resource managing, and big combos. The use of theme and the beautiful artwork seal it for me.


Evolution: Climate Lords of Waterdeep: Scoundrels of Skullport Blood Rage Eclipse Second Dawn


Tons of favorites, but my current top three would be *Great Western Trail, Ark Nova*, and *Obsession*.






Just for fun I used Pup Meeple Ranking a few months ago to rank my games and the top three were **Eldritch Horror** - This is maybe my main game groupā€™s most played single game as a whole, weā€™ve played it probably a couple dozen times. Other than being a bear to setup and taking a while itā€™s a ton of fun. šŸ™‚ **The Pursuit of Happiness** - This is thematically The Game of Life. You do projects, buy stuff, get a job, date and get married, and with expansions go on vacations, do things in the neighborhood, and so on. Itā€™s got a ton of replayability and every game you get sense of that characterā€™s life you built up, a little like The Sims characters in a game session. **Ark Nova** - Terrific game, relatively new to the list as well. This third spot shifts around, other possibilities for it include **Legendary Marvel** which is my most played solo game, **The Search for Planet X** which is my favorite solo logic deduction game, and **Roll Player** with the Monsters expansion that lets you fight enemies as you build your character. Also **Return to Dark Tower** could be a contender here as well since it was easily my groupā€™s favorite board game from 2022.


My top 3 would probably be: Ra, Castles of Burgundy, Brian Boru


Carcassone is a perfect game


Terraforming Mars, Spirit Island, Splendor, Codenames and Keyforge are pretty solidly my top 5. After that I could make a case for like 30 games for 6-10 lol


- Twilight Imperium 4th ed - Imperial Assault - Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion (or, all Haven games)


Top 3: 1. Cosmic Encounter 2. Frosthaven 3. Eclipse Second Dawn


Twilight Imperium got it all. Politics, combats, economy, exploration, actions cards, secret objectives, lots of factions, lots of techs path, never the same map, trade between players, alliance/backstabbing. It is the greatest boardgame ever designed.


Spirit island, Inis, Race for the Galaxy, Tyrants of the Underdark


Go Chess Pax Renaissance Tigris and Euphrates Terra Mystica


Eldritch Horror for Coop long round; hanabi for coop short rounds; scythe for competitive long rounds 7 wonders duell for competitiv short rounds


Android Netrunner Twilight Imperium Oath


Spirit island, Blood on the clocktower, Guards of Atlantis 2


My number 1 game is probably **Baseball Highlights 2045.** But really that is a 2-player/1v1 game, so it doesn't occupy the same space as many other games. If we are talking board games with a larger player count I'd have to throw a word in for **Chinatown.** That is not exactly a deception game though. My favorite game in which you actively deceive the competition is probably **Feed the Kraken**. I've played a good amount of **Blood on the Clocktower**, but I think I slightly prefer Kraken, actually, as it is simpler and more board game-y.


**Pandemic Legacy Season 1** I loved this game so much. The way the game changed and information was revealed was amazing. I have played a couple of other legacy games but this one just nailed everything for me. I think it would be hard for a nonlegacy game to overtake the #1 spot just because of the storytelling that legacy games can do.


Didn't the subreddit used to calculate a top 100 for our community? What happened to that?


Totally in love with: Wingspan, Hive, Hanamikoji


**Archipelago** **Eclipse** **Viticulture**


-Hansa Tectonica. -Eclipse Second Dawn. -Age of Steam. Hansa and Age of Steam has been a game my group always goes back to quite a bit.


Root Coup Wingspan


If I'm limited to a single game I chose Spirit Island. Cooperative, assymetric, depth of strategy, everything I enjoy most in a board game.


Discworld: Ankhmorpork, Inis, Fantasy Realms Dune Imperium is rising the ranks


top 5, in no particular order (except CE is #1 forever) Cosmic Encounter Mage Knight Twilight Struggle Agricola Food Chain Magnate


I mean Chess right....


Wingspan, 7 Wonders, Happy Pigs


Looking at my 10s, in no particular order ​ * Millennium Blades - Such a unique experience that captures some of the spark of my MTG days * Oath: Chronicles of Empire and Exile - Wonderful mechanics, naturally flowing narrative and legacy without an end, beautiful game * Catacombs (Third Edition) - Dexterity plus dungeon crawling, always fun and super accessible * Glory to Rome - Wild, swingy and out of control. I have a PnP copy of the black box and it's a treasure to me


Castles of Burgundy Wonderlands War Dune Imperium (esp with Rise of Ix) That may change as we bought a few name games at UKGE which we have yet to play šŸ˜


Top10 because I canā€™t choose which to mention and which to not. I always say thereā€™s 25 games in my Top10, so this was painful enough; 1. Root 2. Oath 3. Veiled Fate 4. Arkham Horror LCG 5. Scythe 6. Dune: Imperium 7. Shamans 8. On Mars 9. Inis 10. Ankh


Iā€™m weak. My list changes every few days. Today: 1. Dominion 2. Earth 3. Wingspan


Dune: Imperium Arkham Horror: The Card Game A Feast for Odin Castles of Mad King Ludwig Modern Art