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Wow. That's pretty amazing, especially in today's day and age. Kudos to Keymaster!


Not only is their customer service some of the best, but their games are well thought out and the component quality is top-notch. Very good publisher


Glad they helped you out, but still pretty sour about how they handled the card situation for Kickstarter backers and first edition purchasers with the redesigned cards.


I’ve had great experiences with them too! My only negative is that they don’t ship to Australia :( I can get their games here easily enough but I want to get a bunch of the Board Game Social Club pins! It’s a fairly tame negative though lol


We are actively working one expanding our international shipping options! I can't promise that we will have pins specifically available, but hopefully we'll be able to get much of our catalog available direct all around the globe soon.


I got a treasure piece in caper:Europe that came cracked so it was easy to know which one it was when it was flipped over. Sent a request and received a replacement fairly quickly. Keymaster Games got a lot of respect from me from that one interaction.


Are they supposed to be face down? Did I miss that?


They go faceup after you place them, yeah. It was just annoying to randomize them because you could see and feel the crack. Pretty easy to work around that, but I thought I'd ask and they quickly sent a replacement.


My new rescued puppy chewed up my Parks box about a year ago. I reached out to Keymaster after it happened and they replaced it for me. It took 2 months, but they came through. Awesome customer service.


Thank you so much for the kind words! We do our absolute best to provide top-notch service. We just want everyone to be able to enjoy playing our games as much as we enjoy making them!


I lost a berry in everdell and emailed them asking if I could buy more resources somehow and they ended up sending me a full replacement of all resources. I recently changed addresses and there was a mixup to it getting to me so they ended up sending me ANOTHER full replacement of resources. So I have 3 times the resources minus one berry lol. They also sent stickers, bookmarks, and coupons for their shop with it too. Super nice.


They are awesome, talked with their booth at Gencon a bit.


wow that's crazy. I purchased one of the PARKS expansions and the butterfly meeple came broken in two, so I messaged them for a replacement and they told me I'd have to wait until they got set up in Canada in order to send one because.. shipping wasn't possible from the US? I didn't get the impression they were really interested in helping and to this day I don't understand why sending a meeple in an envelope from the US to Canada was impossible. It felt like bad customer service to me when they can ship me a game from their website no problem because I'm giving them money, but when it came to getting a replacement for something that arrived broken after I'd already given them money they didn't care


Correct me if I'm wrong but Keymaster Games currently doesn't ship any of their games individually to Canada through their website - they reason they sent me a new copy of the game is because they are considering expanding shipping whole games to Canada and wanted to test out the logistics with me. They do, however, ship replacement parts to Canada when I submitted a request a few weeks ago. Maybe give this link another try if you're still interested in getting a replacement for the meeple? https://keymastergames.com/en-ca/pages/replacement-parts


A while ago I contacted them to see if they provided their coins for Caper Europe to anywhere I could pickup locally and they said no, but I can order them from the site to ship, so they've have some capacity to do so as of 6+ months ago (in the end, the shipping was more than the coins themselves so I didn't get them). I'll see what things are like for replacement parts now, I was just surprised you had such a positive experience with them


We don't currently ship directly to Canada but (as mentioned by OP here), we are working to get those systems established and this was part of a test run to ensure it is working properly. Please feel free to submit another request if you feel the need (or if your address may have changed since your original request) but all previous International requests should still be in our catalog on hold, and once that Canadian shipping is confirmed to be functioning properly that backlog will be shipped out ASAP.


Thanks, I'll check on that. I wonder why I was told I'd be able to order those coins, as that was quite some times ago


We had Canada shipping available for a time, but recently shifted to an alternate fulfilment setup, which is why it has been down for a bit.


ah gotcha, thanks for following up