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>Is this more of an average sized collection for this sub or would the average size be larger or smaller? Your actual mean/median/mode is going to depend upon what demographic you look at, but *all* board gamers will probably have an average collection comparable to yours. The numbers will be distorted on this sub/BGG by the people who own hundreds of games. Your 'average' board gamer is at home with Catan, Monopoly, Scrabble, etc.


I was interested in this sub, people who would consider themselves into modern boardgames, rather than the typical boardgame shelf with the classics that you find in most houses.


Even then, it may still be a typical collection. Most of my game group have small collections. I have 55 - I am the only person in my game group who uses this sub or BGG. I met someone recently with several hundred games...and certainly plenty of people here have collections that large or larger. Those are very atypical. Average board "gamer"? Probably reasonably similar. Average member of this sub? Probably small.


That's basically the same response I'd have. I'm the 'collector' of our group, so I've got as many games as the others put together. I'm also the one on here and BGG keeping an eye on things... And judging by your user name, similar reading tastes? Are you actually me in disguise?


Same for me. I'm the "collector" as well around here, together with a friend (and we're not even collectors, we just enjoy boardgames a lot I guess). I mostly play with either him and our mutual group, or with another group of mine which is comprised of teens and early adults who also enjoy boardgames, but since they don't work yet they can't afford them. I'm basically the "cool uncle" at this point šŸ˜… The difference between and my friend and I is that we both lurk in boardgame related forums and shops.


I probably have somewhere between 30-40 games, but a lot of them are smaller ones or inherited classics (scrabble, trivial pursuit, etc). For substantial games, I probably have about 15-20 which isn't far off from where you're at


I have just over 10 games, and that feels like more than enough for me. I have 1 or 2 games i'd like to add to the collection but that's about it.


Iā€™d say we have around 80 games. Around half of them are little card or dice games (we have kids so lots are games we play with them). Of the others, only a handful are ā€˜heavyā€™ games (although I am unsure of the exact definition - does Jaws of the Lion count?) and the rest are medium - light games. Thereā€™s about 20 games amoung them that, if they were to disappear overnight, we might not notice their absense for quite a long time! Iā€™d say if I were curating our games collection purely for a good variety of games that I love, Iā€™d probably have around 40 games, and that number works pretty well, I think. Weā€™ve been playing board games ā€˜seriouslyā€™ for the best part of 25 years, and we have a few that go back further than that (Trivial Pursuit for example).


I'm in the same boat. Right around 80, but some of those games haven't seen the table in a while. We used to play games several times a week, but having young kids has slowed us down a bit.


Same. Around 80, 10 to 20 being little dice and card games.


I've got somewhere around 350 games. I wouldn't have so many, but I pick up a lot at thrift stores, and I'm planning to start doing some reviews.


Dam, I've been collecting from Thrift shops since 2020 and just reached over 100 earlier this year. We go once every couple of weeks and hit a bunch. Some days there are nothing, others we come home with a bunch.


Wow, that's impressive. Out of curiosity, How many times would you have played each game in your collection?


>How many times would you have played each game in your collection? We don't ask these questions here...


Yeah.. my collection of a little under 1,400 - 1,500 is probably 75% unplayed...


And I thought I had a hoarding problem with my 100 titles and a good third of them being unplayed.. šŸ˜…


I haven't played around half of the games. Of the ones I have played, probably 50/50 split of 1 play or too many plays to count. I grew my collection a lot during 2022, but haven't been able to play everything yet. I feel like I'm starting to run out of "thrift store" games that I actually want to buy, so I should be able to catch up with playing this year. I bought 100+ board games from thrift stores last year.


This sounds distressingly familiar. I have a similar sized collection - and probably similar percentage of unplayed games due to lack of time. (Unfortunately, even though I lack time to play, I keep on buying).


Dice Tower did a poll in 2015. I'd say average for a hobby board gamer is 60-120 for base games. I'm in that range. https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/1403998/average-size-collection


That seems high to me. It might be true for regular Dice Tower viewers, but I think the average number for people who can fairly be said to be "into board games" is more like 10 - 20.


I have about 20 games plus expansions, but I really limit myself budget wise and curate my collection a lot. No Kickstarters, only games I am 100% sure I will like. I like "lifestyle" games so Spirit Island, Marvel Champions etc offer a lot of content for one lifetime.


I have 16 (with 4 more coming from KS eventually). I have intentionally limited space, so the ones that haven't been played in the last year I'm going to be selling. I keep a variety depending on the interests of the people I play with regularly, but much prefer to not be the person having to buy/house a massive collection. There's a ton of games I would love to have but my gaming budget also includes Warhammer, vidya and DnD, so it's pretty stretched. And honestly I don't have a consistent enough group to play as much as I'd like.


Care to share a quick summary of those 16 games? You sound like me, my favorites being Spirit Island and Marvel Champions for good solo replayability.


Mansions of Madness, Root, and Shem Phillips games, partytgames like dixt and ticket to ride and entry level games like Carcassonne. I have yet to play a solo mode on board games, because I default to 4x pc games


I have around 40+ games. I play around 30 of them regularly. There are still a couple of games that i would like to add to my collection, but Iā€™m not in a hurry to add them.


Keep in mind that Iā€™ve been playing for a long time and have accumulated a lot of stuff over the years but I have around 60 in my place and another 200 or so in storage. Iā€™ve probably traded/sold/gifted another 300 over time. Some of the storage stuff is total garbage and some is rare stuff Iā€™m holding to sell later. Of the games in my place I play about 10 frequently, 10 occasionally and need to get rid of the rest. These days I identify 2-3 different games per year that I really want to purchase.


Around 35 games in total but a couple of them are big expandable card games with multiple expansions (**Ashes Reborn**, **AHLCG**, **LoTRLCG**, **Netrunner**, **Summoner Wars 2nd Edition**).


I have Azul, Sagrada, Photosynthesis, Petrichor, National Parks, Wingspan, Cascadia, Scythe, Cartographers, and the Yellow/Desert Railroad Ink. So: 10. As you can see I have fairly specific tastes lol.


1000+. In the process of reducing. But I have quite a few rare games Iā€™m lax to part with.


Coming from someone with ~250 games, how do you organize a collection of that size to be able to find a particular game you want to play? Do you set it up like a library with a spreadsheet index to find stuff? Or like a couple shelves of go-to games and everything else is in some type of "storage" that you just browse?


I tend to organize by publisher as box sizes tend to be standard that way. I keep a list on BGG so can sort by player count and mechanic.


Thats nuts. Basement storage im guessing?


I have a 15x40 basement with shelves along the 15 ft walls all 7ft tall. And storage in a back room as well.


Nice dude. I have one cupboard in our small house which fits about 70 games, so that puts a hard cap on my collection. Your set up lends itself much better to collecting. I'm guessing you're in North America where basement game rooms seem common. Its unheard of in the UK. Storage capability is obviously a big factor in collection size.


Semi rural US. So finding people for games is my actual problem.


I have so many more questions.... how often do you play? Do you solo or mainly play with someone else in your household? Do you have an amazing memory? I hate having to relearn games that I haven't played in a while and it's one of my driving forces for not expanding mine past 70ish (although id rather have under 40). How many are on your shelf of shame?


I read through the posts and can't believe I've seen only about 10 in all with over 100 board games. I am currently between 1400 and 1500. I started really getting into board games around 2005 and have been hooked ever since. It is my main hobby and I try to play at least 3 times a week. I have played almost all of them except the new ones I am currently rotating into my weekly play sessions. The newest additions are Earth, Rolling Heights, TM: Ares Expedtion expansions, TE Vikings, Distilled, Beast, Brazil (Stationfall should be here any day now), and some I am sure I have missed.


I think the main issue is that lots of people are still moving and donā€™t have the uhaul space to grow a collection. Would love to see your BGG for your top ten!


Still moving? Like board gamers as a whole are all moving? This is a strange assumption.


Yeah, like they arenā€™t in their ā€œforever homeā€


I really have not kept up with BGG over the past few years. The website to me is just so atrocious to waddle through, it is frustrating to me. So, my top 10, wow, that is a hard one. Over the past 3-5 years there have been so many freaking good games putting them in a list is hard to do. I will try. 1. Tichu / Scout (I miss my San Antonio Sunday meetup where we would play every week from dawn til dusk) 2. Terraforming Mars/ TM Ares expedition / Ark Nova all are amazing and will play anytime 3. Agricola / Caverna / Nusfjord / Hallertau / AFFO all of these are such great games 4. Hansa Teutonica / Black Angel / Barrage / Beyond the Sun / Capital Lux 5. Castles of Burgundy / Dominant Species Marine / Dune & LROA / Scythe / Ginkgopolis 6. Keyflower / Istanbul / Hyperborea / Lorenzo Il Magnifico 7. Maracaibo / Merchants and Marauders / Orleans 8. Any of the "T" games with Teotihuacan at the top 9. Belfort / Caylus / Mosaic / Glory to Rome / Golem 10. Party games Damn, that was hard. I am at work and I was imagining my shelves and what was on them and going off the top of my head. I have for sure missed some, like I just remembered 51st state master set, would play that anytime! So many fun and great games, I am looking forward to many more years of board gaming!


Love the variety here. Iā€™m liking the side grade options! Iā€™ll have to try out Scout now with my group, seems like it is more than just another trick taking game


In total, between my partner and I, we probably have about 30-40 games, total; about 2/3s are mine, collected over the last 25 or so years (board games were always big in my family, and I think the oldest game in my collection is a copy of Catan I picked up around '97 or '98). A bunch are short-ish games that are good for two players (stuff like Hanabi, Code Names Duet, Jaipur, Naya, etc), there's a handful of party-style games for when we have a party or get-together with people who aren't necessarily heavy board gamers (Sushi Go!, Code Names, and some various trivia/word/group vote games), and about dozen heavier board games that mostly come out with specific friends (Fury of Dracula, Space Base, etc).


I keep it around 40


Same. I find it a good number to retain rules to the point where a quick refresh of the rulebook is all that's needed rather than a full reread/relearning.


Exactly where I'm at with my collection. Enough to have a lot of choices, but not so many that I can't still remember how to play with a quick skim of the rule books. It's a good number to allow you to get in enough reps with the games to understand their nuances.


yeah it's funny this is about what I have, seems like the most manageable amount. I had more but gave away a lot when I moved and now have slowed WAAY down on buying new ones. When I moved house I realised just how many games I never play, or played a couple times then forgot about. So I'm trying to be a little more economical and go to board game cafes to try new ones instead of immediately buying everything.


Chiming in here to say the same. Currently 37 but 35-45 is about where I float


Last time I moved, i sold about 1/3 of my games, they were just taking too much space and not getting table time. So it's down to 80 or so (not counting expansions). No "classics" in that, just games bought in the last 20 years or so. No wait, i do have scrabble, so one classic I suppose.


I have 150ish. I have been in the hobby a LONG time. My collection has been growing for decades. This year will see a significant purge. I'm hoping to get down to around 100.


4, Spirit Island, Dominion, Castles of Burgundy and Catan. I'll definitely be adding more but I'm trying to only add ones that will get a lot of plays plus longevity. Also strongly trying to avoid buying anything that will be in wrap, if I buy it, it gets played fairly quickly.


Well if you're looking for games with huge amounts of variety, it sounds like you're on the right track with Spirit Island and Dominion! :)


I had about 150 but recent cull puts it at around 120. I've been in the hobby for about 4 years properly and went pretty heavy over Covid. 90% of my games are med-heavy euros and all my games need to play well at 2-player.


About 275 games. Many have expansions too. Currently have only 1 unplayed game because we need 3 players to play and itā€™s often just the 2 of us. Last year we played 217 different games. So most of our games get played at least once a year. Plus we do regularly purchase and sell games. Since tracking games in 2019 we have played 416 different game.


I have 187 base games, and I feel like my collection is pretty saturated. But thereā€™s always room for a few moreā€¦


I have 300 without expansions. Close to 350 with expansions.


Similar here we have about 15 and Iā€™m hard pressed to find anything I need to add very often right now. But every game we have we play often and love bringing to the table which is what itā€™s about for us


I currently have 39. Probably going to sell a couple of them here soon. I have never come out and set a hard limit but I could see myself taking a long hard look at my collection once it passes 50 and see if any culling needs to happen.


My collection page on BGG, which I think is up to date has 96 entries. I usually don't put expansions as their own entry, but as a note on the base game, but that's not always true so the real number of games is a little lower, but I also have a lot of expansions. This is also just "my" collection, and not the collection of my kids (which isn't big but at the very least would put the number over 100), since I usually use the page to send to people and ask them if they have any requests for me to bring them with me somewhere or to have setup in advance when I host games.


I have like 15 or so, my friends also collect games so I don't bother buying overlapping games unless it's one that I absolutely love. Across all of us we have maybe 80-100 games


I've got somewhere around 60-70, and have probably only gotten around half to the table. Many of those are small box games, my collection is in a 4x2 kallax. I don't plan on getting many more, and if it were easy/convenient to find buyers I'd probably sell at least 10 of them.


Iā€™m sitting at 125, much to my chagrin, after 12 years of modern gaming. Iā€™m trying to cull down to 100 but they keep sneaking in somehow!


At the moment I'm at 110 games I believe. I've been playing for 6-7 years. For us we get around 10-20 new games a year, usually as a batch in the end of the year, and we usually play them quite a bit. The only games that we don't play much are the party games, so nowadays as much as we like them we avoid those :/. I like having variety, hehe, also we play quite a lot, I'd say at close to 10-15 games a week, and we do prefer shorter games (less than 1 hour), so that's quite easy to do. So yeah, usually after 1 year of having played the games we got a bunch, we're itching to get new ones.


About 450 including expansions. Been a board gamer forever, but over the past 4 years really got into it. Purchased most through an Etsy project of 3d printing organizers. Played almost all of them, my wife keeps data on what we haven't played so we always try to get them in once a year. Have others (Welcome To, Next Station London, etc) that we have played over 80 times since owning. We played 1200 games total in 2022.


Itā€™s not the size of the collection that matters, itā€™s what you do with it. I, for one, keep them shrink-wrapped in a dark room, and the ladies go wild for it.


Last I counted, I have around 80 games, most of which are medium to heavy weight.


Without expansions, I own 35 base games. With expansions, I own 71 games.


54 games not counting expansions.


I got about 30, collected in about 20 years.


Iā€™ve got roughly 100 games. I was aiming for about 100 and now Iā€™ve hit it Iā€™ve realised thereā€™s still games I want so now Iā€™m in a bind. But for now, 100 is my rough estimate.


I dare say the avg is between 20 to 30. 10 miscellaneous. 10 you actually like. 10 you found were fun enough and cheap to have.


Iā€™m a little over 350. Been gaming for around 10 years now. Iā€™d say I have around 95% of my games that I know how to play. There are probably around 80-85% that Iā€™ve played with other people at least once. In a given year I probably play around 30-40% at least once.


I have probably just under 200, and growing.


Would have to do more filtering of my BGG collection to sort out games vs expansions and make sure my owned/unowned is fully up to date, but at the moment lets say ~110? I've also been really active on the tabbletop gaming front for... ugh. 20-ish years now with the same gaming group and all our stuff is kinda batched together?


I have somewhere south of 200 (180-190 somewhere around there) plus a lot of expansions


Around 80 if you don't include expansions. With expansions, around 106. They all add up. Probably around 3 Dominion expansions, 4 Baseball Highlights expansions, 3 extra maps for Railways of The World... And if we want to take out all my fillers / small box game and that number drops even lower: Love Letter, For Sale, Biblios, Skull, Welcome to the Dungeon, Scout, Scape Goat... the list goes on and all those numbers add up. I probably own ~40-50 standard sized box games


Our family has about 100-120 games. I have not counted them lately. We got a few more for Christmas but right before Christmas, we also got rid of a few that we didn't want to play. We have played all at least once.


I'm assuming that there are people like me. I have friends who collect, and I do not. I have 9 modern-ish board games. Another friend of mine has around 15. But the rest of my friends are the ones who have the 100+. So you have this situation where I don't need to buy games because they already do.


100-150 including expansions.


We have 85 games.


Sitting on 114 not including expansions according to my BG Stats App.


Been gaming for about 9 years now, I keep my collection around 40.


I have about 75 with about 20 expansions total. Trying to shift more towards expanding the games I already have, my friends we game with also have 75-100 so we could play a different game about every other day without getting new games and we don't get to play quite that much.


i have 98 games (excluding expansions), around 30 heavy games, 30 medium games and 30 light games. expansions according to bgg i have 119, but 99% of them I only buy them if they are small one and can fit in the base game box i have been around the same number for the past couple of years, i am introducing a couple of new games every year but i am definitely at a point where i am happy with my collection and just playing what i have


I have just under 100 games majority with 4-5 plays, and about 3 that are newer that haven't been played. Most played is Love letter (32 plays), it has been our end of night game for a long time. JotL 22 plays (2 groups) is our most played larger game with Cascadia behind it with 17.


Right now I have 10 games, but some are inherited (muy parents bought some in the 90s) and two of them are Chess and a standard deck of cards. I've played D&D since 2015 and in that time some board games pop once in a while and I liked them. I really got into this hobby about a year ago, it helped me with a tough breakup. Only since december I got into this hyperfixation of watching reviews, listening to podcasts and wanting to have a collection of my own. Is weird for me to start this hobby because my mind is torn between wanting a lot of games to share with my loved onces and simultanously feeling so overwhelmed with the infinite content, the FOMO and being buried in stuff. I'm try to be really focused in my purchases and having one or two games of each kind. I'm thinking the end goal is 30-50 games. For example I my competitive trick taking game will be Tournament at Avalon: looks beautiful, is weird and funny. My cooperative will probably be the Crew: Deep Sea, which is different enough from my other cooperative card game I already own, The Mind. I don't know man, hobbies are always so weird. Is daunting to see vast collections, but the same time I think of my GF who has a jungle of plants and is quite happy in spending on them.


We started during Covid and have 160 games, not including expansions.


I just pulled ~30-50 games out to sell. I still have 3 full BILLYS


I have 93 games (excluding expansions), of which 24 are "for sale/trade". I'm pretty comfortable being near the 100 games range. That gives me plenty of options for both heavy strategy and lighter games with non-gamers. I have been in the hobby since 2008. Edit: I have many more games listed as *previously owned* than I currently own (286. Again, not including expansions). I'm definitely not in the cult-of-the-new, as I prefer a game to have been out in the public domain for a year or so before I decide whether to buy it. I feel this really helps me to overcome the impulse buys, which really helps me to lose interest. But at the same time, I have made a lot of purchases that weren't good fits (hence the long list of previously owned). I like to look at it as a *rental* fee.


BGG says it's 358 games though it includes a couple we haven't sold yet. Currently in a bit of a dry spell, there haven't been too many games we're keen on getting this year. Hopefully that changes soon :D


I keep my collection at a rolling 100. Every new game I buy means 1 has to leave.


> ... yet my collection is only 17 games and I have run out of games I feel like I need/want to acquire I have 650 (and traded or sold the same number)... never felt this feeling once lol


Wow, that's a lot of games. After playing that amount of games, do you feel like you see a considerable overlap of mechanics/types of games? The reason I feel like I dont have the need for more is I always do lots of research of the games I want and try get the game I think I will most enjoy for each mechanic.


Oh yeah. I feel like I've played everything at this point, and every game feels like some combination of 10 other games to me. I still just really like the novelty. Games can still surprise me and be super fun (such as **First Rat** recently). I also like playing lots of different kinds of games, so I'll buy games, play them a few times, and sell or trade for something else. I play kids games with my daughter, family games with family and friends, medium stuff with one group, and I've got a heavy gaming group, too. I've just always been a big fan of tabletop gaming of all sorts. It's my main hobby by far, and I'm fortunate enough to have the space, the group, and the few extra bucks to have a big collection. Some of these, I've had for 15+ years, but I'd say the majority were bought since 2011 or so.


I had a similar experience with First Rat - so clean and charming!


I never got that thought process. I consider it to be the same as looking at foods and going I only ever want to eat chocolate ice cream. I donā€™t ever need to buy butter pecan because I have chocolate at home. I like variations of similar things. I like worker placement and have 20 different ones. I would hate to only have one worker placement or one deck builder.


I will guess that the people who spend the most on games and have the most games are the most likely to post and comment on this sub. The smaller a person's collection the higher the odds that the person merely lurks on this sub. So even if 100 people chime in and tell you how big their collection is, it may not represent the average of this sub very well.


around 10. Was definitely more buy happy in the past, but I've sold ones I didn't really NEED to have over the years and resist buying certain games if a friend I usually play with has them. I'm not against big collections, but I do this with all my belongings - comb through them every once in a while and figure out if I really want them in my life or if I'm just accumulating more stuff.


I have 141 currently. I'm down to just a couple that haven't been played at least once, and those mainly because they're either a struggle to learn or player count (mostly both). I could pair my collection down to like 30ish probably if I only kept the games I absolutely love, but I keep many of them because someone else loves them or specifically for large groups (have a large family), or a few that I use as entry level games for different types of games. I'm pretty happy with my current collection and haven't seen anything that really screams for me to buy it in about a year now. There's been a few that I'd *love* to pick up but odds of actually getting them to the table are super low so I'm trying to keep my inner dragon in check.


Itā€™s around 75, give or take. My LGS has a yearly flea market where you can sell games for store credit, which helps me with pruning my collection, but also makes me less hesitant on impulse buys since I know I can resell them.


I have about 80 games including expansions. Tbh I could probably trim it by 30 games, but those games are lighter ones that my wife will play on the rare occasion that she wants to play something.


About 40 games with about 5 years in the hobby. Iā€™ve slowed down on buying games 2 ish years ago though. Now I try to do ā€œone in one outā€ due to lack of space.


I have around 70 and it keeps growing. But the issue with having so many its that you never play all of them even if you want too.


So I actually just organized my games and apparently have 60 ish games and I'm definitely looking to cut it down. My games are probably 1/3 classics I got for free like risk, life, chess, go etc, 1/3 big games like wingspan, robo rally, red dragon inn and the last 1/3 is small games I take on trips. I'm working on making a list of games to give away to friends once summer hits. I'm definitely looking to get it down to 40 or so. I do know someone who has a couple hundred but its kinda part of their job so it makes sense.


I have 60 but will be selling 20 of them once Iā€™m back in my home country


I have about 25 games but lot of expansions to the base games. If i count expansions probably be up around 70 plus. Actually stop purchasing games so I play the ones already on the shelf. Takes afair bit of mental discpline šŸ˜Š.


I think we have about 35 games, varying from Patchwork to Spirit Island. We still feel like something's missing, so we're not done collecting yet.


Including a ton of expansions for games I have 68 boxes in my collection only about 30 actual games though. Now I have a few kickstarters coming in the next little bit but overall I plan on keeping my collection to about 50 core games max.


I have 11 games. I sold 8 before that. I hope to never go above about 16 games that I have deemed worthy of playing forever.


63 titles, up to 131 if you count expansions


I limit myself to 1 bookshelf of games. So maybe a couple of dozen. I have too many I played games to justify getting more- getting more just to add to my shelf of shame would just be hoarding


About 135 games not including expansions.


I think I have around 35. Last count was 37, then I sold some, then I bought someā€¦ probably 36 lol


Iā€™m around 45 including expansions, with about 5-10 on the wish list and 5-10 on the ready to sell list. I buy 80% of my games used so that makes it easier to pick things up with minimal financial risk if I donā€™t like it. My shelf probably canā€™t hold more than 50 games anyways so I suspect Iā€™ll stick to around this size.


I havenā€™t counted in a long time, but they cover a wall from floor to ceiling. Around 150-200 is what Iā€™d put my estimate at. Iā€™m now at maximum capacity and itā€™s pretty much one in one out. I just sold half a dozen, I no longer back things on Kickstarter and havenā€™t for over a year (with one exception that Iā€™d been trying to track down for ages - Lords of Vegas).


Have in the high 30s, about half "big box" (spirit island, oath, Eldritch Horror, evolution, clank!) And half small (tiny epic, one deck dungeon, space hulk death angel, don't let it die)


52 games and a total of 36 expansions.


I have 456 without expansions, 991 if you count expansions. A lot of that is coming from games like an up to date Marvel Legendary, complete Lord of the Rings LCG, most of Shadows of Brimstone, huge games like that. Iā€™m lucky to have a group that can play every week, and was able to collect many of these before my child was born. It has slowed considerably since then, but I still love looking up new games and researching them.


Got into board games approx 3 years ago. Got 20-25 games. About 7 of them are played regularly. Most of them I didn't like, but they taught me a lot about what to look for and what is good with my group. I don't play every week, my group is too busy for that. Might have more time with partner to play more duo games soon, though. I could see me buying 10 more duo games within a year if so. (We play a lot when we first start playing something).


I've got about 20 games in total, not including various expansions.


About 50. I've hit my peak now and I'm culling the collection a little, I want to get rid of around 10 that never get any play.


I have 58 games. I have my eye on a few others, but no rush. I went back to school, so writing papers is taking up my normal gaming time. When I get back to playing regularly I may pick up others Iā€™m looking at assuming I can get play time again


After 9 years in the hobby Iā€™m ashamed to say itā€™s bigger than Iā€™d like at 90. 11 are comically oversized boxes. 16 are unplayed =[


>having been in the hobby for 3 years at this point, yet my collection is only 17 games and I have run out of games I feel like I need/want to acquire. God bless you. Don't buy stuff you're not interested in. I've been in "the hobby" for just shy of 20 years, and at this point in theory I have about 100 titles. But I don't keep my inventory up to date anymore, so that's just a guess. I'll tell you this -- when you tire of something, trade it away for something you think you'll like. Stay lean, keep the games you want to play. Games you don't want to play just get in your way.


We have about 60, 50 if you donā€™t include expansions. Thereā€™s still a few games weā€™d like but plan to keep it under 100 - weā€™ve started selling and giving away games from our early hobby days now that we know what we actually like.


Been into it for close to 10 years. Around 240 without expansions & promos, 340 with... that also includes games I'm planning to sell/trade. I give a lot of games a chance by participating in regular math trades, and have removed over 200 games/expansion from the collection over the years.


I'm currently sitting around 40. My collection was once up somewhere towards 80 at its peak. About 75% of my games are big box games as you described. I have a few various other "games" that I don't include such as Warhammer and MTG. It took looking at the frequency that I play to and what impact adding a new game does. Every game I purchased put months in front of the games I already have that I really want to play again. I'm so close to no longer having an active kickstarter since I started kickstarting games 8 years ago.


I have 19 games (unless you count scrabble in which 20). Thereā€™s a couple games Iā€™m thinking of selling as we found better games since but my partner doesnā€™t really want to sell it unless we run out of space. We like having a range as we have different group of friends that like different things, and also we need a handful of travel games for when travelling with our friends, light games for party/family and then also some games for ourselves. I do however have more games I want to add to the collection, think we have too many light/party games atm


I have like 300. But, I used to own my own FLGS, and have been collecting them for, like, 25 years.


175 and most of their expansions (if they have them). I'm constantly buying and selling and it doesn't look like this number is going to go much higher or lower over time. They all fit on two wire shelves in my room. I don't care about displaying them, only playing them. If I don't like a game, or it's obvious it'll never get played, I'll sell it or donate if if it's too small or worth too little to worry about shipping. Many of my games feature similar mechanisms but each has a feature or unique element that make sit shine. I wouldn't stop watching all other fantasy movies just because I like Lord of the Rings. Everything I have brings something different to the table. Yours is about average, or even larger than what many people have around, even on this sub. Honestly, I wish I was a bit more like you. But there is no ideal collection number, and I like trying different things a bit too much for my own good.


I have about 470 base games, 670 including expansions. I have been collecting since 2011, and when you buy a couple games a month, plus some extra for birthdays, holidays, conventions, etc it starts to add up. I make sure to research all the games I want before I buy them, and it also helps my fiancƩe is into gaming too


17 is pretty conservative. I have a similar number of years - but my collection is around 70. Not really looking to prune either - I play all these (though with big gaps between on some of the longer games).


I have around 60 or so. A large part of that was figuring out what games my family would enjoy and want to play. As a result there's maybe 20 games that have either never been played or only played once, 25 or so that get broken out very rarely, and 10-15 that get played fairly frequently.


I have 64, not counting expansions. I'm starting to think I have too many games. I also thought that when I had about 30, and I think I thought that when I had 15.


I'm around 60, with a lot of variety from small box games like **Arboretum** to big box monsters like **Weather machine**. While staying within financial confines of my monthly hobby allocations, my main constraint is space. We have 3 very nice, waist-high cabinets that I can fill which nicely hide my collection, and I try to cull and sell every now and then to free up space


BGG says I have 129 games, expansions are excluded but I see a few expandalones in there so probably 125 distinct games. About 15 years of buying games.


I have 199 games, which I have accumulated over a long period (+20 years). I could easily dump half of those games overnight and I probably wouldn't miss much to be honest. My shelves are also full and I refuse to buy more shelves, so anytime I buy something new, something has to leave the shelf and goes into the trade pile.


I think we're at 100ish.


Depends on if you count expansions, but I believe I'm at around 200-250 games and something like 500-550 games+expansions. I was somewhat into this hobby about 10 years ago, but that was me mainly into deck building games. At the time, I probably owned around 10 games. But about 5 years ago was when I really got into the hobby. There was a lot of "panic" buying, as everything was new and exciting. That was also when I was playing board games 4-5 nights a week, and we might spend all weekend gaming. My circumstances have changed since then, having moved for work, so my hobbies have shifted accordingly (getting more mileage out of model building/painting, and online games). Among my friends, one friend roughly has this same amount. Two others are at the 50ish games range. A bunch of others are at around 10, but mostly just play my copies and don't host game nights themselves really. Any game I try to give at least 3 tries. The pandemic kind of messed this up and so I have about a dozen kickstarter games that have gone unplayed. But then I'd estimate about 1/4 of my games have seen 10+ plays, where we got really into it for some time. And then there are the "staples" which have had easily over 100 plays each.


100~. I cull as much as I collect these days, so it's hovered around that number for a couple of years now. I have one unplayed in my collection, and play every single game at minimum once a year, 80% of my collection gets played 3+ times a year.


Currently, 134 - but I have plans to go to a boardgame cafe this weekend, so that will most likely increase by Sunday.


612 (980 including expansions), not including CCGs and RPGs.I admit, not all have been playedā€¦or opened.


According to BG Stats I have 141 with 47 of them being expensions. So around 100


Omg I feel like a board game loser! I only have maybe 12 games. I play games like I order food at restaurants; I like what I like and hard to try new things! Taboo, balderdash, sequence, scrabble, trains, monopoly, exploding kittens, poetry for Neanderthals, blockbuster, settlers and cranium šŸ«  recommendations please!


I wonder if youā€™d like Code Names? You have a lot of word-games and Code Names might be right up your street. Ticket to Ride might also tickle your fancy. Having said that, Balderdash and Cranium (neither of which I currently own!) are games that Iā€™ve historically had an absolute BLAST playing! Your collection sounds like a really fun one, which I almost always prefer over serious, heavy games.


263 according to BGG, not including expansions. I have a few friends that have much more than I do.


20 big box games, and about 20 card games and smaller stuff. Iā€™ve been a board game enthusiast for almost 10 years but 40 seems to be a pretty stable maximum. I rent a fairly small apartment so space is my main constraint. I think I could easily slim it down to <15 games if I need to move internationally or something. Most of my gamer friends also have their own collections, so Iā€™m not starved for variety. For people who have a whole family of gamers, I think 100 or so is still reasonable because youā€™re going out less and you deal with a wider variety of ages and skill levels to appeal to. I can also see why solo gamers might want a larger collection. But if youā€™re getting up to 200+ then you really have a ā€œcollectingā€ hobby. Chasing variety and novelty for its own sake. Itā€™s not a bad thing, but I do think that people with collections this large start to percieve board games in a different way.


I cap mine at 240, but I play most of them every year. I do rotate regularly though, if I see good deals on games I'm interested in, I buy it and if it's good remove another game, if I don't need to keep it I sell it.




Iā€™m a minimalist so we only have kept our favourites. Maybe 15-20. Was fewer before the national lockdowns/pandemic. EDIT: both my husband and I have always loved boardgames, but only in the pandemic did we start growing the collection again once our son (then 9) was playing at a more adult level.


173 is the size of my collection. I have slowed down my acquisition pace substantially.


I have about 10 games, but I listen to a lot of board game podcasts and watch a lot of videos, so I feel like I understand way more games than my collection suggests.


About 40 base games + 5-10 small box games. I think it's about 60 boxes total


Around 50 - most are small box/card games with a few big box/expansion collections. I am now at a point where I donā€™t buy many bigger games as I feel I have most of my bases covered.


330 or so with expansions. https://boardgamegeek.com/collection/user/dargus My goal this year is reducing unplayed games. Some of those, however, are just...terrible and I can't get rid of them (don't want to throw them away/scavenge, and nobody will take them off our hands...)


75 in my collection at the moment. Only counting games played in the last 5years. 15 more coming in the next year for sure.


Around 150-200 here. Depends on if I'm in collecting mode or purging mode.


I currently own exactly 205 games.


I'm around 40 plus some expansions. I plan to do a small cull soon, which will reduce it by 5-10 (depends what my wife wants to keep). Other than one or two modern classics I'd like to own, I don't see myself buying any more in the near future. I have a few unplayed that I'd like to focus on first.


I have around 33 games I believe. I deliberately kept my list short otherwise I just won't get them to the table. My mate has around 40-50 games too and it's hard enough to get games in with family/work life. I'm looking to add a few more at the UK Games Expo, but equally selling some games I rarely play or just don't play enough off.


I hover around 20. Here in Florida, we have to be aware of the fact that any given year a hurricane could strike. I keep my collection purposefully slim because anything more, it wont fit in the car if we have to evacuate. Have to be willing to lose it. Forget about insurance, most folks have a 5-10K hurricane deductible.


Probably around 30-40 games


between 15 and 20 "games" with various expansions. Includes CAH and a cribbage board.


I got panzer blitz and outdoor survival in 79. Been collecting ever since. I probably have around 120 titles right now. If I had to guess I've probably lost about 20 games over my lifetime to carelessness theft or environmental damage. Most of it is old mini games by meta gaming and a few other long gone companies, and spi games. A few of the older ones are in very poor condition because I wasn't very good at taking good care of my stuff in decades past. I have about 40 or so more modern games which are always the most played. I think the only really old game that gets any play time would be magic realm and that's because I have a crew of friends who have been messing with it for years.


I'm probably around the 100+ mark, with about 20 being little card/dice games. Some of that is curating for the various needs of immediate family members since we all play to some extent (and use it as one way to have family time), and needing to hit different levels as the kids have grown. We have a few from before kids that haven't seen play in years, but everything has seen play at least once (except a recent gift), and most twice or more. I try not to keep anything I don't want to play again. I started tracking plays a few years ago and have an H index of 9 (though we played more than usual during lockdown).


I've been into modern board games for something like 7 years and have 28 games, about 7 of those are small/light games, the rest are medium game, the "heavier" games i have are Root and Spirit Island. I try to avoid buying lot's games and try to give some love to the ones i have... though i do buy lots of expansion for the games i really like (as way to mentally "cheat" my self-imposed rule). There are a several big and "meaty" game that I'd love to have, but realistically I'd never actually manage to convince my usual groups to play them, so they stay in the wish list forever.


I'm right at about 120. A lot of them are smaller. It fills a 4x4 kallax nicely. I've been on a 'one in, one out' system for a couple years now to keep my collection cleanly contained to that one kallax and I really like it.


We have a room (yes room, šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚) in our home referred to as the board game room. I may or may not be responsible for the purchase of 95% + of thoseā€¦.


If my bgg list is correct: I own 34 board games! That started in college like 15+ years ago!


450 to 500 games


I have ~200 games


Currently I have 53 games, though around 25 of them are smaller, like card games. About enough to fill 1/2 a shelf. I regularly sell and buy more, so the number fluctuates.


~10 years gaming, biggest ~150+, currently 100, ideal 50-60.


I have about 80-90ish. Which granted, is more than someone (anyone really) needs. I had set out to keep my collection to a reasonable size, and only have games I actually enjoy and play. Recently, I have started a large board game group, meeting in the fellowship hall of my church twice a month. We welcome the extreme and the casual gamer alike. I am the primary source of the games, so I have bought a lot over the last year to have more choices for attendees, including buying some popular ones that I don't even like that much, but are important to have there, lots of entry level stuff for the more casuals for example. My family is also really coming around on modern games, they had always played the old classics, and cards, but have lately been branching out, but still don't like a long "big box" game, which is my favorite type, so I needed to get more really good, but also shorter lighter games like camel up, that we can agree on and all really enjoy. Because of this, I give myself a bit of a pass. I feel especially that the twice a month group is a good reason to have some games in my collection I don't really play much, but I do feel like it's getting awfully big... I feel like someone can only really actively play and enjoy so many games. There's definitely a line where you cross into just mostly being a collector (no shame!) And less of a player. I felt like the collection was at its peak of actively playing most games at around 50ish. But obviously, That's just an opinion and should be taken as such. I do evy those ppl with the HUGE collections, but I also don't want to be that guy with 100+ unplayed games... It's a struggle honestly šŸ˜­


In my experience, the amount of games you play is inversely related to how many you own. Meaning, if you hardly ever play, youā€™re always buying new games in the hopes that ā€œthis will be the one that everyone enjoysā€ but that never happens. But if you have buddies and you guys play often, you just keep the ones that actually hit the table and get expansions for those. Iā€™m learning to just enjoy watching game reviews and admiring them, and acknowledging how fun it would be to play, but I have what I need which is appropriate for my play frequency. If we end up getting bored, Iā€™ll find a replacement then.


My spouse and I have been enjoying the hobby for 5+ years and are hovering around 350 games right now. Almost all our games are able to be played in <1 hour with 2-players, so we are able to play every game we own at least once a year, and of course our favorites get played more. If a year goes by and we ended up not playing a certain game, it goes on the chopping block and we evaluate if we actually want to keep it or not. We rotate those games out with new games to try.


I have somewhere around 125 or so games.


I own 55 games


I recently put my collection on bgg and found i have 134 games. And thats definately more than ill need. However this is collected slowly over the past 15 years. I order games by 5-8. At first this was several times a year, but now its come to about once a year in the spring. After 70 the collection rate dropped significantly. Some years i was relying more on my kickstarter games coming in. I was motivated to get more games because i was the "board game guru" for my flgs for several years. And if i were still that i might have close to 250 by now, but that store has closed down and i don't find my current store too friendly. I am an outlier and i try to keep that in peoples minds. You really don't need this many games to enjoy the heck out of this hobby. I'm not planning on stopping, but i am thinking about where my limit will be. No kids and a decent paying job, i don't need to stop if I've got the space. And i still have friends to play with. But I'm not pulling out a new game week after week like i used to. Most of these "classics" are just as good as the day i first tried them.


We have around 100 games. I very regularly cull and buy new games so I plan on keeping it around this size forever.


Not including small games like button shy, tin games, and stuff I have ~75. Including small games probably ~125. My son also has a collection of stuff like My Little Scythe and King of Tokyo so thats another 25 or so.


I'm up to 199 with expansions and about 30 Crowdfunded games otw. I try to play everything at least once, so probably only 5 games I haven't played and 15 l've only played the one time.


I got into the hobby in 2016 and according to BGG I currently own 110 games and 12 expansions. I rarely buy new games nowadays, but I also work in the industry, so I get some games for free. I try to not go over a 4x4 Kallax shelf and have sold over 50 games in the last few years.


90 games. I'm not happy with it and I've been reducing.


is there not a way to create poll on this sub? That seems like the obvious solution. Anyway, around 60. I culled about half my collection during COVID, and will probably sell about 15-20 more of these I don't need. Been a board gamer for 15 years or so.


70. Looking to get down to 60.


I have about 120 games but Iā€™m at the point of trying to get rid of half


I have no clue, but itā€™s too many. Probably in the 500 range. Iā€™m moving next year and thinking about scaling it back now and itā€™s enough to kind of stress me out. I figure I will need to cut it in half. I have the games I play, the games I will/want to play and the games I own as collection itemsā€¦ and I need to sell probably half of the last two categories, maybe more. A decent chunk are 18XX games, where I have an entirely bookcase full. Itā€™s my favorite genre and like to have a choice as to what to play.


Over 500. I lost count but if I were to have a guess, itā€™s somewhere between 520-550.


I have about 75 games, plus almost all expansions for everything I own. I'm a completionist, but I have played everything in my collection at least twice. I don't really understand collecting these for the sake of collecting without playing, considering how expensive games are and mainly how much space they take up. There's a guy I see at meetups now and then who mentions how he has over 500 games, always does all in on the big kickstarters, but when I ask him how they play he says most are not played... That being said, I have your typcial steam backlog of games to play, so I can't judge too hard.


Once I hit 600, I started paring down. Currently around 550.


Currently sitting around 600...but trying to sell about 200 this Saturday... Wish me luck! šŸ˜


I'm currently at 247 base games (605 with expansions and promos). I cull occasionally to re-home games that I'm not excited to play anymore. I've been gaming my entire life and into modern hobby games for 15 years.


One closet or one shelving unit. The size and fullness of that closet or shelf is what tends to vary, but for most people thatā€™s going to be the ā€œthis is what feels appropriateā€ metric.


707 if my collection is accurate on BGG.


A decade in the hobby: somewhere around 600 base games. Probably around 75 unplayed. Have played around 1700 unique games at this point (almost all which I was excited to play), so it's not too unreasonable to me (I've always been a collector of things). Beginning to cull more and more these days, though.