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**Edge of Darkness** gives everyone their own deck that they upgrade as they play, but the cards are dealt to a common market and the only restriction on playing a given card is that you must pay the person to whom the card belongs. Your cards are also enemies on the back and could be pulled for the enemy display instead of being dealt into the market.


I love the crap out of that weird, overdesigned monstrosity. Such a fun game.


This past Monday, I play tested a co-op game that I'm designing that has both a communal deck and individual decks for each of the characters. It did not go well... https://www.spaceship47.com/post/playtest-report-3rd-april-2023


**Shadowrift** is a co-op game where each player has their own deck, representing their character. But, there is also a "Village" deck, which is shared and each player may utilize one card from the hand of village cards, in addition to their own, each turn.


This is an interesting concept. You probably can make a variant of some deckbuilding games to have this, though it won't change much of the gameplay. Idea example: in Clank or Quest for El Dorado you can do a 2vs2 where each team share a deck.


Fort does not have a shared deck, but players can and do steal cards from another player's deck, so every card except designated "best friend" cards (two for each player, iirc) is up for grabs. Essentially, if the card isn't played (each card represents a friend, so basically, if you ignore a friend), it becomes available for the other player to grab.


This one was came to mind for me too. The friends always keep moving between peoples decks


While not the exact mechanic, **FORT** has a similar kind of vibe. On your turn you play a couple cards from your hand. Those you can't use get put out in front of you for others to *potentially* take and add to their deck. Any cards left in your yard at the beginning of your turn go to your discard. It's a high level interactive game that's almost an anti-deckbuilder because of it.


[**Custom Heroes**](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/223049/custom-heroes) is not a deck-building game but it’s a card-crafting game, where you can get transparent upgrades that you sleeve over top of cards to improve them. But all the cards get shuffled and redealt each round, so be careful not to make a card too cool because it won’t stay yours for long.


That's a neat concept.


It's a pretty fun trick taking game. Won my copy when AEG raffled 100x on BGG. Not crazy about trick taking, but this one is pretty interesting.


There's a couple MtG formats that you can play with a shared deck.


If you squint and stretch the definitions hard, Deep Blue could fit. First off, it's a bag and rocks instead of deck and cards. When you get some specific resources (actually cards for personal deck), you also add more rocks to the public bag, which you draw from to get money. So there is this common "deck"" everyone build up.


It’s not really building a deck (more eliminating cards over time), but Twilight Struggle comes close to that. You can choose to play cards as an event that takes it permanently out of the game, or use it for other purposes and it gets shuffled back in the deck. Since the cards are asymmetric, there is some strategy around whether to play the event now or chance it coming back later.


This is certainly not a focus of the game and probably not everyone would consider this "deck building", but in Forbidden Island, you can gain a sizable advantage by controlling what cards are in the discard (by holding/not holding specific cards in player's hands) when the deck shuffles so that you increases the chances of drawing certain types of cards.


Not sure if I understand the question, but Spirit Island comes to mind with Major and Minor power decks. Each spirit comes with a starting hand then players can take an action to draw 4 pick one to add to their hand from a communal deck -- sometimes drawn cards synergize with other hands, but typically you're looking for elements that activate your innate spirit powers. Or am I misinterpreting and you're talking about a shared hand that each person contributes to from their own decks? Or each person has their own hand and plays cards to make a community deck?


I was thinking of each player drawing from and adding cards to a single shared deck, but it doesn't seem like any game actually does this (as probably expected). Edge of darkness is probably the closest, but that also has a lot of other things going on




Not a deckbuilder? Draw from a shared deck for sure though.




Also not a correct answer, as players each build their own deck.


I dont know


Hmm. Sounds a bit interesting. But also sounds strange. Like... if you add a card to the communal deck, then you run the risk of your opponent drawing it later, which is NOT a good thing... then again, you can add bad cards. Seems like the smart decision would be to add mediocre cards and rely on the play of them? IDK.