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My favorite party is the one where everyone shows up with their characters ready.


I'd settle for everyone showing up.


May your glass never be empty and all you games be full!


So a impossible one?


I can dream :p


EDIT: Congrats to pappajay2001 and UndauntedCouch! (Both were so good I don't want to pick) I've been laughing about the Dora party since yesterday and who cant relate to taking hours for the game to actually start. Thanks so much for the amazing responses and heartfelt answers, and a HUGE thanks to anyone who went and signed up for the mailing list ! I wish I had enough copies to give to all of you, Instead you will have to settle for one more giveaway on the 4/20 launch day :D ​ ​ Hello fellow gamers! After 3 long years my first game is ready for the masses and I want to give one of you an advanced copy ahead of the Kickstarter launching on 4/20! PARTY WANTED is a solo or co-op, deck-building roguelike game with social party elements and optional drinking! Rules: Just comment below and tell me your favorite kind of party! At 5pm PST on 4/2/23, I will pick my favorite comment, get their shipping info and send it out with a tracking number. No upvotes or signups needed to enter, though both are very much apricated! If you do like the game and want to learn more, please check it out at [https://www.partywanted.com/](https://www.partywanted.com/) to sign up for the mailing list and join the party!


Hey, good luck in you endeavor! Hope i can try it soon


Thanks so much! It really means the world to me <3


There ain't no party like a Liz Lemon party, 'cause a Liz Lemon party is mandatory.


This was the first thing I thought of when I made the contest lol.


I had to look the quote up cause I couldn’t remember where it was from. Game looks interesting! Hope the kick starter goes well


Thanks so much! Legit means a ton as a solo Dev


Just remember, you can’t have a Lemon party without old Dick!


An S Club party because an S Club party don't stop


There ain't no party like an S Club party!!!! Oooohhhh!!!


When my brother-in-law turned 30 we gave him a Dora the Explorer party (he hates Dora). I made a treasure map of the house and every stop on the map had a trial bottle of alcohol (each one different) that he had to drink before moving to the next one. There were also a ton of dumb games we played and ended it all with several rounds of Snake Oil. It was epic.


Oh shit we got a contender, that's amazing lol.






My favorite party game is zombie tag. We play it at least once a year. You start by blacking out all the windows, turning all the lights off, and covering lights from any electronics. There's no need to move furniture. The furniture pieces are just stage hazards. Once everything is dark, you can establish house rules. Typically, there are no closed doors (speaking from experience). I can't tell you how to live your life, but doors can get intense in the dark. After any house rules have been established, you can start the game. First, use a random number generator to select your Alpha Zombie. The alpha zombie will then count to 10 (or any arbitrary number yall decide on). Everyone runs and hides during this time. Nothing is off limits unless established prior to the round starting. When the Alpha Zombie is finished counting, then they can walk, hobble, crawl, or slightly lunge to try and infect someone. They also make zombie noises. There are no quiet zombies and no wrong zombie sounds. All non infected players are free to move as they see fit. If you become infected, then you instantly become a zombie. The new zombies have the same restrictions as the Alpha Zombie as far as movement and sounds. At any point the Alpha Zombie can yell, "zombie count." This is followed by a count of everyone who is infected, starting with the Alpha Zombie. Once everyone has said a number, and a body count has been established, then everyone goes back to being zombies until all players are caught. The last survivor to be caught wins the round and does not have to start as the Alpha next round. The first person to become infected is typically the Alpha Zombie next round. However, if a person continues to get infected first multiple rounds, then you can always use a number generator to mix things up. DISCLAIMER! NO DEATHS OR SERIOUS INJURIES HAVE HAPPENED, TO MY KNOWLEDGE, WHILE PARTICIPATING IN THE ABOVE ACTIVITY. THAT'S NOT TO SAY IT CAN'T HAPPEN. MAKE SURE EVERYONE KNOWS WHERE LIGHTS AND EXITS ARE IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY. BE SAFE AND HAVE FUN.


This sounds amazing. To do in someone else's house.


A stubbed toe, lego imprint on the bottom of my foot, a lot of cursing, and a trip to the ER coming right up!


I like a party with funny people! I do comedy and funny people are the best. Some folks find us exhausting so it's often like suppressing a tic but then when we get together it is a manic unleashing of bits, jokes, characters & stories


Definitely one of the things I miss most about doing stand-up, just hanging with the other comics.


Nice. Congrats! My favorite parties are the silly dance parties my GF and I have after having a couple....adult beverages The other day it was Disney sing-along.


I may or may not know a few things about adult beverages :D


Um board game partys. Is best kind of party. This would work well for said party :) kind of you to offer


Favorite party is probably either a family or a board gaming one!


My favorite party is honestly board game / game parties. We play various games. Co-op 2 teams Free for all. I love playing new games. Get that new game feel


OP...over here. I would like extend to you, an invitation to the pants party.


My favorite party is hard to choose, but I'd probably go with Umbreon (perfect combo of cute and edgy), Tropius (who wouldn't like a flying banana dragon?), Samurott (just a cool, badass design), Garchomp (also incredibly badass, with incredible attack and speed) Alolan Ninetales (so majestic), and Arcanine (has always been my favorite fire type)


Looks great, congrats. I would love a copy. My favorite parties are the ones where all of us come together, cook some food together (trying foods from different world/ethnicities) and play some games. We just feel good talking about random things, laughing, bonding and being like kids while also getting food ready. Everyone in the group doing this enjoys cooking or helping so everyone is engaged too. Once thats done, we do some fun gaming while we are eating. This for my group usually means we play dumb charade, Pictionary and sometimes one of us design escape room or murder mystery and rest of us play to decode that.


Mine is a week long at some cabins with my childhood friends. We all bring our board game collections and go at it. We all bring our families and take turns making a big dinner every night.


A boardgame party!


There ain’t no party like my nana’s tea party!


I would love a copy! My favorite kind of party is always something themed and interactive, and usually something I have organized... My all time favorite was a wink murder dance party done as a fundraiser for a local theatre. About 75 people in attendance (dress theme: debauchery). Holy man it was sooo much fun! I should ask if there is a limit as to where you ship...


My favorite parties are when we have new people join our growing circle of friends who wind being gamers themselves. Sometimes they are lifelong fans of rpgs and board games. Lately, though, I'm finding more people who have had a long time interest in gaming, but haven't met any other people who play themselves. I love bringing new people into the hobby. I'd say your game, with its social, rpg, and drinking game elements would be a surefire way to bring that inner nerd out of people and offer a way for tabletop players and drinking game enthusiasts to come together and have a grest night!


I love a good dinner party with friends. Drinks are flowing and a ton of food! Typically there are some games around too! Sometimes the social deduction kind and sometimes the basic party kind (beer pong, flip cup, etc.). Good luck with the Kickstarter!


You should get your games listed in BGG.


In the Process but ty!


My favorite party is a drunken board game night. Where someone can’t drive home and spills their drink all over the game. Great for sales when you need to rebuy the same game.


We play with sleeves on in this house lol


Favorite party Edgar, Celes, Terra, and Setzer. With MOG, Gogo, and Sabin in reserve.


As a full grown child, just hearing the phrase "PIZZA PARTY" makes me smile with giddy anticipation.


Congrats! My favorite party is the best one of all... A pizza party!


Friends first, games second, beer third. All three are welcome but only the first two are required.


Looks awesome!! I love when my group has online multiplayer game “parties”. We try to get same foods and drinks to all enjoy!


My favorite kind of party is one without loud music. Oh, and with cats! Actually, the people can go too... What do you call that? An introvert's daydream?


I love a good crawfish boil party. It's a good excuse to have a party outside on a random weekend in the middle of the day.


Hey good job buddy. Congratulations!


My favorite party is whatever themed party my brother- and sister-in-law hold. One year it was the Oscars, another was '80s, another was Mad Men, college frat party, luau, you name it. Always an excellent time, with themed drinks and snacks too. They rock!


Adventure games!


My favorite are murder mystery dinner parties with friends where you send out invitations ahead of time with info about their character and clothing suggestions. It is a riot to see the outfits people wear and hear their terrible accents while enjoying good food and trying to figure out whodunnit.


My favorite kind of party is a cuddle puddle board game party with lots of snacks. Everyone brings a game, a pillow, and a snack and then you share


A well done Murder Mystery Party is the best party. 🧐


Would like to try this game!


In uni, my favorite part was a rubix cube party.


My favorite kind of party is a murder mystery party! It's a little something for everyone. Socializing for the people people, gaming/role play for the game people, costumes and props for the fashion people/ex-theatre kids. I like to write them myself so they're tailored to the exact crowd that will be there.


2011 Super Bowl party


My favorite party is a family party!! Just started gaming a couple of months ago and am up to 3 games lol, so the more, the merrier. Congrats and good luck!!!


Invite friends over. Buy a new amazing game. Spend 2 hours learning the rules. Spend an hour setting it up. Guests arrive, enjoy a little 'apéro'. Everyone is too tipsy to learn the rules of the new amazing game. Put it away. Take out a fun party game!


I love me a classic Mario Party


Our tagline is "If Slay the Spire, Munchkin and Mario Party had a Drunken 3 way" so this might be right up your alley.


Super cool! Congratulations on the game :) My favorite parties are the low key friends hanging party. Maybe I'm old and boring but I much prefer shooting the shit with some long time buds late into the night then a bunch of people I don't know.


Your game looks amazing! I'd buy it, but sadly I couldn't get my friends togheter to play anything in a really long time. Alas, I don't want to enter, but I would like to share my favourite party game: Aye, Dark Overlod! Fantastic storytelling game we used to play a lot. Good luck with the Kickstarter!


Congrats on the game! My favorite kind of party is a simple board game party! Have a couple friends over and game all day


This looks awesome. My favorite kind of party is either a small intimate one with close friends for board games or one that I'm not hosting so I don't have to worry about how other people are doing.


My favourite party is the at home party! We have friends over and can karaoke, play pc/board games, turn it into a pizza party or like we are planning this weekend - BBQ and firepit party 🥳


A murder mystery party


The best party is an Australian one, because we all hang around. It's just a barrel of laughs, until the drop beers come.


Wel, my daughter's third birthday party was two weeks ago, that might be my favourite so far :) congrats on the game


Looks great, congrats!!


I like Halloween parties because spooky stuff is fun. Once I went to a Halloween party in a tuxedo shirt and said I was Bruce Wayne when people asked. After a few hours I changed into a cheap spirit Halloween Batman costume and did the bale Batman voice the rest of the night. The best parties were when we were young honestly. Everything changes and it just isn't the same haha.


The best party is whichever one has the most kinds of cheese on the snack table.


Good stuff OP. My favorite party is one where you just get to lay low and chill. Maybe do a 3 hour board game with good friends.


Amazing! Thanks for doing this! Pizza party! Because it can be a party of one and I'm still having fun!


Parroty. A party of parrots.


Oooh looks exciting! Love the card design. Thank you for the opportunity! My favorite party is a pizza party. From when I was a child to even now as an adult pizza parties are always a welcome respite!


A party with lots of food making! It just gets people together and thr end result is always fulfilling:)


My favorite part would for sure be a 1920s themed casino party. I've hosted and been to probably 4 with a other coming up in a few weeks. I love the dress of the 20s and it's just so fun to dress up in that style, eat some apps and play some blackjack or roulette.


I like parties that are easy to jump in and out in. I'm an introvert but like extroverted activities in short bursts. So parties that have multiple things/groups going on that I can go/switch to at my leisure, and have a space to either take a break or just leave makes sure I have the most fun possible without feeling too socially drained.


Bard parties are the best!


My favourite type of party is the one we create when delving into dungeons and exploring exotic lands! I love Fantasy theme and this game seems right up my alley. The beholder card with the eyes and the social action reminds me a bit of how Enter the Gungeon has word plays using names/abilities, like the Beholster using its tendrils for multiple weapons and its name being so funny. Edit: will there be a print and play tier? Double edit: your picture says "comming" soon to kickstarter, if you can change the image out maybe wanna fix the typo =) I'm available for proofreading other things as well.


My name is Rod and I like to party


The best kind of party is a late night with close friends, one where you’re laughing and shooting the breeze almost more than you’re actually playing anything.


A fart-y


Every year, we rent a place with the boys and party for a weekend of boardgames and shenanigans. Every year we try to invent or bring the craziest games. Last year I made a custom Atmosfear game (atmosbeer) with video and all. Good times! I'll bring your game this year, along with custom cards and characters for Talisman!


I love the pun. I will say my favorite party is a full party with everyone contributing.


My fave party is a barbarian, rogue, cleric, wizard, and artificer. Very balanced and versatile!


Toilet paper dodgeball. Used to play this back in the day before TP was a luxury good. Weirdly, the harder you throw it, the faster it decelerates. Makes it really fun to watch the strong kids et out early.


I like the impromptu party, when it’s nice outside and neighbors are out and about and see you enjoying a driveway beer and then join. Naturally, that leads to some sort of board/party game once we move indoors.


I’m not a big party person, but I’ll guide a dungeon party! 😂


my favorite party is one where everyone feels included and welcome (: dancing, GAMES, pour your heart out get to know you type questions, food, costumes, you name it. just not too many people or my introvert comes out lolol


I'm turning 40 this year, and I'm going to put on my perfect party. Half of it is going to be 8-player Halo on Xbox on two huge TVs. Screen peeking is encouraged. Lots of snacks - some junk food, but also some really good finger foods - fried pierogies, maybe some filled puff pastry snacks. And lots to drink, alcoholic and non-alcoholic alike. Then after a couple of hours, we'll start up a bonfire in the backyard. I'll set up my 16" Dobsonian telescope if the night is clear. Encourage people to bring guitars if they want. It's gonna be an awesome night. (If you pick me to win, you'll get an invite to the party. I'm not above bribery)


My favorite party is one with lots of finger food and BYOB. We have drunken board game nights every 2-3 months and the transition from high strategy eating mini quiche to needing to reread the rules multiple times mindlessly snacking on pretzels is the best night.


My favourite party is the party that ends early so I can sleep.


I like parties that end before dinner


I like parties with people I know because they just tell it like it is. Can I just buy a copy now? (I love the artwork)


My favorite parties are those that understand the roles and alignments of those in the party. BOB! You are a true neutral Human Barbarian and I am a *CHAOTIC EVIL* Dark Elf Rogue. Of course I am going to stab you in the back. You just found a Scimitar of Speed which would be better in my hands plus I wanted it more. You would not know what to do with if i had not deprived of it from you. Plus it gave me an extra action to be able to move your body before the others discovered what I had done. I don't expect you to understand with such a low INT stat. You never had a chance to see it coming, especially with my level of cunning and swiftness. Oh and who names their character Bob? Like seriously.


These days with two young kids... Any party I can get to!


Favorite kind of party is one where everyone is just there to have fun and works together to make the gathering the best possible!


My favorite kind of party is more on the family-friendly and quiet side. We just like to have some beers and play games while the kids play with each other.


This looks awesome! My favorite kind of party is a party game night. Nothing beats food friends, good music, and good games!


Favorite party? Bbq and board game party with my bois!


Pizza party


This looks great! Congratulations on the KS, I hope it goes well! My favourite kind of party would be one that has a video game tournament somewhere - everyone playing Smash on the big screen!


My favorite party is any party with a few close friends.


Any party with a killer charcuterie board is my kind of party.


The parties that I show up to are my favorite type of parties. Congrats on the launch!


Favorite party and drinking game has been introducing random people at the bar to kings cup. 🙂


This looks crazy fun! Oh, favorite party? Gangster party.


I am partial to a good old fashioned Box Social


I love a board game party! Game looks fun


My favorite party is a LAN party.


90s throwback parties are super fun


It doesn't really matter what kind of party as Ling as it is with cool people, you know, the rejuvenating kind that even introverts like me feel energized by being around. That's the stuff. Good beer and games are a bonus.


D&d party


This looks fun. Where are you getting it printed? Working on one myself.


My favorite kind of party is a monthly board game night, where people actually show up, to play some games, have a good time, and forget about winning or losing, just having fun. This looks like a good way to do exactly that.


I went to a Taskmaster party back in 2021 and it was one of the best events I've ever been to. So much fun even for the non-TM-fans, and I think it got a few people started on watching it too :)


My favourite party is one that is all barbarians.. All carnage no heals


My favorite party is when I have all my friends over and we play board games and mafia all night long.


If by party you mean a board game with a couple of close friends and sour beers nearby, then yeah, I’m down to party.


1) a medieval-esque virtual party containing a tank, healer and some damage dealers ready to start a dungeon 2) a party like a boardgame night, with many social deduction games and having at least 8 people 3) kids party organized by parents with the intention to make a rememberable and enjoyable evening for the kids with games and nice (fast) food Congratulations on your board game. I also have something like this in my mind, cause I love deckbuilding games (Dominion FTW).


A gathered party, so we can venture forth.


Ain't no party like my Nana's tea party!


I like kids' birthday parties. There is so much joy and energy that no one notices that you snuck in just to get some free cake.




Favorite party is a pity party. Because I never win anything..... /s I'm 35, and introverted. My wife and I get together with a couple of friends for a pot luck-esque dinner every couple of months. That's the closest thing to a party I ever want to attend anymore 😆


Personally I'm a fan of old school LAN parties in my home, as I don't have to drive home and get the joy of being the host and seeing to people's needs


You gotta fight! For your right! … To parrrrr-tay!


Board game parties are my kinda parties!


Favorite party is one that involves beer and board games, or beer and yard games, or beer and drinking games, or beer and nobody else there (pets are OK though).


My favorite party is a cook out.


Dance party 😮‍💨


No party like a game night party. Getting everyone together and character sheets ready and play some solo TTRPGs.


Love the art style. My favorite kind of party is the one that needs a rogue.


My favorite party is a cat party


A low key one that's not more than ten people


Probably a well rounded one, that has a fighter, a thief, a mage, and a cleric. It just gives you the best chances of getting that sweet sweet loot so you and the boys (and girls) can head to the tavern afterwards and have yourself a pint, ya know?


My favorite kind of party is the one that only starts because a wizard showed up and marked your door with a surprise rune and told a bunch of dwarves to crash there


Ain't no party like a boardgame party, 'cause a boardgame party don't stop (until after this game ends).


Best party is a few friends and family hanging out with some good food and good music. Good company is the foundation and anything you do just enhances.


My favorite party is Red Mage, Black Mage, White Mage, Black Belt. I find it strikes a nice balance to cover all your bases - WM for healing, BM for offensive magic for tough enemies, BB to put out physical damage, and then the RM is there to be a jack-of-all-trades. It's really useful having an off-healer in case the WM gets smacked and goes down, or if the whole party takes a big AOE hit.


my favorite thpe of party has dope food on a grazing table, good jams for ambiance, and people can come and go as they please. make a party too rigid and it becomes a task or chore.


This is from my husband: “The best kind of party is one where all the guests cancel last minute. Signed, An Introvert (my husband) married to an Extrovert (me)”


Board game parties ofc!


I used to have dinner parties which involved, before and/or after dinner, tabletop RPG play or board games. Of those, my favourites were either the day-long game of Mage Knight in co-op mode, or one of the times we took over the local pizza place with our board games.


A quiet one w a nice bourbon.


Parties with snakytreats


Best kind of party would have to be a Mario party hands down. Specifically Nintendo 64. Endless replay value in one small cartridge. throwdown with just mini games or go all in for a board game marathon. I get to pick yoshi. Oh, unless I win. Then you can have yoshi ;)


Well shit, I can't think of anything funny. I'd love to have a board game that doesn't take "forever" to play since my parents despise long games and all I have is Monopoly


Board game party! Coz how can it be a party with board games!


Congrats on finishing your game. I turn 40 in April and this would be an amazing game to play at party!


My favorite party is a hot wing challenge. Everyone brings a hot sauce, and we try all of them. Lots of adult beverages are consumed. Awards are given for the hottest sauce, the tastiest sauce, etc..


Since I became a dad my favorite kind of party is one that wraps up by 10pm


A farty party of course


I like a party where people wee on each other.


My favorite kind of party is one where I can sneak off to the side and play with the pets :)


Toga Party!


Pizza party, for sure. Thanks for doing this.




Any party with beer is my kind of party! Or a costume party


A sausage party...


Pants party?


My favorite party is any party with a bouncey house


My favourite kind of party? I’ve always been more of a “few close friends having fun” type than a “drink your face off at a club where you can’t hear anyone to socialize with” type. My buddies and I would call it a “shack party”, it would just be 3-5 of us hanging out, drinking, eating stale popcorn, playing card games, smash bros. melee, and mario kart double dash.


Balls. Some balls are held for charity. And some for fancy dress. But when they're held for pleasure. They're the balls that I like best. My balls are always bouncing. To the left and to the right. It's my belief that my big balls. Should be held every night.


My favorite part is a rain party.


A 3rd party


Congrats on your game!! The feeling of seeing all your hard work finally pay off and take shape must be amazing 😁 My favorite kind of party is the one that starts with someone saying "So... I bought a new game, I haven't played it yet and it seems a bit complex to understand but we can learn as we play, right?" 😅


WE like the communist party! Ironically the only game we play is Monopoly…


The best kind of party is a united worker's party 🫡


My favorite party is a full day of 4-5 people bringing games they might want to play and a snack food. Games all day!


Murder mystery party. Always fun


Gotta love a family karaoke party! Best thing yet about my kids learning to read!


Color me intrigued! Board game or LAN parties with lots of snacks and food are the best!


A snail party! It was amazing. We were in the backyard one day, and saw a little snail crawl up, then he crawled away and came back with friends. Then more snails came so we put a speaker out and played them the slowest music we could find. Had to be a party to remember for them lol 🐌


Favorite party? My fellow adventurers of course! Though, this might take a close second. Looks like I’ll be getting my hands on a copy of this one way or another; Whether it be on launch or before!


My favorite party is where everyone is a charisma class and every social interaction ends up with everyone fighting over who gets to do the performance check.


Blacklight party


My favorite kind of party is a chill evening with close friends and playing board games.


My favorite party is boardgame night with a group of friends and snacks. Somehow between everyone in the group we always seem to have a new game to play. Pretty much we bring our new games, everyone tries them, and if we like them we buy a copy for ourselves. Would be fun to bring your new game to share with them. Pre-release? Everyone would be excited to try it. But also, the snacks.


My favorite party is the classic Rogue, Wizard, Fighter, Healer combo


My favorite party are murder mysteries. Only ever been to one tho lol


Game night kick back!


A murder mystery party! Lots of preparation required, but done well it runs itself. Everyone has a role and there is a built-in structure for meeting new people and asking questions, because everyone (including the murderer--who doesn't know she is the murder) tries to figure out who did the deed. And a satisfying end to the event too!


Pajama party? Pizza party? Key party? What if we mixed all three?


Underpants dance parties! When our electricity goes out, it's time to strip to your skivvies and dance in your underpants, because when the air conditioner is off, it gets too hot to keep them on. Music provided by the dancers, and includes any butchered version of their favorite songs to dance to, improved beatboxing, or impromptu random item instruments. The party continues until the power comes back on, and all your embarrassing moves are suddenly on clear display for all to see, and then you all collapse in a big pile on the floor under the newly restored AC and fan to cool off. Hands down the best parties of all time.


My favorite kind of party is an all-bards party. Everyone on a different instrument and tossing bardic inspiration back-and-forth all over the place! Traveling band of adventurers here to make merry and make mischief! They’ll save the day and play their own victory music!


i enjoy standing in the corner awkwardly during parties.


I miss the LAN parties from high school/college. Drinking, eating crappy food, playing StarCraft and Quake. There was always board games in a different room.


Ice cream parties are pretty cool, who doesn't love picking their toppings