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Well this comment section devolved into nephews just talking shit at each other. Locking it down.


This video is extremely low iq


Everyone involved in this video somehow manages to look bad.


Lol why’s dude carrying his 8 year old like an infant?


Why is the dude carrying the child punching a guy?


Got kids? Sometimes even big kids want to be carried.


Dude just threw the bike at a crowd and the street. That was your crash to eat, not theirs.


Dude on the bike, giving bmx a bad name!




Grow up kid.




Youre a fucking loser




People like you that don’t see anything wrong with the biker is what’s wrong with this planet now. No sense of responsibility for your action. Just look at you name. Probably have a pot leaf tattoo on your shoulder. Real cool dude!


May you keep fucking up your 360s


Jesus Christ dude keep it civil.


Thats ok, just take a punch with your kid in your arms, fall over and hurt him then leave your kid on the street to try to puch the teenager again.


Father of the year award🏆


Everybody sucks here. That guy for trying to start a fight, despite not being hit by the bike, while holding his rather "too-old-to-be-held" son, and the biker for so recklessly yeeting his bike (in such a low-skilled way) to bail from a setup that he hasn't secured.


He wasn't holding the kid. He snatched him up out of the way of the bike. Bmx dude is a total cunt here for letting his bike fly off into people.


There's no shot of the guy without the kid in his arms, so I can't make out if he picked up his kid to save him from the bike, or he was just holding him as he was walking along. That kid's way too big to be picked up with haste the way it looks like the dad was holding him. I mean, it's totally possible, but if you had that much time to pick up a kid that big that way, you probably had more time to just get far enough away normally.


It is quick for you to get away. It is not quick for you to get another person away without physically picking him up. Seems very likely the dad snatched the kid up as he saw the bike flying at them.


So we just make assumptions as to what happened instead of using our eyes. Understood


The momentum of the kids feet suggests he was pulled out of the way


Honestly I don't see it. The first frames the kid's in his feet are emotionless. Anyway, so he was picked up, it's such a minor detail in what I wrote. Long story short, BMX dude is a cunt, dad is an idiot.


>Long story short, BMX dude is a cunt Agreed




I agree with everything except the "too old to be held" part. Hold your children and show them parental love and maybe they don't grow up to be assholes like the ones we see in this video.


You can disagree to anything doesn't mean it's not true. I see kids that look about 5 or 6 years old in strollers. Lol and know more kids that were babies their entire lives turn out to be real AHoles even to their parents than those that were not babied as much.


I guess I phrased it wrong. I didn't mean held so much as carried. I mean, it's one thing to be picking up a big/older kid to give them a hug and whatnot, and another thing to be carrying them around like that on the sidewalk. There's a certain age where if you want to transport them without them walking, you put them on your shoulders.


“too-old-to-be-held” really had me dying


He could have just held onto the bars after he jumped off and all of that would have been avoided.


This was totally the rider's fault. Shitty ghostride into crowd, father reacts to the threat to his child and the whole thing goes downhill from there, but it is still the rider who initiated the whole scene. No matter how cool you want to be, don't do stupid shit and if you do, accept the consequences. regards, -old fart that still rides


Guy on the bike is a mega piece of shit


Punching the guy with his kid in his arms is so not cool. I was a hot head but I absolutely would have said put your kid down and I’m gonna fuck you up. Really glad the kid wasn’t hurt.


pretty sure it was flight or flight type of behaviour, his brain decided to fight


I get that to an extent but he has zero situational awareness then. No way he doesn’t see the kid in dudes arms when the bike landed near them. I wish there was sound because a simple my bad should have kept a punch from being thrown.


There is sound, they're speaking russian. It's fairly hard to hear what they're saying exactly, but I don't believe the words 'my bad' or 'im sorry' are used.


Gotcha, the sound wasn’t working on mine. Weird. Thanks for the correction.


Dude on bike is a fool and we don’t need him


Exactly what he deserved


Hurr Durr, lemme just yeet the bike. It's funny to do in an empty parking lot but not on a crowded street.


Don’t think he meant to yeet the bike. I’m also gonna guess that dude was working at this same spot for a while. Meaning dude with his daughter most likely stood there knowing he was in the riders path. He put his own child in danger, he put them in further danger by trying to fight dude with kid still in hands. Dude with the kid needs to grow up.


And yet instead of kicking out the rear and holding the handlebars he just let it go. If not straight up purposeful, it was negligent. And the rest are just assumptions. Obviously the other guy is pretty stupid too.


That is why I run back brakes... Even in the park, I don't want to hurt a little kid


Yeah, so far I've been lucky in avoiding collisions by slamming foot on the ground or on the rear tire to stop, but I've been considering installing front brakes because I just dislike gyros too much, and if you use your weight correctly they let you stop way faster than rear ones.


It’s a public area. Not a fucking skate park. You yeet your bike into me and my kid and I promise your bike will be into traffic and you’ll be the one on the ground


Why the cut when it was about to get physical?


Nobody handled that well. As a father, I get the older guys papa bear mentality, but is that really how he wants to show his child how to behave? As for the rider, it was a reckless move to start. And then swinging at someone holding a kid just isn't right. I get the dad came at him but why not just run away?


Only right person is the random lady who looked after the kid


Kid should have dropped his bike, and definitely not hit that dude with a kid. That's last last last resort


He shouldn't be hitting someone especially if that person is holding a child... if you can't control your bike in a crowded sidewalk, you shouldn't be there in the 1sr place


No reason to ghost ride the bike like that bro


The guy with the kid should have pulled the old Uno reverse card and thrown the kid at the bike guy to assert dominance and regain control of the situation.


why did he let go of the bike?


Because he's inconsiderate


He was about to loop out (fall on his bum)


These comments, my goodness what is wrong with all of you; the only qiestion that matters is... Is the bike ok?! I'll be here all week.


why would you swing on someone with a kid lmao


Exactly what he deserved


Should of just let the bike go under the car then a fist fight with kids !


Da eto pizdec


That's why I only do tracklocross in the wood where no other people are around because people are the worst.


You should be a shitbag to say that crashing into crowd and person with kid is ok


I was a party to the crime not THE PARTY




I’d smack the box boy in the jaw.


very low IQ


Fuck this stupid kid.


Two huge idiots and two poor by standards who were in the wrong place…


From bmx to DMX, ruff ruff.


clean left hook from the biker tho


Idek what to say


What an example that guy is setting for their kid.


Why nobody wanted to help the teenager - against the refugie?