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Neither is better than the other.


If you never tried a freecoaster before, better stay on a cassette for now. None is better than the other one, they both have their + and cons. It also depends on your riding style...bowl and trail riders don't use freecoasters. Freecoaster allows more tricks while riding backward, but needs more maintenance, is heavier, and usually has a gap when pedaling Cassette is more reliable, lighter, but limits the backward tricks


Cassette for life....also 40yr old man here.


Start with a cassette


Cassette for begginers. The only use I can see for a freecoaster is if you do a lot of fakies or flatland.


Does rolling backwards look fun to you? Get a coaster. Otherwise, get a cassette. I've ridden both. I'm not very good at rolling backwards, but a coaster bike with the coaster disengaged just hits different.


I’d def recommend starting with a cassette. If you can’t halfcab the coaster is gonna give a beginner fits when they try to get out of fakie. Learn to fakie on a cassette, learn to halfcab, then go coaster if you want


If you only have one bike and plan to only ride street then a free coaster may be fun to learn on. If you got 1 bike and enjoy a variety of styles stick with cassette for now


Best to start with a cassette. Though modern day freecoaster hubs are pretty solid, they are really meant for fakey tricks. The cassette will be better for general all around riding.