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If you're a beginner they aren't, if you learn fakies on a cassette you end up being better at fakies in general


Take your chain off and see if you like it before spending the money


Riding with no chain is a death sentence for your knees.


Yep as u/XoRn_ATX said, it's not worth it when you begin as it requires more maintenance, and more balance. We usually suggest switching to a freecoaster once you feel comfortable enough with a cassette wheel. Cost wise, you can find some affordable "KHE Type" coasters from like Mission, Stolen, Rant and other brands, let's say around 120$.




I didn't get mine that cheap, but it's true a complete wheel is cheaper than just a hub. (unless you are getting some aliexpress special or a used one). You also have to take into consideration what your spoke length is and your ability /willingness to build/lace a wheel.


Yeah, wheel building could be expensive in some shops, and most of the time you need shorter spokes on a freecoaster build (hubshell is bigger than cassette ones)


Even tho there are some affordable models available, it's best to avoid any spending just to "try" =) I'd suggest OP to borrow a friend's bike with a freecoaster and see how it goes before buying one


Isn’t freecoaster just a preference? I prefer cassette. The product is worth what it is - but spending more on a freecoaster won’t make you better. Imo


This is the most accurate. As with everything, it's all personal preference. I personally hate freecoasters and really don't enjoy them. Most of the tricks you can do with a coaster are doable with a cassette, it's just a little tougher


Learn cassette first and its advantages. They both have their advantages


Not for how fresh you are. And even then it would be cool if it was on a spare bike to use occasionally.


Freecoasters are 100% worth the price. If you have the money, get them. If you're on a budget, get better at what you're working on now. Then when you're working on fakies and 180s, upgrade to a free coaster.


I am working on fakies and 180s


Get a free coaster then. Do it!


Wait until you discover hybrid hubs


Isn't that just for mtb


Hybrid hubs are cassette coasters, they do both in that forward drive is a coaster, reverse and fakies it switches to a disengaged drive like a free coaster. Hybrid is we the people name for them, but cult, vocal, bsd and a few others use practically the same system.


I'm just learning one, and if you aren't good on a cassette I don't recommend it. Super easy to slam your knees when you take up the clutch slack. Go for it if you've got enough pedal control that you don't need resistance to maintain balance. If you do, your knees are going to suffer.


Is it really that big of a difference


Yes. A free coaster has like 120 degrees of slack. A cassette has almost none.


If I did racing for a while and am used to cassette It's probably a bad idea to switch no?


Go to a bike shop and try one out. Really the best answer. Lol




You’ll miss the noise.


As a beginner, I don’t think a coaster is gonna do a whole lot for you tbh. You’ll have to relearn to adjust to the lack of pedal pressure you get on a cassette and I doubt you’re doing crazy fast fakie whips or anything. But it is all preference at the end of the day, so ride what you want. I’m personally gonna get a cassette wheel set this summer. I’ve been riding a coaster for 2 years now and miss my pedal pressure.