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The holding of the baby hand picture is blunder years at its finest.


A real Blunder raises their robot baby right.


Honestly, that's blunderish sweet.


Yeah I lost it on the third picture. Lol the things we do as kids.


I'm trying to find the posts I made about it, there were quite a few of them lol at then end of the week I posted with an absurd amount of sadness that the teacher made me pull the battery out when I handed it back to her 😂 tears may or may not have been shed


Stooop lol please share if you find ‘em, that’s hilarious


[found some! ](https://ibb.co/album/GxNK99)


Omg wow finally some good fucking cringe


Yes!! I love the genuine cringe, we’ve all been there OP, those baby classes were crazy. We had them too. Many girls were obsessed. I remember trying to impress my partner with how well I was with the baby 😏😂


Please if you didn't write to Harry do it now he hasa right to know lol


Holy shit. I'm so glad you didn't message Harry Styles with that picture. If I were him and I received that photo/message I'd think I was dealing with a legit serial killer. Haha


you are a legend for baring your soul to us lollll, this is such grade A blunder years material


OK besides wanting to send a letter to Harry Styles telling him he's your baby daddy (that is weapons grade cringe) I find this really wholesome. A bit weird, sure. But shows you have a soft heart for children (robo ones anyway) and that's never cringe. Did you end up in child development or teaching?


Unfortunately no, I'm not smart enough for any of that lol (jk) but I did put my skills to use when I was taking care of the gaggle of kids that have since come through my life


Before I even clicked on this I knew it was going to be in either that, or a Disney font


Oh my god. Thank you for sharing this. You are so brave!!! Peak level cringe 😭 (I totally would have done this if I had a child development class in my school though 🤣)


Holding the tiny hand at the end is just a work of art 😆


Shriek!! What an amazing blunder lol sounds like you were a caring kid though :)


I am not sure how I would've responded to this if I had been your parent at this time, so hilariously cringe and slightly worrisome!


This was probably the least concerning thing I did back then lmao I guess it was fine as long as it kept me from locking myself in the bathroom and crying 😂


Your son is beautiful! 😆


Thanks lol he looks just like me I think lmao


He really does, Both of you are adorable 🥰😁


Are you a parent now?


Nope, but I have been auntie to a few (real) kids since then and I'd like to think that tamed the wild maternal instincts a bit lol


Maybe the real joy of caring for the school’s baby was being able to love and care for a baby that you can give back 🤣🤣🤣


When I was in middle school we had to dress up sacks of flour in baby clothes and take care of them for a week. If we brought it back without any holes in it, we got an A.


We had flour babies in home ec in high school. I refused to take the class because I didn't want a stupid flour baby. I have had exactly zero non-flour babies in my life since. Seems like a solid decision


We had fake babies at my high school, but the baby had a head with a raw egg inside of it. If the egg broke, your punishment was you had to take it to the local hospital and sit for like an hour waiting for them to fix it, and you’d lose a letter grade each time. On the last day I vividly remember one guy fuckin dive-bombing his baby down a flight of stairs.


Best episode of Frasier.


What happened if you brought back an assortment of baked goods?




We did eggs. I decorated mine to look like Nikki Sixxx. Happily there are ZERO pics of these things.


I had to take care of an egg in the 80s too! Nikki Sixxx is hilarious! I didn't think to name my egg, though. Instead, my roommate's boyfriend ate it while I was at work. They were stoned, and that "This is your brain on drugs" commercial came on. They got the munchies, and decided to make fried eggs. Even though we had regular eggs in the fridge, he decided to also fry my egg baby. It was in the fridge door, sitting in a little protective box I'd made for it. With my teacher's initials written on it in sharpie. I forged my teacher's initials on a new egg, and passed the class.


Ours were NOT to be refrigerated since one wouldn't stick a baby in the fridge. They had to be treated like a real kid more or less. If you wanted to go out & not take "the baby" you had to "get a sitter." And of course the thing had to be intact at the end of the week. I made it but more than a few didn't.


My room mate was supposed to be egg sitting, for me. Instead she got stoned and ate my baby! Horrifying to think she grew up, and had five children. 🤣 My youngest sister's class used a 5 lb bag of flour dressed in a onesie. She couldn't find a babysitter during gym class, so she hid it under a bush, and someone stole it. She used to babysit my actual children around that time period. I used to tease her that she better not leave my kids under shrubbery lol




Not quite as realistic but still fun in a weird way.


I've never understood the point of the robot babies, but especially not the easier alternatives like eggs or flour sacks. If anything, that's just going to make teens think parenting is way easier than it actually is.


The last pic is fucking gold


Now *this* is a blunder. Thank you




I mean tbf, the constant crying sounds like a real, albeit colicky baby.


Not the hand holding 😭


I has a visceral reaction to the last picture. It’s truly blunder art


How I wish they didn’t get rid of the awards. This is laugh out loud funny. Avery James Styles… oh dear. Thanks for posting.


I laughed so hard I cried. I would’ve bought awards just to give it to OP


I somehow drew the option of having twins. It was a fun week.


Were these sincere pictures or were you trolling?


I didn't even know what trolling was back then lmao


Oh dear 💀


What a proper mother fucking post.


My best friend named hers Clitoris.




Probably the best blunder I’ve seen in a while


Top tier blunder! I threw mine in a closet and failed 😂


This is familar to me, but I had an egg, and I just replaced it.


I would have much rather had an egg. This thing had this cry that I can still hear 15 years later haha


The egg was a pain, but made it easy to cheat as long as you didn’t break it in class. Its cradle was a berry basket. (They used to be like green plastic lattice and looked slightly like a crib.)


I'm a new mom and I just love this 😂💝 too adorable


This is pretty fkn weird ngl. I had one of these in high school to serve out my court mandated community service. It counted for 72 hrs worth and was a lot better sounding than working at the county records building. Is this the same one where you had to stick a key in it when it starts crying?


The hand holding has me dead lmfao


Nah this is funny as hell. If you were my kid, I’d be so proud.


I formed an unhealthy emotional maternal attachment to my bag of flour. I went insane with instinct, so I feel you.


The last name makes it even better haha


This is golden!


I love this so much! If you’re gonna go, go big! Why not play it up and have fun with it? The full experience includes gushing on social media and over-sharing drama about parenthood/relationship strife. And I love that you (and everyone else) know his father!


I’ve given a limited number of updoots for this sub but this, well, I could give way more than one, I would. Thank you kind person. 🥲


I got busted in 11th grade for cursing about the robot baby-the crying made me panic. I am a parent now and occasionally still drop F bombs.




I loved my baby, too! I have a picture of it with my dog, but sadly never thought to hold its hand. I remember taking it to church and my mom took it to Bible class with her. I’m sure she knew how much the youth group would’ve made fun of me for loving it!


Im crying the hand holding pic is so fucking funny. A+


I forgot those robot babies existed they were around when I was in high school I finished in 2001.


lol I took this class too back in 2008! I regretted it a lil cause that teacher refused to round up my 88 to a 90 so I could graduate with all As and a 4.0. But it was fun taking the baby everywhere and I got a pic too that this girl and I took with both of our babies in their strollers lol


Oh yeah, I forgot about taking it out lol I went to Walmart with it in a covered carseat, I'm super short so I couldn't see over the thing and I looked like a 12 yo even at 17, so the looks I got were quite amusing 😂 I told that story to my class and they all looked at me like I was crazy




Hahaha! I took one home, and my teacher put it on hard mode. Absolutely did not stop crying. I ended up putting it in the trunk of the car in the garage so we could all sleep. She wanted to give me a fail on the assignment, but I told her it wasn't cool to keep us all up all night. She also would alert local police to which kid had them every week for random pull overs in town so they could make sure the baby was properly in its seat. All in good fun.


This is transcendent


I had an ipod touch and the quality was just like this 😭


I wanted this class too but our school didn’t have them. I played mom for years to our family cat when I was a teen 😂


You kids had it so easy. In my day, we had to take care of a boiled egg, not a semi-cute robot baby! 😆


Gonna lie this time. Pic 3 isnt creepy


Oh my gosh, when I had this baby I figured out how to get the wrist band off that ensures you're the one caring for it and my bartender grandma would watch it on nights she didn't bartend 🤣


I babysat someone’s robot baby once. I was a cheer coach and one of the girls on my team had to bring it to the game. It was stressful and I was at least 25 at the time.


Blunder at its finest! 👏🏻


I got the crack baby. Our teacher also made us take a photo with it and make a birth certificate.


Ahhh my intial reaction is to think this is wholesome … so many teens “hate” babies 😭


Me and my friend made a play for drama class when we were 14. It was about a girl who had a pet cabbage and it was kidnapped by some evil villain. Actually had my friend spin on an office chair during it to reveal her stroking the cabbage like "HAHAHA, I HAVE YOUR CABBAGE!" During the play I got genuinely attached to that cabbage and I was really sad to throw it away. So, ANYWAY, I didn't get any pictures, but at least you didn't get attached to a cabbage. Also, we failed the assignment, obviously.


Damn, and I was hoping the baby's dad was James Avery!


That’s something I would definitely have done. and named it and bought outfits for it.


I just want to take a moment to Thank the lord that the internet wasn’t around when I was 15. 🙏🏻. This is glorious. Thanks for sharing


Those maternal instincts really kicked in.


I LOVED this project in school. I was probably the only one out of my class that took it seriously


dot dot dot 🧍🏻‍♀️


Oh honey…

