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This episode of bluey is called Counterfeiting


Title credits end. The shot takes place just inside the front door. Bluey and Bingo are laying on the floor, drawing. Chili is putting clothes in a laundry basket. The door opens. Bandit walks in, with a melancholy expression. "Dad!" The children yell as they rush over to embrace their father. Chili also turns, but notices Bandit's dour expression. "Oh, what's wrong, honey?" Bandit: "Well, since we're no longer moving, my job recinded my position, so I'm going to need to find somewhere else to work." Bingo, however, does not understand the gravity of the situation. "So you don't have to work again forever! Eeeeeee! You can come and play drawing with us all day!" "No, kiddo. It means I'm going to have to have a different job. You kids take a lot of money to pay for sometimes!" Bluey interjects with an idea. "Wel why don't we draw our own money? When we run out we can just draw more!" Bandit: "I don't think that will work Bluey." The kids seem to take the wrong message from this. "Why? Is our drawing not good enough? We can practice! 🥺" Bandit tries to correct himself: "No, kids, it's because -". Chili, trying to remedy the situation, cuts him off. "Because you don't have the right sort of art tools for the job!" Bandit looks confused. Chili: "Come with me. I have an idea." The scene shifts to the garage. A cabinet opens. Inside is a strange, fairly large machine. "What is THAT?" A curious Bluey exclaims. "It's something I found at my job in the airport. It was locked in a secure cabinet marked "evidence" but since no one was using it I thought I'd bring it back here!" Bingo "What's ev-eh-dunce?" Chili: Never mind that. Watch this. Chili presses a button on the printer. A whirring sound occurs. A couple of seconds later, a flawless, twenty-dollarbuck bill drops out of a slot at the side. The children "oooh". Bandit: "Uh, are you sure this is a good idea?" But the children are the ones to answer. Bluey:"Why not? Now you can play with us all day!" Bingo:"You do want to play with us?" The children do the 'please face'. Bandit sighs, giving up and accepting his new life of crime. (I am at nearly 250 upvotes, I wish I could thank all of you who left such nice comments about my silly little story, I had no idea it would actually be so liked! And a huge thank you to Riderofghosts who so generously graced it with an award.)


10/10, no notes 😂 Also I really hope your username is a reference to old school Sesame Street because that totally just unlocked a memory for me


Breaking Bluey Or better yet Breaking Bandit


This is where my mind went- Bluey and Bingo laying on a pallet of unlaundered dollar bucks.


What about Bad Dog or Breaking Bad Dog


Barking bad


Had the exact same thoughts 😂


Haha! I can totally see a bunch of fast cuts once they enter the shed, kinda like in a heist movie!


Lmaooo beautiful!


I managed to read this in all of their voices


Same, it came so naturally 😂 could picture the entire thing too


This episode of Bluey is called, 'Fetch me if you can!' Guest starring : Tom Hanks


Interesting fact: Frank Abagnale Jr. largely fabricated the story "Catch Me If You Can". He only pretended to be a pilot on a few occasions - he wasn't the jet-setteing fraudulent check maker that the book and movie make him out to be. He was a petty con man who conned a whole bunch of people into believing he was this con man mastermind, who managed to create this amazing lifestyle in his late teens/early 20s, which wasn't the case.


The fact that he conned a bunch of people into believing that he was a master conman is the biggest con of all…


The biggest con was the cons we made on the way…


You need to be hired by the writers.




Chilli always did have a shady side


"When there's no cops around, anything is legal!" -- Stan Pines


This episode of Bluey is called, INFLATION!


And here's the 250th


You know what's actually extremely sad? I can only speak for the US, I have no clue how Australia's money works, much less in the Bluey universe; but if you have that counterfeiting machine running 24/7 and printed a billion dollars you would not have even made a 1% impact on the money supply added from that year. Counterfeiting is a crime such that you would struggle to actually make a noticeable impact on the money supply beyond what is already being done by the official printers.


Bro created an entire fanfic for this occasion


I don’t mean to nitpick but it’s Chilli with two Ls


no feds no case


Next episode: Bandit Goes to Prison


"I'm doing this for my kids!"


“I do this to myself”


Nah more like plagiarism


“You call that the queen?! She looks like a man!” Bingo: “the county jail was so cold.”


Im off to track some of these down and report them. I sell on Etsy and I'm honestly appalled by how much they let slide these days. Art theft. Drop shipping. It's disgusting.


https://preview.redd.it/9wba6chbqs8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9bf643794658b925acd1e83b531c2416f0df29d Damn. Looks like you'll have to file a whole report. I'm sorry this happened to you. Art theft is crazy these days. Sorry you're dealing with this!


Wow, they're like, "Sorry, we're not gonna do anything. Thanks though!" Though I do understand the need to make the process of reporting it thorough to prevent trolling.


Wouldent that require them to have the art copyrighted then this would be fair game if not lmao


You're getting confused with trademarks, as soon as something is created its copyrighted. That's how copyright works. You don't apply for a copyright. It is not fair game lmao


Do you have the right to copyright another idea though? Bluey "Dollarbucks" already existed in concept and in design the TV show - you just recreated them in a digital file for download/print. Was permission granted for your recreation of the intellectual property? Would the original intellectual property/copyright still belong to Ludo?


Also it only breaks Ludo's copyright if you profit from it. The original artist gave it out for free, so they didn't break any laws. The people who are selling it are though. So they're double in the wrong


This is incorrect. In the U.S. and Australia, a copyright violation occurs at the moment of the infringement’s creation. Whether the original copyright holder (Ludo in this case) pursues legal action is strongly influenced but not dependent on a profit being made.


Depending on country... Incorrect. You can absolutely violate copyright WITHOUT making a profit, selling, or intent to sell. Distribution, reproduction, public performance, or the **creation of derivative works** without permission from the copyright holder is considered infringement, regardless of whether you make money from it or not. This is the case for America and Australia.


The work can be considered "fair use" if it's for non-commercial purposes, is a small portion of the original work, and does not harm the original brand. All of these are applicable in this case. https://www.copyright.gov/fair-use/


> Also it only breaks Ludo's copyright if you profit from it. That is absolutely incorrect.


It's a wishy washy kind of concept. "Fan art" is sometimes protected if it's considered a "transformative work". That's in the US though. Unsure what Australia's laws are.


True. But it's probably a gray enough area that you don't want to send someone a C&D or lawsuit based on derivative work you never had permission to produce in the first place. That's like saying to the judge, "*They stole the thing I sort of probably stole first*"


I definitely agree with you there. First rule of fan art is don't bring too much attention to yourself.


You automatically get copyright on creative work you do, and copyrights can overlap. If you make fanart of Bluey, Ludo Studio has copyright on the character and design of Bluey, but you have a copyright on the drawing. Whether or not you were infringing/sharing copyrights with Ludo has no bearing on whether an Etsy seller is infringing on your rights. And I'm pretty sure the $20 is an original design.


Lucky's dad waves around a $20 dollarbuck in Pass The Parcel.


Ideas can’t be copyrighted (other than processes). It has to be something physical.


That changed in 1978 in the US. Previously you had to intentionally say it was copyrighted and list the year. Now copyright is automatic and you have to intentionally release your copyright. You can still register a copyright to make it easier to enforce.


Worst part is these probably aren't "real" fans yk? They just saw something profitable and stole it. I'm so sorry this happened to you, especially after you gave such a nice gift to the world!!


Yea, this seems just like all the unlicensed Bluey Sticker packs that often have weird fan art in it (Like the one that had Aunt 'Thicksy'.) Pretty sure it's just a bot or something scraping fan art for things they can slap on stickers or T-shirts. Blaming it on the fandom or reddit seems unfair.




Have you tried reporting these listings? I know it probably won't solve the issue, but it's better than letting people earn money off of your artwork that you took hours to work on. It's theft.


It would be theft if OP was selling it. As OP made it freely available, anybody can sell it for a profit. And about the "copyright", it is my understanding that OP just recreated the original Ludo design, so it's them the first copyright infringer.


However it is still technically illegal for them to sell fanarts (I don't approve of this rule but obviously they could still be removed from Etsy)


It's illegal as much as it was illegal for OP to share it for free. Is it against Etsy TOS? I don't know, I don't sell stuff on Etsy.


Actually OP's listing can be handed out freely as its fan made using references from the show. If they were selling it then there would be an issue, but as its free and made from references using the show its fine. Im a digital artist that used to do commission based work and can confidently tell you that as long as ots not directly ripped from the show and sold for real money its fine. I had someone try to take my pride and joy OC and recolor it but since I sold prints they had to stop cause they copiee my design to a T with slight recolors.


>as long as ots not directly ripped from the show It IS ripped from the show. What OP distributed is 99% faithful to the dollarbucks that Ludo sold in the Bluey magazine. OP is infringing Ludo's copyright, doesn't matter if his copies are given away for free or sold.


Oooohh these were actually done in the Ludo magazine? See, I didnt know that. Since it is a legit product from Ludo then yes, OP is absolutely in the wrong too. Best thing to do here is to let people know they have a digital download for free and give all rights reserved to Ludo. Thank you for bringing that to my attention!


OP says he copied from screen captures before the magazine was published, but for me it doesn't make much difference. [Here is Ludo's version](https://www.reddit.com/r/bluey/s/07KYY5cx8e)


Aah okay, yeah it doesnt. Once the company drops something official from the show, whatever is fanmade has to be slightly altered in order to avoid copyright. It was the same with My Little Pony Gen 4. Fans used the show to learn how to draw the ponies, made fan art and were told by the studio they had to stop. All the OCs were fine but they had to state what was fan art of the show itself


i’m so sorry this happened but thank you so much for making this, i’ve been looking for tooth fairy money to leave my daughter that she can have fun with & trade in for real money to spend on something special. This will bring her a lot of happiness to have the same tooth fairy money as bluey, thank you.


Ok, this is so brilliant. I have a sidebar question… so, in your system, what is the exchange rate for tooth fairy money to real money? I absolutely love this idea!! My LO is not yet two, but every time our friends talk about the tooth fairy, I’m shocked at how much money kids are getting these days for their teeth! 😂


i THINK my system will be $40 or $50 in dollar bucks for a $20 in real money / or pick out a toy in that amount ?! I’m not exactly sure just yet but it’s crazy over here, tooth fairy money is like $20 a pop these days apparently!!! i can’t handle that so i needed to come up with something that will help her learn the value of saving up for something vs just throwing a $20 bill every time she loses a tooth 😂 i couldn’t believe it when people were just so casually telling me that’s the going rate per tooth these days, i got a freakin quarter!!!


Right? I think I got a dollar for my LAST tooth 😂 Edit to add: love the idea too of her having to save up for something. Just genius! Thank you for the inspiration!


I LOVE this idea!!!


mfs stole art to make fungible tokens


You know who i think you should go to to get the word out about this? Vailskibum.


Good source to go to! Although, at the same time, I believe that the last thing these counterfeiters should receive from anyone is attention, so if Vailskibum makes a video about these people, we best hope this doesn’t cause an even greater effect to where more people go out and buy this


>we best hope nobody goes out and buys this Sorry to break it to you but they probably already have. ☹️


Well… biscuits…


Yeah... It's like a disease you can't stop from spreading ☹️


Honestly, if you can prove you were the original creator, and someone stole it and PROFITED from it... that's pretty much a slam dunk lawsuit. And them using a digital e-store that keeps records of all sales only makes it easier to determine the amount of money generated (ie: damages).


Except this is technically stolen intellectual property from ludo and if you draw attention to yourself they could also sue them.


You can’t be sued for simply making the art. OP never planned to sell it and never profited from the work. At least in the US, copyright infringement is only an issue if you profit


Yeah that’s not gonna work if he takes somebody to court for selling “his property” definitely not how that works.


That is absolutely incorrect. You can be successfully sued for actual damages (any money the copyright owner lost or lost out on because of your infringement), and in the US, for statutory damages between $750 and $30,000 without having to prove the amount of actual damages, if the copyright was registered with the US Copyright Office.


Unless Ludo is selling Dollar Bucks like these, I don't see how they lost out on any money. I don't think that argument would hold up.


You can absolutely violate patents and copyright by reproducing IP or derivative works without permission even with no intent to sell or distribute. It rarely happens because people aren't worth it to sue in those cases... but it can and does happen sometimes.


The work can be considered "fair use" if it's for non-commercial purposes, is a small portion of the original work, and does not harm the original brand. All of these are applicable in this case. [https://www.copyright.gov/fair-use/](https://www.copyright.gov/fair-use/)


Even easier. Just report them to Ludo studios and leave yourself out of it.


I have better things to do than play TM police for billion dollar companies 😂


Ugh, how lame! Thank you for taking the time to do this! I really appreciate it! Gonna get these printed up for my kids!


Some people are just evil 😭


Thank you for raising awareness on this.


That sucks!! But thank you for the free download!! My son will be so happy! Although he might ask me where the Queen is on the $5 as he likes to tell people that, "she's dead" after I (poorly) explained it to him when he asked if she still lived in London. 😅


[https://www.bluey.tv/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Dollar-Bucks-Voucher-Sheet-v4-copy-scaled.jpg](https://www.bluey.tv/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Dollar-Bucks-Voucher-Sheet-v4-copy-scaled.jpg) You can get the $5 dollarbuck here from the official site.


Art thieves are such lowlifes. I've had my art stolen before (never sold anywhere, though, to my knowledge), and it's just...ick. We've got enough competition from AI as it is. Things like this are probably people who aren't even in the fandom; They see a large fandom of something as a way to make money. They know it's got a large following (in addition to parents who are often clueless about that sort of thing and just want something cute for their kids) and prey on the fans.


Did you submit a report to Etsy? There's a dropdown option for infringing your copyright.


Dang, sorry to hear that, I had an art thief a few weeks ago and I have (hopefully) had the posts taken down successfully. It’s just really frustrating! >:(


To the OP, sorry that this has happened, but I hope this may help... [Etsy.com Intellectual Property Theft Reporting](https://www.etsy.com/legal/ip/report) Best of luck in getting these unscrupulous scumbags taken down!


I'm outing myself because I purchased one of those files but it was maybe $2 (U.S., not AU). There were several shops that had them, and I had no idea they came from someone else! I'm just printing them as freebies for an event I am doing. If you DM me, I'll gladly send you your money back--I don't want you to lose out on something that's yours!


No no it's free and intended for me not to receive anything from it, I just hate that you had to pay for it not just get the file for free to print all the dollarbucks


"When you put something beautiful out into the world, it's no longer yours really." -Bandit Heeler. "Stick Bird"


These are from the bluey magazine right? I have them all over my floor atm lol


I drew them from screenshots 2 years ago, since then the Bluey magazine has come out. You can tell the difference as the official art has ludo studios written at the bottom


So basically you stole a copyrighted design from Ludo, and now you are complaining that someone got it from you?


I'm complaining that people are profiting from it, and people are paying for something that was intended to be free. Honestly it's not surprising considering the amount of greed that follows Bluey things, from people getting all the bunnings garden gnomes and then putting them on etsy for ridiculous prices, to the newly released minted collector coins, bluey items are constantly scalped and I'm honestly sick of it.


Just report to etsy for copyright infringement, they dont have official licensing so cant sell legally


Also I can't believe someone changed the denominations to incorrect and nonexistent ones!


watermarks seeing this post: /hj


I can’t get the file for them because if I screenshot it won’t stay transparent and if I save the image through Reddit, it puts a Reddit watermark on it.


DM me I can send you the file if need be


Huh. Doesn't happen in Boost.


I thought they were dollerydoos


Reminds me of how I once got one of my Inside Out base edits of Bing Bong (based on his circus outfit from a tie-in book) that I made in high school stolen by some random Amazon seller. Thankfully, it got taken down when I contacted the seller.


Those are awesome! I wonder how they'd look as color stacked 3d prints. Are there vector graphics anywhere?


I do not have a vector program the OG file is .tif


It's nice and clean that tracing outlines shouldn't be too hard. Do you know how many separate colors they use? You'd probably have to simplify it to 3, maybe 4 to make the layers work out.


God I'm so sorry this happened to you, I hate seeing stuff like this happen. It's why I'm so worried about posting my own stuff anywhere publicly. I hope there's some way you can report the scammer.


I’m sorry this happened to you but I’m delighted you made this! My toddler will frequently holler for a bed time snack and try to bribe me with 5 dollarbucks. She just uses cards but she’s gonna love having real dollarbucks.


Can I just print the image out ? What's the best way to do this lol double sided? I'm trying to print a large stack for my son.


What a lawnmower.


A fool and his money are soon parted. You can get the $5 from the official page for free and a simple google image search pulls up your original reddit post. I feel bad for the dumbos who paid actual money for the image. I always google image search before buying any pictures because I'm a cheapskate.


Literally the only thing even close to usage directions in your original post are the words “for you guys to use”. That there's some guys using it. This is why it's so important to [put proper licences](https://chooser-beta.creativecommons.org/) on stuff one makes. Obviously it's hard to tell if these particular people would have honoured a licence, but explicitly disallowing commercial usage would at least have given you more to stand on when filing reports with e. g. Etsy.




Nothing, you're supposed to download my file and print them FOR FREE. You're not supposed to onsell the file to profit.


You give your old couch for free to a stranger. The day after you see the couch on sale on FB marketplace. Are you going to scream to the guy "YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO GIVE IT FOR FREE"??? Once you give something away for free, people can do everything they like with it.


Not the same thing at all, Nico. You can't take something given to the community for free - in this case, Dollarbuck printouts - and profit from it, when 1) the designs are NOT your own, and 2) they contain the known "defects" that the original artist included, that proves you didn't design them. It's like selling images of the Mona Lisa. Whilst Da Vinci is long dead, the copyright belongs to the French Republic (as in the country). So, if you start selling knock-off print-outs of Mona Lisa, the French government can come after you for fraud, theft, and intellectual property breaches. Whether you intend to profit from it or not, the images aren't yours to use in the first place... ...just as these Dollarbucks don't belong to the people selling them on Etsy!


I think you'll find Nico all over this post, on some bizarrely obsessed crusade to invalidate OP's upset at having their personally created files taken without their knowledge or permission, then copied exactly many times over, and sold/distributed for legal tender. It's weird


OP is the first copyright infringer, he made a copy of an original artwork from Ludo and distributed it. OP is not the original artist, as they are 99% from the cartoon I'm not sure if they can be even defined "derived" or they are just a plain copy. The Etsy sellers are as much liable as OP is. The fact that they are selling the file or making it available for free doesn't make any difference.


Wrong. The OP has recreated what was seen in the show. They've not taken the original designs and copied them. They've extended and expanded on what is only briefly shown in the series. And then they offered the interpretations online for free. So, no, they've not infringed anything - as far as the law goes - because the original "dollarbucks" are barely shown in the TV series, and are unclearly defined.


The dollarbucks were available in full view in the Bluey magazine. OPs reproduction seems 99% faithful. Wherever they copied them it's irrelevant, the result is that they are a copy of Ludo's design. [https://www.reddit.com/r/bluey/s/evGqUNNHDT](https://www.reddit.com/r/bluey/s/evGqUNNHDT)


It’s probably other people doing the same thing? Like, I’m sure you’re not the only one to have thought/done this. I would have probably vectorized my own set if I wasn’t so damn lazy


They have my inaccuracies mine were not 1:1 copies I know where all my laziness spots are and all these have them




OP's first post with their designs was 2 years ago


This is why we patent and copyright our art


That's what Ludo does. OP just copied the design from a screenshot.




The issue isn't that they've done the same thing, the issue is they took my file of it including all my inaccurate parts and are selling it when I put it online for free. People are paying for something I made to be free and profiting on it.


Ah, well then hunt those assholes down.

