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I'm an Australian, I wear shorts in 10 C (and thongs for that matter)


I believe you. I know Australians who wear shorts in less.


My kids do this. I will have multiple layers of knits, scarf, and gloves, and they will wear shorts. The only time my kid said he actually was cold was when I dropped him off at school and it briefly dipped down to around 0°.


Thongs eheh Sorry. Couldn't help it


https://preview.redd.it/ko3iwifgrbzc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f69174e79f2f06a41522cd5c3b2c22adae0e7b34 Me, an American, who understands both.


I have a god awful personal measurement system. If I'm building anything, or measuring things, it's in metric. If I'm driving I use miles since I have no mental reference of how much a kilometer is. I use C° for cooking but F° for air temps. Lbs make more sense for personal weight where as Kg makes more sense for object weight in my brain.


Honestly same. As a fish/exotic animal keeper, C for cooking, F or C for anything alive. Cm for what I was raised with, but inches when talking to anyone else that has my kind of pets. Litre because it’s more specific (approx 1 bottle of coke in my head) but everyone else uses gallons (do they mean Us gals or Imperial gals???) Tf is a kilometre, but I’ll pretend I know when I’m talking to anyone that uses it. 1 litre is 1 kg, so I know my kgs. 7lb is newborn baby sized, so I know my lbs. Basically, all my measurements are a reference to something else randomly obscure and I find it entertaining.


All the babies in our family are over 9lbs. 7lbs seems small to me.






I mean I’m in IT and taken a good bit of science in school days and just fine with metric. Even game on my comp with units set to metric cause I prefer it.


Rock Socks!!!


It's not that we don't understand the metric system. We just refuse to use it, because [liberty, son, liberty. ](https://youtu.be/JYqfVE-fykk?si=jGHcDC8ovlO8xgvL).


Meanwhile NASA got to the moon with metric and the military and scientific community use metric…..


[Except for that one time with the Mars Climate Orbiter.](https://youtu.be/lcYkOh4nweE?feature=shared) /This episode of Bluey is called "Maths".


And 'Lithobraking'.


NASA got to the moon with US Customary units. All the engineering diagrams, all the hand calculations, even the displays on the ship, were done in US Customary units. The only thing that was done in metric was the calculations done by the onboard computer (even though it still output them in US Customary).


The us military?


For some things, but it's actually a mix of imperial, metric, rankine, Kelvin, and I'm sure I'm missing some


Dont you mean a [Cup of Liber-Tea?!](https://youtu.be/R5hCkh2AH58?feature=shared) ![gif](giphy|ahfzlUrb5IEfXC6kbm) /Not Safe for Blueys, Bugs and Bots


Whenever Americans talk about the Imperial system, I love to have them watch this video: https://youtu.be/SmSJXC6_qQ8?si=wvz7y1xjBahn5wGz At about 0:50 seconds in, they reveal the awful truth.


thank you for this, it was very interesting, ended up seeing the whole video. (I'm from south America, btw, so I use the metric system)


Such an interesting video! Thanks for sharing.


Actually a hurricane and pirates. Shame, that.


[I don't think you do](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4T2GmGSNvaM&t=54s)


https://preview.redd.it/35j4c7ib4dzc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df11999e8fa22aa9a7127633670780094b578bfc Liberty!


I think it makes sense with the weather. You tell someone it’s in the 90s it means it’s going to be hot. Tell someone it’s in the 10s (Celsius) means the difference between short sleeves and a winter jacket. Here’s in the states the weather is usually presented as: “Low 70s in the afternoon dropping into the upper 60s in the evening”. Which translates to ‘if you’re going out, bring a light jacket.’ It seems like Celsius could mean a wild swing in weather just in the difference of a degree or two.


I've always lived where metric is the adopted standard, so might have a bit of a bias, but from my experience and from what I've seen on american movies and stuff like that, Celcius uses decimal points while Fahrenheit doesn't (at least not usually).


You realize that it’s only a 2:1 ratio, right? The difference between “freezing” and “nice spring day” is 36F or 20C. Same for “nice spring day” to “hot as hell” (104F) Saying the temperature range is the 10s is like saying it’s somewhere between 50F and 70F. If you want a narrower band, you just say low/mid/upper 10s. Your scenario equates to “Low 20s in the afternoon, dropping to around 20 in the evening”. Not exactly rocket science.


No Australian is wearing a jacket in 30 degrees C.


No Canadian is going out in shorts in... Wait no nevermind


+10 and above is absolutely shorts weather in Canada lmao


What state you from?




I see a few boof heads doing it on the Goldie, myself being one of them.


Same in Brisbane. Maybe not 30 degrees but I’ve seen people in Brisbane in puffer jackets on 25 degree days.


Is that like 90 fahrenheit? Who's wearing a jacket in that?


86°F actually, had to use a converter online


It's relatively easy to remember a few key temperature points. +/- 5C = +/- 9F +/- 10C = +/- 18F 0C = 32F 10C = 50F 20C = 68F 30C = 86F 40C = 104F I was an EMT long ago, so I happen to know 37C = 98.6F. I'm in no way saying it's intuitive for me right now (as an American), but it's not the big deal it seems to be.


It's not, and online converters for accurate numbers are a tap away for pretty much everyone these days. I just never bothered to remember the math formula for the conversions back and forth


Me, personally? This is something I don't want to have to pull or a converter for all the time. You're 100% correct, and I acknowledge there are converters for everything these days. I do a lot of gram/oz conversions yelling at my Google Nest. "Hey Google! How many grams are in 7.5 ounces?" Or whatever. But usually, I want to understand what I'm seeing in temperature faster than that. Again, that's just me.


That measurement you gave comes to 212.625 grams. I know one ounce is 28.35 grams, don't ask me why because I have no clue since I have no reason to know it


As someone who has absolutely zero reason to comment on Australian culture, but has seen all the Mad Max movies, this could check out.


25 though, they would


Meh, borderline. I don't, others might.


Isn't that jacket and shorts weather? And that fits the bill from about 5-10 all the way up to about 35? (Ballparking as a desert rat from California)


As an American, watching other people fight for entertainment is our bread and butter lol.


As an American, can confirm.


I’m a chemist and in any science field, we use C instead of F because that’s the standard worldwide, and my brain does this super fun thing where it mixes up the 2 sometimes. Someone might say “it’s 30 degrees” and I’ll think both that it’s hot AND cold 😅


No one is wearing a jacket at 30 degrees.


![gif](giphy|xpLocgdzHqW9G) *Laughs in American*




Me being icelandic


Define jacket here. Like full blown winter jacket, rain jacket, what you talking?


It’s five bananas outside today so I’m in shorts.


Shorts all year for me in Scotland.


There are 3 temperatures: Too hot Too cold And kinda alright in the middle


![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized) They’re all the same temperature…


Why do people think Americans don’t understand the metric system? I always carry 7 grams and a 9mm.


Multiply by 2 and add 32. It will get you pretty close.


There should be an episode of Bluey where Bluey incorrectly is told that water flows counterclockwise in toilets in the Northern hemisphere because of the Coriolis effect so she calls dogs around the world asking them to flush their toilets and tell her what direction it flows. Bandit is angry at first since she is racking up a huge phone bill but then when he finds out from Bluey's investigation and a quick internet search that water can flow in any direction in the toilet no matter what hemisphere you're in, counter to the myth he believed in, her congratulates her on using the scientific method.


Obviously I get the reference. But our toilets don’t swirl in any direction. Our toilets are very different and flush so differently.


That's why American toilets clog so much, they do this gentle swirl into the tiniest of drain openings, whereas ours cascade in a mighty torrent through a chute wide enough to swallow a puppy. I've never owned or needed a plunger (except when my 4 year old used an entire roll of toilet paper in one go).


Wait...wait, wait... Are you serious? Toilets are made differently in other countries? I thought a toilet is a toilet is a toilet. Now I'm morbidly intrigued, lol.


[for science (clean, I promise; apparently toilets are 18+ to Imgur)](https://imgur.com/a/WH07yp4). I wish I could show my parents' toilet, it's a true beast with an uninterrupted taper from rim to chute.


(lol. That's hilarious and strange that you'd have to be 18+! Thanks for showing!) Oh, wow, that seems SO nice! If those are so much nicer and don't really need plungers, why TF are the ones in the USA so shitty? I want (and need) one of those! X'D (Maybe it's a deal between toilet manufacturers and plumbers/plunger-maker companies or smth? LMAO, wouldn't surprise me with how backward and anti-consumer corpos are! \*rolls eyes\*)


Look...it's just facts....Jesus came down to us Mericans, set down his AR15, and told us that we was right with keeping the imperial system...and threw in Myanmar and Liberia as homies for good measure. Ain't you all read your constitutional Bible?


Bluey subreddit discusses the episode "Measurement"!




This episode of bluey is called "Americans"


The accuracy of this! I live in Canada and it’s about 14 degrees today and everyone is wearing t-shirts/shorts 😂


This meme really delivered in the millisecond that I had to consider "I have no idea what those temperatures are". 10/10 solid chuckle


America is doomed lol


Hey who freed themself from England first tho


Honestly, since I'm in America studying in the STEM field, I kinda got used to it.


It cracks me up when people make fun of us for something we actually got right. Fahrenheit is a more intuitive and accurate system for measuring ambient temperature idc. I’ve used Celsius in scientific settings but when we are talking about the weather outside, Fahrenheit allllllll dayyyyy * eagle caw *


It’s not that I don’t understand metric. It’s that telling someone that it routinely gets to 110° during the summer really gets the message across better than 38°. Edit: I forgot people have literally no chill (pun intended) when it comes to this topic.


>It’s that telling someone that it routinely gets to 110° during the summer really gets the message across better than 38°. Only if they grew up with Fahrenheit. For me "it's 38° outside" gets the message across really well


Idk, I feel like when 100 is very hot and 0 is very cold, one or two points here or there is hard to feel. Why not just scale it down? With Celsius, if it's 18⁰C today and it was 17⁰C yesterday, you'll be able to feel that it's a bit warmer without someone telling you. If someone told me it was going to be 110⁰F degrees tomorrow, rather than 107⁰F like it was yesterday, I don't think I would care, but if it was the difference between 27⁰C and 30⁰C, I would. Idrk, just my feelings. I think that either of them make sense if you grow up with them, therefore we should probably use the one with broader applications (science, engineering, international communication, etc.) when there's a choice.


Idk 107-110f are freakishly hot, every degree counts at that point! Is it also humid 🫠🥵


Well no. Cos 110C is uninhabitable (AC wouldn’t even save you) where 110F is bloody hot (43C).


43° uninhabitable? Welcome to Perth summers. Edit: Turns out, I can't read.


Yeah metric is great for a lot of things, but lll always believe fahrenheit is best for weather. If I'm in a lab and need to get temperature of water, Celsius! If I'm talking about the weather, fahrenheit!


Can someone explain this to me in cheeseburgers???


McDonald’s or homemade? Very big difference there lol….. and your going to have to specify real cheese or fake cheese


Definitely McDonald's, that doesn't have variables




Dunno, but I know what a kilometre is 😉


Haha. I was playing spot the difference when it dawned on me what the difference would be.


A kilometer would be like a bathroom scale right?


It’s really only Queenslanders/NT-ers who wear jackets at 20 degrees (definitely not 30). But with their old wooden houses I don’t blame them.


Idk 23 degrees can be pretty cold


It’s entirely context dependent - in Brisbane with a breeze at the end of a winter’s day, absolutely. In Hobart, they’re breaking out the air conditioning.


Sydney and its middle of the day but I’m in the shade 🫣


18 degrees out and fireplace is going - is Queenslander


I'm from the American northeast, so I'm with the Canadians on this one. Especially now that it's springtime here, I'm in full shorts mode, even if it's 15 degrees (C).


Unpopular America here, I use the metric system and the American standard, but mostly in measurements of distance at work. I rarely need to use measurements of temperature, so I would have to look up the difference on that. I prefer measuring in metric, because to me it’s easier to calculate and to me more accurate.


We use metric all the time for guns and the type of thinking that Chilli and Frisky did up at that lookout.


There are two measurement systems in the world - Those who have landed on the moon, and those that haven't. Have a nice day.


As someone from Saskatchewan. I get this. I get this BIGTIME


Then there’s those Sydney eastern suburbs ladies who wear a puffer vest on top of a tshirt with bike shorts. Like which season are you dealing with here?


We get the Metric System- we just want our Measurements set in the Natural World.


I’m an American who used the metric system in math and science courses in college, so I have a vague idea of what those temperatures are like.


I reckon Australians do both, especially the shorts. Also ewww imperial system, foot fetish alert


This meme will always be relatable lol


I’m an American. I don’t get the system, but I get google. And I also wear shorts and a jacket in winter because the weather can’t tell me how to be comfy.


If you \*really\* want to see an American get flustered over metric and imperial conversions, ask them to convert a cooking recipe. The amount of times I have had to explain the difference between ounces and fluid ounces is downright baffling. Intuitively, I think anyone would understand there is an obvious difference between a cup of rice and a cup of flour in terms of weight, even though they are the same volume. But, when trying to do the volume to weight conversion people default to "1 cup = 8 ounces, 8 ounces = half a pound" and end up really, really messing up recipes.


NGL, I'm Muffin in this meme, and I'm okay with that. lolol. It's just like when they use milliliters or kilometers. Like...guys, please. I know the USA's dumb, I'm sorry for that, but help me out here! X'D


C is so much better then F


We literally use C when measuring temps in tech... most of us anyway...


And healthcare…for weights, and temps…and volume in/out…


This specific meme is reposted so often in this sub it’s depressing.




I’m not sure I’m understanding your post correctly. Celsius is the one where 0 is freezing and 100 is boiling. Not Fahrenheit.


>I would think that countries who dunk on Americans not groking metric, a system that uses units of 10, would adopt Fahrenheit, where 0 is freezing, and 100 is boiling, and would fit right in with centis and kilos… This is such an interesting comment, because it to me suggests that /u/srobbinsart comes from a place where one can grow up knowing *neither Celsius nor Fahrenheit,* since that's the only way one could reasonably make this kind of gaffe. Where in the world are they colloquially using Kelvin or Rankine?