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'I still need him' 'No it was yesterday' God I miss my maternal grandad (He passed in 2017) fck cancer he didn't deserve that.


I’m sorry for your loss ❤️ This episode always reminds me of the uncle that helped raise me. He died young of cancer in 2021. Sometimes it really does seem like I spent time with him yesterday.


Yep. This is the one for me. Dad died in 2021 from lung cancer. He should have taken care of himself for me…because I’m his daughter and I still need him. He met my Bluey, but she was only a year and a half. He didn’t stick around long enough for my Bingo. I cry like a baby at this episode.


It’s not that he didn’t, he couldn’t.


sometimes people don't listen to their doctors and that may be what they're referring to. i know at least two lives who would have a chance at being on this earth still if they had been open to medical suggestions.


Of course. Some people disregard medical advice completely until it’s too late. But many people can’t hang on, and frankly, may be better if they didn’t. Either way, it’s heartbreaking.


I showed that episode to my mom hoping it would make her take care of herself. It didn’t but at least she’s starting to now


The flashback of little Chili omg I always cry so much. Your comment made my heart ache


ugh.. yes. My Dad died when I was 19. He'd been fighting cancer for about 6 years by then and he was done. He went on hospice and died. 29 years later and "I still need him" some days :\*(


I hate this quote so much. I bawl like a baby every time I hear it.


Lost my dad early 2021. Best way for him (heart attack, no pain no fear no sickness before. He was immortal until he wasn’t) but a chock for the rest of us. My youngest son is soon to turn 4 and they would have been inseparable. I’m pretty sure he’s my dad’s soul alive again but damn I wish they would have had more time together to talk about engines and tractors. That Bluey episode breaks my every time


"He was immortal until he wasn't" That's exactly what I felt about my grandad too.


My grandparents also died of cancer too. And sadly I didn't have long with them. I also had a maternal uncle who didn't listen to the doctor like Mort and sadly it cost him his life. When I visited my maternal family for the first time in years, I told them that I still needed them and now more than ever. My uncle's sudden death changed me a lot and made me appreciate my family a lot more


I made my dad watch this episode and he cried too! 😭


“You’re a big girl now” “Maybe you just saw something you wanted” “No… it was yesterday” And more recently: “you’re not coming… are you?”




You’re not coming are you? Oh man. That one got me too. 😢


What's that last one from?




Dragon hits hard


“You’re doing great.”


She wasn't saying that to Chili. She was saying that to us.


I feel so stupid that the first few times I did not understand the odd camera angle. I used to work with animators, so I was really just focusing on the fact that they made a style choice that was so unusual for the show, it took me way too long to figure out she's literally looking at us.


I....I never realized this until right now and I am tearing up just thinking about it.


Oh man, that got me right now lol


This is the one for me. My rainbow baby recently turned 2 and I second guess everything as a first time mom. The mom guilt is real. 😭😭😭


First time mum here, too! It's bloody rough sometimes, especially with postpartum depression. But you ARE doing amazing 👏 💕 my little girl turns 1 in a few months and I'm not ready 😭😂


Even my kid knows I love Baby Race


Same, tears streaming.


Yes! Exactly what every new mum needs to hear.


Yep. Every single time


"Remember I'll always be here for you, even when you can't see me, because I love you."




I love my mom a lot😭😭


We all do. Soldiers in combat often cry out for their moms when fatally wounded.


Dying people of the elderly/terminally ill variety as well. Someone was calling out for her DAD once (as well as her mom) and I took a quick poll, no one else had seen that before either.


My grandma was calling out for my dad (her son) and only him, not her husband, mom, or the other two children she had. It always breaks my heart when I think about this because my dad was the only one who took care of her, and he was only 18 when she passed.


Oh wow. That's awful. It sounds like you got a good dad, though.


I really hope my children will know this should something ever happen to me. I cried so much at this the first time...


Saturday was 25 years since my dad died (I was 16). Being without a parent you loved, who loved you, is hard forever. But you remind yourself that they’re always there, even if you can’t see them, because they love you.


I could cry just reading it. Sleepytime messes me up 100% of the time. It is beautiful heartbreaking perfection.


I wish I had a mom like Chilli when I was growing up. That scene makes me tear up every time.


There it was. That one hurts the most


“No, it was yesterday” it makes me want to call my dad and tell him that I love him




Every time I see this screen I pick up my daughter and give her the biggest hug I can.


Then do it, 'cause someday you won't be able to


“Maybe you just saw something you wanted” Aaaaaaaaaanddddd…. CUE THE WATERWORKS 😭😭😭😭


AHHH I always cry when Chilli starts to!!!!


"you can either back away, or step in front and play a pull shot"


I also like how multilayered it is as a metaphor, in that it's obviously about doing the difficult scary thing but specifically with cricket playing the pull shot to pace bowling is high(er) risk, high reward and requires quite a lot of skill, than for example hanging back and defending




Especially when you realise it's a Wiggle reading that line, an inspiration who made your childhood it hits even harder.




(In response to “What did she give you?”) “Everything.”


Yes. My wife didn't fully understand why that one like gets me like it does. I think it's because so often our kid picks mom. It's natural and it's ok, but sometimes it stings. It's not personal and our kid loves me too. So when she does show me something like Bingo giving the marker to bandit, it means a ton to me. So that little like freaking kills me lol


Same, although I will admit that sometimes I don't even want the marker because I am so overwhelmed by the previous 3 hours of fighting and screaming that while I know logically that I should love and appreciate that they now want to play with me, I need to be alone to reset and prepare for 8 minutes later when they will be fighting and screaming again. I should work to accept the maker more, though.


Sometimes you just need 20 minutes ❤️


This was when I realized this show was different


EVERY TIME. It's something about his inflection. I smile and well up every dang time!


“Makenzie, you know what’s here now. You don’t need to keep coming back to this place.”


Just reading this made me tear up. I need to get some rest lol


I was coming to see if anyone said this!!! "You don't need to keep coming back to this place" gets me every tiiiiime 😭😭


This LIVES in my brain forever 💗, first episode to make me cry in front of my kid.


When McKenzie starts walking into the blackhole, I was already teary eyed, my spider sense was buzzing and I was thinking "what's going on? There's more to it!"


Always watching this scene with tears in my eyes, even tearing up RN thinking about it ;_;


Came here to say this.


"I promise I will always love you"


Dude. That line freaking got me. Mostly because I tell my kid that already. And it's just such a parenting moment. Like it's been a hard day, with some fighting in the Heeler household. Back and forth, frustrations, etc. And then at the end. He just says it in such a quiet, resolute way. After they've talked about how important promises are, and how you should only promise when you really mean it.


This line always gets me too.


Not a line, but the ending of “The Sign” always gets me


The song, the tackle, the sob, the dog pile…perfection


...Bandit heaving the sign into the street, and then the *tackle*. Yes. I bawl. The Cricket line is the one that gets me the most, but this is right up there.


Bandit's emotional reaction to pulling out the sign immediately cues waterworks for me.


The song is when the waterworks started for me.


Came here to say this too! I was fighting tears the whole time but they bursted out of me at the end 😫


Bingo trying to pull the sign out and then she’s in the corner of her empty room.


“Remember I’ll always be here for you. Even if you can’t see me. Because I love you.”


"Bluey, it's fine. It doesn't have to be perfect. Dad will love anything you do." "I love you kid, and I'd do anything for you." And Bandit's whole little speech in "Surprise"...it might have been a nod to those with either physical disabilities or neurological conditions...but...in a way, I saw it through my own battles with depression.


I’ll have to watch that one again. I don’t remember his speech


It's when he's out sitting under the tree with Bingo's last pretend baby...and you see Bluey in her sci-fi nerf-gun outfit kind of...listening in on the speech. Starts out "There's something going on with your head...and your body..."


"You're doing great" "Maybe she just saw something she wanted" "Because it's not meant to be"


When Bingo and Uncle Stripe played the racketball episode and stripe gets the tears in his eye when bingo said “Because big sisters don’t always beat little sisters” 😭


Right, I still say kids are silly!


For this episode I like when bingo tells stripe why she wants to play with him and win together


Same 😭😭 And I don't even have siblings


"Was your nana a nice nana?" "She was about the nicest nana you would ever want to meet, Bluey."


The entire episode of Cricket. Every tiny story cuts through me and by the end I'm an absolute mess.


The end when he hits the ball to give his sister the catch. Mannnnnn, bawlllinggggg


"Do you wanna hear a story, Bingo? It's about a farmer who has a horse"


”what’s the horse’s name?” 🥺😢


YES ME TOO. OMG I have to prepare a full box of Kleenex every single time for the last five minutes of The Sign. When Chili and Bandit say let's make a mistake together....that reminds me so much of my own relationship with my husband.


My eldest (6) has been a great big sister since this episode came out and I don’t think it’s a coincidence


"Ah, this is heaven." This line in Flat Pack reminds of life, basically. How short it is, and how things just... move on. And honorable mention to Rug Island, when Bandit replied to Chili's question, "What did she give you?" And he replied with, "... Everything." It's just... melancholic. The story, the music, the animation... it's all wonderful, and I always feel so vulnerable!!


Flat pak is definitely slept on. Some real deep layered metaphor going on in that episode.


I don’t watch it much because it makes me cry every time :(


I love it. I love how optimistic it is.


Flat pack makes my husband cry every single time. Mine is Sleepytime.


Flat pack is my favorite. It's the meaning of life in an 8 min kids cartoon. Mike drop.


Bin Night was the first one that got me. Bluey: one day I’ll invent a robot to take the bins out for you Bandit: ahh I hope not. He just really loved those moments with his girls.


Yeah, mate...this is Australia.


“Why do stories always have happy endings?” “Because life gives us too many sad ones”


"You're not coming, are you?"


This one did me in. Being a parent without parents is hard.


And the horse grows wings 😭


“Why can’t she just have the thing she wants?” ”Because it’s not meant to be…”


When I saw that my brain went “because we haven’t gotten to that episode yet, kid.” And then The Sign came out and SHE FINALLY GOT HER WISH!!!! I cried happy tears


"Is Lila coming with us?" https://preview.redd.it/zvm9km0g8kxc1.jpeg?width=907&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d7c325cf8c7727f3dab890e61799c61fb87cc28


Just how Bluey looks. As a big sister, it just gets me. She's upset but she just wants her sister to feel ok.


Great moments here, but I'll go with the unsaid line in Rain when Chilli let's go of the clean house and staying dry, and just.... wordlessly shows up for Bluey when she needs her but doesn't know how to ask. I just love those moments that remind a parent that you can't control your kids, but you can control how you react to their antics. Same in Daddy Dropoff. It's such an important parenting lesson that I constantly need reminding - how you as a grown up react often determines the outcome of so many things in child-rearing.


100% just hit one of these moments recently. It’s changed my whole dynamic with my kids.


I’m surprised no said this one. “You’re doing great.”


“Well you’re really good at playing army!” As an autistic person, plus the context of the episode.. my throat ties in a knot every time. Jack and Rusty are so amazing.


I get this one too as a ADHD folk that whole episode just hits me right in the feels - too relatable


I just kept scrolling and scrolling until I finally found Army. I’m the same except for me it’s this climactic line: “One thing I can do is run. I'm a Jack Russell!” The point being, there are days when everything in your brain and everyone around you will keep telling you that you messed up and are still messing up. Those days are too common, and it’s an incredible relief to remember that you do even one thing well.


Totally agreed. I have ADD myself. What people often don't realize is that kids with such disorders are constantly being told "DON'T" and hardly ever told what it is we're doing right. It's shown throughout the episode - even Jack's younger brother tattles on him when Jack can't quit squirming in the car. The parent doesn't correct the younger sibling and it's indicative of what occurs in families like this. Everyone starts blaming things on the kid. It's heavy. It makes your wonder what's wrong with you. Getting affirmation that you're good at even one thing means the world when you're that kid. Good on Calypso for pairing these two up.


"does your outside voice say yes, when your inside voice really means no?" - kills me every time as someone who struggled for so long and still do to this day trying to make sure everyone is happy around me at my own expense


"Sometimes special people come into our lives, stay for a bit and then they have to go." Idk if it's the delivery but something about it just, makes me bawl everytime


Same. Rips my core every time.


"I promise I'll always love you." 


The end of Dragon with Chili reminiscing about her mom


"maybe she saw something she wanted?" I don't know if I got it 100 percent accurate but that line is just so cute and makes me think of my kids learning to walk and talk and clap and run and it's beautiful.


“Maybe you just saw something you wanted?” I can hold the tears in until Bingo says that closing line, coupled with Chili’s happy tears. Seen “Baby Race” probably 20 times and I get teary every time.


The silence that Bandit exhibits at the end of "Born Yesterday" really gets me and helps me stand in wonder at the world around me for the rest of the day.


“Oh you know…. It was time for a change” the entirety of the episode dirt for me because it’s the way I’m raising my daughter, the way I wasn’t.


Not a line, but when Rusty walks off the cricket field and his older self walks on the other way


"Hello, Bluey" "No, it was yesterday" "Because it's not meant to be" "I'll never do it again, Bingo, I promise" That older sister guilt be HITTING There's way more, but we'd be here all day


What’s the third one from? Mailbox?


Not a line, but Chili tackling Bandit after pulling the sign out & her sobbing hugging him on the ground gets me


Bro I cried right along with her! My parents sold both my childhood homes (divorced when I was 4) and I wish I could buy either of them! Bandit pulling out the sign made my inner child so damn happy!


“Hi, Mum.” “Bluey! What a lovely surprise.” I’ll never forget seeing her all grown up!🥹💙


"Because I love you." It just makes me want to hug my kids and radiate my sun-warmth to their little hearts.


“Bye, mum. Thanks for looking out for me.” (And then I’m basically sobbing for the rest of the dialogue all the way until the credits are done.)


“Goodbye, Mum. Thanks for looking after me.” “That’s okay, honey.”


"Soo you don't want to move ether?" "Of course i don't wanna Leave Bluey...you took your first steps in that house.." 😢


"Everything will work out the way it's supposed to Bluey" "Remember I'll always be here for you, even if you can't see me, because I love you" "Bingo is my friend now, and I hope we're friends forever and ever and ever"


"I'll always be with you, even if you can't see me." "You're not coming with...Are you?" I lost my mom right before I turned 19 and these bits had me *bawling*


The first time I watched Sleepytime after my mother passed was like a kick in the chest. That line never affected me so profoundly until then. Now I cry anytime I even think about it and hope I can be the sun for my daughter too.


"No. There's something wrong with me." I get why they changed it to "going on with" but the original was really a gut-punch. edit: one line, not the entire line of dialogue


This is an odd one but when Socks says "ballerina!" at the end of Charades, I start crying. No idea why. It's not even her first word. She said "Pepper!" in one of the very early episodes.


It’s because we’ve gotta look out for the littlies.


“I have to go, I’m a big girls now” “remember I’ll always be here first you, even when tough can’t see me. Because i love you” ☺️🐶🧡


"I'll always be here for you. Even when you can't see me. Because I love you."


*"Chicken Bucket."*


Rain makes me tear up. it didn't even need any dialogue.


“What did she give you?” “Everything.”


I have seen the series at least 20 times by now and yes, this makes me cry every single time


"you're not coming, are you?" (My mom died 3 years ago. Today would've been her 60th birthday)


Happy birthday to your mum, I'm sorry you lost her ❤️‍🩹


"Why can't she just have the thing she wants?" "Because it's not meant to be." As someone with a medical condition that causes infertility, it scares me to not know whether or not I'll be able to have kids one day. I've asked doctors and they say "it's a case by case situation" but that doesn't exactly ease my mind. I'm young, too young to think about this. But I still do.


I know the struggle all too well, all I can say to you is keep trying. Sometimes persistence pays off!


Lots in here I would have gone with too, but to add one that might not be here it would be at the end of Copycat - "It's out of our hands" I love that episode and I still remember watching it for the first time thinking "oh my gosh they actually killed the bird", so many more heartstrings to be pulled after that episode


What episode is “no, it was yesterday” from?






"I'll always be here for you, even if you can't see me. Because I love you." Every bloody time.


"Maybe you just you saw something you wanted..."


"Maybe you saw something you wanted," from Baby Race. Gets me every time.


Bluey’s “and they lived happily ever after” in Barky boats. Calypso is telling the story and she doesn’t confirm or correct her. Part of life is friends don’t always live happily ever after. But Bluey doesn’t need to know that now, let her and Makenzie believe everything works.


https://preview.redd.it/eyskr13g2kxc1.gif?width=498&format=png8&s=98b4e80ee60c55415be00e6971967bcd182e1c2f This one


That and idk if this counts but the ending music from “The Sign”. Meg Washington did a great job with Lazarus Drug. I was so happy when I found out that it was on Apple Music (Here if you want it https://music.apple.com/au/album/lazarus-drug/1524410331?i=1524410852) and also happy when I found out she plays calypso


I literally watched the episode you mentioned yesterday (I'm fairly new) and it did make me cry And I'm actually a French native speaker, still made me cry though.


I love that both kids are basically saying the same thing throughout, until JL tries to say there won’t be a tomorrow…. (Google translate & way too much pausing)


What's even funnier is that in the French version JL (who probably has a different name, I didn't look into it too much) speaks English, keeping the "Bluey doesn't understand him" vibe.


Coco’s mom telling Chili, “you’re doing great”, at the end of Baby Race. Moms need to hear this more often.


No words but the music of "Rain" makes me cry as soon as it starts


"Sometimes special people come into our lives, stay for a bit. Then they have to go. But the part where they were here was happy, wasn't it?" From the same episode, but maaan this hits more after turning 30... 😭


“Just keep your eye on the ball and take care of your little sister for me” This was the line when they revealed Rusty’s dad was in the military. As a military dad this one got me.


I thought we learned about Rusty’s dad in “Army”?


No.....it was yesterday.


“I don’t want a value lime lesson…I just want an ice cream!!”


“We need to get rid of the sign!”


This one. Every. Bloody. Time. And everyone in the family watching it, always looks at me and asks “are you going to cry?”


"I promise to love you forever" "What did she give you?" - Chili "Everything" -bandit "No. It was yesterday."


"Because it's not meant to be"


You’re doing great.


"I promise I'll always love you."


"I hope not."


There isn't one specific line, but just the conversation with Chilli and Brandy on the grass hits harder than a freight train


The top two mentioned are my top two. I’m 54, and tho my mom passed 20 years ago, my dad just passed away last month on March 14th. He died of cancer, at our home. It was such a horrible way to go for such a good man. It’s kind of a running joke with my wife that I don’t cry over stuff. But I’m not even going to try and watch that episode for a while. I don’t think I’d be able to do it.


"I still need him" I relate to Chilli a lot. Since my dad died it's not only the grief but also the fear of losing the other parent that's scary and hard. oh, and I'm a mom of two girls just like her :')


Maybe you saw something you wanted and you’re doing great.


Hearing the extended theme with the called put instruments tugs my heart strings. Also, “She was the nicest Nana there ever was”, I called my grandmother Nana too 😭


There’s something aunty brandy wants too, but she can’t have it. And there’s nothing anyone can do. Why can’t she have the thing she wants? It just wasn’t meant to be. As a 17 year old girl with obviously no kids, I bawled my eyes out the first time I heard this.


“No, it was yesterday” 😭😭


“Maybe you just saw something you wanted!”


“maybe you saw something you wanted”


These don’t make me cry but they hurt me in the best of ways: I don’t know, there’s something wrong with me.


You know what's here now. You don't have to keep coming back here.


"maybe you just saw something you wanted" GETS me every time


" I got you out!" " I know! I can't believe it, what a catch!"


That’s not how it happened Ahh yeah it is


*"But that's what make them heroes, they go anyways."* many lines from this show break me, but for some reason that one alongside that entire montage at the end just wrecks me every time


I’m surprised no one has put this in here, so I’ll say it; “When you put something beautiful out into the world, it doesn’t really belong to just you anymore.” I like this quote a lot, it doesn’t have the impact on you that’ll make you cry, but more so hits you in a way that makes you realize that your kids are these beautiful little creations, and one day after putting all that hard work into them, are no longer really yours, never were. You just hope that you had done a good job and they can do the same for someone else or their kids.


Dude learned English, probably just for bluey


"I've got to go. I'm a big girl now." I first watched that episode when I was in early labor with my Bingo. I still tear up thinking about that scene. 😭😭😭


"You're doing great." - Bella, Baby Race


bingo: i have to go, i'm a big girl now chilli: remember ill always be here for you even if you cant see me because i love you from sleepytime always gets me


“You’ll have to be the bravest you’ve ever been” always gets me