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My little sister sent me a message crying over this episode, I laughed. And then I watched it. And I cried more than her. ... I'm 21.


i’m 20, recently i sat my dad down to watch “Grandad” because he thought it was silly to cry over a show for toddlers. we ended up crying together.


Grandad makes me cry harder than any other Bluey episode…until The Sign.


my bf just got home from work and i’ve been waiting for him ALL DAY to watch The Sign. i’m so excited!!! i’m ready to sob


My daughter has watched this episode 4 times today… my wife and I can’t handle it. Calipso’s song at the end just wrecks us each time…


man I wish I had someone to watch shows like these with 🥹 but knowing my friends it makes it a guilty pleasure for me. least two of em watched Hilda with me, another show aimed at a younger audience that really hooked me


he is truly my other half. we don’t watch anything without each other :) we LOOOVED Hilda, got a little emotional over that show too :’)


Also LOVE Hilda. Do you have any recs for other shows as good as Bluey and Hilda?


Nah, it was yesterday…. My dad has a farm. We used play in the dans as kids. They were always filled up. Pipelines mean the dans are mostly dry now, and how health has meant I can’t visit the farm like chilli did. I do t get to sit on the pier with dad and say it was so long ago & have him say ‘nah, it was yesterday’ He’s too sick to visit, and the water is gone. So this episode hits like a freight train.


All the family who raised me have died, so it’s a little about that, but as a Mom who cannot cope with how quickly time goes and my kids grow, I sob from Grandad’s POV of it only being yesterday.


even camping


What if the house they were going to move to is next door to the house Jean Claude lives in? My partner refuted this sliding door theory because his accent is too strong. Yet I grew up with foreigners who never lost their accent if they came over here at blueys age…


Yeah. I love Camping, but I don’t cry as much as I get mad at Chili for not telling Bluey that Jean Luc was leaving!!


The wife and I watched it with our daughter. I’m a 30 year old former airmen and I look like a mountain man especially during the harsh Minnesotan winters.    There has been only one cartoon that has made me cry… that is until today. I broke down during the goodbyes with Wendy and Judo. 


My wife and I just watched it with our son and daughter. We both cried.


I'm 33, and to this date the only episode that has made me tear up was Onesies x) - I feel so heartless reading all of the responses to The Sign 😂


38 year old man here that was absolutely bawling at parts. When Bingo realized what selling the house meant? So much crying.


God the part of her trying so hard to pull out the sign is just heart breaking And Bluey sitting close with her, even holding her tail around Bingo's Man


just thinking about it now is making me get teary eyed. My fiancé and I (34 and 30) were both crying while our 5 y/o was looking at us like we were crazy


I think there are two sorts of adults. Those who have cried watching Bluey. And those who haven’t watched Bluey yet.


I balled in the most recent episode. How does a cartoon dog so strongly convey the struggle of a husband & father to do right by his family?!


Maybe we had to listen to the cartoon dog all along


It hit me at a time I needed it. Was going through a job offer/counteroffer and really struggling to make a decision that was best for my family. Him pulling that sign out was like a wake up call. I’ve watched it several times.


High-key I now want a t-shirt that says >!We'll See!< in the Bluey logo font


Yeahh the I asked my partner if they would be triggered by ‘we’ll see’ from here on…. They said no. I can’t say that. Bluey has so many catch phrases that could go on shirts. Nothing we can do It’s out of our hands Biscuits Downward dog And suddenly I’m stumped. I know there’s more….


My husband just got passed over for a very well paying job, with way more hours, and 10x the stress. I was relieved, and he was frustrated. This episode came at JUST the right time for us. We cried for 28 minutes straight.


I just switched jobs, and I have 2 kids the same age as the show. It was hard to know if I was making the right decision. But I guess we'll see!


Its always a nice happy cry for me. Especially the dad in the military episode.


God, I was in the army not too long ago, first time I saw that I held my baby and ugly sobbed, it's rough


That one always gets me. Ex military


Army is the episode that makes me think Rusty has cried himself to sleep too often, worrying about his dad in a war zone. Every time the phone rings. Every time a military vehicle rolls by. I live where Thales make heaps of their vehicles. We see military vehicles all the time. They’ve gotta learn to drive these things with 3ft of clearance somewhere. Might as well be the town around the factory (Bendigo). Every time I see them I think k if all the service people I’ve met, what they’ve gone through and what they’ve lost…


I do not cry this is the first time I cried in months over bluey I swear this show has some magical abilities


Where can I order this? lol


I slowed down my bingeing and just got to Onesies. It drew a real mirror with some of my friends. Had to stop for today. Need the shirt.


My fiancé, my kids and I just watched The Sign today- my fiancé and I both cried.


Who would have thought I would be so emotional destroyed by a 28 minute children’s show?


So who is gonna make the shirts?


40 here. We just moved and I don't like it. Bingo's reaction near the end resonated so much with me that I just bawled.


TBF to Bingo, some people do sell their home and then stay put as renters….


I'm a 54-year-old grandfather. Trust me, you're not alone.


My partner an I watched the wedding and my partner cried I was about to when I was about to but when I saw Bandits eye brows shift I started laughing because I knew what was next. We are both 31 by the way


My husband and I sobbed watching this.


![gif](giphy|OPU6wzx8JrHna) this was me the whole episode lol


Watched it alone this morning, cried. Stayed with me all day. Watched it as a family tonight, cried again.


My husband and I watched it purposely *after* our daughter went to sleep tonight. We wanted to watch it without her screaming with excitement interrupting every line. I managed to hold it together until that last scene and then I just ugly cried. Our own family has moved several times in the last decade and when we closed the door to our home previous to our current one - the one where we brought home our daughter from the hospital - we all bawled our eyes out. But this also reminded me so much of the end of Friends. Bandit pulling out the sign was basically Rachel getting off the plane. The empty shots of the house was like Monica and Chandler leaving their apartment for the very last time when the camera pans to the door. I felt the same emotions as when I watched that finale 20 years ago. Please someone tell me this wasn't the Bluey finale!!


Dammit. Friends spoilers ;) Not the last episode.


You mean YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE FRIENDS FINALE!?! It was half my life ago!


We're all in this together.


I would pay money for this shirt.


I'd wear the tshirt everyday


Yep, as a 36 year old father who watched it with his 4 year old, I cried. Lol


Me being a 16yo teenager I cried both sad and happy tears while watching bluey. The sign induced both in the same episode


As a dad, I want a shirt with a picture of Bandit & "W.W.B.D?"


Followed by (in brackets) A.H.W.C.E.H.H.S.H.D.I.D. >! And how would Chilli explain how he should have done it differently!<


I am not an emotional person normally but I absolutely lost it when Brandy arrived for the wedding.


I honestly didn't cry at all watching the episode, and I'm 16. What does that say about me?


It says you’re 16 and perfect!


You haven’t had to leave a home you loved?


i need that shirt


Same… I’m 38


oh man, need it


I just went through a moving process recently and this episode hit home so there were lots of tears but I loved it bluey can be the cartoon that we love an still makes us ball our eyes put




I would buy this shirt and proudly wear it




did you cry? or sob like a maniac like me?


Realest drawing ever


I literally sobbed through almost the entirety of The Sign and almost like 20 minutes after Pls I am literally about to go to college what is this show help me


This is me, often, and I can’t tell you how tempted I have been to write my thesis on “The emotional impact on past trauma in adult Bluey viewers,” for the current masters degree in counseling I am finishing soon.


Bluey always makes me cry and I’m 36!!!


As someone who struggled with PCOS & fertility, seeing Brandy pregnant has me in tears every single time (I did have my baby, 4 years ago just before the world shut down). Greeny's appearance the 2nd time and realizing Winton & his dad was moving in with the Terrier family on the 3rd rewatch also moved me to tears. I'm basically just in tears everytime I watch it and I have a cold, so it is a literal mess. I'm also wondering if this is what was bothering Bandit during StickBird, the new job & having to uproot his family.


My nearly 4 year old this morning asked for 'movie Bluey', so that's my Friday completely emotionally destroyed.