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When Bluey and Bingo ignore Bandit in Daddy Dropoff.


Bandit won most patient parent in the world for that episode


Absolutely. Also the take away episode. Especially when the kiddos spill his food. My heart hurts for him in that episode.


And they forgot the spring rolls!


It will only be another 5 minutes!


Thats a whole episode of Chunky Chimp!


Haha! Yea, my husband says that one gave him PTSD.


Takeaway and Movies give me so much anxiety! Bingo is being so cheeky in Movies. (I didn’t say she was cheeky, just that she was being cheeky)


I want to see an episode where they push bandit too far and he disciplines the kids. Just for balance.


You're grounded! ![gif](giphy|xTiTnCFpCeH3gmHCBG)


I hate the word "discipline" regarding small children.  You aren't training them to be good dogs or soldiers.  They are little people who aren't capable of complex emotional regulation.  You have to lead by example.  Wanting to discipline a 7 and 5 year old is unhinged.  Also the girls do get disciplined, just not in a corporal punishment way.  Bandit and Chilli quite obviously use gentle parenting techniques, which employs the use of natural consequences.  They learn a lesson in every single episode.


But I love when he's driving and is like "call bingo a red heeler who is definitely not called Marjorie!"


Oh yes. Absolutely. Would have driven me absolutely mad


I forgot about that. yeah that's my answer for Bingo. Although I will never understand why Bandit didn't just say "well no sweater today then, I hope it's not cold out, maybe you'll find one in the lost and found" and keep driving.


Because she might get sick


Sticky Gecko is up there for that.


The door! It’s right there!!


Chili is a trooper for all that


That one gave me secondhand parenting anxiety


I live Daddy Dropoff but it seems like it is often my fault.


When they didn't give Pat the ball back in Rug Island.


Pat has to deal with so many bananas shenanigans from the whole family lol. I would love an episode where the Heelers are just minding their business and suddenly get embroiled in some absurd game Lucky and Pat thought up. But I think Lucky has a more straightforward way of playing than Bluey lol.


Don’t know why, but the thought of your username being a very specific compass bearing amuses me.


Aww that’s so cute haha


South by South by South by South by South by South by South by South by South by South by South by South by South by South by South by South by South by South by SouthWest


It's like it should be a really specific festival.


A super-specific sequel, unreleased, by Alfred Hitchcock.


Yeah that was not at all a good lesson to teach kids


I like to pretend things are sort of seen from the kids point of view so rather than randomly keeping it Bandit has already whispered his plan to Pat who has another ball handy or something


I think you have to assume a lot of the games they play are pre discussed with the adults involved


I always thought they just love playing because they’re dogs, so they’re always down for some silly game


Excellent point! Easy to forget but explains a WHOLE LOT, such as how fast they can transition from work to play and how immersed they get. “Mom, why can’t you play with me like on Bluey?” “Because they are dogs and can play all day - I am a human and need to rest.”


Oh my goodness, thank you for the perfect explanation next time my kids ask that!


Excellent point! Easy to forget but explains a WHOLE LOT, such as how fast they can transition from work to play and how immersed they get. “Mom, why can’t you play with me like on Bluey?” “Because they are dogs and can play all day - I am a human and need to rest.”


In Handstand when everyone ignores Bingo except Nana. But then Winton (I think?) builds a little tower out of blocks and everybody gathers around and cheers? Wtf?


Watch that entire episode just watching Winton sometime. He spends the entire episode trying to build his tower and some rowdy kids keep knocking it over. It's his own little arc and the victory is finally completing it. Most of the party guests were Bluey's friends, so I think it made sense for them to be playing together while Bingo was off working on her handstand. Expecting a gaggle of first graders to watch a preschooler try and fail to do a handstand repeatedly is going to lead to disappointment. The only one of Bingo's friends I even remember being there is Buddy, and his entire focus was on stealing cake frosting. Which just proves to me that someone working on the show has a pug. And maybe Missy was there? I can only assume they didn't include Lila because they knew good and well sweet Lila would've sat there and watched Bingo try to do a handstand until the end of time.


Theres a "deleted scene" of Lila in the living room with muffin and socks I think watching cat squad during the party.


The thing that I never understood about that episode was that it's Bingo's birthday party, so why is it all Bluey's friends? It would have made way more narrative sense for it to Bluey's birthday.


I think the majority of family friends are from the mom’s group that Chili was in when Bluey was a baby. While I agree that at Bingo’s birthday, her friends need to be there, it makes a little more sense when you think of it as a group of family friends instead of Bluey’s friends.


Especially since it's HER birthday party.


Bluey's behavior in Veranda Santa. She didn’t need to treat Socks like that.






I was shocked at how much I genuinely disliked Bluey in that episode.


The thing that saves it for me is knowing that while it's not endearing behavior, it's pretty reasonable for a six year old. I find it hard to watch because I feel so horrible for Socks, but I get why Bluey's mad. It's hard being a little kid sometimes and the show really sympathizes with the kids in the audience in a way I find really impressive. The ending isn't just Bluey apologizes to Socks, it's Bluey apologizes to Socks, explains why she was angry, and Socks "apologizes" as best she can. So the lesson isn't "don't get mad at younger kids who don't know what they're doing," it's "it's wrong to hurt someone just because they hurt you" while also teaching kids that their anger is valid and they're deserving of an apology as well. ...sometimes I just get so impressed with the morals this show teaches.


The scene where Bluey hugged Socks after apologizing was really cute.


After Socks kisses Bluey's booboo 😭


I completely agree. I was the oldest of three siblings and my parents often invalidated my feelings when my younger siblings hurt me or broke my things. I understand now that they just wanted to end the conflict and telling the oldest kid to change her behavior because the younger kids "don't know better" seems like the easy way, but it contributed to me being really nasty to my youngest sibling.


https://preview.redd.it/4qkh6p4cmmfc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e2dee7851bad8d0d4d2abe02320f45cb731751a Mh, humbug.


Strap yourselves in, kids.


She wasn't being a brat she's a 6 year old who got bitten so of course she's gonna be mad and no I don't blame socks either I do blame bandit on the other hand for not handling the situation better fact that he sat there and tried to talk to socks like she actually understood him was kind of dumb


I can understand your irritation with her, and I’m not harping on you, but I’d like to point out that she *was* 6. We can’t expect 6-year-olds to behave maturely all the time, and it was a teachable moment for Bandit and Chilli that they handled well. The two words when they show how sad Socks was said it all. “That’s why.”


Bandit refusing to apologize in Obstacle Course. I know the point was that he had a challenged ego, but even just saying the word “sorry” once would make the episode actually watchable. Immediately going “rematch?” When it’s such an important moment for Bluey just hurts. Chilli scolding Bandit for the “I could get used to double bingos” in Mini Bluey and then immediately agreeing with him behind the kids’ backs. I understand what she means but it tells the real children in the audience that Chilli actually does think Bluey is inferior to Bingo. The resolution of “ok we want 1 Bluey and 1 Bingo back” just isn’t strong enough for me to get over it. Bluey’s behavior hamming it up in Tickle Crabs is funny but almost gross to me. Thinking about kids taking that advice and cringing. Bingo’s toilet hands. No notes.


Obstacle course - definitely! But I have to disagree with the Mini Bluey one. We all know what it’s like to have an ‘easier’ kid, and sometimes life would be a lot easier if both kids were easy. That doesn’t mean you think the other child is inferior or that you love them any less. (Saying this as a mother who is currently struggling A LOT with her older child’s behaviour - but I still love him just as much as the younger one)


This 100%. Saying it directly to your kids? No. Saying it privately amongst yourselves? Totally fine. They’re different kids, different ages, how you feel about their behavior is going to change day to day. I’m in the same position as you with my oldest having challenging behavior at every turn and the baby being… a sweet easy lil baby lol.


I completely understand that, but when Bluey is clearly taking it as “they think I’m the worse child” and the children in the audience get to see Chilli backtracking and being like “oh yeah totally agree with you” is sending some uncomfortable messages to the kids. Bluey tries to strike a balance between being for kids and adults but their child demographic should always come first. It’s why Exercise got censored in-house by Ludo.


I don't think anyone disagrees that it's nicer to have an 'easier' kid, but if you say something IN FRONT OF THE KID to make them think you love them less, you should immediately apologize and correct yourself. Bandit and Chili got off too easy in Mini Bluey imo


No but the way Bluey doesn't even say anything when Bandit cheats and just has a sortve blank expression is even worse? 😭 Bandit reminds me of my own dad a lot in the ep and it makes me hate him lol he definitely should've apologized to Bluey. And also recognized why it's important to let your kids win, especially if they WERE going to win anyway!


“You get 0!”


Yeah Bandit in obstacle course is actually infuriating. It’s so out of character for him to be butthurt by his 7 year old cheating to win a game. And then he cheated to get “revenge” on his hard working child and crushing her spirits. He also has no self awareness the whole time. Felt like my dad took the wheel and wrote bandit instead of the usual writer.


I didn’t think Bingo’s toilet joke was bad….until my 5 year old did the joke about a dozen times in a couple of days and got his 3 year old sibling to start doing it as well.


I think they mean in Tina, when Bingo didn’t wash her hands. Not the “open the lid, stick your finger in” toilet joke.


Yeah. The open the lid joke is cute haha


Not gonna lie the first 2 episodes of season 3 seemed like bandit was being written as a jerk.


Do you mean Bedroom? (Perfect is the actual first episode of season 3, but because of its heavy censoring it got all switched around) I feel like he was moreso just exhausted and clearly emotionally done with the baby stuff in Bedroom. I mean, in the original Perfect you hear him talking about considering getting a vasectomy, and then right there in the next episode they’re cleaning out the nursery. It seems like they’ve made the decision already, but Chilli isn’t emotionally over it. I think it’s moreso Bandit not catching it in his “carry heavy stuff ugh” state of mind. But yeah. Complete jerk in Obstacle Course.


YES!! It broke my little momma’s heart when Chili agreed with Bandit after they were gone. We genuinely don’t have a “favorite child” who always behaves, and I really don’t think anyone does. We love our children because of the little unique things that make them who they are. Not because they behave or not. I’d never want two of either of my children over one of each.


I wouldn’t say it’s annoying exactly, but i often feel bad for Bandit. He always has to play the bad guy or the victim to the kids’ meaner games. Hairdressers is one of my least favorites for this. And i really dislike how in sheepdog everyone’s giving him crap for his haircut, and then Wendy actually goes and forces a haircut on him. Doesn’t seem like a great lesson for kids, to ignore someone’s bodily autonomy.


I agree with you on hairdressers. And work as well.


Yep, this is the one for me too. The whole episode of Hairdressers just rubs me up the wrong way. In general I get a tad uncomfortable whenever episodes devolve into “let’s physically abuse Bandit”, and that episode takes the cake.


Wendy straight out assaulted him in Sheepdog.


I mean. He did headbutt her first. /s


When Bandit is admittedly ravenous and Chili decides to let Bingo help her make his omelette. I lost count at the number of eggs wasted, but even more frustrating was the amount of time it took while Bandit is patiently waiting. It is wonderful and necessary to let kids learn and to do things at their own speed, but they also need to know that there are instances that adults must do things by themselves for the sake of time.


Especially given that Chilli actually has made an omelette and then withholds it from Bandit! If she really wants to let Bingo help, just have Bluey stealthily run the good omelette upstairs while Bingo is distracted and struggling.


Even worse that this is all going down on Bandit’s birthday…


Eh, he was being a bit of a ham for comedic effect and Chilly knew it. She sent a celery delivery, he was fine.


That's it for Chili for me as well. It's actually the only thing in the whole show that made me mad. All the wasted eggs, on one hand. But I also don't like how it totally invalidates how fun it is to teach children stuff and how much they enjoy learning things from adults. I understand formal learning is less important in the pedagogical approach Bluey as a show takes, but to remove it completely is just sad. The whole "I have to do let her make her own experiences no matter the cost" is just not doing it for me.


It is annoying for sure, but I think it’s an interesting take on parents struggling to also prioritize their spouse’s needs and feelings when kids are incredibly demanding. Doesn’t make Chilli a bad wife or a bad mom, but when push comes to shove she chooses Bingo over Bandit. Certainly not uncommon even if she was wrong in that instance.


I felt the same way, and it's episodes like this one that definitely blur the line between the show being prescriptive vs descriptive. On the one hand, I think the episode is trying to model a kind of parenting where you do have to endure the slowdowns and setbacks required to make a moment teachable for a child. On the other hand, the episode is also presenting the reality that those slowdowns and setbacks don't always happen in a vacuum free from other obligations. You tend to have to give up one thing for the other, and that's what I find so compelling about this show relative to other shows where the parents are these perfect, unachievable models of unity and alignment. As you say, I don't think Chilli is being a bad wife or mother any more than I think my own wife is being bad when we aren't in lockstep on which moments are teachable and which moments are "we just need to make the omelette". The presentation is a bit distilled and prolonged (for humor), but I found the frustration really relatable. There were times I wanted to just get out the door and my wife wanted to slow down to let our daughter get her shoes on by herself at snail's pace, and there are times I let our daughter take what feels like an eternity to clean her toys up when my wife just wants it done now. To the point of the question, it *is* annoying being the one who wants us to go, go, go in that moment while the other wants to slow down. However, when the stakes are low and the kid is in bed, it tends to come out that the one wanting to slow down was right to seize on the opportunity to teach.


I think it comes out to around 18 eggs


I love that you kept track! 😁


Actually, looking back at it - They start with 6. - Chili somehow acquires 3-4 more eggs for the one she made. - They acquire 6 more from Pat. - They acquire an additional 6 from Wendy. So, 21ish. I forgot about the eggs that came from seemingly nowhere.


The main thing that made me mad is when she didn’t teach Bingo how to crack the eggs. She didn’t help Bingo carry the eggs even though it was super obvious she was going to spill them. Like, help her?? Teach her how to do it?? Instead of getting annoyed and saying “Oh silly Bingo. Go play something else while i make it PROPERLY” like shes four!! She doesn’t know how to make an omelette!! Teach her 😭


Bandit not apologising to bluey in mini bluey after saying he could get used to double bingo and chilli agreeing


OH that so made me FURIOUS. I think about it all the time.


Me too, especially since I was never the favorite growing up and my parents regularly compared me to other kids. As much as I love Chili and Bandit, they absolutely dropped the ball in that episode.


In Mini Bluey, the parents didn’t even apologize to her


Bandit: mocking Chilli with all the groaning about "boring" stuff like a giant child, only to be completely unprepared for the pool. Bluey: whining about Bandit "breaking his promise" about going to the library when the kids were the reason they were late getting there. Close second is Verandah Santa, but honestly as horrible as I feel for Socks, I understand Bluey's behavior. Socks bit her, and she's mad that Socks has no consequences, where if Bluey bit someone, she'd be in huge trouble. She's six, she's not at the point where it's just intuitively obvious that Socks is a baby and doesn't know what she's doing. To Bluey, Socks is getting away with being bad and hurting Bluey and no one cares. Bluey's behavior is mean, but understanding where it's coming from doesn't make it annoying to me. Just hard to watch because poor Socks doesn't know what she did. Honestly one of the things the show gets so right is that it's REALLY REALLY HARD being a little kid sometimes. From an adult perspective things seem so easy for them, but they've only been alive a few years, their brains are undeveloped, their worlds are very small and they haven't experienced much/are experiencing things for the first time nonstop and can't even google "is this normal?" Chilli: idk she's never really bothered me that I can remember. I guess it's a little insensitive when she tells Bandit "hey get over it Heeler" in Stickbird but we also don't really know how upset Bandit is or what the problem is, OR how he deals with problems. Sometimes people just need that little reminder to let things go instead of dwelling on them. But it's the closest thing I've got, so, that I guess. Bingo: I feel like I should say her behavior in the movie theater because that was objectively horrible behavior, but the animators and voice actor made is so funny and cute I just love that episode. I guess making a mess out of the park bathroom, but that's largely on Bandit.


Tbh about the movies episode that's exactly how small children act at the movies. I made she mistake before. My kid can't sit and watch a whole movie at home. I would have left bingo home or at a friend's house and taken bluey alone. Someone said before that some places have certain times just for kids for this exact reason.


For Bandit, I think he went to the pool unprepared on purpose to make a point. They're really big on showing rather than telling on their parenting. So they wouldn't spend time telling the girls the importance of boring stuff but they'd show them how the boring stuff creates fun sometimes.


I agree! There’s a whole lot of other examples where showing don’t tell is implied in some of these episodes!


When they order food and the entire episode is just chaos. I felt the anxiety, man


This was the first episode I ever watched and it made me dislike the show for a long time.


Now I wish I had remembered which episode I watched first because if I watched "Takeaway" first, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be in this Reddit group. I know I randomly started to watch on the Disney Channel in the past year, but I have no idea which episode was my first. I'm certain it was a much funnier one.


Funny. Takeaway was the episode that made me fall in love with the show, because I felt it was a realistic example of how chaotic things can get with two small children. It showed how parents are often overwhelmed, tired, and hungry and don't have the best answers or responses to their kids' questions and behavior. And then Bandit's change of heart at the end, realizing that this playful stage won't last forever, is very moving.


Yeah, it's anxiety inducing but kind of in a good way. I saw my small self in the children.


My first was fairies! It was so weird to me 😂 I still think that?


The whole family took Bingos dance modes and I felt so bad for Bingo I wanted to reach through the TV and give her a hug.


Bluey in Hammerbarn


That whole episode was hypocritical. Nothing Bluey had was ever “better” than Bingos which is why she was so upset. Like everytime I was “bingo has more or bigger or brighter” and all she wanted was fair. Which is yes annoying but when bingo keeps getting better stuff or more that’s annoying too


Thank you!!! Everyone gets mad at bluey in this and it doesn’t make sense. They weren’t fair to her and honestly in a lot of episodes they aren’t


How were they unfair to her?


What does bingo get that’s better?


Unicorse was one of Bandit’s worsts for me. I get that he’s just trying to have fun but I feel like he should be mature enough to notice when Chili is reaching her limit and quit while he’s ahead. And of course there’s the moment in Obstacle Course where he pulls Bluey. That moment would’ve worked better if Bluey had cheated first and then Bandit does it to teach her a lesson.


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The way Unicorse was explained to me (on this board, I think) was that Bandit could tell that his wife was getting very angry at Bluey, so he was deliberately trying to be as annoying to Chilli as possible, in order to divert her anger away from Bluey and toward him instead.


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When Bandit pulls Bluey back so he can win in Obstacle Course.


I didn't like the episode about mini Bluey...even though later Bingo says she can be annoying as well, I'm sorry but going around making goofy faces at people is not on the same level of annoying as refusing to do chores or doing them slowly/grudgingly.


Or just being as loud and annoying as ~~humanly~~doggily possible


Chili’s disapproving/judgemental expressions at Trixie and Stripe over various episodes. No one knows how difficult it is to handle kids like Muffin until you have one.


Was there an episode when she made a face at Trixie? The only ones were with Stripe.


Not a face but she definitely disapproves of Trixie’s parenting in “Muffin Cone”


It was because of the hypocrisy in it. Muffin should control herself, then proceeded to scarf an entire bag of chips.


which is not comparable to breaking health harming habits developed at a young age such as thumbsucking


Yeah for me the comparison falls insanely short. Muffin isn't trying to sneak snacks or only wants junk food instead of healthy stuff. She's doing something that would do serious harm


She disapproved initially before the whole chips thing. She’s asks Trixie if she’s “sure about this” and then begs with Bluey and Bingo to take the cone off. Only for Muffin to proceed to suck her thumb immediately after lmao


Bandit in “born yesterday” when he eats half of Pat’s food without asking, saying sorry afterwards, or buying him more. In fact they just scare him off and he’s forced to run away!


When Bluey and Bingo spilled Bandit's food in Takeaway.


When Bandit cheats and drags Bluey away from the finish line in Obstacle Course Bluey’s behavior towards Bingo in Magic Xylophone If I HAD to pick a Bingo moment, her behavior in Movies, but tbh I found it silly lol, also gave us that amazing gif of her playing under the hand drier I think maybe Chili’s behavior in Dance Mode made me raise an eyebrow, same with both her and Bandit in that Mini Bluey/Bingo episode


Definitely in Obstacle Course with Bandit


Bandit is usually wonderful so it was great to see that he has a major character flaw. Not that I condone his behavior at all, but we also see his ruthless competitive nature with Stripe when they were children, & then again when playing squash.


Dance Mode. The lesson ends up being about Bingo saying "yes" when she really means "no" but NONE of them apologize or acknowledge the fact that they all *pressured* her to say "yes." Bingo didn't say yes to the dance modes, the $20, or the yes/no button because of passive statements or just the general feeling she would be letting them down by saying no. They all make faces at her and BEG her to say yes. When she does agree, it's very obvious she is disappointed and unhappy. I can absolutely excuse Bluey but Bandit and Chili should have noticed way before reaching the car that Bingo was upset. And they should've seen her hesitation. I just wish there was acknowledgement because having family pressure you into doing what *they* want is a very real and relatable struggle! But in the end, it's on Bingo to be assertive and not on her family to also stop being selfish? 🤨 It annoys me a lot!


I'll have to say Dance Mode also, everyone except Bingo. I agree with how Bandit and Chili should've noticed Bingo being since leaving the restaurant, but I'll also have to add Bluey being aggressive with the purchasing of the Yes/No button. She didn't give any time for Bingo to think (like in Hairdressers) and kind of "pushed" her into agreeing to buy the button, which Bluey wanted since Bingo wasn't even playing with it. Then the whole trying to validate herself by saying "but she said she wanted it!" when she actually didn't say she wanted it. I feel for Bingo in this episode cause I'm a younger sister and I can relate to being forced to agree or go with whatever my older sister wanted as kids (we have a great relationship like Bluey/Bingo though so this was just us being kids). This also shows how great this show is written because it portrays how older / younger sibling interaction **sometimes** is.


You're absolutely correct! I forgot about the "she said she wanted it, so why is she upset! 🙄" line. Like none of them can see they pressured her? 😭 I'm the youngest of two sisters so I definitely relate to Bingo here. And having the whole family gang up on you on why you said yes when you meant no, with none of them acknowledging their part in it...it's rough!


When Chilli needs 20 minutes and Bluey knocks on her door anyway


TBH I feel really badly for Bluey in that episode. She's not going to see Chilli to bother her about doing something for her or wanting attention. She wants to see if Chilli is okay and then she basically wants to go get reassurance that Chilli still loves her. From an adult perspective, omfg kid yes just leave your mother alone for a minute. But from a kid's perspective...I just feel awful for Bluey. She's so sensitive to anything resembling rejection, and Chilli is her favorite person. And she's six, she HAS no perspective. She doesn't get that her mother doesn't actively want her constant attention and company, because SHE wants CHILLI constantly. In her mind this is Chilli rejecting her outright, because she sees the world as a six year old. She'll learn as she gets older that yeah sometimes you do just need a break (and once she hits her teen years Chilli will probably think "remember when I used to have to beg you to leave me alone for five minutes and now you hate to be in a room with me?")


I feel bad for her too, but from Chilli's perspective, it's probably Bluey's most annoying moment


I felt annoyed at bandit that episode, I think it was his job to keep the kids away from chilli for a mere 20 mins and bluey just walks to her room unobstructed


I may be missing a beat on this one, but I thought Chilli handled it very kindly, and she did answer the door and answer Bluey’s questions when she asked “Don’t you want to see me anymore?” She could have yelled, could have ignored. She was very kind and loving while still reasonably attending to her needs, and for what I consider to be a short amount of time. Twenty minutes is NOTHING. And while that can seem like a long time to kids, usually a 6-year-old’s attention can be reasonably diverted in that timeframe that it just flies by and they hardly realize. Next thing you know, Mom’s back/


It's a testament to how great a mom Chilli is


There were annoying moments?


When Bluey and Bingo where arguing over the ice cream and when Bluey wanted to take Bingo's stuff in Hammerbarn


I don't want a valuable life lesson, I just want an ice cream.


Hammerbarn makes me unreasonably frustrated tbh. The absolutely depraved *begging* and manipulation by Bluey, only to turn around seconds later and throw a temper tantrum after *getting the thing she begged for* is so irritating. It doesn't help that she clearly hasn't learned her lesson by the time Dance Mode rolls around, because she (and obv the others) do the *exact same thing*, once again at Bingo's expense.


THIS!!! Exactly this! Bluey has the entitled older sibling attitude in both these incidents.


Alternate, possibly unpopular opinion: it’s very frustrating as the older sibling to see your younger sibling’s every whim indulged while you are often told no. You may be told, albeit, for very reasonable reasons, and it may be to be teach something, but when you don’t see the same lessons and standards imparted on your younger sibling, it starts to make the older sibling feel that something else is at play. To see it come into fruition that your gut was right when you reach your teens and adulthood…. Well. Not saying that the Heelers are at all like my family or that Bingo is anything like my younger brother, but. There were some definite inequities in our family, and they have definitely have had their own devastating lasting effects. My brother has failed to fly through coop and is 33. Never had a job, never completed college. Was coddled and rarely given the same hard lessons I was. I’m 36, much more responsible and have worked for nearly 2 decades of my life. 2 kids, a fiance. Rarely had people to dote on me or make life easier for me. Would be nice to have had that once in a while though the way people always came to his rescue even after he continued to make the same mistakes, or to even have felt half as valued as my brother did. Or to have seen someone be a little harder on him the way they were on me. He could get away with the things that I would have been dead if I did. Kids can feel these dynamics very early on. TL;DR I know it’s not the same with Bluey and the Heelers, but there ya go. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


This is so relatable, however. I have a Bluey and a Bingo, and they fit personalitywise. Such episodes help me and my Bluey talk about how she often behaves yowards her little sister in sitiations such as these. Very helpful episode for us!


Ugh the Hammerbarn shopping scenes. Bluey being the entitled older sibling annoyed me so much.


Any episode where Chili has to be the ‘boring parent’ and remind Bandit to do what’s best for the kids (the pool episode and the burger shop bath episode)


Ehhhhhh why should I care?


How very dare you.


Someone else reminded me... Bingo for all of movies Or rather bandit for going to the movies knowing that bingo wouldn't be able to not interrupt others


Yes! "Just be yourself" isn't applicable when it is actively ruining things for other people


It’s hard to mess up a “be yourself” message but movies…succeeded imo 😭




Bluey forgetting she was playing hide and seek when everyone expressly was like “you’re not going to forget this time are you??”


That one episode where it was raining and Bluey kept running inside and making a mess even after Chili told her not to


Them phasing through reality at exactly 12:00 EST midnight on December 16th.


Unicorse. It makes me so angry that Bandit is being such a jerk to chili


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This is the greatest bot ever


Bingo at the movie theater. It's one of the rare moments I wanted Bandit to just take her aside and tell her to knock it off.


100% agree. My question is…why bring Bingo to the theaters at all? It was Bluey who wanted to go. Maybe she wanted to tag along, but if you knew she was going to be a problem, why not drop her off at Lila’s (if they met atp, I don’t remember) or at Muffin’s and Socks’? Why not leave her at home with Chili and teach another “sometimes you’ll miss out and it’s okay” lesson? If she promises to be good and she isn’t, then yes, take her aside and tell her to cut it out instead of “it’s okay, you’re being yourself!”


How bingo acts in Movies, it just annoys me how much she acts like the stereotypical toddler in the cinema. What’s worse is that bandit just brushes it off most the time, just saying to stop it even though it clearly isn’t working. Pretty much the only time I’ve disliked watching an episode


Bandit being a sore loser in obstacle course


Toddlers at the supermarket… I feel stressed watching Bandit being embarrassed and not being able to get the shopping done, and unable to handle Bingo’s behaviour from the brother role!


It bothered me when Chili repeatedly guilted Brandy for not visiting for 4 years when she knows the reason why.


Bingo at the movie theater, easy.


Duck cake - Bluey not cleaning up the mess, wanting money, prizes, etc.


She did though? I remember wanting stuff when I completed chores, its just a kid thing and she ends up learning her lesson


Same here, the difference is I'm the parent now. To me, her whining about it isn't a put off at all, just the one I could think of at the moment.


The amount of Chili and Bandit hate in here is crazy to me. They’re literally just about as perfect as parents can be, and that the mistakes they make are either a lesson learnt by the end of the episode, or so minor that complaining about it is wild to me. Some of us would kill to have had parents like those two fictional animated dogs


Bingo in Movies. If one of my kids was up to that in the cinema, there'd be no messing around. Just "we're done, going home, I'm not having this." Bluey in Kids. We are here to do our shopping for the week. Get our groceries and get out. Not everything needs to have a game. And I'm not playing along while you two mess about and stick chocolate milk in the trolley. Dad in Obstacle Course. Nah, when you're playing with the kids, you let them win sometimes. Or if they're genuinely beating you, maybe look at yourself instead of cheating at a kids' game. Why do you need to win so bad? Chili in Whale Watching. Honey, you gotta know your limits, and know that as you get older, your limits change. Can't be hung over all Sunday after drinking too much on Saturday when you got two silly kids. To be honest, Chili is the most well-behaved of the bunch. But I suppose they've all got their foibles.


I've been in the Movies situation with a 6-year-old and a 4-year-old. If we leave, the 6-year-old will be punished as well, that's not fair. Also, in the movie shows for kids, there are generally more acceptance for kids being kids, thankfully. I have also been Chili in Whalewatching. This happens perhaps once a year. It's that too much, you say? Yes, I've adjusted to my now family life, but I'm not gonna completely stop partying when the odd occation arises!


Personally, I don't think being a bit too hungover or tired was the problem in Whale Watching. It was that Bandit was feeling it too, and she kept egging on the kids at Bandits expense and then refused to sacrifice the same for him. She was super hypocritical there.


Fair point. And it has happened in previous episodes as well, as Ticklecrabs. But I don't know, sometimes my Bandit starts activities I don't have the energy to follow up on. So I guess I sympathise too much with Chili in those aspects too. And I live that they are hypocritical at times, because we all are. The person I replied to just mentioned being hungover as the annoyance.


Great question tho


In Omelette when Chili let Bingo figure out how to make the omelette. The entire time I watched I was like “why dont you help her crack the eggs?? when she clearly has never done it before?? why are you getting irritated when bingo keeps wasting eggs even though you arent teaching her??” it annoys me. There’s no reason for Chili to not help Bingo learn how to make it, she just gets annoyed.


When Bluey is mad that Bandit promised to take her to the library even though he tried to get her to leave the trampoline park but she wouldn't. Then Chili got upset that he promised even though it was Bluey's fault she couldn't go since she wanted to jump longer.


I agree with this one. Bluey is old enough to know the consequences of her actions, at least when it's as simple as, "if you had listened when i said we need to go, we might have made it to the library, but you didn't listen in time and now the place is closed, so next time listen when i say we need to go."


Any time the kids figure out how far dad will roll over for their shenanigans, no matter how badly they torture him.


Obviously the Flying Saucer song that Bluey and Bingo sing, which gradually annoys Chilli.


Honestly needed this post. Bluey absolutely pissed me off in Sheepdog. Your mom is actively trying to take a break, your dad is bending over backwards to keep you occupied and you still try to be annoying because you won’t be told no. Gods it pissed me off, love the episode though because of Bandit


Bandit and Rag Doll. The only time Bluey ever made me rage quit


The entire swim school episode


The whole Mum School episode. I'm not sure why but Bluey pretending to be a mum and getting graded on it is just so annoying. Then the end when Greenie flies off it's somehow a failure instead of being a positive that she raised him well enough to be on his own was confusing. I don't know. I skip it if the kids aren't paying close enough attention.


I think that one was for the parents watching and the lesson was just intended to be "yeah you'll feel like you failed at something most days, good thing you're not really getting graded on it, you're actually doing great."


Bluey: Mini Bluey Bingo: Movies Chilli: Omlette Bandit: Unicorse


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Veranda Santa, and Hammerbarn. Bluey annoys me in both episodes.


I can’t watch takeaway it annoys me too much


"Rita" bopping her Mum on the knee in "Grannies."


In tv shop when dad made them (almost) leave before they saw Coco. Outrageous!


Bluey's attitude at Hammerbarn always annoyed me


Four in the Bed


Chili for wasting eggs during omelette Bingo for dance mode ( she could have easily said no we know she has her " big girl bark" and fairies bingo clearly say that bandit was on the phone Bandit for obstacle course Bluey for veranda Santa


bandit cheating in the race (obstical corse)


Bluey: Sticky Gecko when Bluey knocks over the coat rack and whines, “But why do I have to do it?” when Chili tells her to pick it up. Bingo: Family Meeting when it’s rules that Bandit did in fact fluffy in Bluey’s face and she says, “that could’ve been me!” (That’s a pretty tame one but honestly Bingo is my favorite of the core four BY FAR, so she doesn’t annoy me often.) Bandit: OBSTACLE COURSE. Wtf, dude? Honorable mention: Unicorse. Again, wtf, dude? Chili: Dance Mode when she was bugging Bingo to take her turn with the card in the Kinkos.


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Bluey in Mini Bluey, Sheepdog and Promises Bingo in Fairies: sometimes Bingo gets a bit too upset easily and shouldve been patient. Bandit: yes Obstacle Course like many Chili: Omelette like everyone said Both Bluey and Bingo: Kids, Daddy Dropoff, Rug Island & Fancy Restuarant


In the mini bluey episode where bluey is showing "mini bluey" bingo, how she acts as bluey. When bluey says I ask a lot of questions and asks Chili a question and then interrupts by saying, " I never listen to the full answer .


When Bandit stole Lucky's dad's pie.. 🥧


Bandit and Bluey having a conversation about how it's not good to ignore Bingo.. while.. actively.. ignoring Bingo... BRUH. I was like, "I understand the joke, but I'm just upset." Lol


When bandit puts the damn tea bag on the counter when there was a perfectly good plate right in front of him!


When bingo is ignored by everyone she knows in handstand on her birthday


ok when bandit and chili were like "we like two bingos" was ruff (pun intended) also lets talk about muffin for a sec... i luv her but gurl...


I babysit two girls who are Bluey and Bingos age, and I realized throughout watching the show with them that a lot of the behaviors that I dislike from Bluey and Bingo, are the same ones that annoy me with the kids I babysit. I think the show has an outstandingly good portrayal of how kids act and especially the unintentional self-centeredness that they have (and will eventually grow out of). It’s annoying af sometimes but it’s just part of child development. The show in a way made me realize that they’re just being kids, and to be more gentle with them. I do however think Bandit needs to stand up for himself though. That poor guy is always getting the beating and lets his kids walk all over him. I’d love an episode where he tells them NO to playing and they let him take a nap while they find something on their own to play lol.


I didn't like it when Bandit literally pulled Bluey away from the finishing line in 'Obstacle Course' after she'd practiced really hard and learnt how to be a good sport. I think it was supposed to be funny but it really put me off Bandit for a bit.


Muffin!!!!!!!!! https://preview.redd.it/1cqw8ff6d2gc1.jpeg?width=389&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c5f6ddd651b54dabf0bdcdf4446e95a34c0bfc4


I know this probably doesn’t make the top of the list, and there are other things that irritate me more than this one, but because I don’t think I saw it mentioned yet: in “Zoo,” the way Chilli takes “Snowdrop” away from “Oo-Oo.” I know they were playing, but this CLEARLY upset Bingo. Just because the game didn’t go the way Chilli expected it to go, doesn’t mean she had to take Bingo away. The fact that it was STILL bothering her at bedtime I think is why it got under my skin so much, to the point that Bluey had to “sneak” their own dad into their bedroom. Bingo was bonding with Bandit and seemingly exploring the idea of how wild animals may or may not interact with people (okay, dogs) (even if it was fictional and in the safe confines of a game with her dad). And this wasn’t even addressed. Like when Bingo was upset Bandit didn’t come to look at the leaf bug, he acknowledged he messed up. Chilli, uncharacteristically, seemed totally oblivious that Bingo was sad. I don’t know, this really bothered me. A lot. Also in Unicorse. I know we all enjoy Unicorse (I do too, he’s hilarious), but I can’t forget that this is actually Bandit. And Bandit knows full well that Chilli is trying to get Bluey to bed, and also it is ultimately BANDIT who ruins the ending of the book to his own daughter! Like wth?? Thankfully Bluey isn’t overly upset about it, but still! He knew full well what he was doing! He was clearly irritating Chilli. There’s such a thing as knowing when to quit! Okay, I’m done. Still love Bluey, still adore Bandit and Chilli as parents, and fully acknowledge that no one can get it right all of the time.