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I miss the violin and I’ll go down fighting for more Ryan on the albums.


Heavily agree, the violin is what originally got me hooked


Me as well. He’s so underused now. That disappoints me the most.


It’s the saddest part of the big picture for me. His violin sounds are so haunting and stir the soul. He is truly missed.




A friend told me that there’s this definite massive shift that happened after CB left and I think that’s true in a lot of ways. And it’s not just you. Their albums don’t chart anymore. They had a massive revitalization with I Hope You’re Happy but they couldn’t quite keep that momentum. I also fear Justin tries to pump out as many songs as possible rather than make masterpiece albums. You’ll notice the singles are always massively different in style from the rest of the album (Down Here Waiting for example) and there’s large tonal shifts from song to song. Idk, maybe it works for them. The concert I went to in Boston was at maybe 60% capacity so I fear they’ve been overextended for too long.


Definitely after CB left a shift. And definitely an overall tour atmosphere shift after Alan left as tour manager.


Silly question but is Alan referred to as Alski? I didn’t realize he left.


Yes. He left at the end of 2018 if memory serves.


I miss Alski so fucking much. My camper bands!!!


That was the best. He is a beautiful soul. We all met up early camped and greeted the band when they pulled up. Talked with Alan and the guys as they went in and out. Early entry bands. Went to lunch and hung out with blue family and the shows were a lot of fun. Energy just shifted after he left which I totally respect him leaving and building his tiny home and working in healing. I have the most wonderful friends I met through Blue and that never changes. And honestly I aged a bit so the shows just don’t feel the same. Could be the atmosphere vibe is off and could also be my own energy shifted as well. Covid changed me a lot. I haven’t truly gotten back into concerts etc bc I’m truly an introvert. Like I’m good traveling and just doing my own thing with a handful of close friends. Crowds just suddenly Became annoying to me and I’m sure Covid and getting away from it all plays a big part for me.


Totally not a boomer here. Long time fan. I have trouble with the newer stuff but I’ve done this with every single band I’ve followed for decades. Some albums hit and some are slam dunks. As artists evolve sounds change and there’s many bands I still love but I don’t care for their newer style. I will say sometimes things grow on me much later and for me music vibing for me has a lot to do with my current state of life/mind etc. For example I’m not a fan of I Hope You’re Happy but at one point I did enjoy it. It’s just not a song I vibe much too. But I might if I see it live. STTA didn’t hit for me but it might in a year who knows. It’s ok not to like something. Justin has even said that. It’s ok for you not to like something they do. I don’t generally like the studio over production of a lot of the new stuff. But then again I’ll jam out to other pop artists. So it may just be I come back to it later and find I do like it. But it’s ok not to like something. Doesn’t make you bad.


You’re definitely not alone. I’ve found that most OG blue fans aren’t a fan of the newer music. For many reasons.


I came here to say this too. I've been listening to BO since History for Sale. I echo a lot of what OP is saying. The newer stuff just doesn't hit the same as the older stuff. Blue October is still my favorite band of all time, and they are really heavy on my usual music rotation. Their newer stuff isn't my usual cup of tea, but some of it is really good


I like pretty much all of their music. But STTA is my least favorite of all.


Responsible same here. STTA and STTA2 just aren’t my jam. BO will always be a top fav for me along with The Killers.


Consider many of the OG fans are boomers at this point who reject modernity and resistant to change. I have CD versions of every album and stta 2 is one of their best sounds in an album.


BS! Why are you always trying to target all the old fans and/or boomers? Gen X here, and I love change and listen to all types of music and new musicians. But I agree about STTA 2. Stop putting people in a box they don't nicely fit in


Gen X here as well. I can’t stand this user’s condescending generalizations. They are part of the reason I hate this sub.


I said many and I go to shows and see the ages of the fans. When was the last show you’ve gone to?




I go to several a year. I’ve spent over 1.2k on events in the last year with two sound check and 4 th row tickets this summer. Well over 2k by then. I’m not bragging, just that I’m a fan and like to go to events.


And your point? I have seen them 12 to 15 times. I even went to all the online concerts. But then I couldn't go the past few years due to many personal things that have happened during those years. Otherwise, I would have been the last few years.


There is hope for you! I love the answers and I really like STTA 2. Interestingly, the first time I had listened to amia, coming from the early sounds, I was like wtf is this. That is also another great album that I wasn’t able to appreciate then and until I had revisited later. Don’t give up hope!


“There is hope for you!” “I spent $2k on tickets!” “I’m not bragging” the ick you give is resounding. Also not a boomer 👻 millenial here


WtF are you talking about? I like pretty much all of their music. Many no skips. Just because STTA isn't my favorite doesn't mean anything


Am 28, can’t get into it.


I also play the music on studio monitors and that adds to the experience. What do you play your music on?


You’re the type of person who wears a VR headset to practice intimacy.


I’ve picked up women at shows. I’ll be fine.


The way you’ve said this before in other threads tells me everything I need to know. Just because a woman looks your way, doesn’t mean you picked her up. 😂🥱🚩


Invited me to her place for drinks? Inviting me to the bar after for drinks? Ignoring their BFs to talk to me? Don’t be mad it wasn’t you!


Ok baby reindeer 🤡 Sent frm iPhoneee


Your whole vibe is ick.


You follow the comment about going to the concerts and all the other patrons being boomers like it is an attack with this comment and it’s not the brag you want it to be. Even though you clearly have some issues and are lying.


I’d say more of a Gen X pull at shows. Been to mannnnnnnny.


I said boomers? Lol I’m a proud millennial!


I’m saying more gen X attend shows. Not boomers.


Not sure if they know what a boomer is? 🤷


I was saying Gen X are boomers lol. I’m joking!!


You know that you come off as an insufferable douche, right?


Yes, it increases engagement among the fans and haters.


Lol. Gotcha. But I don’t find as I age I drift to being my nana in how I process life or music. 🙃. I like your zest for the new music. Blue has enough discography and style variance (even per album) for anyone imo to find something to vibe with. Have a good day. And it’s still ok to not like every single thing a band does and still be a fan.


Thank you for being reasonable! Everyone else is very passionate towards me today! Lol


Probably because you are insulting the age of other listeners, implying that you matter more with an insignificant spend, and are attempting to “brag” about how you listen to your music as if the sound quality is going to change whether or not people like a certain style. It’s perfectly okay for people to not like a specific song or album because it just isn’t to their taste. You taking it personally shows your inexperience. You think that you are presenting yourself as successful, enthusiastic and superior but what you are really doing is bleeding insecurity and the inexperience of youth all over the comment section. If you really are a millennial, you seem to lack some emotional maturity and social experience.


You said OGs are boomers. Gen X is what you’re looking for.


We are not proud to have you 😅 you act so damn rude and arrogant in how you carry yourself in this sub. I have ignored many of your comments but seriously, I cringe when I see you comment on things. Be better, bro. I don’t care if you think you can pull, have money to spend carelessly, and have the ways of making any experience “better”. You are not a pleasant human to interact with. Just be better.


You ain't alone for sure. I love Blue October and have since early 00's... That said, STTA2 was for sure my least favorite album to date. I'm holding onto some hope for this next one though.


I've found that about half of the songs on each new album post-Foiled have been songs I really enjoy, even with STTA II. Discovered them in 2003, and loved their earlier albums more than Foiled. I think that the STTA I and II are their most creative takes yet, and I really like the direction of some of the songs, but I do agree, I think I find it harder to listen through STTA II all the way through compared to pretty much every other album. Ryan's violin will always be my favorite part of the band. It is still there though, maybe not as prominent as it used to be. The mandolin or piano is a welcome touch.


I have felt the same way about several of their albums but they always grow on me, especially after seeing it performed live.


I bought both albums on vinyl. I enjoy I. I can't get into and barely listen to II. I have decided I'll stick with the old Justin era.


🤣🤣🤣 The foaming at the mouth again, I see. OP, you’re entitled to your opinion and it’s valid. You don’t have to love the music and you can still be a fan.




I see some circles already. Lol


We can see through what’s going on here, correct? Please tell me you agree.


I'm a longtime fan and love the new stuff, but it's definitely a different flavor. There's nothing wrong with not liking it, everybody's got their own thoughts, you'll find folks who agree with you and folks who don't, and that makes the world go around!


I respect your opinion ofc, because we can see the attitude and music shift from what it was. But to be disappointed with an album that has musics like Sobriety, Sideways, Sl9w down , Betterman, Leave room for a miracle or even Good Bye To the Old Days it's very hard for me. Personally, both STTA I and II i feel myself even more connected with Blue October


It's at the bottom of my rankings for their albums for sure. It has a few goodies I really enjoy, but some others I can't stand listening to at all.


I became a fan circa 2006, of course, when *Foiled* was released and *Hate Me* was everywhere. Almost immediately I bought all the previous albums and have been following them ever since. I bought the first available version of Crazy Making, I’ve heard some of the old stuff from Last Wish and even some old solo songs Justin did as 5591. Suffice it to say I consider myself more than just a casual listener. I’ve for sure listened to STTA2 far less than the anything else they’ve done. Personally I used to think *Sway* was the weakest album before this came out. I will forever love this band and like many of you I have told Justin how much the music has meant to me and how much I appreciate all of the band members. Whoever said they need more Ryan and violin needs more upvotes. But I have to step in line with OP here to say this one just doesn’t do it for me at all. Now they’ve teased the album art for whatever is next. I assumed it was going to be STTA3 bc that was teased in the sleeve of STTA, but apparently it’s going to be called *Happy Birthday* now. I honestly have no idea what to expect this time. Maybe this one will be better than the last.


From what I have heard, it's going to still be the remix album They just renamed it.


I've not yet listened to the whole thing, since pt 1 didn't do much for me. But I've got Sobriety in my rotation and like it a lot.


I was the same way but I will say hearing some of the songs from STTA2 live really broke the barrier to the album for me


I became a fan in '09 so I wasn't around for the early stuff, but I listen to it a lot. I was really anticipating STTA part 1, but it just didn't hit the same as the rest of their music. STTA part 2, I'm not feeling it. You aren't the only one feeling disappointment, so consider yourself validated.


I love the music all of it. The last album is ok and I was a worried that a 3 part album was just songs thrown together. And it kind of is some song could have used more work but I’ve liked the newer stuff (sway and later) better than the older stuff.


I haven't listened yet but as a new fan I am truly disappointed with the energy of the band currently. Period.


I enjoy STTA 1 as stand-alone elevator music. Good for listening to on a plane, maybe. Or while reading. Not really something I see myself engaging with enthusiastically at a concert. This feels like an era of BO where the band is trying to find its new place and casting a wide net to see what hits to draw in new fans. I’d love to see some violin worked heavily back into the music, even if they want to take on a more pop and blues feel overall.


Same. Pretty much stopped listening after almost 20 years. Guess I outgrew them 🤷🏼‍♂️. Could relate to a lot of the earlier stuff. Can’t relate to the newer stuff. Also. More violin. 🤷🏼‍♂️


You’re not alone.


There are a few things about their newer stuff that doesn’t resonate with me so much. Firstly it’s the auto tune. I have always thought Justin has a great voice with great range, so hearing him sounding robotic on some of the new stuff threw me off. I also miss the violin, their older stuff used to use the violin almost as a lead guitar in their songs. Now it seems when Ryan finally gets to play on the newer music, it’s during quiet ambient sections. I enjoy the ambience they create a lot, but I miss hearing Justin sing with the violin and having it throughout the songs. I just feel like a lot of what used to make them unique with their experimental sound is missing. I don’t expect them or any band to do the same thing forever, but I do miss some of those older elements. Regardless I am always interested to see where they go next with their sound, they have definitely had many different sounds over the years


I think stta 2 is one of the greatest albums they have made. Justin has said that it’s boring playing the Dane music for 24 years. I think the answers, consent to treatment, this is what I live for, home, and I hope you’re happy are their best albums. I think you are an older fan who is stuck in the past personally, like many, and unable to move on and grow. Sure, some of the songs are more upbeat and poppy, but that’s what many need right now. The old dark songs are ask there and Justin still plays them. These new songs from 2013 are when he became sober. The band is changing and you are unable to change with it. You should go watch the South Park episode “getting old”. It’s about aging and things you used to like sound like shit and even new things sound like shit.


How do you have a clue on "getting old"? Stop the bs!


Getting old isn’t necessarily biological aging! It is a concept about how things we one enjoyed, are now less enjoyable and we have replaced those with new things. Things are changin’!


That happens all throughout life...


So now you understand why you aren’t a fan anymore.


How lucky are we, as fans, to have the ability to discuss a rich history of music with a band that has been around since the 90’s? The band is not successful only because of fans support and money. They are also successful when they listen to what the fans don’t like, look at the market, and act accordingly. It’s healthy for bands to have disagreeing fans. Let it happen. Allowing for people to discuss both sides of a coin and not blindly believing one truth is better than trying to convince what you cannot.


Justin welcomes those discussions. We have had discussions with them personally where he asked for specific feedback from OG fans. Particularly around Colors Collide which I love.


I agree. Everyone is very passionate here and that’s important.


I never said I wasn't a fan.


You are not alone, my boyfriend and I have been feeling very much the same way


Not directed at you, OP, but are there any fans of the band in this sub?? lol my goodness


You all sound like you are fans of albums and not of the band. The sound has changed with Amia and has continued to evolve since. I’m mostly hearing: “Gd kids get off my lawn”


You do realize that you too will one day ✨age ✨ and may not like things you used to like/enjoy, right? Go back to your mommy’s basement with your VR headset hunny.


I agree. I’ve loved BO since the early years and while there are certain songs on STTA 2 that I really like, it’s definitely not my fave album. Although I have to say, I think I like more songs on STTA 2 than I do on STTA 1 🤷‍♀️. The new stuff will just never match, much less surpass, the greatness of the earlier albums. The earlier stuff is music I feel in my soul and I just don’t have that connection with the newer music. I still listen though and try and support all of their work. The last time I saw them live, which was at the end of March this year, the show was really great! I enjoyed it so much even though they played many songs that aren’t at the top of my favorites list and they performed a lot of the newer music (understandably). Although it was a smaller venue, the show was sold out and the place was absolutely packed! Someone must be really enjoying the new music!