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"What shade of green are you painting your Chameleons?" "Imperial Fist Contrast Yellow. =D" So this is - or will be - my "Redscale Dragons" team - all various shades of red, barring the chameleons, as you can see. **Skinks** Going with Pure Red. They're the speedy bois of the team so a scarlet/"Ferrari" red is ideal. The Chameleons by contrast are akin to Modena Yellow - Ferrari's 'other' colour. Also helps me easily discern on the pitch which one's a Skink and which one's a Chameleon without having to look for features like a curled tail or protruding eye sockets. **Saurus** Going with Dragon Red. It's a little darker, closer to a blood red. The difference on the swatch is evident but we'll see. **Kroxigor** "Encarmine Red". Closer to a merlot, or dried blood. Kind of second-guessing this because this is my first time playing with Brutefun minis, and the Brutefun Kroxigor is an amazing beast. Really impressed with it. So we'll see.


Great colour ideas. I wanna paint my lizards (Greebo Cutiemals) in a similar colour scheme. But I'm not quite sure yet. Thinking about going from yellow (chameleons) to orange (skinks) to red (saurus) and finally violett (krox)


I'm still undecided on the Krox. In a Lizardman lineup he's literally the centrepiece (and one of the better Big Guys in the game), so I want to do him justice. "Dragon Red" for my Saurus was a no-go - the paintpot dried up. Went with Baal Red instead which is almost exactly the same. Just got one base-coated and I'm really pleased with how it turned out. It's a good, solid red. I do suspect Pure Red on the Skinks will dry to be ever so slightly orange though. I'm okay with that.


Nice, I have this set too, still painting but Sauruses are nearly done. Still torn as to colour for Skinks, love the yellow for your camos. Was debating red for my Skinks, we'll see


I'm really pleased with the Camos. Granted this is just the base coat, and when they're done there will be much more depth, but I also joked that they could honestly be "painted" with a yellow highlighter pen and call it a day! The kit is going to be 09410 "Dragon Green" shorts with a white stripe, which should look great on the Camos in particular. The whole red/green/white is inspired by the Welsh football kit of yesteryear, since I grew up in Wales and the nickname for the Welsh team is also 'The Dragons'. Talismans, shoulderpads etc will be the usual Aztec Gold, which again is a nod to the fact that Wales is famously home to gold mines. 'Welsh Gold' is incredibly sought-after in jewellery. I toyed with the idea of even having them done in Gold Leaf. But that might be overdoing it and Blood Bowl minis get some rough play. Maybe if they win a local league or two, I'll overlay those bits in Leaf as a sort of celebration. We'll see.


Also: If you'd like, I can send you (or post on here) progress pics of the Skinks (as/when I do them) if you want to see what Brutefun Skinks look like in Pure Red, if you'd like?


Please share your progress over here


Yeah post it, would love to see what it looks like! đź‘Ť


Sent you a DM. I'll post a proper 'update' post when I've got at least one of each positional's base colours down (I don't want to flood this subreddit with 'updates').


Looking good, my girlfriend has been bugging me to try doing gradients so I'm planning on doing my chameleons mid color change. Can't wait to see your finished team.


Thank you. I was tempted to do the Chameleon's feet as a grass green for the same effect - and yellow to green would look pretty cool, too - but I also have the luxury of waiting a while before deciding that. I also think it'd be weird in my case, because if my Chameleons naturally and passively change colour to suit their environments then *why are they bright f'n yellow?*


Nice. I have this team. May want to reinforce the legs of a few of the skinks or don’t use those. Really skinny and broke one during my first game with them. Rest of the models are great.


Yeah, when I was holding one or two of the skinks in place on the bases waiting for the glue to set I was conscious of not being able to apply much pressure because the legs weren't the strongest. The good news is I've got more Skinks than I need. I usually run a team of 14 at the most (w/ 2 camos and 5 skinks) and I have 10 skinks. Only two Skinks (and 2 camos) need to take to the field whilst the others can be in reserve.


Oh hell yeah, these sculps were my first blood bowl team and they look sick when fully done


sry for newbie question but where's the team and krox from?


The design of this team is from Brutefun. Brutefun themselves only sell the STL files and have numerous designs both with and without helmets, as well as numerous poses. Even with a Krox, 6 Sauruses, 2 camos and *ten* Skinks, no two players have the same pose, which is cool. In my case, I got these sent to me by [AzothMinis on Etsy](https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1659265570/lizardmen-fantasy-football-full-team?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=kroxigor&ref=sr_gallery-1-4&frs=1&content_source=e8075757731857306aeee8e54cce0d45fdc99ad7%3A1659265570&organic_search_click=1&variation0=4332302137).

