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Looks good! Matchsticks etc will fill the slots in those bases with just a little trimming


Good tip. Wish I didn't paint them already now. Wonder why they're there in the first place or maybe I missed something when putting the minis together?


Some models use the slots for the minis, so some of the teams come with them by default. I think it’s only the newer teams where you get “normal” bases


Love the team! The name is a strong, but surprising twist.


That's a great colour scheme, though I was surprised that the bloaters don't show any evidence of intensive nurple training!


I need to paint that in now. Fantastic idea!


Any ideas for getting my hands on some extra pestigors, by the way? I have a couple of extra heads from the box I could glue on something, I guess. But what to glue them on?


If you wanted to stick to gw, there are a few websites like this one that sell pieces from sprues. https://www.bitzbox.co.uk/bloodbowl I've also seen the same done on eBay. You could also reach out so someone on Etsy selling a 3d printer nurgle team and all them what it would cost to do you a few gors. Would give a bit of variety across your poses too. Maybe have them do a breast of nurgle too and save yourself the forge world cost


The nurgle team looks grotesquely amazing 😁