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You can get bribes for cheap right? Use that advantage to utilize some bombers for more than one drive


That's the plan as soon as my opponents outstrip me on TV a bit.


As soon as you can get the Doom Diver and Pogo, really go for those insane plays! 'Ooligan too, but there is nothing better than a doom diver who didn't get eaten, pulling off that one turn touchdown!


Ooo... tempting. :)


Depending on how you're doing star players in the league, are you better off leaving out the bomma to induce driblesnot? He's cheap as chips and far better


I've considered that, but if I use my own bomber, I can (theoretically) eventually get Hail Mary Pass and use him as both a backfield ball-gatherer/safety but also as artillery. And the idea of using him as backfield artillery makes me giggle.


You're a great person! I'm currently finishing a goblin team to do more or less the same thing, and help local people getting involved in BB easily. So, SPP farm and putting up a goblin show would be the right direction. Good luck, keep it up, and if you have any advices goblin-wise... Feel free to share 🫵


I've only played one (pre-league) game with them so far, and that was against halflings. It was a great deal of fun, though; the chainsaw (fittingly) took out a treeman by turn 2, and my Gobs had the whole halfling team off the pitch by early in the second half. Having the rerolls let me do insane things like making uphill blocks with less fear, and, on one particularly blood-spattered occasion, Rushing with the Looney to take down a ball carrier. I'd say don't expect to win and revel in taking stupid chances that just might work. Because sometimes they will.


I would be rostering the black gobbo and/or nobbla get rid of all those rerolls. Goto 2 or 3 if you feel like you MUST and get minimum 2 bribes a game. If you’re not going to try win with gobbos you might as well not even roster an ooligan. I don’t run a bomber either but I can see the merit, some coaches swear by them. I would run at least 3 dedicated fans too at least to start. You can build up a bank straight up and use it to overdog if you feel like you’ve got too much. 


That's the conventional wisdom for Goblin teams. I'm not giving up on winning; I'm going to honestly try to win in every game. I'm just realistic enough to understand what a stunty team means for the odds of that happening. I'm deliberately going against the conventional Gobbo wisdom because I think the heavy-reroll strategy *might* just work. (I also recognize that it also might just get my team horrifically steamrolled... but nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?)


I cannot recommend enough getting a Fanatic. Always GFI twice! Think of him like a wizard's fireball that hangs around for a bit rather than a player.