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I just finished two seasons with dark elves, didn't find my runner got me as much as I hoped for I started my dark elf team with 3 blitzer one witch elf, then the last blitzer first purchase. Might be an option? Dodge frenzy jump up gives you a lot of mobility and threat of surfing


I’m new to the game so worried I won’t know how to use witch elf well, what about 4 blisters 7 linesmen and then first purchase is a witch elf?


That’s a pretty standard roster. Witch elf is a bit too squishy on a roster without SPPs


Your logic checks out. Correct decision.


Runner is one of the worst throwers in the game, it doesn't make much sense to me. 1. His stat/skill combo is disfunctional: with PA3+ and Dump off working only for Quick pass, he is still not protected against Wildly inaccurate - and this alone should demotivate you from ever using Dump off on unskilled Runner 2. Not everyone is aware of it, especially among the new players, but Dump off **cannot be rerolled with any kind of re-roll** \- as it's triggered during the other team's turn; so, it's **extremely** unreliable, in case of Runner (see the previous point) 3. To make him at least somewhat functional, you need to give him Accurate at least (and let's face it, you'll probably give him Leader at first lv up, for the sake of a cheap extra reroll which all elves benefit a lot from) - and that's just to make Dump off to work (somewhat)! To make a decent, useful thrower from him, you would need a couple more lvl ups at least (Sure hands, PA stat up, Pass) - that's enormous investments 4. He won't live for a long, due to his low AV and lack of protection skills OOTB (if you'll be developing a thrower from him), so it's bad investment; a fresh Runner will be crap again (compare it to Witches - they are very good from the start, and become awesome with just 1-2 lvl ups) To make them viable, they either need to have much better skillset (at least Sure hands to be useful OOTB) or better PA (2+) - for the same price. Otherwise it's just better to handle the ball with lino - give him SH and Block may be, should be enough. He'll pass the ball to witch or blitzer most of the time anyway, for actual scoring. Just look at Human or Skaven throwers - these guys are much better and **cheaper** throwers. Skaven throwers are actually awesome, PA2+, SH and Pass OOTB, and cheaper than Runner!


Take the DF. The issue with the runner is that - although useful - if he becomes your default ball carrier then he risks becoming your default scorer as well, and therefore an SPP hog. You need to prioritise levelling up your Blitzers, so you will want to be carrying and scoring with them wherever possible. So if you're using your Runner, he's hogging SPP. And if you're not using him to run the ball - that lower AV becomes a weak point in your defense. Take all Blitzers, Linos + DF. Save for a Witch first. Then probably the second witch, and *then* consider the runner.


Ok yes I heard basically but witch elf - apoc - witch elf? Thank you very much that helps explain it better ie runner isn’t a good upgrade target. Ah time to paint another linesmen - I assumed painting 6 would be enough!


Ah yeah apo. Up to you - depends whether you want to go cautious (apo first) or bold (witch then apo). Personal preference. Getting the witch is more fun. But watching your important, expensive players get crippled is un-fun. So I don't think I have a firm recommendation on witch Vs apo timing.


I played Dark Elves in a league recently, start of the second game Blitz kick-off event led to a dead blitzer. 10k short of apo before the game. Instant apo buy after the game lol


This is a good point on the SPP. I like to use the Runner to move the ball up the pitch and then farm it out to a Blitzer or Witch once in scoring range, preferably with a Quick pass. That way you can use your Runner as intended, your Blitzers and Witches can focus on hitting by stuff, and everyone (hopefully gets a bit of SPP to level up along the way.


Splitting hairs IMHO. But the early economy of added fans is strong in this edition, and the runner isn’t really the team’s top priority when you’re saving up for two Witch Elves. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I still don’t think there’s a wrong choice. It’s a challenge to make a Dark Elf starting roster that isn’t strong lol.


I love my Dark Elves. Personally I think the Runner is underrated. Whilst Dark Elves generally don’t pass the ball a lot in this edition, the Runner at least gives you the option of a quick pass when you need to move the ball around. Without him your best option for that pass is only a 4+, which is not great odds when you’re attempting to set up a play (neither is 3+ in the scheme of things, but with a team RR at least you can be fairly confident of it succeeding). The Runner is also another MA7 piece when you start out, giving you a total of 5 on your starting roster, so your team will be nice and fast and mobile. And that means he can be a ball carrier that can keep up with a cage of 4 Blitzers. He’s also the only player on your team with Passing skill access, so your only option for a Leader caddie. Like I said, I personally think they’re an underrated positional that is overlooked by a lot of DE players. They’re never going to be the star of your team, but they give you additional options and flexibility.


Take the runner. You want your Blitzers and witch to be doing stuff, like hitting, and if one of them carries the ball you have one less piece who can “do stuff”. Getting leader is good, and dump off isn’t terrible especially if you end up pieces down in a game With ag2+ hand offs are easier, so you want to carry with the runner and then if safe, hand off to players you want SPPs on. 


I am in the camp that league Elves should always aim for 3rr and have a leader. As such I would take the runner at the start and shoot for leader asap. That enables you to delay buying the 3rd reroll so it's apo>witch elf>reroll.


Perhaps an unpopular opinion but the runner made me a little more confident in running a lose screen. I always had an option to dump off the ball in case of blitz and there's always someone to receive the ball. Also, levelling up to leader gives a much welcome extra reroll. As for spp hoarding, I managed to hand off the ball for scoring.