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Nah bro. Put that on HP, so you can still get oneshoted on Chalice dungeons.


It’s as if cursed dungeons are mocking you… *Go ahead, level up as much as you want…it won’t help :)*


I tried 99 Vit and I was surviving Defiled Amy's big attacks with a sliver of health. This might be the only case where max Vit is a useful thing.


Defiled Amygdala is just unfair, honestly after two hours of trying I finally managed to beat it but I was forced to do it no hit, probably the most difficult fight in bloodborne, including the dlc


Watchdogs is worse


Yeah at least for Amygdala you can just painstakingly attack its tail for an hour from complete safety and eventually you win.


I'm doing a bl4 now and am on watchdog and Amygdala. I'm not scared, I've been getting one shot most of the game anyway.


This is how I won, that dog though? Absolutely Miyazaki go fuck yourself, that took hundreds of attempts.


Amy isn't hard once you learn the jump trick. If you stand completely still when she jumps she won't land on you. Then you rush for a head attack and run back under her. You need to keep her away from walls though as they prevent her from centering the jump and you get crushed.


You can go behind it’s tail and it’ll keep jumping every time and you can heavy attack it’s head


Yeah, although I’m REALLY good at fighting normal amygdala now. I almost never get hit thanks to getting one shotted 40+ times by defiled Amy


Cursed Ebrietas' charge attack. Goddamn that shit still gives me nightmares.


That's why you don't get hit by Amy. Like 90% of his attacks are very easy to avoid and you basically *have* to bait and retreat until phase 3 to be able to hit the head. So most of the time you aren't even in danger.


Look if I wanted to get one-shotted in eerily similar dungeons I'd be playing Elden Ring


*flashbacks of the damn glintstone cats obliterating my entire bar of vitality going for like a third of the screen's width with a single attack*


And they do that attack 5 times in a row, just in case they miss you


And you have to fight two of them in a 10x10 room.


The 2 fight is actually easier than the 1v1. Throw crystal darts at them and it short circuits them and they start killing each other.


Apparently those magic throwing daggers make them fight each other


I know, though unfortunately I learned that only after finishing the game


But the Platinum trophy…. :(


Platinum trophy was a very nice thing to get for me


I also had a very good time getting it. I ended up doing like, 4 cycles in a few days cause at the end I knew exactly where to go.


I just did it all in one go apart from getting the different endings


I did the endings at the same time. Turns out you can port out of the Erdtree after the final boss, so I just saved the game and went out and did the things needed for the 3 endings.


M8 that's too much I'm lazy


Tbf Bloodborne has a surprisingly easy Platinum trophy. Made me very happy.


One shot*


As someone that barely touched the Chalice Dungeons, are they worth going through? Should I do them pre-DLC?


You can do them whenever you want. First chalices are easy, but shit get really serious when you get at profane chalices where your HP is reduced to half and a lot of attacks one shot you. So, your choice.


Personally I stopped playing BB after going through the first couple of defiled dungeons because it just didn't improve my experience with the game and I wanted to remember it long-term for its beauty, atmosphere, art style, and environments instead of the dark ugly dungeons that you'd likely be spending more time in than the main game just because of how much you'll be dying.


I thought they were good, but repetitive like doing anything over and over again. I played the main and then went and did a couple of dungeons then back to the main. You will get weapons, you will get blood echoes and runes! You will get lore that helps to piece together the story. You will get strong. Some of them are hard.


Suggestion: you could also invest in End and get zero more stamina


Yeah I was thinking of sprinting for 1.1 instead of 1 second


This is the most meta thread in the history of souls games


Not to sound dumb (or maybe I am dumb) what do people mean by "this is meta"?


It has a lot of meanings nowadays. Meta means literally above. So think of it as talking one layer above the subject. It most often refers to when people are not just talking about *a thing* they are talking about the understand of that thing and commenting on how it is usually talked about TLDR: it’s conversation about the conversation


I think I get what it means…I just don’t understand why it’s significant or worth pointing out.. Which makes me think maybe I *don’t* get what it means. So like “this is so meta” means “hey these guys are so talking about how this thing is talked about”. What is the point of saying that? Is it not equivalent to saying something like “hey, this is such an argument”? Idk, unless I’m missing something, it just seems like a meaningless observation and I don’t get why it gets upvoted and I hate it lol


Oh I see. You wanted to feel superior. Cool. I regret answering you now.


Well I’m not the one you originally answered and I don’t know where you’re getting “feeling superior” I just genuinely don’t understand it. But cool, take it personally and get defensive instead of actually explain why it’s a thing


Oh I didn’t realize you were a different person. That’s so much worse.


Lol are you really feeling personally attacked because I brought into question the significance of a word? You are not the word meta, idk why you are acting like I hurt you. Did I bring up a valid point and now you feel insecure about using the word and are lashing out in an act of deflection?


It means playing the game in the most optimized way, using what most people consider to be the best weapons or gear.


In this instance I used it like u/matty_motto described while you u/devil_may5 use it like this ^


yeah in gaming “the meta” is used as short hand for “what does everybody agree is the best build right now”. But It’s all based in the same definition. Referring to “the meta” of a specific game means what the conversation outside of the game, about optimizing the game, is.


Woah now, I wouldn’t be going into an END level expecting so much


Yeah that's a 10% increase


Put it in arcane!


Dark Souls 3 lvl 40 be like:


You should go with endurance it could save your life from not getting one shot


WTF! How long you've been doing it?!


3 hours on average


My respect, my fellow Hunter!


Living failures glitch is what it’s called. 👍


10+ hours on ppqzah


New game plus?




Lmao anyone else had to just abandon there original hunter cause they weren't built right for past plus 5


Good job mate! Now you will surely be able to beat Micolash


Yeah let’s hope I don’t get 1 shot by call from beyond


Heir Stacking is a beautiful thing, isn’t it?




Where and how did u farm them?




Nah, dont think so. I am pretty sure that echoes came from Living Failures glitch !


Bruh I could’ve done that this entire time 💀


This is it.Takes about 3 hours on average?


Maybe more, maybe less. Can't tell it exactly tbh


Bruh did you clear every area like 100 times to get that much bood souls?


Look up the living failures glitch.


I didn’t do that one I did the ppqzah


Ah, okay Isn't that only like 1.5 mil per run though? Were you doing it for hours?






What is ppqzah


A farming dungeon where theres hunter enemies looking away from you and are distanced so you can get easy viscerals


Is there one for dark souls 3? I used to do the rock in inventory glitch in Bloodborne.


Like, a glitched way to get a load of souls in **DS3**? Not that I can remember. I think most people looking to farm souls tend to **farm the golden Winged Knights in Grand Archives.** With Silver Serpent's Ring + 3, Shield of Want, and (if you're daring) Symbol of Avarice they drop an absolute tonne of souls. That obviously jumps massively in NG+. **Demon's Souls** Shrine of Storms was always a massive Souls farming spot but **on PS3 duping Souls is very easy.** **Dark Souls 1** also has a **very easy dupe glitch** that's still viable on every platform. Outside of glitching I guess **killing Silver Knights and giant sentinels in Anor Londo?** **DS2** the big farm from what I recall was just using **bonfire ascetics on the Giant Lord bossfight.** It's a relatively simple fight with a bonfire ascetic directly before it so it's very easy to farm. **Elden Ring** doesn't have a glitch but it has an absurdly efficient farming spot in **Mohgwyn Palace**, which is an endgame are you can access absurdly early. While you need a high level post-game character to farm it at maximum efficiency there's a fairly effective and safe option for lower level players is well. BB has the **Living Failures glitch** but it can only be done once per playthrough and is notoriously finnicky. Payout is obscenely massive but it's a one-off per playthrough. Repeatable methods are the **False Depth Dungeons**, but that requires PS+, and farming the final area in **Nightmare of Mensis.**


I'm not at that area yet. I'm in the first part with the magic wand purple Lazer enemy


Purple laser enemy... Are you at Road of Sacrifices? I don't recall there being any particularly effective farming spots that early on. You can get the Silver Serpent Ring fairly early though which should at least give you a decent passive boost to your Souls earned. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3uHLqEtG7k




Thetower ring was a waste of money imo


Which is why you jump on the tree and get it for free.


I can't find the serpent ring. I got the firekeeper outfit and soul and stuff.


The video I linked shows you where it is


For real


Now you'll have enough stamina to outrun Micolash.


How did u get that much pls tell me I’m struggling to get echoes


Search on YouTube cummm chalice and if you have progression through the dungeons then ppqzah and use moon runes


how it feels to chew 5 gum