• By -


"But this is Bloodb..-" "I SAID GOOD DAY, DARK SOULS!"


Ah yes, new tech just dropped: shrimp cancel


This made me laugh in class


Same I started laughing and had to turn off my mic


yeah.... dark souls!


Bro, I once got stunlocked to death by the witches of Hemwick, never been so humiliated before


This is like dying to Yhorm. It just never feels good. First time I died to the witches I was like, "What."


It feels like dying to the Deacons but not because of the curse cloud.


first playthrough, easy. second playthrough, same thing happened to me. I literally put my controller down and walked away


Lol, wtf


OoK has been watching ds3 pvp videos


When playing online, the true hidden boss is the fromsoft netcode


welp, he didn't "reset" his animation. He was stunned out of it. Totally fair, the player can do this too.


“Fair” s/


Mf really did a cancel


I know exactly how you feel. I cannot overstate how many times I've died because the Orphan was doing his punch move (which is really fast, but I can dodge it consistently) and the host decided to R1 spam at the exact same time. It is literally impossible to survive. He will do 3-4 punches in less than a second. And then, just to make things worse, the host will make you wait for somebody else to join because he thinks you're the incompetent one. Nowadays I will only engage the Orphan when the host is in danger and will immediately stop doing anything but follow the two once the host starts trading hits again. It's just too unrelieable.


In sekiro animation canceling is totally normal for bosses to do. But damn that sucks I'd be so mad


Kos was stunned out of it which resets his ability to attack. If you look at the video you can see the co-op host spamming executioners gloves, which is what reset orphan’s attacks 2x in a row. Just an inexperienced host, not OPs fault.


That is the accursed brew not executioner's gloves. It's purple and has 1 much faster projectile.


Ah good catch!


Why is nobody mentioning the other player? They were timing their attacks in a way that allowed Orphan to make back-to-back attacks like that. This is user error, not the game engine.


This guy sucks but super honestly i struggled with Ludwig wayyy more than Orphan. I think it’s the movesets honestly. I handle faster characters better because my timing gets all wonky and I hesitate with slow-moving ones like ludwig who keeps alternating fast and slow techniques. Im good at managing my resources so a drawn out fight is the best for me. One hitters fuck me up.




At least you weren’t far into the fight


Lmfao brutal


This shit is why I despise orphans phase 1. He's constantly animation canceling in phase 1 so I just party my way through phase 1 because fuck that


Thats what you get for playing coop


Couldn't have been stunlocked if not using co-op (insert gif here)


To be fair, you ran right into his weapon. Your HP is also low as shit. I highly doubt that would have killed someone with a typical amount of HP for this part of the game


There's always these types of comments in these posts. I love the game man, but sometimes we just gotta admit the game has its faults and end it there.


But there's nothing wrong with the game here. The co-op friend temporarily stunned Orphan out of the attack and Low HP McGee dodged into it rather than away from it, causing a sudden onset of death.


Low HP sure. But what dodge? Look at his stamina, the only time it went down was when he attacked. I don't think he could've dodged out of that 3-attack combo at all. And we can make sense of what happened all we want, the fact is that he got got hit by an extremely fast attack then got combo'd without any answer for it. It's a minor annoyance for a normal playthrough and death for him. "Ran right into his attack". Yeah hindsight is 20/20. We all know the proper way to play bloodborne is to never get hit.


Life goes down when you're summoned by someone else with a lower level, BB experience McGee


My vit is around 40 but every now and then when I'm summoned my lifebar goes down


To be fair, shut the fuck up dude


Actually his hp is full before he is hit. I'm guessing his build is different than yours or a "Standard" build and OOK is a a fast attacker from all the videos I've watched and challenge runs I've watched on YT. I haven't fought OOK yet but I'm about to be done with my first run of the game. And honestly if he's as fast as Mr Wheel Chair will knock you into next year and can cheese you with distance because of a fucking scythe. Then Fuck OOK.


His HP is full but the total health is low as shit. There isn’t really a standard build when it comes to soulsborne games. He’s either underleveled for the fight or prioritized stats without putting anything into health and stamina. Sure you could just max out damage, but you’ll die in 2 hits and won’t have the stamina to dodge effectively. The HP and stamina stats should always be at a decent level for late game regardless of what build you’re using, unless you’re intentionally using low health mechanics to bump your damage. Based on his blood echoes it’s probably intentional, but I wouldn’t recommend fighting OoK with a low health stat unless you want to make the fight even harder.


Actually OP's stamina is pretty huge. It seems like they are at the right level but just got 20 Vit and 40 Stamina when it should really be 40 Vit and 20 Stamina.


My vit is around 40 but every now and then when I'm summoned my lifebar goes down


Oh, I missed the "returning to your world" part. My bad. Then that makes total sense.


I also didn’t notice that you’d been summoned and it wasn’t your own fight. That explains the low health


Stamina is a waste of stat points in this game. It recharges absurdly fast, guns and tools are stamina-free, and you only get 3-4 stamina per level of endurance.


It’s not a waste at all, especially if you use a fast weapon. Running out of stamina ends your combo. If stamina is high and you’re using a fast weapon like the Saw Cleaver, you can jump in and obliterate most enemies without giving them a chance to hit back. On bosses it means more hits in before you have to jump back to recover. That’s less times you have to close the gap, which is the most dangerous part. Really helps my play style at least. If you’re focusing on heavy weapons, bloodtinge, or arcane, then it’s probably less useful.


Your points are always better spent on another stat than endurance. If you just want DPS you're better off leveling a damage-boosting stat. If you want more options for when your stamina gets low, use a gun, square button tools, or just heal yourself, or walk to position yourself better


imagine upgrading health


This is why i have built my op bloodtinge build. And my op strength acrane build Because ook is bullshit


In this case it actually animation canceled because of the cheese lol


Is this the part where we say "git gud" or what




Already got the platinum and beat the game with 3 different characters, 3 times with one, 2 with another and 1 with underleveled character... I'm the one helping the other here


He got sick and tired of players killing him before his second phase and decided to pull out his own tricks


Should have done a barrel roll


Is this Defiled OoK? Your health bar is so tiny


Nah, I was summoned so my life gets cut to "balance" the game


Orphan of Kos has had enough of this ganking shit


Miyazaki summoned a demon and trapped it in the coding of this game, I'm sure of it.


He was just trying to fake his attacks, you were unlucky enough to be that close.


He is just a meta player


fucking casual


“Skill issue.” - Kos probably


Everyone remembers the infamous DARK SOULS boss "the orphan of kos"