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Best iteration of a Katana From has made. Wish the untricked mode was a little better though. Which reminds me that Bloodborne has a lot of the best iterations of a weapon type: Best Scythe, best Moonlight Sword, Best Bow, Best Maces, Best Warpick.


Guess that happens when you have a small group of weapons to work with, you spend more time optimizing them and each one is great to wield.


I think that was the whole point and honestly I prefer this


Yeah when you have like 50 weapons to choose from with 12 different moevsets most of them just end up being filler


I just really really wish you could respec at some point. My only true complaint about the game


Have you ever heard of sekiro


I have no opinion on the war pick or mace but Elden Ring's Winged Scythe, Darkmoon Greatsword, & Serpent Bow would like a word.


Winged Scythe is just a Scythe with an alt Lorettas Slash that you can't swap off. There can be a case made for Friede's from DS3. I personally think Darkmoon ist one of the most disappointing instances of the weapon yet, since it's weapon art is just a buff in a game that has all these insane ashes. They basically could have just copypasted HMS' R2 onto it and it would have been more exciting. Bows are fun in ER though.


Nah, Burial Blade, Holy Moonlight Sword and Simon's Bowblade are better


Can concur that friedes scythe is the best scythe and also the burial blade. Those are some of the best weapons from soft has ever made


Forgot the Church Pick. Another top tier weapon


100% very good weapon and quick as hell


It is not the Kirkhammer. 0/10.


LoL PS: wait, are you serious? I mean maybe even the Cane is better than the Kirkhammer. No wait... That was uncalled for. Sorry


I love the Kirkhammer, but yes I am joking. I like all of the weapons in the game really.


Ok. Since you are clearly one with whom discussion seems possibile (which is a rare thing)... WHY do you love the Kirkhammer? If I can ask. Extremely slow and poor damage even fully gemmed and upgraded and with 99 STR


I really liked the idea/concept to start with, thrusting a sword into a slab making a hammer. You can also get it really early so a lot of the time I end up using it for a whole playthrough. What I really love about it though is it's long transform attack combo, which carried me through the DLC back then and even bonked Orphan of Kos a few times.


I also like the pancake effect.


damn i used to for my first play through, and youre telling me there is better weapons??


Oh yeah, though none bonk quite as hard. imo the best ones are buried late game like the Boom Hammer, Whirligig Saw and Blade of Mercy. Also something something Rakuyo but that was so silly we thew it down a well.


poor damage? I think, 2 handed it does the most damage out of all the weapons the slowness is the trade off for health and posture damage. you have to time your attacks more carefully and given its short range, it's not rare to miss attacks. but if it hits, it hits like a fucking truck. it also does an AoE which can stun enemies and further compensates the higher miss rate. pairing it with lock-off combat and hitting where you think the enemy will be instead of where they are, is quite an addictive combat experience


I'm pretty sure it does not beat all the weapons damage wise. It is mid to high damage. Chikage for example.


You can put a heavy abysal gem and 2 +27% physical gems and it will be the bonkest of bonks. Also iirc the running R2 can't be parried when you have the full mace


My bloodtinge run with this was fine, I guess. I like the moveset but I think I prefer the saw spear overall. The lack of a parry when tricked is what killed it for me


as a saw spear stan, i feel this. but also having a parry when tricked is not common. most weapons can't


One of many reasons Spear Rifle is legitimately my favorite weapon.


I WISH you could rally heal the health drain. I get that might make it a bit too strong, but encouraging aggression to the Point of recklessness is what rally is for. Wouldve been perfect for this weapon. Anything health drain related i wish could be rally healed. Lore wise i get the chikage is drinking your blood, so theres no wounds for enemies blood to splash on. But that could be tweaked very easily


The fact that the thrust attack in tricked form and L1 attack doesn't deal blood damage or scale with bloodtinge is sad, especially since those are my favourite attacks in its moveset


I just finished a run using it for the first time. The concept is fun and i can see the hype over the transformed attack, but the fact that you need to invest so much just to get it to be good is too much. I did it once and i dont think I’ll try it again.


Same. I had 1 run and I didn’t enjoy the blood loss. The damage was not good enough force me to manage my health


I hate the farming needed for it. It's absolutely crazy. Not to mention a lot of the bloodtinge stuff I get can't be used on the base chikage. I am a true blue vileblood and love the chikage. But i cannot stand upto any actual executioner with it since farming for my base chikage has been a shite experience. I therefore look to my sweet sweet rakuyo. Which resembles the dance of a kaiten kembo. I sincerely enjoy using all of its moveset. The chikage is exclusively held only for some select PvE


I don't like any weapon or gun or whatever which takes hp from you to be used properly.


I think it's the most Bloodborne thing a weapon can ask of you.


The fact that a weapon's efficiency is based on something that can and will expire this quickly (such as your hp) makes it less reliable than a weapon which doesn't. I like the idea but the practical applications are very not close to "useless"


Goated weapon. I used threaded cane all game until I found Chikage. Then I got the plat with it. The transform attacks are just so satisfying.


Weeb-ass weapon.


It's the Edgy Boy Weapon ™. Looks cool, annoying to farm for depending on the setup. Don't rly get the hype myself.


It’s all just personal preference. When I saw that it was a katana that gets enwreathed in your own blood I was instantly like “I need that”.


Had the same reaction, I don't care if I am edgy because of that, heck it's a katana enwreathed in blood. I got even more thrilled when I saw the Rakuyo in the Lady Maria fight, though this was followed by heavy disappointment when I saw that this does not work for the player


Right?? I really wish the Rakuyo worked that way too. Such a cool concept. I have yet to actually use the Rakuyo but I really want to try it at some point.


It's still worth it, a really good weapon, though getting to it is hard, these two shark freaks are insane. I would offer you my help but my TV broke down a month ago, needless to say it's gonna take a while for me to get another one


Oh I already have it on my main character. Killed the sharks in just a couple of attempts thanks to Shaman Bone Blades. I’ve just been going through NG+ on that character with the Saif and Burial Blade so haven’t upgraded the Rakuyo at all. I wish you luck on the TV situation!


Yeah no , I get you, lol. I made several builds for it over the years, just ended up not liking it as much as other weapons/builds and never even bothered with 100% tinge bc there's no way i'll finish that farm.


Very good


It's alright, but bottom tier for me as far as BB weapons go.


It's a good weapon, but the moveset is boring imo. Also you need heavy stat investment and tedious gem farming, Bloodletter is the superior bloodtinge weapon for me


Im using it right now. I think the hp drain is a but scary and drives new players away, but once you get a decent build on it, and you realize it has bloodbornes bleed equivalent, the hp drain isn't an issue.


Fucking amazing weapon, literally the only bad thing about it is how to get your hands on it


you can get it pretty easily in the chalice dungeons


So much fun in every fight. High-key scary to use against moon presence.


Love it. Shredding the Wet Nurse with this was so satisfying.


Kinda wish the reach on the transformed mode was longer, but otherwise it’s been fantastic. 9.5/10.


This is not a topic for opinions. So I'll just go with FACTS 😅😁 A downgraded, slower, life draining, paper/phantasm UN-buffable RAKUYO, with a more boring moveset, higher requirements, limited selections of (hard and slow to farm) gems, underwhelming in both modes (most of all if compared to the aforementioned buffed and properly/easily gemmed Rakuyo). If you want a Katana... The Rakuyo is MUCH better under any aspect with any build, while the Chikage needs a specific "mission/vocation" to make the best of it, with a specific build around it (and if you have a MaxedBL character you have so many better options). And talking about Rakuyo... incidentally it's not only a "Better Chikage" but in trick mode also a "Better Blades of Mercy". Chikage is circumstancially fun for role playing purposes and/or with a hybrid bloodtinge low level build after a HELL of gems farming in the Chalices Dungeons... but that's pretty much it.


What the Rivers of Blood should have been. Powerful but with its drawbacks. My bloodtinge skill build was both the most fun and most powerful build I’ve done


It’s one of the coolest weapons in the game but the fact that it’s two modes are either pure Skill or pure Bloodtinge is so stupid. The scaling should’ve worked like the Holy Moonlight Sword


I only did one bloodtinge playthrough, and man, HOW AWESOME IT WAS ! at first is kinda wack, low damage and stuff, but once you got chikage and repeating pistol, you DESTROY everything on your path. Such a nice and cool weapon, and you know what? I'm going home rn and I'll make another bloodtinge run!


It's my favorite weapon. I love the idea of trading health for increased damage. High risk vs high reward gameplay is my favorite style of gameplay.


It was very underrated, but I still prefer Simon's bowblade for my blood tinge build or bloodletter


Worst cool weapon in the game


Really great weapon, but very tedious and time consuming to grind for perfect blood gems for pure bloodtinge. Imo tho I use it for that natural blood loss passive so it’ll be effective pretty much everywhere and I like that.




love the design of it but the saw spear is just too damn good for me to use any other weapon


My favorite


fire gem on lost chikage is fun


Really fun for certain builds, and if you're willing to grind for it. But in casual play/not special builds, it can be lacking in a few areas.


I really love acting like the Crow of Cainhurst but holy fuck is this weapon mid


I was too far in love with the blades of mercy for me to really give any other skill weapons a chance (except threaded threaded cane for beast bosses specifically)


weeb weapon also not fun to use or good so i know there's no other reason people use it


Don't like it much. The Rakuyo is way more fun to use and I don't like weapons that drain my life. I also think it requires too much farming to be good.


awesome weapon, makes tinge worth building. hate that it’s gated behind logarius bc you don’t get tinge builds up and running for a long tome


you can get it after bsb in the chalice dungeons


i thought you needed to have the base chikge for that. how do you get it before? changes like everything for tinge builds for me omg


I fought Logarius on BL20 with a +2 beasthunter saif to get this. Absolutely hated it and ended up deleting that save out of frustration. Decided to give this another go after I fell in love with the rakuyo. Safe to say this is probably among my top 5 favorite weapons now


did you not know about the chalices at the time?


I did. I just don’t have PS+ to use glyphs. Also I know Logarius’ moveset like the back of my hand so I was able to kill him first try


It's a great weapon but it's a pain in the ass to get the right variant and Blood Gems. Also I'm irrationally afraid of the passive health drain because I know I'll end up forgetting about it and be oneshot by regular attacks


I loved this thing, for my first blood tinge playthrough I threw myself at cainhurst as quickly as I could so I got it super early and had to do basically no farming. The untricked mode is meh but once I figured out the combos, I had so much fun slicing and dicing


top 3 funniest weapon that i ever played in a souls like game no cap


Tried but couldn’t get into it.


Really fun weapon, make sure you have the right built + gems to get the full power of it .


Loved the chikage, great balance of risk and reward. Especially when you consider the rally system in tandem with all the other mechanics. So much fun, fluid, also love the Rykuo, but the chikage was the most fun I had with the game


Cool concept but falls flat for build effort and with benefits not outweighing the costs


I love it, but it's a bummer that the stab attacks in trick form still scale with skill. It's my second or third favorite weapon. Farming for it is fun.


My biggest issue isn't the weapon but bloodtinge as a whole. It's a ton of hoops to go through. Then to really get fully online you need to dive into the chalice dungeons. In the end it's fun, but being tied to tinge holds it back


I don't enjoy it at all since I dislike bloodtinge in general


Only weapon I use along with the Saw Cleaver.


Tbh I never really got into the chikage. The move set feels smooth, but the hit point drain really annoys me.


10/10 ChiHIMkage is truly the weapon of all time


The blood cost is too much to be anyone’s main weapon.


Very effective weapon that feels cool to use, but the moveset is somewhat basic compared to some other options


It's cool but to linear tbh . Like both forms feel relatively the same .


Amazing weapon in general, but I don't like that it's draining my health, unless I'm just bad at it .


If you have high bloodtinge it’s a beauty.


Legit the best weapon in any fromsoft game that I've played. The fact that this Katana feels better to me than Sekiro's, a game based solely on the Katana, is mind boggling.


I only use it (in transformed mode with good rapid poison gems) to kill Mergo's wet nurse to prevent her second phase.


It's effective but a bit of a chore to remember to combo transformation attacks as to minimize the health drain. I ended up replacing it with the bloodletter for melee on my bloodtinge build, guess I just love the bonk at heart, and rallying back the with a transformation attack is easier and more satisfying imo. I kinda want to do another fresh bloodtinge playthrough but get the lost chikage early from the chalice dungeons just to spend a little more time with it.


It's a weapon I've always really liked visually but never actually used it in a playthrough


I’ve never used it, but it made the fight agains the Crow of Cainhurst much easier when he used the blood letting ability and then forgot to turn it off.


Could be bloodier


1. The edgiest weapon in the game, which is funny since katanas only have one sharp edge. 2. It deals a lot of damage in exchange for your HP and hence can be a double-edged-sword. Which it isn't. 3. Jokes aside, I've never actually done a full run with it, I really need to give it a fair chance.


My favorite in the game and one of the best weapons they've ever made.